Twin It To Win It:
I was standing in the Man's Nerst listening to Mika talking to me about something. "I'm just looking for my donut", I said.
"Oh, it's in your hand", she said, as I lifted the empty hand. "The other one".
"Oh there it is, I always check last in the place I put it. Good luck finding your dad's boat", I said, as I saw Jay walk in. "I got your donut".
"Awww, you're a perfect boyfriend", he said, as he held the coffee with his hand and held the donut with the other. He leaned in and kissed my cheek as we both walked over to the couch. He fed me some of the donut and gave me some of his coffee as well.
"Yo, what's up!", said Schwoz as he walked in.
"Hey big dog", said Chapa.
"Where's Ray?", asked Jay.
"He's wearing a pink sweat outfit his ex-girlfriend once gave him since I'm on a laundry strike", said Schwoz.
"So that's what's up with all the laundry", said Miles.
"I just thought they were really dope bean bags", I said, as Jay intertwined our fingers.
"Can you believe that Chapa and Jay haven't watched any of Jacbob's Coyote?", asked Miles.
"We should make them watch it in the right order", I said.
"First seven, then two, then seven again, the five!", said Miles and I together.
"Or how about we watch it from 1-7 and Chapa and I will figure it out?", said Jay.
"That works too", said Miles.
"I'm so going to win this", said Mika.
"No you're not", said Miles.
"You don't know that", said Mika, as we paused the show.
"How about you guys have a competition?", suggested Chapa.
"Already having one", said Mika.
"How about you have a bigger competition?", asked Chapa.
"I'm listening", said Mika.
"We want to watch without having to save crime every five minutes and you guys want to win. So why don't you guys round out all the criminals and keep track. By the end of Jacob's Coyote week we'll see who won".
"And that'll be me", said Mika.
"What's the reward?", Jay asked.
"Whoever wins gets to stay alive", said Chapa.
"Or, or, whoever wins gets to take a bath in the nice bath tub after our father is done", said Mika.
"That's actually way better", said Miles.
"My plan still stands", said Chapa, as she sat between Jay and Schwoz.
"She's scary", I said, as I cuddled into Jay's arm.
"Are you guys watching Jacob's Coyote without me?", asked Ray.
"Yeah!", everyone said.
"Can you guys put an elaborate series of mirrors so I can watch while pouting?", asked Ray.
"No!", everyone said, as we returned to watching.
Later that day, Ray, Chapa, Jay, and I were in the S.W.A.G. classroom continuing the movie. "Your pink suit is shining", Jay said.
"Well, I love it", said Ray.
"You're more toxic than I am to be wearing your ex's clothes", said Chapa.
"That's for a fact true", I added.
We continued watching the movie till there was a cricket sound. "What's that cricket sound?", asked Ray.
"I think it's a cricket, sir", I said, as we paused the movie.
"Well, I guess we have to end it", said Ray.
Chapa began zapping everywhere looking for the cricket. "Why don't we just increase the volume?", I asked.
"I have a feeling this will be a problem in the future", Jay said.
"Good thing I have a grenade", said Ray as he tossed it to the side. Some gas began flowing everywhere making it hard to breathe.
"Shouldn't we put on a mask?", Jay asked, as it soon began to get really foggy.
"Good thinking", said Ray, as he placed one on himself.
"Do you have three more?", I asked.
"Good thinking", said Ray, as he placed another two on his face.
I grabbed Jay closer to me as we all ran out. "Gah! That was the good part", said Chapa.
"I know we almost got to know who he was", said Jay.
"Anyway, I'll come back tomorrow", said Chapa. "Right now, I need some sleep". She yawned as she walked away.
"You know how you said that we should go on an unplanned date?", asked Jay.
"Yeah", I said.
"Now would be a perfect time", Jay said, as he held my hand.
I smiled as we both walked to Hip Hop Puree. "Can we have...the couples puree?", I asked.
"Couples, ooooh", teased Courtney as she handed us our orders.
We both sat down at a table as we got two straws. I blushed red as we both leaned in to take a sip. "I've been so stressed out lately", said Jay.
"What for?", I asked.
"I'm doing a charity organizer where I go on a date with a bunch of people", said Jay.
"Oh", I frowned.
"But then I think to myself, 'Gah, I miss my boyfriend so so so so much'", he said, as he hugged me. I smiled widely as I hugged him too. I kissed him softly as we continued drinking.
The next day, Chapa, Miles, Schwoz, Jay, and I were sitting in the S.W.A.G. classroom. "Start the movie", groaned Chapa.
"Be patient", said Miles, as I set the food on Jay's seat.
"Where do I sit?", asked Jay, as he frowned.
I pulled him onto my lap as I kissed his cheek. I smirked as he turned red and settled in. "What are you guys doing?", Mika asked, as she came down the chairs.
"We're watching Jacob's Coyote", said Chapa.
"Where's Ray?", asked Mika.
"Ray's coughing in the closet from yesterday's gas leak. He never listens when I tell him not to buy gas masks from people at the gas station", said Schwoz.
"It was cheap!", said Ray from the closet.
There was a cricket noise as everyone stood up and paused the tv. "I thought Ray got rid of that", said Chapa. She began blasting the ceiling as chunks of it fell. I began checking the laundry bags.
"I think it's coming from Bose's pocket", Jay said.
"Yes, get him", said Schwoz, as Chapa and Schwoz began kicking my back pocket.
"Owww", I whined as I clung onto Jay.
"Chapa, Schwoz, stop", said Jay. We heard the cricket sound again. "Bosey, sunshine, is that your ringtone?".
"I don't have a phone. Some boy stole it That's why I'm so angry. It's my origin", I said, as everyone face palmed.
"Close, but it's Chapa's origin", Jay said, as I removed my hands from his neck.
"That's my origin", said Chapa.
"I don't have a phone. I wrote it on my phone", I said as I pulled my phone out.
"Now someone please call him", said Chapa.
"Should I?", asked Schwoz.
"It doesn't matter!", said Chapa.
"I'm on it", said Schwoz, as he called my number and my phone began ringing.
"I feel like you guys want to kick my butt", I said.
"Yes, I do", said Schwoz, as everyone chased me. I ran around in circles as Chapa and Schwoz chased me into the closet while Jay followed them.
"I'M MADDER AT MYSELF THAN ANYBODY!", I wailed, as I ran into the Man's Nest.
"Bosey", said Jay.
"Save me", I begged, as I clung onto Jay tightly.
"Heel, Bose!", yelled Chapa.
"Jay, help", I said, as he nodded.
"Okay Chapa, Schwoz. Time out", Jay said, as he played with my fingers.
"What?", asked Schwoz.
"Cut him some slack", said Jay.
"No", said Chapa.
"I can't believe I have to do this", groaned Jay.
"Don't do it", said Schwoz.
I watched as Jay ruffled his hair and looked at Schwoz and Chapa. I looked at him and my heart stopped beating. He looked so gorgeous. The way his hair shook lightly and his eyes were so pure. "Schwox, Chapa, promise to leave Bose alone", said Jay.
"Y-yeah", said Chapa, as her eyes were glued to him.
"Aiie", sighed Schwoz, as I cleared my throat.
"Fine, just this once", snapped Chapa as they both left.
"Thank you for saving me", I gasped, as I kissed him and hugged him.
"Anything for your brain", he said, as he hugged me back.
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