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The Danger Force Awakens:

"Time to practice your lying", said Schwoz, as he walked in. Miles and Chapa groaned, as Schowz began, "My friend is on fire and I must pour water on his face".

"My friend is on fire-", began Mika but stopped as she noticed no one doing anything. "Am I the only one doing it?".

"As much as it's fun to lie all day, it's not fun at all and I hate it", said Chapa.

"Hate is a strong word which is used correctly in this context", said Miles.

"What they're trying to say is that Captain Man bought this school to teach us how to be superheroes and-", began Mika, but was cut off.

"Lying is a part of having a superhero identity. You need to protect your secret identity", said Schwoz.

"We didn't even ask for these powers", said Chapa, as we soon reenacted the Drex scene.

"And now I can....wait, what's my superpower?", I asked.

"You can move things with your head", Jay said.

"I thought that was Chapa", I said.

"I can shoot lightning bolts from my hands", said Chapa.

"Then what's Miles' power?", I asked.

"He can teleport anywhere in the world", said Mika.

"Then, what's your superpower?", I asked.

"I can immobilize", Jay said.

"Mika's?", I asked.

"She doesn't have one", said Chapa, as I gasped.

"If you can focus your attention-", began Schwoz but was cut off.

"Are you scared that you'll never get one?", I interviewed.

"Pfffft. Absolutely not", said Mika.

"Now, that's bad lying", said Miles.

"Dear brother, I'm not lying and I'm not scared", said Mika.

"Wait, you guys are siblings?", I asked.

"I thought you knew that", Jay said, as he smacked his head.

"Heyyyyy!", said the horn.

"Never Hey Horn a woman", said Chapa, as electricity crackled between her fingers.

"Chapa, relax", said Mika.

"Don't tell me to relax. We've been here for three whole weeks and we've been practicing nothing but lying. And we've been getting the 'hey horn' as well", said Chapa.

"I'm great at lying", I said. "I'm totally wearing pants right now".

"Are you not wearing pants right now?", Jay asked.

"Not important but watch me take away Schwoz's hey horn away", I said, as I began levitating it in the air.

"I'm not going to jump for it. You want me to, but I'm not gonna. You'll see", said Schwoz.

"You hate to see it", Jay said.

"Give me my horn back", said Schwoz, as he began jumping in the air for it. Jay zapped it with his power as it fell to the ground and didn't work.

"As soon as let us fight crime", said Miles.

"That's not up to me, that's up to Captain Man", said Schwoz.

"Emergency, Emergency", said Captain Man, as he landed on the ground.

"Yes!", cheered Chapa.

"THIS IS NOT A DRILL! GET UP TO THE MAN'S NEST AND GET READY", said Ray, as Mika and I got into our seats. We pressed the button as we flew up. We arrived at the chair stop and got off. Mika popped her gum as she went back down. Jay popped his gum and had a green outfit. It was similar to mine but who's looking? There was a lot of mixing, where the gumballs mixed up, Miles had Jay's outfit and I had Mika's. An hour and a half later, we were ready.

"It's our time", said Miles.

"That's right", said Chapa.

"This is my cool face", I said.

"Ready to fight crime", Jay said.

"This was just a drill", announced Captain Man.

"How dare you?!", asked Chapa.

"That was not cool", said Mika.

"You are a jerk", said Miles.

"Captain Meanie", Jay said.

"And it took you an hour and a half", said Captain Man.

"Hokay, who burned the couch?", asked Schwoz.

"Bose did it", said Chapa, hiding her hands, as I looked confused.

Everyone de transformed as Ray kept replaying the moment where Miles, Chapa, and I crashed into each other. "I know we seem bad in here but we're awesome in the real world", said Mika.

"Actually, there's a crime drought", said Ray.

"There's no such thing as a crime drought", Jay said.

"Yes there is", said Ray.

"He got you there", I said.

"Bose", he said, looking at me as I grinned.

"Back in the day, Kid Danger and I fought all those criminals and locked them up. Miss ya, Kid. Anyray, we're in a crime drought so no one's doing nothing", said Ray.

"Ray, I've been calling you for the past ten minutes", said Schwoz, as his face appeared on the screen.

"Ooopsie, Raysie", said Ray.

"When I don't pick up my phone, I'm fired from work but when you do it, it's okay?", asked Schwoz.

"I gotta go", said Ray.

"Where?", asked Miles.

"Is it an emergency? Can we come?", asked Chapa.

"My friends is on fire-", began Ray, as Schwoz did the cutting neck action.

"Ray, you have no friends", Jay grinned, as Ray rolled his eyes.

"No, my aunt needs to go to a washdown", said Ray, as he walked closer to the door.

"You have an aunt?", Jay asked.

"Can we come?", I asked.

"No, she gets shy about the whole thing", said Ray, as he left.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to ring their doorbell?", Jay asked, as Jay and I were standing outside the twins house.

"Yes. Parents love that", I said, as he rolled my eyes.

"No, they don't", he said, as the door opened.

"What the heck is going on?", asked Miles's father, as he dragged both of us into Mika's room.

"Why was this boy yelling that he was lost in a supermarket looking for his mommy?", asked Mika's mother.

"What's-going on?", whispered the father.

"Why are these children here?", asked the mother.

"We have a test the next day and we have to study together", lied Mika.

"Great lie. The practice at school has paid off", I said, as Jay face palmed.

"Lie! That's it", Jay said, as an idea came to my head.

"Why are you learning how to lie at school?", asked their mother.

"Our school's private and free, don't ask questions", said Miles.

"Good point", said their father as they both left.

"What do you mean by lie?", asked Miles, as I took a seat in the swing.

"Schwoz told us that lying is a part of being a superhero", I recalled. "That means Ray's been lying to us. He went to fight crime by himself".

"But there's a crime drought", I said.

"There is no crime drought!", the rest of them yelled.

"That means he's lying to us", I gasped.

"Yes", Jay sighed, as he seemed a bit annoyed.

Now we were in the Man's Nest watching a video about how the Thunderman Girl and Henry were fighting the villain. It didn't really matter because Ray just kept talking about how awesome he was when he was stuck in concrete. "On it!", said Ray, bringing my attention back.

"Who was that?", Jay asked.

"My hairdresser", he lied.

"You should get some frosted tips. They're very in now", I said.

"I should get going", said Ray.

"I think you're lying", said Mika.

"What?", he asked.

"I think you're going to go fight crime without us", said Miles.

"I respect all of your 'abilities' equally", said Ray.

"Excuse me?", I gasped, as Jay laughed. I got him to laugh.

"Awww, can't wait to see your frosted tips later", said Chapa as we all giggled.

He went out saying about how subtle they would be or something like that. Once he left, Mika jumped. "Guys, he's going to the Swellview prison", she said. "Let's blow and go".

"Nice rhyme sis", said Miles, as all of us transformed.

"Can you teleport us to the Swellview prison?", asked Chapa.

"I can try", I said.

"No she was talking to Miles", Jay reminded me, as I grinned.

"I can still try", I said, as he rolled his eyes.

"You can't control where you always teleport", said Mika.

"So?", asked Miles.

"So you can teleport us to Paris, the moon, or even a volcano", she said.

"Okay, Ray had to leave", said Schwoz, "where are you going?".

"To get some frosted tips", said Chapa.

We teleported into a bush, as we soon slowly got out of there. "What are you doing here?", asked Captain Man, as he saw us emerge out of the bushes.

"And what are you doing here?", Jay asked.

"Fighting crime", he sighed.

"That's funny! I thought you went to the haircut store to get some frosted tips!", said Chapa.

"Yeah, well I decided that I looked good the way I am. Now get out of here!", said Captain Man.

"If it's okay with you, I'm going to go back to breaking my grandfather out of prison", said Crank, as he kept drilling a hole in the prison wall.

"No!", said Captain Man.

"Yeah, no! Cuz we're going to stop you", said Mika.

"Uh, I'm gonna stop them because I'm the actual superhero", said Captain Man.

"So you're saying that we're not superheroes?", I asked.

"Yeah a superhero who's been lying to us for a week", said Miles.

"There hasn't been a 'crime drought'", said Mika.

"You've been telling us that so you can fight crime by yourself", said Chapa.

"Yeah, you bet I've been lying to you. Cuz you two can't control your powers", said Captain Man as he pointed at Chapa and Miles. "You wear shirts for pants and he's your babysitter". He pointed at Jay and me. "And lastly you don't even have a superpower". He said to Mika.

"They're called shants", I frowned, as Jay patted my shoulder.

"Face it, none of you are ready to be superheroes", said Captain Man.

"You're right, I don't have a superpower. I might never get one, but you know what? Being a superhero isn't about having a superpower. It's about what is inside of you. What's here", said Mika as she pointed at her heart.

"Our skeletons", I said, as I looked at Jay and he shook his head.

"Please don't help. I know I've got what it takes to be a superhero, and I do know they, too", said Mika.

"Okay, show me how ready you are", said Captain Man.

"Let's do this", I said, as we walked towards the goons.

"I haven't learned to aim yet", whispered Chapa.

"Just believe in yourself", Jay whispered.

"Can you learn now?", I asked.

I watched as Chapa used her power and hit Captain Man who flew across the wall. "Bose, how could you?", she asked, as Jay giggled.

"Go get in there and bring back Captain Man", said Mika.

"Copy that", said Miles, as he teleported.

"Get 'em", I said, as the four of us yelled and charged at the goons.

I watched as Chapa used her power on the goon but it hit her back sending her into a bush. "Ahh, dang it!", she groaned.

"Hey! Heyyy!", yelled Captain Man.

"Captain Man?", asked Mika.

"We're here", said Miles, as we saw him and Captain Man stuck in the wall.

"Bose, what are you doing?", Jay asked, as a goon was attacking me.

"Will you guys get down here?", asked Mika.

"We can't!", said Captain Man.

"What happened?", asked Mika.

"We got stuck in the wall on the way back", said Miles.

"That's possible?", Jay asked.

"We just found out", said Miles.

"Destroy the machine", I said, as I levitated. I watched as Jay used his power but he missed and hit me by accident. I felt my knees give out as I fell to the ground with the goon over me. "I thought that would work".

"Sorry", Jay said, shyly.

"You see? Not. Ready?", said Captain man, as Jay was tied to a bush. I don't know what was happening but I felt angry that I couldn't run over there and help him out.

"Yes...we...AAARRREEE!", yelled Mika, as her superpower was activated. "You guys have a superpower".

"It's about time", said Chapa.

"Time reveals things", said Miles.

"You can fly?", I asked, as Jay laughed.

"No, silly, she has super screaming", he said, as he looked over at Mika who was tied to a bush as the goons left.

"Pop-pop?", asked Crank as an old man came out of the hole in the prison wall made by Mika.

"Crank, my boy!", said the old man.

"You owe me money!", said Crank, as they both ran inside the prison cell.

"AHHHHH!", screamed the grandfather.

"Well, well, what's going on here?", asked The Toddler.

"Toddler! Get back in your crib!", said Captain Man.

"No, come on everybody! We're free again!", said The Toddler.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no", said Captain Man, as a bunch of villains escaped.

"Yay!", said Frankini.

"Wait for me, Frankini!", said Goomer, as he followed.

"I can't bee-live my luck", said the Bee-keeper, as he also escaped.

"I still have hope for a win", said Dr. Minyak.

"My life has purpose", said Jeff.

"Time to go!", said Time Jerker.

"Are you happy?", asked Captain Man.

"Yeah, I got a superpower!", said Mika.

"You just let out every villain out of Swellview Prison", said Captain Man.

"With my superpower", Mika said.

"Weeee", said Frankini, as he danced out.

"I started out as a good guy", said Jack Frittleman.

"So did we! Heyy!", said the Thumb Buddies.

"Hey, I just realized- we ended the crime drought", I said.

"He's right", said Jay, as I felt something in my stomach.

"Now you have to let us fight crime", said Chapa.

"We'll probably need at least a hundred hilarious missions to do it. Maybe more!", said Captain Man.

"Are you going back around and running over and over again?", asked Jay, as Frankini danced.

"Check, check. Sweetie, I smuggled 75 outfits into this prison and you're going to see every last one of them", said Frankini.

"There's no punishment worse than this", muttered Jay, as that feeling erupted in my stomach. 

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