Villain's Night:
"Say ahhh", said Venom, as he held a donut to my mouth. I felt my cheeks heat as I took a bite. He took a bit too as we sat there together. I felt him rest his head on my shoulder, as I felt the butterflies.
We all were transformed in our desks as Captain Man walked in. "Alright, simmer down, everybody, let's cut the chatter", he said.
"No one was talking", said ShoutOut, as I levitated half of my donut to Venom.
"Yeah man, no chatter to cut", said Volt.
"Oh, well, I kinda had my heart set on telling you guys to cut the chatter so...can I come in again and try that again?", asked Captain Man.
"I didn't realize we were here to meet your needs", said Venom.
"Well guess what-you are", said Captain Man.
"Then we can do that", said AWOL.
"Great! I'll come in again", said Captain Man as he re-entered. "Alright calm down, everybody let's cut the chatter!". Everybody stopped talking. "I said let's cut the chatter!".
"Okay, whaddya got for us today, Cap?", I asked.
"What I got is a big, steaming bowl of crime chowder", said Captain Man. "So grab your spoons-let's eat".
"I digitized all those papers for you and uploaded them onto the smart screen", said ShoutOut.
"Oh well, what am I supposed to do with these?", asked Captain Man, as he held a bunch of papers.
"Recycle them", suggested Mika.
"Absolutely not", said Captain Man.
"Throw them away", I said.
"Better", said Captain Man.
"What?", asked Mika, as he threw the folder.
"Burn 'em", said Volt.
"Best", said Captain Man.
"For real?", asked ShoutOut, as Captain Man used a laser and set it on fire.
"Recycle them? Crime time", laughed Captain Man, as he diverted his attention.
"Uh, let's see, someone stole a garden gnome from an old grandma's front yard", said Captain Man.
"Boring", said Volt.
"Pass", AWOL, Venom, and I said.
"Uh, somebody hit Scary Gary with a garden gnome...I think those two might be related", said Captain Man, as Mika put out the fire.
"Get to the good crimes!", said Volt.
"Ok, gimme a sec, gimme a sec...Uh somebody stole all the books from the Swellview Library...lame. Mur-", began Captain Man.
"Someone's gonna fry tonight", said Volt, as she stood up and her hands began sparking.
"Are you guys serious?", asked Captain Man.
"Of course we are!", said Venom.
"Libraries are a treasure trove of infinite knowledge", said AWOL.
"And adventure", I said.
"What?", asked Captain Man.
"Stealing books from a library isn't a crime against one person", said ShoutOut.
"It's a crime against the whole community", said AWOL.
"And it will not stand", said Volt.
"Ok, please tell me there's some kind of sick turn coming", said Captain Man.
"Only thing coming is vengeance", said Venom.
"And adventure", I said.
"Because we love the library", said AWOL.
"Look, the crime is already in our shopping cart, just hit check out", said ShoutOut.
"Y'all are a bunch of nerds. Alright, uh, gimme a sec to read the details", said Captain Man. "Oh, look, see they left ten copies of that one book".
"What is that book?", asked AWOL, as the screen zoomed into a book named; "Man, I Feel Like A Hero: One Captain Man's Journey of Self-Discovery (A Captain Man-Festo, the True Story About a Boy Who Became Captain Man").
"Oh my god", said Captain Man.
"Is that you on the cover?", asked Volt.
"Yes", he said emotionally.
"And they left it there?", asked ShoutOut.
"Yes", he said.
"All ten copies?", asked Venom.
"Yes", said Captain Man.
"They stole every book in the library except yours?", asked AWOL.
"Someone's gonna fry tonight!", said Captain Man, as he punched a donut.
I felt the jelly hit me as I fell to the ground. "I'm hit!", I cried, as everyone walked over to me.
"Relax, it's just-", began Venom.
"This is the end for Old Bosey. Confession time. I'm the one who stole that garden gnome!", I said.
"Dude, you're fine. It's just jelly", said Venom, as he crouched near me.
I felt my cheeks go red as I licked the jelly. "Raspberry, if I'm not mistaken", I said, as Venom smiled at me.
"Uh-oh, hot can", said Captain Man, as the trash can caught on fire and ShoutOut put it out. "That thing does not want to go out".
"This wouldn't have happened, if you just recycle it", said ShoutOut.
"We also wouldn't be laughing so I mean-", said Captain Man, as we all laughed. The next day, I was stretching with Venom while AWOL and Volt were boxing and ShoutOut was working on the computer. "Are we ready to break some teeth?".
"Always", said Volt.
"In just a bit", said Venom.
"We're stretching", I proudly said, as I held Venom's hand. I leaned closer to him as I leaned back and he leaned towards me.
"But I wanna break teeth now!", whined Captain Man.
"We don't even know whose teeth to break", said ShoutOut.
"Wrong. I uploaded a list of possible suspects", said Captain Man.
"That's literally every criminal in Swellview", said AWOL.
"Yeah plus a couple of people I don't like", said Captain Man.
"They're scattered all over town", said Venom.
"Well, we better get going. We got a long night ahead of us. Hope you're all wearing your teeth-breaking pants", said Captain Man.
"One of those dots is me", said Volt, as Venom coughed.
I looked at him as he nodded at me, meaning that he probably put that dot. See, we even have our own secret language. I mean, focus. "Well, where were you last night, huh? Out stealing every book in Swellview except mine?", asked Captain Man.
"I don't steal books, I'm not a monster", said Volt.
"We'll see", said Captain Man.
"I got a better way to find the criminal", said ShoutOut.
"Better than spending six to eight days walking all over town, collecting criminal teeth to get that sweet, sweet coin from the Tooth Fairy until we randomly happen upon some criminal who admits stealing books?", asked Captain Man.
"Any plan is better than that", said Venom.
"Well, you know that place, The Beating Dungeon?", asked ShoutOut.
"I barely know where I am right now", I said, as Venom leaned against me.
"The Beating Dungeon is that place where villains and heroes get together to fight each other for fun", said Captain Man.
"Sweat! When do we go?", asked Volt.
"Tomorrow night, it's Only Villain's Night", said ShoutOut.
"So?", asked Captain Man.
"So, we get Schwoz to give us bad guy suits", said AWOL.
"We head down to the Beating Dungeon", said ShoutOut.
"...and adopt a rescue dog and say 'in a way, he rescued us'", I said.
"So close", said Venom, as he flashed me his million dollar smile.
"Was he?", asked AWOL.
"Ehh, he's cute", said Venom, as my cheeks flared up and the butterflies came back.
"Or, we hang out to see if any criminals are bragging about stealing books from the library", said Volt.
"In!", said Venom.
"Let's do this!", said AWOL.
"Hold up, wait a minute, let me put a captain in it", said Captain Man.
"I don't know what that means", said Venom.
"Maybe he has an idea", said ShoutOut.
"Can we please have a dog?", I begged, as I clung onto Venom's arm. I watched as he patted my head and his cheeks turned red.
"It means it's up to me to point out that nobody ever goes to Villain's Only Night", said Captain Man. Check out their Fakebook Page".
"I thought of that and I have a solution!", said ShoutOut.
"Better than spending six to eight days walking all over town, collecting-?", began Captain Man.
"Yes!", said ShoutOut. "We just have to offer something that everything loves".
"Like face painting", I said, as I found Venom staring at me.
"Yes! Face painting!", said Venom, as he broke eye contact with me.
"Even I love a good face paint", said Volt.
"Everyone loves a face paint", said AWOL.
"Cat eyes", said Volt.
"I like a tiger on my cheek", said AWOL.
"Wait a minute, that's not gonna work", said Captain Man, as villains soon kept signing up.
"I think it's working", I whispered, as Venom played with my hair.
"Fine, where are you gonna find somebody who does face painting? For free?", asked Captain Man.
"SCHWOZ!", yelled AWOL.
"Yes", he said, as he lowered himself from the roof.
"Will you paint faces?", ShoutOut asked.
"Yes", he said.
"For free?".
"Will you design us evil costumes?".
"Meet us at the Beatin Dungeon".
"Can we adopt a dog?", I asked.
"No-kay", said Schwoz, as he walked away.
"Awwwww. Fine, but if I steal another garden gnome to fill the void inside of me, it's your fault", I pouted as Venom pulled me into a hug.
"It's okay", said Venom, as he whispered in my ear. "I'll hang out with you, but promise not to steal garden gnomes".
"I promise", I said, as I found myself melting and blushing.
The next morning, I was listening to music with my headphones as I saw Jay calling me. "Bosey, come over here!", he said. "Schwoz is giving us our bad guy costumes".
"Sweat, so we're bad guys now?", I asked.
"Uh no, we're still good", said Mika.
"But we got to look bad", said Jay, as he smiled at me.
"So we can go undercover to the Villain's Only Night at The Beatin Dungeon", said Miles.
"And find out who stole those books", said Chapa.
"Cool", I said.
"Oh my sweet sweet Bosey", Jay said, as he rubbed my cheek making me turn red.
"I just came up with a great bad guy persona for myself. I wanna be...'Bad Bose'", I said, as I threw a wink at Jay who went crimson.
"That's not bad, definitely not in the way you're thinking", he said, as I smiled proudly making him feel flustered.
"Oh, I'm not thinking at all that's my secret", I said, as I leaned closer to him, as he smirked.
"It took me all night to make these bad guy gumballs. So the rule is you get what you get, and you don't be upset. No frowny making, no head shaking, no belly aching, no offense taking. You just chew and blow and off you go!", said Schwoz, as everyone chewed on their bubble gums.
"Nice", said Mika.
"What have you done to me?", asked Miles.
"Love this", I said.
"You are Weird Beard because your beard is weird", said Schwoz, as Miles groaned. "Da-da-da, what did I say?".
"I mean, I love it", said Miles.
"Good", said Schwoz.
"Why is mine so scary?", asked Mika.
"Because you're a villain-The Mangler", said Schwoz.
"I know but does it have to be so scary?", asked Mika, as Schwoz sighed. "What if I was something like...The Pretty Bad Pony or just The Pretty Pony?".
"You're The Mangler. This is your mangling stick", said Schwoz, as he sighed and handed her a stick.
"Is this dried blood?", she asked.
"Yes, but it will dry eventually. You are El Stabador", said Schwoz.
"Claro que si! Y mi destinos-", began Chapa, but Schwoz cut her off.
"And you are a Yerban Santa Claus who takes toys from kids and punches them", said Schwoz.
"I can do that! Do I get a bloody stick?", I asked.
"Yes!", said Mika, as she handed me her stick.
"And lastly you are The Devil Prince, everyone falls in love with you and then you break their heart", said Schwoz.
"I can do that", said Jay.
"You can since you're so handsomesies", said Schwoz, as Jay smiled.
"Caw-caw!", said Ray, as he entered wearing a hawk outfit.
"I forget about Ray", said Schwoz.
"Ray no longer exists! He's been re-hatched as...Hawk Fist! Caw-Caw", he said in a deep voice.
"'Hatched', so you were once an egg?", asked Miles.
"I guess", said Ray.
"And if you were re-hatched, that means you were an egg twice?", asked Chapa.
"If that's what I said, then yes", said Ray.
"Do hawks even have fists?", asked Mika.
"This one does", said Ray.
"So, who are your parents?", I asked.
"I don't know, a hawk and a fist-why don't you guys shut up?", asked Ray.
"Because we have a lot of questions about this", said Jay.
"There's no time! To The Beatin Dungeon! Caw-Caw", said Ray.
"Ray, you can't fly!", said Schwoz.
"Ray can't, but Haw Fist can", said Ray, as he jumped out.
"Ray, no don't! You'll fall on the other side of the mountain", said Schwoz.
We arrived at The Beatin Dungeon. Ray and I nodded at each other before Jay stopped us. "Okay, go get information!", he said, as Ray walked away.
"Hello? Hi, can I have everyone's attention, please? For those of you that don't know, I'm The Butcher, and I just want to give everybody a big thank you for attending Villain's Only Night!", said The Butcher, as Betty threw a blade. "Woah! Simmer down there, Betty Blades!".
"I throw rocket blades!", said Betty Blades.
"And we love you for it. But, tonight is about our evil people coming together, to say 'hey, we're bad people, but still people'. And we must give a big thank you to our evil free face painter", said The Butcher, as everyone clapped for Schwoz. "Now, what I want everyone to do is to talk to three new villains, you haven't talked to before, because an evil stranger is an evil friend you haven't met! So go out and be on your worst behavior! Have fun, but not too much fun, okay-Betty!".
"Okay, there's no way I'm talking to three new heroes", said Jay.
"Jay, can you stay with me?", I asked, as a large man passed us.
"Huh, why?", he asked, as I noticed the boy's cheeks were faintly red.
"Because I'm scared. These people look a bit too evil", I said.
"That guy's a villain based off of grass", said Jay, as I frowned. "But I'll stay with my favorite person if it makes him happy".
"Yay!", I cheered, as we both walked together.
"Hey", said a girl, as she approached Jay.
"Hey", said Jay, as I felt weird. It's like I hated the girl but I wasn't but just upset with him. Jelly-no jello-Wait, no, yeah, jealous. I was feeling jealous.
"I was wondering, do you want to go on a date?", she asked.
"No", I said, as she looked at me. "He's not going with you".
"Oh", said the girl before she turned to look at me with a smirk. "And what is he, you're father?".
"What, no", I began but she grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the far end of the dungeon.
"He will never notice you, face it. He has a better chance with someone he just met than you", she said, as she walked away.
She's right. I let out a sigh as I felt really sad. I felt the tears pour out of my eyes, as I wiped them. Some of my makeup smudged but I couldn't care less. Ever since I met him, I've been feeling weird about Jay and it's amazing yet it hurts. I'm just so tired. I felt two arms wrap around me as I looked to see Jay hugging me. "Are you okay?", he asked.
"Yeah", I sighed, as I looked away.
"If it makes you feel better, I'll never break your heart", said Jay, as he smiled at me. I smiled back as his face fell. "Were you crying?".
"No, I wasn't", I said.
"Okay but tell me if something's wrong", he said, as he stared into my eyes. All of this. That girl, the way I'm feeling. All of this is wrong.
We went to the face painting station. "I want to go first!", I said, as I sat in the chair.
"What do you want?", asked Schwoz.
"I want a butterfly", I said, as Schwoz began painting.
He lifted the paintbrush which had paint on it. I tried to lick it but Schwoz held it back. "Stop trying to lick the paint brush", said Schwoz, as he finished it.
"It looks like frosting", I whined, as I got up.
"You're feeling hungry, come on", said Jay, as he held my hand and brought me to the food area.
"Hey, what can I get you?", asked the girl over the counter.
"I need a churro and a tiny bowl of chocolate sauce", said Jay.
"How'd you know that that's my favorite?", I asked.
"I just know a few things like that", he said, as he winked at me and I blushed all shades of red.
"Here you go", said the lady as Jay paid.
"Here", I said, as I dipped it in the sauce and fed him some. I watched as his cheeks were bright red. "You're so cute". His cheeks heated up as he looked away. Once we finished the churro, I threw everything away. We both sat on the chairs, as I looked at Jay. He looked at me and we both closed our eyes. We leaned in and I didn't know what was happening. We both opened our eyes to see a guy on a roof and everyone crowding Mika.
We re-grouped with Chapa, Miles, and Ray. "I think what we should do with her is get a bunch of battery acid and some steak knives...", began Chapa.
"No! A ceiling fan", said Jay.
"Stop, honestly", said Miles.
"No, no, no, no, no", said Ray.
"We need to save her. What do we do?", I said.
"Relax. Hawkfist has a plan", said Ray.
"I thought you changed your name to Hawk-ules", said Chapa.
"Oh, yeah, then I changed it again. I'm now The 'Talon'-ted Hawkules", said Ray, as he walked away.
"I do not feel good about this plan", said Miles.
"I have 911 on speed dial", said Jay.
"As you should", I said.
I watched as Miles soon went there and teleported himself and Mika out of there. "Are there any more members of Danger Force?", asked The Butcher.
"Uh, my guy, my guy", I said, as I pointed at Chapa, Jay, and I.
"What are you doing?", asked Jay.
"Right here. Call myself Brainstorm. But my actual name is B-", I began, as I felt a soft pair of lips on my cheek. I felt my cheeks heat, as my heart beated really fast. I felt like I was high in the sky. I felt like my knees were going to give out any second.
I looked over at Jay who panicked. He blushed at me as he looked too adorable for my heart to handle. "Uh-Ahhh!", he yelled, as he shot The Butcher with his stingers and Chapa's electricity.
We watched as The Butcher fell to the ground as everyone looked at us. "It's Volt and Venom", said a girl.
"Alright you jerks, anybody want to make fun of my book now?", asked Captain Man, as all the villains groaned. "I hate you all".
I watched as Jay pulled me aside. "I feel so tired from that kiss", I yawned, as we both blushed.
"It wasn't a full kiss", said Jay, as I brought myself a cup of water.
"Now, I'm properly hydrated and ready to fight crime", I said, as I stood up and got in my pose. I watched as Jay's stinger accidentally hit me and I fell down before everything turned black.
I woke up to see Chapa fighting the villains while Jay's head was hovering over me. "Are you alright?", he asked, as he helped me up.
"Yeah", I said, as I saw a guy who was running. "I caught the book thief!".
"We did it!", said Chapa.
"Now, let's see who he really is", I said, as I tried to peel his face masks.
"Sunshine, no", sighed Jay, as he gave me a smile.
"Uh Brainstorm buddy, there's no mask", said Captain Man.
"Okay, so what do we with him?", I asked, as everyone stared at Steven.
"I have ideas", said Chapa.
"I would be worried", said Jay to Steven.
Later that night, we all transformed and Venom began making some hot chocolate. I walked over with everyone else as we watched from afar. Captain Man read his book to Steven, the entire damn thing. "Here you go", said Volt, as she handed everyone except AWOL cups. "Ah, hot chocolate tastes much better after you catch a bad guy". I grabbed my cup as Venom
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