Never Be The Same

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Chapa's Crush:

"I'm awake!", I said, as I soon heard Captain Man say my name. "But I'm blind! I can't see!".

"Relax. You're just blind-folded", said Captain Man.

"Curse you, fate!", I said.

"Venom, how about you?", asked Captain Man.

"Perfect", sighed Venom, as he sounded like he was in a day dream.

"Over to you, Volt. Your hands are free and you can zap that guy with your electricity, so go ahead", said Captain Man.

"Did anybody else know how blue the sky is?", asked Volt.

"Of course, we noticed. It rained yesterday. It's gorgeous, now zap him!", ordered Captain Man. "He's getting away, Volt. Zap him!".

"Ok, that's my robbery and now I want to say thank you to the Close Nacho Ball", said TakeOut.

"ZAP HIM!", said Captain Man.

"Lot of people say you're trash but you're a great place to rob", said TakeOut.

"I SAID ZAP HIM!", yelled Captain Man.

"Have a lovely afternoon", said TakeOut.

"I already am", sighed Venom, as he sounded happy.

"Aw, you too", said Volt.

"What's wrong with you? You're letting him get away. There's no way he's coming back! Oh, he's back!", said Captain Man.

"I forgot hot sauce", said TakeOut.

"The converted second chance! This almost never happens! Zap him, Volt!", said Captain Man.

"Does anybody want to go for a walk in the park later? Or maybe do some painting?", asked Volt.

"I would", said Venom.

"What?", asked Captain Man.

"I've been getting into painting", said Volt.

"You should be getting into zapping! ZAP HIM!", yelled Captain Man.

"Okay, I'm leaving for realsies this time and I won't be back", said TakeOut.

"No!", yelled Captain Man.

"Forgot my lollipop", said TakeOut.

"The unheard third chance! This has literally never happened before in the history of crime fighting, but here it is Volt! All you gotta do is lift your ginger and zap him, SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!", asked Captain Man.

"Okay, that's phone, keys, lollipops. That should do it. Again, I've been TakeOut, thank you,...and get wrecked!", said TakeOut.

"Did he dab? Sounded like the perfect place to dab", I said.

"Yeah, he dabbed. He dabbed us into oblivion", said Captain Man. That day, we were all in the Man's Nest where Captain Man was talking. "That was the worst mission I've ever been involved with".

"You people make me sick", said Schwoz.

"I might just retire", said Captain Man.

"You should fire all of them", said Schwoz, as he spit on the ground.

"Okay, seriously?", asked ShoutOut.

"Look, mistakes were made, but dude, you need to calm down", said AWOL.

"The only person to tell me to calm down is Taylor Swift through a song", said Captain Man.

"Chapa's the one who let him get away almost three times", said ShoutOut.

"Where is she anyway?", asked Captain Man, as I bit into my Nacho Ball.

"Don't look at me. I can't see anything. But it's enhancing my other senses. Like I can tell that someone's eating food from the Close Nacho Ball", I said, as I felt someone remove the tape from my eyes. "Oh, it's me".

"Bosey, honey", sighed Venom, as his cheeks went red and I sat next to him.

"Yeah, I think she's in the bathroom", said AWOL.

"Awsome, let's talk about how weird she's been lately", said Captain Man.

"I personally don't think it's nice to talk about other people when they're not there to defend themselves", said ShoutOut. "But can we talk about how nice she's been lately?".

Everyone talked over each other agreeing with the idea. "She asked for a pencil and said thank you", I said, as everyone side chattered. "Then she gave it back".

"Yesterday, I asked her to try some macaroons and she said they tasted awesome and praised me", Venom said, as he shuddered at the moment.

"How come I didn't get any?", I asked.

"I have some at home", said Venom, as his cheeks went red and he became shy.

"Well that confirms what I've suspected", said Captain Man, as he pulled out a gun. "It's time we end her".

"Or, or, we find out why she's acting like this and talk to her about it", suggested ShoutOut.

"Veto, and then we'll end her", said Captain Man, as Chapa walked in.

"Hey friends", she said, as Captain Man threw all the weapons behind the couch.

"Hey girl", said Captain Man.

"How was the bathroom?", I saidawkwardly.

"Welcome back", said AWOL.

"Were you guys talking about me?", asked Chapa.

"I personally don't think it's nice to do that but Mika said that you're really messed up", said Captain Man.

"He was going to end you", said ShoutOut, as she pointed at Ray.

"And he has every right to since the villain got away because of me", said Chapa.

"She said it", said Captain Man, as he pulled out one of the guns.

"Oooh, I know how to make it up to you", said Chapa. "How about I go to Hip Hop Puree and get some num nums for your tum tums".

"I could eat", I said, as I continued eating my Nacho Ball.

"Text me your orders", she said.

"You don't have a phone", Venom reminded.

"Byeee", she said, as she left.

"Num nums for your tum tums?? Chapa's been possessed by Finniwinks, the fairy princess of sweetness", said Captain Man.

"Finniwinks, always turning mean people nice", I sighed.

"She's not possessed", ShoutOut sighed.

"Look at all her paintings", I said, as we saw the canvases line in front of our lockers.

"Maybe science can explain this", said a voice.

"Finniwinks?", asked Brainstorm.

"I don't who said that but we can try", said Schwoz, as we walked over to some machine. "While you were plotting the murder of one of our co-workers, I took a piece of her hair from her burhs and placed it in this machine". He began giggling as there was silence.

"Well what does it do?", everyone yelled as they began talking over each other.

"Her Like-a-tol levels are really high", explained Schwoz.

"English Schwoz!", yelled Captain Man, as he slapped him.

"That was English. Like-a-tol is a pheromone that rises when someone has a crush on someone", said Schwoz, as he showed us a tablet of Chapa's happiness data.

"Chapa's happy because she likes someone?", asked AWOL.

"Chapa like- likes someone?", asked ShoutOut, as I gasped. I like Jay. Does that mean I'm in like like with him? No, right?

"No way", said Captain Man, as he dropped Schwoz's tablet to the screen.

"Why?", asked AWOL.

"She can't use her powers since she's too happy", said Schwoz, as he pulled out another screen.

"I've known Chapa for six weeks so I would know if she was in like-like with someone", said Captain Man, as he broke the screen again.

"Again?", asked ShoutOut, as Schwoz pulled out a third screen.

"Ohhh", said AWOL.

"Wow", I sighed. The next day, Miles, Mika, Jay and I were in the S.W.A.G. classroom. I was trying to find out who Chapa was in like like with. "Can we please not talk about food? I'm starving", I took a bite out of my Nacho Ball. "I know who Chapa's in like like with".

"Let me guess: you?", asked Mika.

"No, ew. I'm a monster. My skin's too clear and my hair's way too soft. I have these gross dimples. But I'm sure I figured out who", I said, as I found myself looking at Jay. He smiled at me softly as he dried his wet hair with a towel. I lifted a board of receipts and a face made of macaronis. "That's your man. We find this guy, we find Chapa's crush".

"What are all those receipts?", asked Mika.

"All geared up and ready to go. Got to end some people I don't know", sang Captain Man. "Is this the like like board?".

"Yah", said Miles.

"Even Henry?", he sighed. "Oh well. Gotta make some strangers bleed".

"You're actually going to end all of these people?", I asked.

"One if I tell you that would make you guys my accomplices. Two yes. Until Chapa's crush dies by some 'accident', I'm down on superhero. I don't want to be in a Nacho Ball trashcan again", said Captain Man.

"I'm concerned that I'm the first person who told you that violence is never the solution", said Miles.

"You young children. So much to learn and see", patted Captain Man.

"It didn't solve our rat problem", said Mika.

"Neither did building that tent and teaching them to play tricks", said Captain Man.

"I love our rat circus", I said, as Jay and I walked over to the tent.

"Now's not the time, we need to find out who Chapa's crush is", said Mika.

"I thought Bose figured it out", said Miles.

"He did a part of it", Mika said. "These receipts are all from Chapa, Hip Hop Puree, and are billed by the same cashier, Creston. She went fourteen times in the past three days so she could see Creston".

"Creston, that's a hot guy's name", said Bose.

"It is?", Captain Man asked.

"Have you seen an ugly Creston?", asked Bose.

"I've never seen a Creston", Jay said.

"Well, you're in for a treat", added Miles.

"I'm going to have a nice chat with this Creston", said Captain Man.

"How about I do it?", asked Mika, as Captain Man handed her the blaster. "No, I mean I'll just talk to him and say that 'I don't know what's going on between Chapa and you but it will have to end'".

"Wait, what end?", asked Miles.

"That's right. Superheroes can never fall in love", said Mika.

"Unless they're in love with each other", sighed Jay, as I found myself having a meltdown under his gaze.

"We're married to Swellview and there's no room for anything else. I mean look at Ray. He's loveless, he has no friends, he's utterly alone, why?", asked Mika.

"For your information-", began Captain Man.

"Because he made a commitment to the city of Swellview", said Mika.

"Man, I didn't realize until right now that you have no friends", said Miles.

"I have-have friends", said Captain Man.

"Really?", asked Jay.

"Yes, tons!", said Captain Man.

"Name one, we'll wait", said Miles.

"Schwoz", said Captain Man.

"He works for you", said Miles.

"You slapped him this morning", said Jay.

"That's how men do a handshake", said Captain Man, as Mika rolled her eyes.

"I don't usually pick up on these things, but it looks like you have no friends, Ray", I said.

"I gotta bunch of friends. I buddy...Kunka!", said Captain Man.

"You got a buddy named Kunka?", asked Mika.

"That's the fakest name I've ever heard", said Miles.

"Nope, he's real and I got plans with him later", said Captain Man.

"What are you guys gonna do? Get frosted tips together?", asked Mika.

"Okay, first of all no one's going to remember that reference", said Captain Man.

"I do!", said Jay, as we made eye contact and both of us blushed.

"Second of all, he is real and we are real friends, we're close friends! In fact, I'm going to bring him up here later today so he can meet all of you guys. Oh-oh what's up, somebody's ears must be burning? Kunka? What's up, Kunk-N-Stuff? My nickname for him cause we're tight like that. Hey, you wanna hang out later! Cool! See ya later!", said Captain Man, as he slowly disappeared in the closet.

"Ok, I'm gonna go down to Hip Hop Puree and talk to Creston", said Mika.

"You're gonna miss the Trapeze part", I said, as we all sat near the circus.

"Ok, but just the Trapeze part", said Mika, as we watched it.

Mika soon left as Miles grabbed a picture of himself. "No way this dude's cuter than me", he said, as he stuck it on the screen. "Bose, stop watching that rat circus man!".

"Yeah, I am watching it", I said, with a breath between each word. I continued to stare at Jay as both our cheeks were past red now. His dimples were seen as his eyes stared back into mine. I heard Miles cough, as Jay and I got up. "They've gotten a lot better. Ratinna finally has her confidence back after the accident".

"Cool, cool, cool, hey the girls aren't back yet", said Miles.

"Weird it's been a while", I said.

"Exactly, so I was thinking it was time to send in the big boys!", said Miles.

"Oh yeah, the big boys! Who are they?", I asked.

"I'm talking about us, Miles, Bose, and Jay", said Miles.

I watched as Jay's cheeks flushed bright red and he looked so adorable. It took me everything to not pull him in for a kiss. "I-I have something to before kiss-I mean this, which I should loo-I mean do so I don't diss-I mean miss out on it", said Jay, as he dashed for the closet.

"Okay, MOSE! That's not great. Biles! That's even worse! We'll pitch in on the way!", said Miles, as we tried to high five it. "We'll work on that too". We arrived at Hip Hop Puree and did our secret handshake. "Okay, we are Da Boys! Ok, let's show these girls how to get things done".

Miles walked in and so did I. I noticed Miles staring as I also began staring and drooling at Creston. "What's going onnnnnnnn?", I sighed.

"Ahem!", said Mika.

"What are you doing here?", asked Chapa.

"Is that Creston?", I asked.

"It sure is", said Mika, as we all dreamily sighed.

I swear if I didn't like Jay a lot, I would totally throw myself at this dude. "Ok, so get out of here, you guys", said Chapa.

"No way, as long as you're in like-like with Creston, you're not angry enough to use your powers", I said.

"We're just trying to get you to use your powers and possibly Creston's number", said Mika.

"No way, I saw him first", said Chapa.

"That doesn't mean you own him", said Miles.

"So what, do you like him too?", asked Chapa.

"I wouldn't put a label on it but we were vibing", said Miles.

"Dudes bringing it and I'm singing for delivery. He somehow makes soft hair and dimples look good", I said.

"I had fifty smoothies here in the past two days. Leave so I can enjoy my Creston", said Chapa.

"I AM NOT LEAVING!", said Mika.

"NOOO, CRESTON!", I yelled.

"OKAY! You need to calm down", said Mika to Chapa.

"Uh, is your name Taylor Swift?", asked Chapa.

"No", said Mika.

"Then, don't tell me to CALM DOWN!", she said.

"People are gonna see your powers", said Miles.

"Oh, great, you got your powers back which means Crreston will like you the best!", I sighed.

"What, no he won't", said Mika.

"Are you kidding? Sparks will literally fly", I said.

"What the heck was that?", asked Chapa, as we all felt a buzz from our pockets.

"It's a super buzz from Schwoz. You should know that by now!", said Mika.

"Something's going down at Nacho Ball! The Nice One!", said Miles.

"THEN, LET'S GO!", I said.

"OKAY!", said Mika.

"WHATEVER!", said Miles.

"Hey Creston?", asked Chapa.

"How late are you working tonight?", asked Mika.

"9:30", he said.

"We'll be back before then", said Miles.

"Yeah, we will", I said, as we all went outside to transform.

We chewed our gum and Miles teleported us there. "WHAT HAPPENED?!", yelled Ray.

We watched as Venom kept trying to hit TakeOut but it wasn't working. "You stupid bee!", yelled TakeOut, as he threw Venom against the wall.

"Venom!", I yelled, as I ran over to him. "Are you okay?".

"Yeah", he whispered, as I found myself getting lost in his doe eyes.

"Brainstorm, now!", yelled ShoutOut, as I levitated TakeOut, and ShoutOut super screamed at him.

"His name is Kunka and he's my grown up friend", said Ray.

"What's your name, friend?", asked Venom.

"TakeOut", he said.

"I just said it was Kunka", said Ray.

"Well, I'm taking you jail", said AWOL, as Venom immobilized TakeOut and they teleported away.

"Oh, that was such an amazing exit line. I mean...what the...he said it...and then...come on!", said Ray, as we all left the Nacho Ball.

"Are you okay?", I asked.

"What? Oh yeah, I feel peachy", Venom said, as his face went red and he began speaking before it turned sad. "Yeah, I'm fine".

"Did I do something wrong?", I asked, as he looked at me before walking away. I caught up to him and looked him in the eye.

"It's because I wanted to talk to you about something and I-you weren't there today", he said, as he looked away.

"What was it about?", I slowly asked.

"I someone", he said, slowly as his cheeks turned red.

"You do?", I asked, as my heart fell.

"Yeah", he said.

"Well, I like like someone too. And you should tell them because they're really lucky", I said, as I walked away.

In the Man Cave, everyone de transformed and were watching the news. "Breaking news or more like heartbreaking news. Swellview's heartthrob Creston is leaving permanently. He's going to live with his girlfriend", said Trent.

"Sources say that this girlfriend isn't even cute but just a basic. She even wears scrunchies", said Mary.

"Yuck", said Trent. "We have no more news so we'll sit here in awkward silence".

"Eww scrunchies", said Mika, as she pulled the one out of her hair.

"Moving on, local heartthrob Jay W-", began Mary, as Jay shut the news.

"We've learned some pretty important lessons today", said Ray.

"We're learning now?", asked Chapa.

"Learning isn't really my thing", I shrugged, as someone came down the tubes.

"That Creston is a hot guy's name and I have a friend named Kunka", said Ray, as everyone disagreed. "Yes I do!".

"We're your only friends, Ray, and that's okay", I said.

"I have friends who like me and think that I'm cool. They want to hang out with me", said Ray, as he began crying.

"Dude are you still crying?", asked a voice, as we saw Henry walk out of the tubes. Ray looked at him as he began drooling. Mika luckily caught it in a jar. "When did Schwoz build all of this?".

"Huh?", asked Ray.

"When did Schwoz build all of this?", asked Henry.

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