Ray Goes Cray:
"Alright, that's enough", said Ray, as we all sighed a sigh of relief.
"How'd we do?", I asked as Chapa slipped off of her ball.
"Poorly", said Ray.
"Can we retake the test tomorrow?", Mika asked.
"It wasn't even a test Ray thought it would be fun to make us sit in on a bouncy ball", Jay said.
"It's not that hard", said Ray.
"Why don't you try sitting on the bouncy ball?", asked Chapa.
"No", said Ray, as he shot the balls with his lasers. "What's the easiest crime to commit?".
"Jay-walking", said Mika.
"Jay dancing", I said.
"No, it's like taking candy from a child. Schwoz!", yelled Ray.
Schwoz walked out in a baby costume with a lollipop in his hand. "Oh no, I hope no one takes my lolly", said Schwoz, lacking enthusiasm.
"Ray won't", said Ray, as he turned around. "Evil Roy will". He looked back at us with a fake mustache and an evil glint in his eyes. "Unless someone stops me".
"Get zapped", Chapa said, as she shot him. She came up and started using her powers on Roy but he dodged them. Instead one of them hit Schwoz, on the head. "Sorry", she said, as she stepped to the side.
"Next", called Ray.
"Is it cloudy in here because I feel a brainstorm brewing?", I asked.
"Sick entrance line. Roy approves. Let's see if you can stop me", said Ray.
I used my telekinesis to lift up the bat lying next to Ray and whacked him lightly. "How's that supposed to help?", asked Mika.
"Sorry guys", I said, as I walked to Jay.
"Thanks for the bat. Roy used to play baseball in high school. Could've made it to pros if it wasn't for his dang knee", said Ray.
"How deep is Roy's backstory?", asked Chapa.
"Deeper than the sea's where Roy was a scuba diver", said Ray. "NEXT!".
"Get ready to be blown away", said Mika, as she did the air quotes.
"Unnecessary air quotes. B-", said Ray.
"Dang it", said Mika. She shouted but it was low pitch so it didn't work. "Take that".
"Took it next", said Ray, as Jay walked up.
"Get ready to be stung!", said Jay, as he stuck his tongue out and shot at Ray. He missed and froze a crow outside.
"I was stung with laughter, next", said Ray, as Jay walked over.
"At least you tried", I said.
"At least your entrance line was better", he said.
"I refuse to fight you Roy. I think the problem will solve itself", said Miles.
"You're going to let the baby die?", asked Ray.
"What?", asked Schwoz.
"I thought you were just going to take the candy", Jay said.
"But the candy has the medicine that keeps the baby alive", said Ray.
"Stranger Approaching", said the security alert as we all moved aside. The desks appeared and so did the chairs.
"Hello?", asked a female voice. Ray removed his mustache and wore his jacket. "Hey handsome".
"Can I help you?", asked Ray.
"Do you know any men with low standards?", she asked.
"Aren't you a teacher at Swellview High?", asked Mika.
"Yes I am. But Swellview High and I thought it was best to split ways", she lied.
"So you got fired", Jay said.
"Bingo", she said. "I'm Sharona Shapen and I work for the city. I go around collecting school licenses but this school doesn't have one".
"Can we get one?", asked Ray.
"You have to pass my test", she said.
"I will", said Mika. "I will. Give it to me. I'll pass the test".
"Not you smarty pants", said Sharona as she walked around.
"Thanks you too", said Mika.
"Yeah, because they're Bucci", she said, as she showed us the label on her jacket.
"We can't be tested because we're going on a field trip", Mika lied.
"Where to?", she asked.
"The field", I said.
"I'll come along then", said Sharona.
"Do you have your parents signature?", asked Miles.
"No, my parents are ashamed of me", she said.
"Aww, then you can't come", said Miles.
"Ok, bye nice seeing you", said Ray, as he walked her over to the door.
"Tomorrow, I'll be back. I want to see some Eds. Driver's Ed, Physical Ed, all the eds. Or I'm shutting it down", she said, as she walked out.
"We need to find some eds", said Ray.
The next day went smoothly. "And that's how you all know what Albert Einstein knew", said Ray, as he opened the door. "Hello, welcome to our totally real school".
"Cool your toots, fancy boots", said Sharona. "It's not real till I say it's real".
The entire day we actually spent time learning. Well I didn't remember anything but it counts. We did physical exercise where we jumped on the bouncy balls. We had math which was boring. But the best part of all was science. Jay and I were partners and I had the 'butterflies'. I also was about to drink one of the juices but Schwoz stopped me. We were also partners in science and it was amazing.
"You all failed", said Sharona.
"What? How?", everyone gasped.
"Failed to do anything wrong", she said.
"Yay!", we all cheered.
"You got your license for Swellview; The Academy for the Gifted", said Sharona.
"Swet", said Chapa.
"Cool", said Miles.
"You're going to get your new students tomorrow", she said.
"Girl, what?", I asked.
"What?", asked Chapa.
"What do you mean two new students?", asked Ray.
"I have two international kids who've been living and studying at a bus bench. Other schools have no more space", she said.
"What if I don't take them?", asked Ray.
"Then I'm shutting you down", she said, as she clicked a button.
Four cops walked in. "Are you shutting this place down?", asked one of them.
"Fine", said Ray.
"Carry me out, Buster!", she roared, as she jumped into the guys arms and walked away.
That night at the Man's Nest, we were all gathered up. "Fill the applications", finished Mika.
"Too much work", said Ray. "We can wipe their memories and bada".
"Were you not listening?", asked Mika.
"I've told you ten times that the memory wiper was destroyed when you fought Drex. It won't be there to conveniently help us escape our problems", said Schwoz.
"I know how to get rid of these kids. We get a chainsaw, a ceiling fan, a-", she began.
"Chapa, no", said Miles.
"I don't get it", I said.
"What's your problem, why are you so scary?", asked Ray.
"A boy stole my phone", she said.
"So buy a new one", said Ray.
"If you lost your best friend, would you replace them?", asked Chapa.
"Yeah, my best friend moved to Dystopia and I bought five more", he said.
"Aww, love you man", I said, as I gave Ray a fist bump.
"We'll get there", said Ray.
"If we can get these kids to leave on their own, Sharona can't do anything", said Schwoz.
"Good idea", said Chapa. "We can make their lives terrible".
"That's actually not a violent plan", Jay added.
"Then in the middle of the night, we take their loved ones", said Chapa.
"You were doing so good", said Miles.
"Off to a great start", said Mika.
"Come on!", I sighed. The next morning, we were getting ready for the new kids. I walked in from the closet holding a termite stool and a broken chair. "Ray, I found this broken chair".
"Love it. Explain", he said.
"We'll make one of the new kids sit in this rusty, busted-up thang...and we'll make the other one sit in the termite stool", I explained.
"What's a termite stool?", asked Jay.
"A stool fulla termites. Give it a sit", I said.
"No", he said.
"Ehh, probably smart", I said.
"So I was thinking-", began Mika.
"Not finished", I said. "When the new kids get here, I'm gonna use my powers to make things float. And I'm going to use my throat to make ghost noises like 'souuuuuuup'".
"Soup?", asked Jay.
"Ghosts love soup. They tell me all the time", I said.
"Good enough. Where is Scary Bradshaw?", asked Ray.
"Chapa's hiding in the closet with her chainsaw and when the new kids get here, she's going to scare them", I explained.
"Like it, love it, want more of it. What do you got?", asked Ray.
"Jay, come and help me", I said, as Jay helped me lift the stool and the chair.
I looked at him as his hair covered some of his eyes. I unconsciously moved some of it out of the way, as he smiled at me. I felt the butterflies rush in again as I felt my cheeks redden. "Okay, that's them. No matter what happens, we've got to be really mean to these kids", said Ray.
"Here they are", said Sharona as she brought in a boy and a girl. The girl was taller and she had orange hair. The boy was wearing a hat and they both looked like they came from a castle.
"Wow, Percy, our school is marvelous", they said, as they awed at the classroom.
"Indeed Marium, and it smells much better than the bus station", said Percy.
"That's because there's a bathroom here", said Sharona. "Anyway, it's free sushi day at the gas station and nothing's better than eating sushi from head to toe Bucci. Deuces!".
"I'm Ray and I'm your instructor-", began Ray but was cut off.
"You can't be our instructor", said Percy.
"You're far too young and handsome", said Marium, as she soon looked at Jay. "Who is that handsome boy?".
"Excuse us for a moment", said Ray, as he brought all of us in the closet.
"Gah!", we all gasped, as Chapa roared her chainsaw.
"Sorry, I thought you were those gouchy kids", said Chapa.
"Turns out they're not gouchy at all, they're as sweet as molasses", said Ray.
"I don't know if I can soup ghost them", I said.
"Their last school didn't have a bathroom", said Miles.
"They've been through so much! Plus Percy winked at me and it melted my heart!", said Mika.
"And Miriam complimented me!", said Ray.
"She also thought I was handsome", said Jay.
"Because you are", I said, as Jay blushed.
"Seriously, I mean no bathroom! Where have they been going?", asked Miles.
"Hey!", said Chapa.
"I mean, I am very young looking so the compliment makes sense-", began Ray.
"Hey! Hey!", said Chapa, as she slapped Ray.
"Ow! Stop slapping me! I'm listening!", said Ray.
"We are crime fighters! We can't have a couple of bus station biscuits sniffin around here or we can't respond to emergency calls~", said Chapa.
"Yeah, I guess you're right", said Ray.
"True", said Miles.
"I don't care how many fake compliments they give us!", said Chapa.
"How dare you?", asked Ray.
"They were true", said Jay.
"Or how many fake winks we get!", said Chapa.
"They were real!", said Mika.
"She's so mean~", said Ray, as Chapa made a slapping gesture.
"Hey, Hey, I have a non-violent plan which involves a little paperwork", said Mika, as Schwoz came falling from the roof.
"Aiiiiiiiieeeeee~", said Schwoz, as he fell.
"Where'd you come from?", asked Miles.
"We missed three emergency calls because of those kids", said Schwoz, as everyone groaned.
"See? Swellview needs us. So get out of there, be mean to those new kids, and send them back to their bus station! Who's with me?", she asked, as Schwoz was the only one who raised his hand.
"Ahhh, we're with you!", said Ray, as she made a threatening gesture.
"With you~", added Mika.
"Did they just use a bucket?", asked Miles.
Later in class, Ray began teaching. "What is math? Can you touch it? Can you hold it in your hand? If you shake it, would it rattle? Over the next forty-five minutes, we're gonna find out, together, the answer to all these questions and more...and I think along the way, we're gonna have a little fun", said Ray.
"Ahhhhh!", yelled Percy.
"Good heavens, my termite stool just gave me a shock", said Percy.
"Bet it hurt, right?", asked Chapa.
"Indeed it did", said Percy.
"But you know Percy, this makes me feel grateful for all the times I wasn't in pain", said Marium.
"What can be taught in this class isn't written in books", said Percy, as everyone groaned while I smirked in triumph.
"What?", deadpanned Ray.
"May I also add that I love your festive mask", said Marium.
"Thanks, I like yours too", said Chapa.
"Oh look it's a floating pencil", said Ray, as I used my powers to say soup and levitate the pencil.
"Oh no, we're haunted", Jay said.
"Souuuuuup", I said, slowly.
"It must be Princess Dianne", said Marium.
"She loved soup. If you can hear us, I hope you get all the soup you desired", said Percy.
"Where did you guys use the bathroom?", asked Miles.
"You, Bennedict, Cumberbutt, test of strength", said Ray, as Percy stood up.
"Yes sir", he said.
"Hit the button so Professor Schwoz will fly up", said Ray.
"I'll try my level best", he said, as he hit the button. "For the princess".
"Oh no", cried Marium, as she saw her brother fly into the sky and land on the ground.
"It's alright, I've always wanted to fly", he said, as he grinned. Everyone groaned.
That night at the Man Cave, we returned from a bunch of missions that took place. Everyone was tired from fighting missions. I sat on the couch as Venom slid in next to me. He leaned his head on my shoulder, as I felt myself blushing. I noticed Captain Man saying gibberish and walking weirdly.
"What's up with Ray?", asked ShoutOut.
"Did no one put him to sleep last night?", asked Schwoz.
"Were we supposed to?", asked AWOL.
"Yes. Remember Roy who wanted to steal candy from the handsome baby?", asked Schwoz.
"I remember Roy", said Volt.
"He'll turn bad like that", said Schwoz.
"You know something now, Ch-Chapa? You got-laugh at yourself, Schwoz! Do you still keep your flesh-eating bacteria?", Captain Man asked.
"Your what?", asked ShoutOut.
"Flesh", said the jar.
"Ahhh!", everyone said.
"Answered my own question", said Captain Man.
"Whaaaaat?", asked ShoutOut.
"Mmm-mmm", said AWOL.
"I'mma go throw this on those kids", said Captain Man.
"No Roy-I mean Ray, don't do that", said ShoutOut.
"Why not?", asked Captain Man.
"Because it might get on you", said ShoutOut.
"I'm indestructible and so tired", said Captain Man.
"But it still might eat all of your hair!", pointed Venom.
"Haiiiirrrr", said the jar.
"Shut up, bacteria. Leave me alone. I'm so handsome", said Captain Man, as he left.
"Okay new problem, we can't let Ray throw that flesh eating bacteria on the new kids", said Venom.
"Agreed", said AWOL.
"Yeah, if we fall asleep, we can't save Percy or Marium", said Volt.
"School starts in ten minutes", said AWOL.
"Good. We can make it ten minutes", said ShoutOut.
"I'm awake!", said Mika.
"What?", asked Chapa, as all of us slowly got up from sleeping on our S.W.A.G. desks.
"Is there something wrong?", asked Percy.
"Yes. You guys gotta get out of here", said Mika.
"We would never abandon you in a time of need", said Marium.
"S.W.A.G. for life, I say", said Percy.
"So do I", said Marium.
"As sweet as that is, you're not safe here", said Jay.
"That wasn't sweet", I murmured.
"Has anyone seen Ray?", asked Schwoz, as he walked down.
"I thought he was with you", said Chapa.
"Yah...he's not", said Schwoz.
"Okay out the door, les'go, les'go, les'go, les'go, les'go", said Mika, as we opened the door to see Ray.
"Cheeeeerio kids, Whos' hungry for some MAYONNAISE?", asked Ray, as everyone screamed.
"In the closet, Canadians!", I said, as I shoved them into the closet.
"Yes! Just don't come out till we tell you to", said Jay, as I looked at the boy. Even with his hair a bit ruffled, and his tongue sticking out, he looked cute.
"Is there something wrong with the teacher?", asked Percy.
"Where are those Brits? I got to get rid of those kids", said Ray.
"Ray, you need sleep", I said.
"Which I'll never get if they're still here", he said.
"Ray. You got two options. Either you go to bed. Or we put you to bed", said Miles.
"Third option. Spin move", said Ray, as he tried to catch Miles but Miles teleported away.
"Dah!", said Chapa, as she used her power.
"Next stop-the Man's Nest", said Miles, as he tried to teleport with Ray but it didn't work. "C'mon not even out of the room".
I used my power to levitate the jar. I looked at Jay who noticed me and smiled at me. I felt weak in the knees, the butterflies, and the blushing all happening at once, as I dropped the jar. Jay walked over and shot the jar with his power, as it broke on Ray's head. "AHHHHHH!", yelled Ray, as he left.
"We do make a good pair", said Jay, as he put his arm on my shoulder and leaned against me.
"Friends! We can stay idle no longer", said Marium.
"Hello", said Sharona as she walked in. "What's going on here?".
"Normal school stuff", I said.
"There are my British bake offs", said Sharona, as she looked at Percy and Marium. "I found a new better English learning school for you".
"We can't leave our friends", they protested as I smiled.
"You'll forget about these dopes once you get there. The horse drawn carriage awaits", said Sharona.
"Hey!", pouted Jay, as I found myself staring at him.
"My hair!", screamed Ray, as he rolled hairless in a wheelchair.
"He just needs a nap. Anyway, what about a horse drawn carriage?", asked Chapa.
"Someone filled out a form for these two and they're getting transferred", said Sharona.
"SW.A.G. for life", said Percy.
"So say I", said Marium.
"I can't believe Miles was right", i said, as the two kids left.
"What?", Mika asked.
"The problem revealed the solution", Jay said.
"What?", asked Mika.
"Hey, it did", said Chapa.
"The universe will provide", said Miles.
"Mika provides. I filled out their applications while everyone else wasn't paying attention", said Mika, as we all entered the closet without her.
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