Say My Name:
"Okay you guys, transform and find some bad guys", said Captain Man. "Since you are so ready".
"We are ready", said Mika, as we all transformed.
"I need you guys to pair up's less worse that way", said Captain Man.
"I'm going with Miles", said Chapa, as Miles and her teleported away.
"I'm going with Jay!", I said, as I tugged on the boy's arm.
"Uh sure, Bose", he said, as we went to the tubes.
"Down the tube!", I said, as we left. We roamed around the streets of Swellview, as I found a bad guy. "I found him!".
"Found who?", asked Jay.
"The Toddler", I announced, as I lifted the surprisingly small villain.
"Bose, that's an actual toddler", Jay said.
"Yep, he is the Toddler", I said, as Jay sighed. "Are you annoyed at me?". He stayed silent as I looked away. I kept walking from him, carrying the Toddler, as I soon felt him grab my wrist.
"Let's go hand in that Toddler to Captain Man", smiled Jay, as I grinned.
"I got the Toddler!", I announced as Jay and I entered the Man's Nest to see Captain Man in a meeting.
"I need water!", said Miles.
"What? You got The Toddler?", asked Captain Man.
"Do I get a treat?", I asked.
"You need Milk", said Mika.
"That's not The Toddler, that's just a toddler", said Captain Man.
"I need Milk!", said Miles.
"Do I still get a treat?", I asked.
"Did you not tell him?", asked Captain Man.
"The poor kid looked so happy", said Jay, as he patted my shoulder.
"Here's some Milk", said Chapa.
"No, that's spicy milk", said Captain Man.
"Get away from me!", said Miles.
"It's under control", said Captain Man, as Chapa, Jay, and I began dancing.
We were in S.W.A.G. de-transformed fighting as Ray watched us while eating chicken wings. "Keep it going. Put your back into it", said Ray.
"We've been doing this for too long", said Miles.
"Yeah, how much longer do we have to keep on fighting?", asked Chapa.
"As long as I say!", said Ray.
"If you're as young as you say you are, it shouldn't be that hard to finish this", said Jay. I looked at him and he was sweating. That would've been gross but it looked hot on him.
"I feel like you're mad", I said.
"I am mad! You guys embarrassed me on the news!", Ray whined.
"Why are we practicing fighting anyway? We have superpowers", said Chapa.
"Yeah, and you're super-trash at using them", said Ray, as Mika and Chapa gasped.
"If you were trying to offend us-congratulations sir", I said, as Jay nodded.
"You know what, Danger Force? Let's show this guy what we can do", said Mika.
"Oh, here it comes", said Ray, as we all used our powers but failed.
"There it is everybody, strap in. What are you guys doing? Are you trying to use your powers right now? None of this is working. Miles, are you on a Journey concert? Bose, do you need to use the potty? Because it looks like you need to make a boom-boom", said Ray.
"I moved it with my mind!", I cheered, as a pencil fell over.
"No, I zapped it over", said Chapa.
"Actually, I stung it over", said Jay.
"I knocked them over with my scream", said Mika.
"I actually teleported there, knocked it over, and teleported back. Point for Miles!", said Miles.
"Okay, okay", said Ray.
"I obviously did that! You guys saw me, right?", asked Chapa.
"Hey, hey! Okay! Hey! You know what, guys? If we ever get into a fight with an army of angry pencils, I'll still have to do everything myself", said Ray.
"Stranger Approaching. School mode activated", said the School Room Voice.
"Let's go, let's go, let's go. Come on, come on. Pick it up, come on", said Ray, as everything went to normal and Ray opened the door. "Hey, hi, hello, yes, hello, hi. Can I help you? These kids are just learning".
"Normal", said Mika.
"Yeah, we're just-normal", said Chapa.
"Yeah", I said.
"Five kids learning", said Miles.
"Nothing weird", Jay said.
"School", said Mika.
"Gifted children of world", said Miles.
"Yep", said Ray.
"What are you guys learning?", asked Guy.
"Biology", Jay said.
"Books", I said.
"None of your business", said Chapa.
"Who are you?", asked Ray.
"Just a guy", said Guy.
"Well what are you doing here?", asked Ray.
"Just strollin'. Saw this school. Thought I'd stroll in and ask some questions", said Guy, as he tried to enter but Ray stopped him.
"Oh! Stroll you roll, guy!", said Ray.
"Is that your kid?", asked Guy, as a young boy ran around holding scissors.
"Get outta here", said Jay, as he shoved the guy out.
"What is that toddler still doing here? I thought I told you to return him to wherever you found him", said Ray.
"And I thought I told you that I don't remember where I found him", I said.
"We have bigger problems than the fact that Bose kidnapped a child and gave him giant scissors. I just got a GuGu alert", said Mika, as she placed a video on the screen."They gave us stupid names".
"What?!", asked Chapa.
"Breaking news! A disastrous interview on KLY this time and it wasn't Mary's fault", said Trent.
"That's right Trent. Mary did good. But you know who did bad? Those kids who ruined an otherwise perfect interview", said Mary.
"Once known as Danger Force, these kids are now being called Oopsie Girl, The Wing Wimp, Spicy Milk, McDreamy, and Gorgeous Hair Boy", said Trent.
"Ugh, when will people stop talking about my gorgeous hair?", I asked. "Like my eyes are down here, people".
"And my looks have always taken place", said Jay, as he ran a hand through his black hair. I felt all the air inside me leave as I looked at the boy.
"I do not want my superhero name to be 'Spicy Milk'", said Chapa.
"Well, have you thought about what you want your names to be?", asked Ray.
"Yes. I wanna be ShoutOut. Cuz once I shout, you're out", said Mika.
"And I'm AWOL because just like that...I'm gone", said Miles.
"I'm Volt because...hold on", said Chapa, as she tried to use her powers.
"Right", said Ray.
"I'm gonna be Venom, because in my shot there's nothing but venom", said Jay, as he looked determined. I felt the weird feeling in my stomach and the air leaving my-what was it? Lungs.
"And I want to be Gorgeous Hair Boy-wait no! Brainstorm! Because I'm smart! Wait-no!", I stuttered.
"So...what do you think?", asked Mika.
"I think those names are...pretty swet", said Ray.
"Yeah", said Chapa.
"I know. They're swet. You know", said Jay.
"Well then you're in trouble", said Guy, as he walked through the closet door.
"Gahhh!", everyone shouted.
"Because if the news says your silly name more than three times, it becomes your superhero name forever", said Guy.
"How'd you even get in here, Guy? Our security system's incredible", said Ray.
"I know I built it", said Guy, as he removed his mask and changed his name.
"Huh?", I asked.
"What?", asked Chapa.
"It's me, Schwoz. I was pretending to be a stranger so you would follow the protocol", he said.
"Were you pretending about the whole thing if the news said your name three times?", asked Mika.
"No, I don't joke about names. Only faces", said Schwoz.
"Before I was known as Captain Man, I was almost known as Angry Face Punch Guy", said Ray, as he played another video.
It was about how he punched Trent Overunder and danced with Mary. "How old were you?", asked Chapa.
"Thirty-s, Thirty. The next person who asks me my age will get a visit from Angry Face Punch guy", said Ray.
"How'd you do it?", asked Miles.
"I got a famous person to say my name on the radio", said Ray.
"The radio? Hold are you.....nicorns when they first get their horns. Oh, I remember seven", Jay laughed.
"Who'd u ask?", I asked, as I looked at Jay.
"Coyote Jake", said Ray, as he played the radio clip. It was him talking about mommies and being a wolf.
"Oh my god!", said Mika.
"Yeah, that just happened", said Ray.
"No, Ellis!", said Jay, as Ellis shot up into the Man's Nest with Jay's chair.
I watched as Mika, Miles, and Chapa shot into the air. I sat in my chair, as Jay sat in my lap. I felt my cheeks start to heat up as we went up the chair. "Ah-oooooo!", I yelled, as we entered the Man's Nest.
"Ellis!", said Jay, as we both chased the tiny kid.
"Ellis, you shouldn't run with those giant scissors! Run with these normal sized ones!", I said, as I chased the boy.
"Bose, he shouldn't be running with scissors!", said Jay, as he chased after me.
"We should really find that kid's parents", said Ray.
I caught Ellis but I tripped on someone's foot and found my back against the wall. "Gahhhh!", said Jay, as he pushed me against the wall.
I noticed Jay removed his face from my neck as he looked at me. I looked at him with parted lips as he studied my face. I felt the feeling again and it felt amazing. I felt two arms hold my leg as I saw Ellis. "I got him!", I said, as I lifted him up.
"Down the tube!", said Mika and Miles as they disappeared.
"Okay, now you two find this kid's parents", said Ray.
"That won't be hard. I entered his genetic information into the Man's Nest computer and created an image of exactly what his mom looks like", said Schwoz, as he handed Jay a picture. "Use this and go find her".
"Like I said, me and the boys will find the mom", said Ray.
"But I thought you said-", began Schwoz.
"Ray, Bose and I will deal with Ellis. You get your abs in shape and meet us up at Hip Hop Puree", said Jay, as both of us and Ellis went to the tubes. "Down the tube". It was silent as we walked from the alleyway that the tubes ended. "So, are you on a silent pledge or?".
I looked at him and he smiled at me as that weird sensation was present. "I'm fine", I said, as I put Ellis in a belt bag and carried him. "Our child is so cute".
"Yeah he is", said Jay, as he looked at me with pink cheeks.
"We should get some baby food", I suggested.
"We'll feed him at Hip Hop Puree", said Jay.
"Look, there's Hip Hop Puree", I said, as I tried to cross the street.
"Bose!", said Jay, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me back.
"What?", I innocently asked.
"You could've gotten hit", he said, as his grip on my hand was firm. The light was red for the cars. "Now, we can go".
He still held my hand as we crossed the street. I felt that weird sensation as my heart was beating really fast. "Well, if you had brought baby food like I asked you to, we wouldn't have to be here now", I said, as we entered the store and let go of each other's hands.
"You know what, you have been critical since the moment we left", said Jay.
"Don't fight in front of our boy", I said, as I hugged the now crying Ellis. "Well I hope you're happy".
"I'm sorry", said Jay, as he pulled me and Ellis into a hug. That annoying sensation was there again. I need to go to a doctor.
After we ordered, we waited for our food. "Hi, I got you your blended cheeseburger, blended chocolate chip ice cream, and an entire blended chocolate cake", said Courtney, as she placed the food and left.
"Thank you", both of us said.
"Oh, here's some Spicy Milk to wash it down".
"Okay, thanks a lot", said Jay.
"No worries", said Courtney, as she left.
"You wanna a lil sip of the cake?", Jay asked Ellis.
"Hey, don't let him drink his chocolate cake till he drinks his cheeseburger", I said.
"He's had a long day", Jay sighed.
"I've had a long day", I said.
"So have I", Jay said, as he threw his head back and that's when I realized. That he made throwing your head back way more attractive.
"Okay, hurry, hurry", said ShoutOut, as AWOL and her walked in.
"Don't tell me my pace", said AWOL.
"What are you guys doing here?", I asked.
"What are you doing here?", asked ShoutOut.
"I honestly forget. Dad brain", I said.
"You're supposed to be looking for Ellis's parents. He's missing!", said ShoutOut, as Jay showed me the other side of the Spicy Milk box to see a picture of Ellis.
"He's not missing, he's right here", I said.
"Eu-Ahhhh!", said ShoutOut.
"Let's get Natalie Mazdah to say our names before someone says-", began AWOL.
"Look it's The Wing Wimp, and Oopsie Girl", said Natalie.
"Before that", said AWOL.
"I'll deal with this", Jay said.
"Right our superhero names. Wait for us, we'll transform and be right back", I said, as I grabbed Jay's wrist and he carried Ellis.
"Hey lady", I said, as I saw Volt enter.
"Should we just leave this to them?", Jay asked, as we were in the alleway.
"Nope, we're also superheroes and we're gonna fight", I cheered.
"There's no fighting", said Jay, as he set down Ellis and we both chewed our gum.
We transformed and went back inside. "Alright. Drink some cheeseburger. Don't move. If this kid misses his nap, then there goes my day", I said, as I left Ellis next to the door.
"Natalie Mazdah!", said ShoutOut.
"Hi", said Natalie.
"Well, well, well", began The Toddler, as he walked in with his henchmen.
"It's The Toddler! Someone save Natalie Mazdah!", said a girl.
"Who cares about Natalie Mazdah?!", asked The Toddler.
"But she was on a plane with Emma Watson", said the girl.
"Okay, let's put a pin on that because I really want to hear that story but first, Toddie's hungry", said The Toddler.
"Not on our watch, Toddler", said ShoutOut.
"Who are you?", asked The Toddler.
"We're Danger Force", said Volt.
"Yeah, that's Spicy Milk and that's Oopsie Girl", said Natalie, as we all began yelling at her.
"Okay, alright, I don't care what your names are, but just stay out of my way", said The Toddler.
"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-okay lemme try again", said ShoutOut.
"What are you doing?", asked The Toddler.
"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa-okay this usually works, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", she yelled, as she knocked a pencil holder.
"You did it!", I cheered.
"I got a special delivery to jail", said AWOL, as he teleported The Toddler and his goons to the other side of the counter.
"Oh great, we're right next to the blended cake!", said The Toddler.
"Ahhhh!", said AWOL.
"C'mon hurry up", said The Toddler.
"Yaaaah!", yelled Volt.
"Yaaaaah!", yelled Venom, as he used his power. I looked at him and he looked amazing. He was literally a McDreamy.
"Owww", yelled Natalie, as she soon froze.
"No!", sobbed the girl, as Venom rushed over.
"Fill them up. Let's get some blended cake", said The Toddler.
I began moving a blender with my mind as it floated but Volt zapped it causing it to fall on the cash register. "Yay, free money!", cheered The Toddler.
"What are you guys doing?", asked Courtney.
"Saving the day", I said, as the blender fell on my head before everything turned black.
"Hey, wake up", whispered Venom, as I saw his face in mine.
"What happened?", I asked.
"You got hit", he said, as he lifted me up. "It's time for Ellis to go".
"Ellis?!", I gasped, as I ran to the young boy whose dads were next to him. "I guess this is it, buddy".
"Goodbye Brainstorm", said Ellis, as I gasped.
"Awww", cooed Venom.
"Goodbye Venom", said Ellis.
"Awww", cooed Venom again.
"Goodbye ShoutOut, Goodbye AWOL, Goodbye Volt", said Ellis.
"Adios", said Volt.
"See ya", said AWOL.
"Bye", said ShoutOut.
"Love you, son", I said, as I felt myself get emotional.
"Bye Ellis", said Venom, as he kissed Ellis's forehead.
"And the best thing...I've ever seen...since I saw...Emma Watson...on a plane", said Natalie Mazdah, as she recorded the entire thing.
We were watching the news cast after we de transformed in the Man's Nest. "What a sweet moment for Volt, ShoutOut, AWOL, Brainstorm, and Venom", said Trent on the news.
"You can say that again", added Mary.
"And I will. What a sweet moment for Volt, ShoutOut, AWOL, Brainstorm, and Venom", repeated Trent.
"Let's say it together", said Mary.
"What a sweet moment for Volt, ShoutOut, AWOL, Brainstorm, and Venom", they repeated.
"Yay!", we all cheered.
"Now I kinda miss Gorgeous Hairboy", I said.
"I miss being McDreamy", said Jay.
"You still are", I whispered, as I saw Jay smiling at me. I blushed as I looked away.
"I miss when Ray wasn't obsessed finding Ellis's parents", said Mika, referring to Ray who was making a lot of calls.
That night, everyone left the Man's Nest except me. I was kind of looking for Schwoz. I found myself in tears maybe because Ellis, my favorite child, was gone. "Are you crying?", asked Jay, as I noticed the boy holding a blue jacket standing there.
"What? No, I'm not", I said, as I wiped my tears.
"Is it about Ellis?", he asked, as he approached me.
"The real reason I'm crying is because whenever I'm around you, I feel different in my stomach and it feels amazing. I feel weird around you in a good way and I want to know what it is", I said.
"So is it about Ellis?", he asked, as I snapped out of my dream.
"Sort of", I whispered, as he smiled.
"I miss him too", he said, as I looked him in the eye. "But we'll see him around".
"Thanks", I said, as I looked away.
"You're such a softie", Jay said, as he rubbed my cheek with his thumb. I felt the weird feeling in my stomach explode as it felt a thousand more times better.
"I feel a bit sad because I-I don't even remember doing anything useful in our first fight", I sighed.
"Sure you did. You were there for us as a team and you're really...motivated and that's a good thing", he said, as he looked into my eyes. "You're awesome and I know that. Well, I need to go. See you tomorrow, Bose. You know what? You need a nickname".
"My name's really short", I said, as I felt my face flush.
"Bose...Bo...Bosey. Yeah, Bosey. That sounds nice. See you tomorrow, Bosey", he said, as he walked to the tubes. "Down the tube".
I looked at myself in the mirror, as I noticed my cheeks were red and I was smiling wide that my dimples were shining. I watched as Schwoz entered. "Schwoz, I need your help!", I said.
"Sure, what is it, Bose?", he asked.
"Whenever I talk to this person, I feel weird in my stomach", I said. "And I thought I should get a checkup since this could also be because of my super power".
"Well, what type of feeling do you get?", asked Schwoz.
"I feel nervous, and I can't talk", I explained.
"You have the butterflies", said Schwoz.
"I have a disease?!", I gasped.
"No, no, you're just nervous", said Schwoz. "That's it. It's perfectly normal".
"Thanks", I said, as I walked away with this butterfly in my stomach. Or butterflies.
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