Mime Games:
"Are you sure we need to find it?", Jay asked, as I looked everywhere.
"It's my favorite hoodie", I pouted.
"Look, I'm heading down", said Chapa. "Or else Ray will complain about his stars".
I pouted at Jay who looked hesitant. "Fine, we'll look for it", he blushed, as he gave in.
"Yay!", I cheered, as we began searching.
"Bosey, how about I buy you a hoodie later?", asked Jay.
"My dad gave me that hoodie", I said.
"You mean the vice mayor?", he asked.
"No, my dad", I said, as he stayed silent.
He pulled me into his hug as I found myself melting in it. "I'll buy you one that'll look exactly like that one but this time it'll be from me", he said, as he looked at me.
"Okie", I said, as we both went to the chairs with our stuff and went down. "Sorry, I'm late. I, uh, couldn't find my hoodie". I saw Schwoz wearing a similar hoodie to the one that I had. "Hey, I have that same hoodie and that same hair!".
"You pack all our traveling weapons?", asked Ray.
"Yeah", said Chapa.
"You got Lil Sizzler?", asked Ray.
"Course", she said.
"The Smoke Wagon?", asked Ray.
"In there", said Chapa.
"The Mean Wheel?", asked Ray.
"Trick question, there is no weapon called The Mean Wheel", said Chapa.
"Oh, okay Chapa", said Ray.
"Alright", said Chapa.
"I got The Mean Wheel right here". I showed them a pinwheel with pictures of Brainstorm making a sad face. "You show it to the bad guy, and when he sees all the mean faces on it, he's like 'Put that away, that's so mean!'", I said, in a surfer voice, as I spinned the wheel.
"Awwwww, that's so cute", said Jay, as I found myself blushing.
"Lemme hollya for one second", said Miles.
"Please do", I said.
"No, no, no", said Jay. "I'll talk to him, you're going to make him cry or something".
"I'm listening", I said.
"That's so cute", Jay said, as I blushed. "But we're real superheroes".
"Yeah", I said.
"We use real weapons", Jay said.
"Yeah", I said, as I pointed at The Mean Wheel.
"As cute as all of this is", he said, as he booped my nose and I blushed. "We don't use weapons like The Mean Wheel or Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew".
"Oh, I forgot my Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew upstairs", I said.
"Jay, go with him to get it", said Mika, as Jay and I went to the Man's Nest.
"Did you find it?", asked Jay, as he looked near the tubes.
"I found it!", I said, as I picked up my teddy bear and Jay ran over. I watched as lasers appeared everywhere as I felt Jay close to me. I smiled at him as the butterflies, the weak in the knees, all happened. You know what, I'm gonna call it a meltdown. I watched as a laser went through Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew, as Jay gasped. "Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew, no!". It was night, as Jay and I were still stuck like this. "Chapa? Mika? Miles? Bose? Oh, wait, that's me. Jay? Oh you're right here!".
"Yes Bosey", said Jay, as he smiled at me softly.
"How do we get out of here?", I asked.
"Ummm, uh security lady", Jay said.
"What can I help you with?", asked the voice.
"Can you turn these lasers off? It's been four hours", said Jay.
"And I've gotta pee", I said.
"Same", Jay said.
"System Shutdown requires magic word", said the voice.
"I wish I were smart like Schwoz", I said. "He'd know the magic word".
"Actually, the password is", began Jay.
"'Schwoz is smart' is the password", said the lady, as the lasers were turned off.
"Wait, that's three words", I said, as the lasers turned on.
"No Bosey! Okay, it's fine, it's fine", said Jay, as the lasers turned off.
"Well Jay", I said, as I wrapped my hand around the boy's neck "They forgot about us. We're all alone in the Man's Nest".
"We're all alone in the Man's Nest!", said Jay.
"Mrs. Security System, please play some 'all alone in the Man's Nest' music", I said, as the music began.
"Sounds good, you two and have some fun", said the system.
"Okay, what should we do first?", I asked.
"We should play with the lasers!", said Jay, as he tossed me one.
We began shooting lasers everywhere as we ran and listened to songs. "Now, what?", I asked.
"Well, we could make Ray angry", said Jay.
"Ooh, that's not good", I said. "So what is it?".
"We take his hair cream", Jay said. We spent the next hour playing with his cream. I made a mohawk with it as Jay poured it on the floor and made a gel angel. He looked really cute, having fun. His smile was everything. He just is so perfect. What am I feeling? I just want to grab his hands and kiss him till our lips fall off. "We should jump on that bed".
We both jumped on it. "I don't even know where this bed came from!", I said.
"I want ice cream!", Jay pouted like a child, as I had my hundredth meltdown. We had some ice cream and began messing around with the toppings. "I want some sprinkles".
"This should be good", I said, as I poured some gel over it.
"Bosey", sighed Jay, as we both soon took a dip of our ice creams. "Security system, turn off the music...We're about to watch an adults only show". The music stopped as we clicked the channel.
"Welcome to C-SPAN. Tonight's topic: Healthcare policy in America...a bunch of boring stuff, The Pentagon. Our first caller is from Swellview. Go ahead, caller", said C-SPAN reporter, as Jay handed me the phone and began eating his ice cream.
"Ha, ha, ha, I'm a kid watching an adults only show!", I said.
"You shouldn't be watching an adults only show! Where are your parents, or grown up co-workers?", asked the reporter.
"Uh, I wanna say Italy", I said, as Jay shook his head.
We ended the call and the channel. "Look, you're going to get sick no kidding", said Jay, as he took my ice cream bowl from me. "Say 'ahh'".
"Ahhhh", I said, as he fed me a piece of his ice cream. "That's yummy".
"I know because there's no hair gel in it, sunshine", said Jay, as he fed me another bite and fed himself one as well.
"You call me sunshine and Bosey. You need a nickname. I know! Jay Jay and bunny. Because you're cute just like one", I said, as I blushed and he went dark red.
"Okay, sunshine", he teased.
"Bunny", I said.
"Sunshine", he said.
"Bunny", I said. "Anyway, I'm happy and sweaty and well fed and ready to dance".
"Time for you to have the time of your life", said Captain Man on the mv, as Jay watched me dance. "When I say yee, you say haw! Yee!".
"Haw!", I said.
"Yee!", said Captain Man.
"Yee-I mean Haw!", I said, as Jay laughed.
"When I say yee, you say haw!", said Captain Man.
"Yee Haw!", I said.
"Yee!", said Captain Man.
"Haw Haw!", I said.
"To do the Captain Man, you gotta blow bubbles, ya gotta fight crime! Find a hot mom so you can have the time of your life-", sang Captain Man.
"Bose", whispered Jay, as we noticed The Toddler and Goomer outside.
"Bad guys? That's bad", I said, as I grabbed Jay's wrist and pulled him aside. We both transformed. "These two are about to get a taste of The Mean Wheel". I reached into my bag and pulled out a plasma blaster. "A Plasma Blaster? What am I supposed to do with this?".
"Be careful", said Venom, but the plasma blaster threw my hat aside as I set it down carefully. "Why don't you try to lift that rock to scare them?".
"Ooh, nice plan, Jay Jay", I said, as I leaned closer to his face.
"Just do it, Bosey", he whispered, as I levitated the rock outside.
"C'mon...rock...", I said. "Those are nice doors...wait, don't think about the doors". I watched as the doors opened, as Venom smacked his head. "Oopsie".
"Well, let's get out of here", whispered Venom, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the chairs. We both went down to the S.W.A.G. classroom where we played the recording of the two.
"Ok, think Bose, think. There's gotta be a way to beat those bad guys", I said.
"I've got an idea", said Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew.
"Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew, you can talk?", I asked.
"No, this is all in your imagination. Your heightened sense of survival is creating my voice in your head", said the broken stuffed toy.
"Woah!", I said.
"Bosey, I know they say being delulu is the solulu but for this problem it's not", said Venom.
"No, Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew can talk", I said.
"Considering that you also ate some hair gel, it all makes sense", said Venom.
"So this is the guy who makes you have that meltdown?", asked my stuffed toy.
"Yeah, he's perfect!", I retorted.
"Wasn't saying anything bad about your love bug", said the toy. "I have an idea about how you can defeat those bad guys".
"Hit me, Bow-Bow", I said.
"Why don't you turn on the security system", said the toy.
"The security system?", I asked.
"Yeah, that's what lasered me in half!", said the toy.
"That's a great idea! And I can use my powers to levitate the pencil to turn it on", I said.
"No, no, no, no, buddy, just stroll over there and use your fingers", said the toy.
"Shut up, Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew! I'm trying to use my powers and possibly impress him", I said, as Venom walked over.
"Sunshine, just press it", he said, as he pressed the code, and the lasers upstairs were activated.
"Hey guys", said AWOL.
"Can't talk right now", I said.
"Wanna roll to France with me?", he asked.
"Not now, we're kind of busy", said Venom, as he checked the cameras.
"Alright, did you know that mimes live in hives?", asked AWOL.
"Yeah, everyone knows that", I said.
"Facts", said Venom.
"We did it!", I cheered.
"Yes, I'm so proud of you, Bosey!", said Venom, as he rushed up to me and hugged me.
I felt my cheeks darken, as I patted his back. "Couldn't have done it without you, Jay Jay", I said.
"And me!", said Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew.
"And you, Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew", I said.
Later that night, I snuck back home at 2:00 in the morning. I changed into my pajamas and was about to fall asleep before there was some knocking on my window. "Hey", said Jay, as I opened the window and he entered.
"What are you doing here?", I asked.
"Look, I know spending your entire day with me doesn't match at all to going to Paris or anything so I fixed you this", said Jay, as he handed me my jacket and Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew.
"Bow-Bow-Pew-Pew", I said, as I hugged the stuffed toy.
"I hope you like it", he said.
"You know spending the day with you was fun", I said. "We should do it again!".
"Yeah, we should", he said, as I felt the meltdown but ten times more happened. "Well see ya, sunshine".
"Bye, bunny", I said, as the boy left.
I miss him already. Gah! What am I saying? But has his hair always looked like that? It's so perfect. So are his eyes. And his dimples! Hey, we both have them! It means we're made for each other! What-no! His lips look so smooth, I want to kiss him. Gah, I like everything about him. Wait.
I like everything about him.
I like him.
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