Tell Your Girlfriend

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Earth to Bose:

"Bose, hurry up with that popcorn", said Ray, as I brought the bowl over to the table.

"I bet it's going to be Martha", said Miles.

"It's obviously Boogie", I said, as I sat between Chapa and Jay.

"Don't be silly, it's definitely Martha", said Jay, as Miles and him bumped their fists. I glared at him as we returned our attention to the tv.

"You can't make such a good show without cable", said Ray.

"Agreed", said Miles.

"There is Ruff. And he will choose M-", began the tv but the connection was cut off.

"Oh man!", said Chapa.

"He was definitely going to say Martha", said Miles.

"No he wasn't", I said.

"I had a vision", lied Miles.

"You're lying", stated Chapa.

"I had the yellow eyes, and vision, and everything", said Miles.

"Or he was going to say mmm'girl Boogie", I said.

"Gah, it's not working", said Ray. "I know how to fix it. With my fist! Why Aren't you working you stupid tv?!". I flinched as Ray punched the tv every time.

"Don't punch the tv", said Chapa.

"You're right I'm going for my punching vase", said Ray, as he walked over to the drawers and played a video. I watched as he was about to smash it but I stopped him.

"I think I know what the problem is", I said, as I pointed out the window to Schwoz and Mika who were doing something. "Schwoz and Mika".

"Wow, good job, Bose. You're actually getting smarter", said Jay. "And now that I'm saying that I realized you wore your socks on the outside of your shoes".

"I like these socks", I smiled. "I like to look at them. But I've been slipping a lot lately". He smiled at me as we returned our attention to the two smarties outside.

"Mika! Schwoz!", shouted Ray.

"I don't think they can hear you", Jay said.

"Of course they can", said Ray as we walked farther out.

All of us walked outside. "What are you guys doing?", asked Miles.

"We're trying to communicate with aliens", said Schwoz.

"Well this machine ended Dog Bachelor", said Ray.

"We're just trying to find ways to conserve our planet", said Mika.

"Well our planet isn't as important as Dog Bachelor the final season is", said Ray.

"Nothing is as good as dogs finding love on cable", I said.

"Well, don't communicate with aliens or else they're going to come and end us", said Miles.

"We're only picking up signals, not sending them", said Mika.

"Great, thanks! Apologies for my outburst", said Miles.

"End? Nothing's going to end this dude", said Chapa as she pointed at Ray.

"I've been adoring you all week and yes I'm indestructible. Nothing can end me", said Ray.

"We're not communicating with aliens", said Mika.

"Well I may or may not have a mic to communicate with them", said Schwoz as he held it.

"Well aliens, come and challenge me. If you want a fist in your mouth or a butt full of boot, challenge me! I dare you! None of you little skeletons could ever beat me, Ray the almighty", said Ray, as he dropped the mic and it broke. Miles ran away screaming.

"He broke it", gasped Mika.

"That's what your punching vase is for", said Schwoz.

The next day, Mika and I were outside. "And he got upset because we were cheering for different teams", I said.

"Uh huh", she said, as she listened.

"The government should pass a law that people shouldn't get upset with each other just because they're on opposite sides", I said.

"That's not how it works. The president comes up with a law", said Mika, as she began explaining it.

"So the senate ratifies it, then it becomes a law?", I asked, as we walked into the Man's Nest.

My eyes locked with this girl who had blue lips, purple skin and hair. I stared at her as she looked so beautiful. I watched as Jay smacked something against her but it bent and fell to the ground. "Oh my god, is that an alien?", asked Mika, as she walked over to the other side. "You gotta tell me everything, what's your planet like? What do you subsist on?".

The girl walked over to me before speaking. "I'm Glerp, what's your name?", she asked.

"My name's Bose", I said.

"Ha! That's funny, Bose is the name of a speaker company on our planet", she said, as I smiled. "I like you".

"You're always what I wanted. Someone who likes me", I said, as I looked at her with admiration.

"Can I gribble you?", she asked.

"I don't know what that means, but grip away", I said, as I stuck my arm out. She hugged me as a blue light began glowing.

"I don't think that should be allowed", said Jay.

"Awww, it's kind of cute", said Mika.

"Ew", said Chapa.

"Wooohoo!", said Miles.

"You're supporting her?", asked Jay.

"Hey, love is love", said Miles. "Wooohoo!".

"That 'Wooohoo' kid is making me feel uncomfortable. Do you know a private place we can go to?", she asked.

"I know a crowded restaurant where they blast hip hop", I said.

"I can thicken my goop on the way," she said.

"So can I", I said.

"Bose, you can't just take an alien out into the public", said Jay.

"Yeah, people will freak out", said Mika.

"I'll just give her a hat and say she's Canadian", I said.

"Wow, that's actually smart", said Miles.

"You're on such a roll today", said Chapa.

"Smart moments", said Jay.

"That seems awesome", she said, as we both went to the tubes.

"This is so fun. Down the tube!", I said, as I went down the tube as she still floated. She slowly levitated down. We were at Hip Hop Puree where we were chatting. "Do they speak American on your planet as well?".

"No, I learnt it by watching an episode of Friends while travelling to your planet", Glerp said.

"That's so smart!", I said.

"I mean, could I be speaking English any better?", she asked, as I laughed.

"Here's your blended farita and here's your blended alfredo", said Courtney as she set the cups down. I watched as Glerp put her hands a little distance from the cup as she drank it without touching it.

"That fills both my stomachs", said Glerp.

"She's Canadian", I said.

"Canadian, ey? Which part are ya from?", Courtney asked.

"Uhh, she's from Hockeytown. Which part are ya from?", I asked.

"Fine you got me! I'm not Canadian at all!", said Courtney, as she walked away.

"Should I tell you a joke?", Glerp asked.

"Sure", I said.

"On a space farm, a space chicken and another space chicken are fighting over a space pickle. Then the space farmer says take my PROTONS please", said Glerp, as I laughed.

"I do not understand what any of that means but I will still laugh so I can gribble with you", I said.

"Bring it in, cutie", said Glerp, as we moved closer to each other and hugged.

"I'll go to the bathroom", I said, as I got up but I felt a pain in my back.

"Are you in pain?", asked Glerp.

"No, my back's just acting up. It's probably gonna rain", I said, as I walked to the bathroom. The entire time, my limbs were aching. "Glerp, let's go back to the Man's Nest where we can watch Sixty Minutes, starring Jimmy Buffet. We need to be able to beat this traffic".

"Alright", she said, as we both got up and left.

I felt my back aching as I sat on a bench. "You continue without me, I'll take a nap", I said, as I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up a bit later to see Glerp also awake. "I'll go get a newspaper, you can head to the Man's Nest".

"See ya there, Bosey", she said, as she left.

I trudged over to the store to buy the newspaper. I tucked it under my arm and walked into the Man's Nest to see Chapa, Ray nailed onto the metal door. "Ehhh, sorry I'm late", I said.

"What?!", everyone gasped.

"Why is he so wrinkly?", asked Chapa.

"What?", I asked, as I came closer to Ray.

"Ewww", said Ray, as he unpinned himself from the wall, and walked over to the filing cabinet. He brought out a spray and began spraying it. "If I catch old because of you".

"You can't catch old because of someone", said Mika, as Glerp pulled me aside.

"Bosey, you look just as beautiful the day I saw you", said Glerp.

"That was today", said Jay.

"Miles, why don't you drop him off at a Timmy Buffet concert?", asked Mika.

"Time to spread fake news on Fakebook", I said.

"C'mon, pops", said Miles.

"And post", I said, as I finished typing on my phone.

Miles and I teleported away as we were in a noisy area. I didn't remember much till I fell asleep. I woke up later, as Miles teleported me back to the Man's Nest. I was outside as I watched Glerp's alien spaceship go away. I smiled sadly as the door opened. "Your turn grandpa", said Ray, as I entered. "Walk on the treadmill".

"It's Ray's treadmill and it's worked perfect on me", said Mika.

"I never said it was mine", said Ray.

"It's Ray's and just walk backwards on it, it'll make you younger", said Mika. "But I got to ask, how old are you?".

"Enough questions!", said Ray, as he sprayed the spray at Mika and I began walking backwards on the treadmill.

I became younger as I looked at myself in the mirror. "Hey Bose", said Miles, as I saw Chapa, Mika, Ray, and Schwoz behind him. "Glerp left a video".

I took the phone as I went outside and began watching it. "Bosey, I had to leave. I didn't want to but I had no choice. If we keep being together, you will become older. And you would die. That's no world I would want to be a part of. I hope you understand. Friends?", asked Glerp, on the video.

"Friends", I said, as I looked at the spaceship which was in the sky and it was quickly out of sight.

I saw some green light from the Man's Nest as I heard shouting. "GAH! If I only chose Team Bennie, none of this would've happened! He wouldn't have gone out with her!", yelled Jay from inside as I saw him using his power on everything.

The lights were out as Chapa, Ray, Mika, Miles, and Schwoz hid behind the couch. I walked in as Jay looked at me. Miles teleported next to me and teleported back behind the couch. "What's going on?", I whispered.

"Jay, he's super mad!", said Miles, as we saw Jay use his power on everything.

"Why?", I asked, as everyone stared at me.

"Okay, enough Jay!", said Ray, as he jumped on Jay.

"AHHHH!", yelled Jay, as he phased through the ground and landed on top of Ray.

"Why do I keep getting hit?", asked Ray, as he dodged it.

"I think he has a new power", said Schwoz, as Ray calmed down.

"What is it?", I asked.

"The power of phasing", said Schwoz.

"Woah, that's pretty cool", said Mika.

"Uhh, what have I done?", asked Jay as he looked at the messed up Man's Nest.

"You just got a bit upset", said Miles.

"Yeah, why don't you go home and take a breath", said Chapa.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know what I was doing", he said, as he walked to the tubes.

"You're good, just take a breath", said Schwoz, as Jay went down the tubes.

"Why was he so upset?", I asked.

"Take a wild guess!", said Chapa.

"You went on a date with Glerp", said Mika.

"Yeah", I said.

"And he's your boyfriend", said Miles.

"Yeah, oh", I said, as I realised what happened. "No wonder he's so mad".

"He's not mad, that's the thing", said Chapa.

"He's upset at himself because he thinks that he was the reason you went on a date with Glerp", said Ray.

"So I cheated on him?!", I gasped.

"Yeah, pretty much", said Miles.

"I....I-I didn't want can't believe I did that", I panicked.

"It's alright, you can still fix it", said Mika.

"How?", I asked.

"By apologising to him", said Ray.

"You're right, Miles, teleport me to Jay's room", I said.

"Whatever you say boss", said Miles, as we arrived in Jay's room and Miles soon left.

"Hey Bose", said Jay, as I noticed him arranging his bed.

"Jay, I....I...", I began.

"How was your date with Glerp?", he asked.

"I...I...we broke up", I said.

"Oh", he whispered. "Why?".

"Because I realised with her I would literally die but with you...I feel like I would die happily not because of old age", I said. "Also it's because I wanted to be here".

"I wanted that too", he smiled at me.

"Are you mad at me? I was the worst boyfriend on this planet-, who am I kidding? This galaxy!", I sighed.

"I'm not mad at you. You don't know a lot and that's okay because you're still learning. I just wish I should've chosen your side and maybe none of this would've happened", he said.

"I'm so sorry for letting you down", I said, as I met his eyes.

"I love you, Bose", he said.

"I love you, Jay, no matter what", I said, as I leaned in and kissed him.

We pulled back as I noticed that there was a grin on my face which couldn't be wiped at all. "Stop smiling so much", he said, as his face was red.

"You want me to stop smiling, when my boyfriend kissed me in like forever?!", I asked.

"It's only been two days", he mumbled.

"Forever", I grinned, as we both leaned in again.

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