Family Lies:
"How do we make it let go of us?", I asked, as we were being strangled by an octopus.
"Should I zap it?", asked Chapa.
"Try it", said Miles, as the octopus tossed him onto the other side of the Man's Nest.
"What's going on here?", asked Ray, as he walked out of the tubes.
"Schwoz was cooking dinner and made an octopus but it got mad when we said we were going to eat it-", said Mika.
"Ahhh!", Jay said, as he held onto my hand.
I saw Chapa and Miles being flung to the other side of the room. "Shhh", said Ray, as he averted his attention to a phone call. "We're so not having a parents' night tomorrow. Help me!".
"Help us!", we all yelled, as the octopus strangled us. It threw me and Jay on the floor as I landed next to him. I smirked at him as he rolled his eyes.
"Miles, you good?", asked Chapa, as we saw Miles have a vision.
"I just had a vision! We're so having parents night tomorrow and Ray's P-shop skills are trash", said Miles, as we all nodded.
"My P-shop skills aren't trash. Your visions are trash. Telling me what I can and what I can't do". A few moments later, the octopus was dealt with. "Well, S.W.A.G. needs to have a parent meeting", said Ray, as he showed us his photoshopping of a parents night.
"I told you my visions are right", said Miles.
"That doesn't even look real", pointed out Chapa.
"I know no one will believe that and I'm the second dumbest member of Danger Force", I said, as I rested my arm on Jay's shoulder.
"You're so lucky I love you", he said, as I grinned.
"Let's go tell mom and dad", said Mika to Miles.
"No, no, this photo shop is amazing. We're GUCCI", said Chapa.
"We're not GUCCI", said Jay.
"We don't have to do that", said Chapa, as she grabbed my shoulders. "I know Miss Shapen's house address. What if an 'accident' happened to her?".
"Love the idea", Jay said.
"There's already a dead octopus in our fridge, I don't think a dead human will be pleasant", said Ray.
"Let me give you a lift", said Miles, as Mika and he teleported away.
"Well, let's go tell your mom", Jay said to me as I nodded.
"Your mom?", asked Ray, as he joined. "I'll tell her as well".
"I thought you were going to take that call about Cavekid", said Schwoz.
"Well that was before I heard about Bose's mom", said Ray.
"I can tell her", I said. "You really don't have to come".
"Down the tube", said Ray, as we all went down. Jay passed me a grin as we went down with Ray.
We entered the living room of the mansion to see Celia sitting there. "Hello honey", said Celia to Jay and I as we stood aside.
"Hello Ms. O'Brien", said Ray.
"Yes, the vice mayor's trophy wife", she repeated.
"We're having a parents night tomorrow and it would be deeply appreciated if you would come", said Ray.
"I'll be there for Bobo, and his boyfriend", she said as she smiled at the both of us.
"Well now you two, scurry along", said Ray, as Jay and I went upstairs.
"Bose, I need to tell you something", he slowly said.
"What is it?", I asked.
"My parents don't know about us and I was wondering...if you wanted to...we could tell them tomorrow", said Jay, as his face went red.
"Of course, Jay Jay", I said, as I kissed him. Our kisses ended up with me pushing him onto the couch. I looked at him as he looked up at me.
I leaned in but he cut me off. "One more thing. My parents may be a bit rude to new people but that's because they're worried that they're gonna hurt me", said Jay.
"I'll explain it to them", I said, as we continued kissing. The next night, I put on a pink shirt, a tie, and blue jeans. Jay wanted to be matching with me so his parents would figure it out. I ran into the Man's Nest with my messed up tie since I didn't know how to put it on. "Jay!".
"Schwoz! Where's Schwoz?", asked Chapa.
"I don't know, do you know how to tie a tie?", I asked.
"Yes!", she said, as she ran.
"Ray! Where's Ray?", asked Schwoz, as he ran in.
"I don't know, do you know how to tie a tie?", I asked.
"Yes", he said, as he was about to run.
"Schwoz!", said Chapa. "Go downstairs and Jay's already there. See ya at parent's night". She pushed me to the chairs.
"Weee", I said, as I went down. "Jay!".
"Bosey!", he said, as he ran up to me. I noticed there were tears in his eyes.
"What's wrong?", I asked, as I held his face.
"What if my parents make us break up?", he asked, as a tear went down his cheek.
"They won't, trust me", I said, as I kissed his forehead. He smiled at me as I wiped the tears.
"Your tie", he said, as he fixed it for me and I sheepishly grinned.
"Anyway, have you guys seen my father?", asked Chapa as she ran down.
"Yeah, there's a guy outside mumbling stuff to himself", said Miles.
"That's him", said Chapa as she walked outside.
"My dad's riding his horse", said Miles.
"He rides a horse?", I asked.
"Whatever you do, don't say saddles", said Mika.
"Did someone say saddles?", asked Herman as he began talking about his saddle.
"Who said saddles?", asked Angela.
"Is that a leather woven saddle?", I asked as I walked over.
"Finally someone who appreciates a saddle", said Herman as I smiled.
I admired the saddle as Jay walked over. "Should I be jealous?", he asked.
"No, because I can't love a saddle like I love you", I said, as he blushed.
"I am Chapa's father", said a man as he shook hands with Ray.
"I feel like I've seen you before", said Ray.
"That's because we've both been on a cereal commercial", said Chapa's father.
"Oooh, really?", Jay asked.
They began performing a song about Yummies. "I remember that song!", I said, as I patted Jay's arm.
"You do?", asked Chapa.
"Let's get the picture taken", said Ray.
"But Jay's and my parents aren't here yet", I said.
"Then you both can stand at the end of the picture", said Ray. "So when they come in, we can snap".
We watched as Cavekid ran through the area from the closet and outside the school. I pushed Jay behind me. I panicked and looked at Ray who was gripping his leg since Cavekid slapped him there. "Who was that?", asked Angela.
"That's our school mascot", said Ray.
"She's so cute", I said, as Jay frowned and turned away from me. "Sorry, I didn't mean that. I mean she's not cute, but you're cuter". He blushed as he shyly looked at me.
"Then why did she slap you on the leg?", asked Herman.
"It's a game we play", said Ray. "Now who wants a tour?". The parents and I raised my hand as Jay pulled me back. Ray locked the parents inside as he turned to us. "We got a problem".
"Have you guys seen Cavekid?", asked Schwoz, as he ran down.
"What happened?", Jay asked.
"I ran out of radishes, that's all that happened", said Schwoz.
"Look, Cavekid's at Farmer Nate's radishes field", said Mika.
"Well, that solves that problem", said Ray.
"Not if you're Farmer Nate", said Miles.
"No one better touch my saddle or I will paddle", said Herman.
"You dad's rhyming, he means business", I said. I heard the alarm on the screen saying Video Call. "Oooh, a video call". I took the remote and answered it.
"It's seven o six and I don't have the pic", Sharona said.
"She also means business", I gasped, as I held onto Jay.
"We're getting it", said Ray.
"You don't want to keep it late or I'm shuttin you down", she said.
"We'll get it", said Ray. "Just give us some time".
"It's seven o eight and that pic is late. You don't want to hear my rhyme for seven o twenty", said Sharona.
"I...breaking...line", said Ray, as he pretended that the line was breaking.
"I can see the others moving", she said, as he ended the call and handed me the remote.
"Now what do we do?", Jay asked.
"Okay, Brainstorm and Venom will have to defeat Cavekid", said Ray.
"How do we get there?", asked Jay.
"I can help", said Miles, as the three of us transformed.
AWOL teleported me and Venom out of there to the radish field. "We need to get close enough to immobilize her", said Venom.
"I have a plan", said AWOL. "Brainstorm, distract Cavekid, Venom, come with me".
"Be careful", I whispered to my boyfriend as he nodded. "Cavekid!".
"Radishes!", she yelled, as she bit my hand.
"Cavekid, I'm gonna put down my stand, stop biting my hand", I said.
"Bose, she doesn't understand English", said AWOL, as he and Venom teleported. Venom immobilized Cavekid.
"Great let's get back", he said, as he teleported us to the closet and de transformed.
We entered and saw all the parents already there. "There you are", said Mika.
"Hey mom, hey Vice-dad", I said, as I wrapped my arm around Jay's neck and limped. "I hurt my leg wherever they said I was".
"The bathroom", said Ray.
"Yep, I slipped there", I said.
"It gets real slippery", Ray said, as two good looking people entered the classroom.
"Mom? Dad?", asked Jay, as he let go of me. I fell to the ground as I looked up at him. He smiled as he helped me up.
"Hello Jay", said the lady in a sweet tone before she looked at everyone else. She smiled politely as did the man.
"Mom, Dad, this is Bose", said Jay as I noticed his voice quiver.
"Hmmm, you must be the vice mayor's son", said the man as he shook my hand.
"John, long time no see", said my step dad, as both the men hugged.
"Willard", said the man.
"Do they know each other?", I whispered.
"Ever since high school", he whispered back.
"Celia!", said the lady, as she hugged my mother.
"Emily", said my mom.
I looked at Jay who made eye contact with my mom. "Mom, Dad, this is Bose...Bose...he's", I watched Jay stutter as he looked at me with tears in his eyes.
"I'm his...boyfriend", I said, as I held the black haired boy's hand. He looked at me as I smiled at his parents.
"Oh, oh...I...maybe this is a bit too fast", said Emily.
"Are you sure you're making the right choice?", asked John.
"Trust me, he's...always there for me...even though he's not that smart, he protects me and takes care of me", said Jay as he looked at me with admiration.
"Well, I suppose it is your decision", said Emily, as we both sat down.
"And if he makes you happy", said John, as they both smiled.
"It was obvious, the matching outfits", said Celia, as my mom patted my shoulder.
"Well now let's take the photo", said Ray. "Schwoz!".
Schwoz ran downstairs mumbling something about how he wasn't doing science. He was about to take the photo till a man and a woman entered the school. "Chapa", the man said.
"Oh no", said Chapa.
"Honey, it was parents' night", the lady said.
"Don't call me honey", said Chapa.
"Who are they?", Miles asked.
"They're my parents", said Chapa.
"The only way we were able to find out it was parent's night is because we went through your stuff", said the dad.
"You did what?!", asked Chapa.
"I mean all parents do that", said the lady as all our parents agreed and we disagreed.
"Great, you all can get a family therapy right after I take this picture", said Ray.
"We actually might consider it, since this is the tenth time you pretended like we didn't exist", said the man.
"Your fifth birthday, fourth birthday", began the woman.
"Oh, great you can count", said Chapa as she walked over.
"On our love", said the man as they did a group hug and Chapa tried to squirm out of it.
"Wait, if they're your parents?", asked Mika. "Whose this dude?".
"Some actor you hired to act as your dad?", I asked.
"I do my own stunts", said the man as he jumped out the window.
Everyone gasped. "I won't be doing my own stunts", said the man. All of a sudden the lights closed, as Schwoz began taking photos. There were a bunch of screams and Cavekid's yelling could be heard.
After all of that , the next night, we all met up in the Man's Nest. We were grilling some food and chatting. "Well, we passed the test", said Ray.
"Barely", Jay said.
"Now what's all the things about the parents?", asked Mika.
"You promise not to razz me?", asked Chapa.
"If it's about parents, we're all a team. Our parents have done something to embarrass us", said Miles.
"Your parents have done something embarrassing?", asked Chapa.
"Yeah, our dad owns a horse", said Miles.
"My dad was an irresponsible scientist", said Ray.
"My mom holds my hand when we cross the street", I said.
"My parents are cautious of who I hang out with", said Jay, as I held his hand.
"Yeah, but like my parents are too happy", said Chapa.
"They are, though", said Mika.
"It's kind of cute", Jay said.
"If it's about parents, we're all a team. Now let's start bullying", said Ray. "Bose, what's with that shirt?".
"Leave my boyfriend alone", said Jay.
"It's so huge", said Miles.
"Is it your moms?", asked Ray.
"My mom bought it for me with my dad's money", I explained as Schwoz ran in.
"You guys, I've lost Cavekid", he announced.
"Eh, that's fine", Ray said. "He'll go back to Cavetown".
"Phew, that's alright", said Schwoz, as he sighed.
"Radishes!", yelled a voice, as the room turned black.
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