This Gas Will Pass

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"Wassup?", I asked, as I joined the call and Miles and Jay did the same thing. "Did you get my bread pics?".

"Love 'em", said Mika.

"Delicious!", said Miles.

"I don't have a phone", said Chapa, as she clapped between each word.

"Well, I gotta go. I'm gonna try to watch all the TV over quarantine, like, every show everywhere. Gonna be so smart when I'm done", I said.

"What?", asked Mika.

"Yeah, what?", asked Chapa.

"What they said", said Miles.

"I speak fluent Bose", said Jay, as I blushed red.

"Of course, you do", said Mika.

"You kissed him", sang Chapa.

"It was on the cheek~anyway Bosey, are we confusing books for TV?", he asked.

"TV makes you smarter! I don't think you guys watch enough, it shows", I said.

"I'd probably spend my time learning German or Italian", said Mika.

"I already speak Italian. I learnt it by watching Italian soccer on TV", I said.

"There's no way you speak Italian", said Chapa.

"Truthfully, Chapa. At times I feel better speaking Italian. It's like I'm speaking...from my heart", I said in Italian.

"Mama mia", said Chapa.

"Okay, Chapa. I'm going to write that song for you and it's gonna slap", said Miles.

"What song?", I asked, as Miles logged off.

"I'm making a new song for my Click Clock", said Chapa.

"Ooh, can I do it with you?", I asked. "Only during commercial breaks".

"Sure", said Chapa.

"Aww, look at us! We're gonna crush this quarantine! We may just be kids, but like all the bread in our ovens, we rise to the occasion", said Mika.

"Aaaand here comes Ray", said Chapa.

"HELP ME! HELP ME!", said Ray.

"What's wrong?", asked Chapa.

"I'm stuck in the Man's Nest Garage", said Ray.

"We have that?", I asked.

"When did you get-", began Mika.

"When the quarantine hit, I ran in here to get my collection of pictures of Henry's mom", said Ray, as he lifted a box. "But then I locked myself in and Schwoz isn't here...".

"It's quarantine, where did he go?", asked Mika.

"I sent him to Canada yesterday to get all the hair products I can't get in America because everybody in this country just loves whales so much more than they love great hair!", whined Ray.

"There are whale parts in your hair gel?", asked Jay.

"Oh, uh, WHO CARES? All I know is that I'm down to my last bottle of Whaler's Choice Hair Gel. I'm stuck in this room and I don't think I can do this quarantine alone", said Ray.

"Well, maybe it'll end tomorrow", I said.

"Don't lose hope", said Mika.

"Hey, news alert!", Jay said.

"Breaking news. The Vice Mayor says that everyone should abandon hope", said Trent.

"Because this quarantine just got extended for another month", said Mary.

"NOOOOOOOO!", said Ray.

"The lockdown continues as Swellview enters it's third dat of quarantine", said Trent.

"Quarantine!", said Mary.

"No, Mary, it's not a musical", said Trent.

"It could be. It could be just called 'The Quarantine'", said Mary.

"Mary, please", said Trent.

"Quarantine! Quarantine! The dangdest thing thing you've ever seen! Quarantine! Quarantine!", sang Mary.

"Alright, that's it. I'm going to finish writing my novel", said Trent, as he got up revealing his boxers beneath his business clothes. "That's a cut! Access cut!".

"Quarantine!", said Mary.

Chapa and I were trying to practice our dance but we just kept messing up. I found myself staring at Jay who was reading a book. His circular gold glasses rested on his nose as he read the book. His skin looked smooth and obviously I zoomed onto his screen. "Why can't I do this? What's wrong with me? Stop doing it wrong, just do it right", she said.

"Dance, Bose, dance!", I said, as I tried to get myself to stop thinking about him. But it didn't work. All I could think was about his eyes, and his face. I hate how he's so perfect!

"How is this supposed to go viral if you can't do it?", asked Jay.

"Ok, I have to get back to studying German, but let me just say that I don't think yelling at Bose is gonna help your Click Clock", said Mika.

"Yeah, don't let my sunshine!", said Jay, as he continued reading his book.

"I know what will help. Watching more TV!", I said, as I tried to cover my blush.

"You can learn anything by watching TV. Or as they say in Germany. Learning achievement is easily facilitated through the mid consumption of television", I said.

"WHEN DID YOU LEARN HOW TO SPEAK GERMAN?", asked Mika, as she shut her book.

"Yesterday. There was a game show marathon on the Swellview German channel. I spent all day being-watching or completely grasping in Deutschland", I said.

"No!", said Mika.

"What?!", asked Chapa.

"It's TV", I said. "It's the best thing that has happened to brains ever since video games".

"That's cute", said Jay, as I found myself blushing.

"Okay, I'm done learning German. I'm doing your Click Clock Chapa", said Mika.

"Yaaaaas!", said Chapa.

"Wilkommen on board, Mika!", I yelled.

"Did you just kick me off?", asked Miles.

"Yes", said Ray.

"How did you...?", asked Miles.

"Turns out that Schwoz put secret apps on all our devices so they can watch what we do", said Jay.

"Alright, first item on the agenda: I got quarantine hair", said Ray.

"You ran out of Whale Gel already?", I asked.

"You guys gotta help me and end this before this gets any worse", said Ray.

"Who cares how your hair looks if you can't leave the Man's Nest anyway?", asked Chapa.

"Quick question, Chapa. How many covers of Luscious Hair Quarterly have you been on?", asked Ray.

"Zero", said Chapa.

"Wait for it", said Jay, as he continued reading his book.

"Zero? Like none at all? Like not a single one? Cause I've been on 62 of them. Okay, so as soon as you have been 62 Luscious Hair Quarterly, then you can comment on my hair.I'm gonna find out who started this quarantine and I'm gonna punch them in the face a hundred times", said Ray.

"Yeah, but that still won't end the quarantine", said Mika.

"Schwoz!", said Ray.

"He's stuck in Canada", said Miles, as I got up.

"SCHWOZ!", said Ray.

"Dude, quiet down. I'm trying to learn sign language by watching TV", I said.

"How could you possibly learn sign language by watching TV?", asked Chapa.

"SCHWOZ!", said Ray.

"I got him", said Miles.

"I'm here", said Schwoz, as he joined the video call. "I'm about to go climb up the mountain after my bread is done. This is my snow pup, Bodhi.".

"Awww", everyone coohed.

"Where's my punch through screen, Schwoz?", demanded Ray.

"It's next to the rock that you thought looked like you", he explained.

"Next to Rock Handsome?", asked Ray, as he grabbed something and placed it on his screen.

"What's a punch through screen, Schwoz?", asked Mika.

"It's a tablet that I invented using the power of the internet for Ray to punch people on the other side", said Schwoz.

"Hey can I get one?", asked Chapa.

"Found it!", said Ray. "Testing punch!". Ray punched Schwoz in the face.

"OW!", said Schwoz.

"Quiet", I said, as I communicated in sign language. "I'm learning sign language".

"Wow", blushed Jay.

"I'm going to go interview every Swellview criminal and punch them in the face till I find out who leaked the glass", said Ray.

"I'm probably going to go ice skiing or put some of it on my face", said Schwoz.

"We're working on the Click Clock", said Chapa.

"To my song", added Miles.

"I'll do it", said Schwoz.

"Do you know any good moves?", asked Chapa.

"Are you good at being angry all the time?", asked Schwoz.

"Yes she is. She's doing it right now", I said, as Chapa threw me a nasty glare.

We all did the dance wrong multiple times. "Sorry, sorry", said Schwoz.

"We almost had it!", said Mika.

"Sorry!", said Schwoz.

"Just do it right", said Chapa.

"This is why you're the dumb one", I said.

"I'm on break", said Schwoz.

I began making sign language expressions. "What does that mean?", asked a confused Chapa.

"It's sign language, it means I miss you guys", I said, as I saw Jay turn visibly red. It also meant that I missed Jay the most.

"Miss you too, man", said Miles.

"Same", said Mika.

"I miss you too, Bosey", said Jay as he shyly did the sign language. I felt myself have a meltdown twenty times more at his cuteness.


"From TV. Why does nobody believe me?", I asked.

"Five, six, seven, eight-", said Chapa, as we began to the dance but Mika's phone went off.

"Come on", groaned Miles.

"We were definitely about to do it that time", said Schwoz.

"No we weren't!", everyone chorushed.

"I got a text from Ray", said Mika.

"Must be nice to have a phone", said Chapa as everyone rolled their eyes.

"Not now. Ray wants us all to transform and call villains ourselves", said Mika.

"But I want to dance", said Schwoz.

"I've got an idea, everybody transform!", said Mika.

"But I don't have anything to transform into", said Schwoz, as we all chewed our quarantine gum.

"Stupid quarantine gum", I muttered, as the logo was missing.

"What's the plan?", asked Volt.

"We call Frankini", said ShoutOut.

"Do you think he did it?", Venom asked.

"No, but he'll teach us some good moves", said AWOL.

Frankini soon joined the call. "Heyyyy Danger Force", said Frankini. "I was waiting for Captain Man or you to call me".

"Why?", I asked.

"Because I'm the one who leaked the gas from the Bhutt Factory", he said.

"Oh", muttered ShoutOut.

"Are you good at dancing?", asked Volt.

"I'm amazing", said Frankini.

"Are you good at teaching other people how to dance?", asked Volt.

"I'm amazing", bragged Frankini.

"And how good are you at-?", began Volt but was cut off.

"Anything about me, I'm amazing", he said.

"Established", said Schwoz.

"Then why did you leak the gas from the Bhutt factory?", I asked in German.

"Your german is wunderbar", said Frankini.

"Danke schoen", I said.

"I only leaked the gas so I could be in one of those music videos which are so uplifting", said Frankini.

"So you leaked the gas from the Bhutt Factory", began AWOL.

"Which you knew would cause a quarantine", continued ShoutOut.

"Which would cause people to feel sad and alone", said Volt.

"So they could break bread", I finished.

"Close sunshine, just so you could star in a music video", Venom finished.

"Fraknini, you are a mysterious person that is both beautiful and terrible", I said, in Italian.

"Oh my, thank you, thank you, so much", he said.

"You go to stop doing that", said Volt.

"No, I can't do this anymore", sighed ShoutOut.

"Do you have the lyrics for the song?", asked AWOL.

"Yes", he said.

"Is it good?", began Volt but was cut off.

"It's amazing! So will you take part in my beautiful, uplifting song montage?", asked Frankini.

"Fine", Venom agreed.

"But you have to clean up the gas", said ShoutOut.

"And teach these guys my Click Clock dance", said Volt.

Captain Man joined. "I heard a rumor-", he began but was cut off.

"Frankini did it", said AWOL.

"Frankini. I knew it", he said.

"But you didn't say anything", I said.

"Frankini wanted to be in a music video when there was a time of despair", explained AWOL.

"That makes sense", shrugged Captain Man.

"Does it?", asked ShoutOut.

Captain Man, Brainstorm, ShoutOut, Volt, *AWOL*:

Sometimes you just feel....stuck

You push and push, but you're still out of luck

The gas is strong so hold on and find the power within

The gas is violent

*It's deadly and silent*

But together, I know we'll squeak out a win


This gas will pass before we know it

So let's have a blast and dance till it's gone

Tomorrow this gas could be a memory

If you join me now in song, this gas will pass

Captain Man, Schwoz, Volt and ShoutOut, Brainstorm, *AWOL*, *Captain, Man, ShoutOut, Volt*:

I know this whole thing...stinks

Aie it stinks

This gas is bad the worst we had

But soon the air will be clear

Whoever dealt it

*Made sure we all felt it*

*So let it out for all of the world to hear*


This gas will pass before we know it

So let's have a blast and dance till it's gone

Tomorrow this gas could be a memory

If you join me now in song, this gas will pass

Venom, Captain Man, ShoutOut:

This gas will pass

This gas will pass, This gas will pass

This gas will pass! This...gas...will pass


This gas will pass before we know it

So let's have a blast and dance till it's gone

Tomorrow this gas could be a memory

If you join me now in song, this gas will pass


This...gas...will pass

This...gas...will pass

This...gas...will pass

Before we know it

Before we know it

Before we know it

This gas will pass!

"Alright. Now it's time for Frankini to meet me at the Bhutt Factory and clench off the gas leak, said Captain Man.

"Si, si, si...Ciao!", said Frankini, as Captain Man and him left.

"Auf Wiedersehen!", I said.

"So...what do we do now?", asked Schwoz.

"Jay Jay, can you please join?", I begged as the boy turned away shyly.

"Fine", he said.

We did a bunch of Click Clocks till we finished it. "Oh my gosh!", said Mika.

"Yes!", said Chapa.

"We did it!", said Miles. "I'm never doing this again and it was so fun!".

"I was patient with you and it paid off. Just saying", said Schwoz.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna do another one", said Jay, as we all logged off.

I met up with everyone at the Man's Nest but Jay wasn't there. "Okay guy, I got Ray's cream", I said, as I carried a box that Schwoz handed me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you", said Ray, as he took the cream and kissed it.

"Bosey!", said a voice, as I saw Jay run to me holding his phone. I watched as he threw his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. I felt the heat creep up my neck. "I missed you so much".

Something in me burst as I found myself hugging him tightly. "I-I missed you too, Jay Jay", I said, as I whispered in his ear. "So much that I'm going to repay you".

"Repay what?", asked Jay, as he pulled back.

"This", I said, as I leaned in and kissed his cheek. I watched as his face turned red, as he stayed in my embrace. I waited for him to get mad but he didn't.

"I missed you too", he said, as he hugged me tighter.

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