Cruel Summer

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Radioactive Cat:

We all were transformed and we were in the classroom where Captain Man was teaching us about doors. "What is a door?", asked Captain Man.

Everyone groaned as ShoutOut eagerly raised her hand. "I know what a door is", she said.

"Relax Hermionie", said Captain Man. "Ha". He clapped Volt's hand as ShoutOut looked confused.

"How is that an insult?", asked ShoutOut. "It means I'm the smartest and most hardworking person".

"Okay, Hermione", said Captain Man.

"Can we get back to you pretending that we don't know what doors are?", asked AWOL.

"Ten points for AWOL", said Captain Man.

"What?!", gasped ShoutOut.

"I'm going to kick this door!", announced Volt, as she began to kick it but Captain Man stopped her making us all groan.

"Kicking a door is the most important thing a superhero can do", said Captain Man.

"I thought saving people was the most important thing we could do", I said.

"I'm so proud of you sunshine", said Venom, as I smiled.

"How can you save people if you can't kick down a door?", asked Captain Man.

"Easy, I'd walk around the door", I said, as I walked around the door.

"What if there was a wall on that side of the door?", asked Captain Man.

"Then I'd walk around the other side. Is he always this dumb?", I said, as Jay grinned at me.

"I'm going to kick this door!", announced Volt, as Schwoz came into the room. He opened the door and began using a device to scan everyone.

"Schwoz, what are you doing?", Venom asked, as he finished scanning me.

"Nothing", he said.

"The first step in kicking a door is to acknowledge the door and thank it for its service", said Captain Man. "Door I greet you as an equal but I must kick you". He kicked open the door.

"Do you really say that every time?", asked AWOL.

"I've seen you kick a door four times and you never say that", Venom said.

"You always say 'Ding dong special delivery for a bunch of gunches'", I said, in a deep voice making Venom giggle.

"I do but I also offer a silent prayer to the door", said Captain Man.

"But you don't though", said ShoutOut.

"Amen, Ding dong you bunch of gunches", said Captain Man as he kicked down Volt's door.

"Dude, that was my door", said Volt. "I'm taking AWOL's door".

"No you're not kicking down my door", said AWOL.

"Who wants vitamins? Schwoz's Schwart's Vitamins. Don't ask questions and just shut up and eat them", said Schwoz, as he began passing around vitamins.

"Sure", I said as I took the vitamin.

"No, Bosey", said Venom as he stopped me.

"These don't look like vitamins", ShoutOut said.

"Okay Hermionie", said Schwoz, as he high-fived Captain Man.

"These taste terrible", said Captain Man.

"They're iodine pills", said ShoutOut.

"Why are you making us take iodine pills?", asked Volt.

"You only take them if you've been exposed to a huge amount of radiation", I said.

"You do?", asked Schwoz.

"Yeah you do", said ShoutOut.

"Schwoz, have we been exposed to large amounts of radiation?", asked AWOL.

Schwoz threw the petri dish in the air as he ran through every door and hid in the closet. "That was concerning", said Volt.

"Fun for me but concerning", Venom.

"Maybe for you but I'm indestructible", said Captain Man as he took Volt's iodine pill.

"Why are you taking everyone's iodine pill?", asked ShoutOut.

"Ding dong!", said Captain Man as he kicked down AWOL's door.

"That was my door!", cried AWOL.

"Can we get back to the problem where we could or must have had so much exposure to radiation?", asked ShoutOut.

"It'll be fine", said Captain Man as he took my iodine pill.

"Stop taking everyone's pills", Venom warned.

"Okay, everyone line up so I can get a clear reading", said Schwoz, as he made us all stand.

"Do you want to tell us what's going on?", I asked.

"I'm going to tell you what's going on", said Captain Man. "My foot on a door".

"You did not say a prayer that time", said Volt.

"Gods busy", said Captain Man as he approached my door.

"Don't even think about it", Venom glared as I chuckled.

"Schwoz, why are you wearing that suit?", asked AWOL.

"I'll tell you but I don't want you all to be angries with me", said Schwoz.

"We're already angries with you", said Volt.

"Stranger Approaching. School Mode Activated", said the system as everything was replaced with desks as we de transformed.

We all took our seats as the door opened. "Ding dong", said a voice, as Ray kicked a nearby trash can.

"Mom?", I asked.

"Ms. O'Brien?", Jay asked.

"Mom?", asked Ray.

"Oh no", Jay mumbled, as I laughed.

""Yes, I'm Bose's mom", said Ms. O'Brien.

"Come on in, we're just taking vitamins", said Ray.

"Mom, why are you here?", I asked.

"Because you left your bag at home, Bobo", she said.

"I think that's your bag, mom", I said.

"Oh, I love this bag! I was really jealous when I thought it was yours", she said.

"Now that you've got the bag mystery cleared up, maybe you could go and let us continue class", said Mika.

"Ok, Hermionie", said my mom as she left the classroom.

"Again, not an insult", Mika repeated.

"Now you want to tell us what's going on?", asked Miles.

"So I was doing jazz science", said Schwoz.

"Jazz science?", I asked.

"Doing science without a plan. Letting the chemicals lead me to answers", said Schwoz.

"That's so irresponsible", said Chapa. "Fun but irresponsible".

Schwoz then used a bunch of rhymes about how he ended up filling a cat with radiation. "So you filled a cat with radiation?", asked Ray.

"That's jazz, baby", said Schwoz.

"So there's a radioactive cat in your lab?", asked Chapa.

"The cat is long gone", said Schwoz.

"Wait, what's radioactive mean?", I asked.

"It means that Schwoz needs to find an antidote before it spreads to everyone", Jay explained.

"Whatever you do, don't approach the cat, don't snuggle the cat, and don't name the cat", said Schwoz.

"Why not? Names are fun", I said.

"That's the first step before you do something crazy like letting the cat drink spicy milk out of your mouth", said Schwoz.

"No one in the right mind would do that", said Ray.

"Let me find a quick antidote, you guys round up some kittens", said Schwoz.

"Let's take some iodine pills and split up", said Mika, as we all swallowed the pills.

"Macklin twins on your own", said Ray. "Rest of you with me".

At the Swellview park, Jay, Chapa, Ray, and I were hunting for kittens. I looked at Jay who emerged from behind a tree. He had a few green leaves in his hair which contrasted well with his black hair. He looked adorable as he held a gray cat. "Isn't he so cute?", asked Jay, as my breath hitched.

"Y-I-you are", I let out as he smiled at me. I kissed his cheek as he continued to pet the cat.

"We found some cats", said Chapa, as she brought over a box.

"Great, I found this one. Isn't he cute?", asked Jay.

"He is", said Ray. "Too bad he's full of radiation".

"We don't even know if it has radiation in it or not", I said, as we went to the Man's Nest.

We arrived at the Man's Nest with the cat carriers. "Here they are", said Ray, as we showed Schwoz all the cats.

"Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope", he said, as he pointed at each one. Schwoz was wearing some fish suit which made the cats chase after him.

"As much as I like seeing Schwoz get hurt, this has been a huge waste of time", said Ray.

"Well, I can't hang around for long", I said. "My mom's been asking Jay and me to pick up cat food for our new cat". That's when it hit me. "What if my cat knows the cat we're looking for?".

"I don't know we could ask it", said Chapa, in a strained voice.

"Does anyone speak cat?", I asked.

"Meow", Jay said, as I blushed red.

"T-The it's settled Jay Jay knows", I stuttered.

"Bosey, sunshine", said Jay as he petted my hair.

"Dang it Bose! Your hot mom took the cat. Now I'm going to have to do 100 push ups and wear my shortest tank top", said Ray

"Has she sent you a pic?", asked Chapa.

"Yeah, I saw her this morning. I approve", he said.

"No she meant the cat", Jay sighed.

"Yes she did", said Bose as I showed a picture of a black cat.

"That's the one", said Schwoz. "She must've found it outside our school".

"Great!", I said.

"Not great", said Mika.

"Wait, why not great?", I asked as everyone agreed.

"Bose's mom has been snuggling with a cat all day", said Mika.

"She is a cat lady", I added.

"Good to know what she loves", said Ray. "I'd better be writing this down".

"You do know that she's married to the vice mayor right?", asked Chapa.

"And he's out of town", I said.

"Not helping", Jay sighed, as he wrapped his arms wround my neck..

"Perfect Schwoz, go get me my smallest tank top", said Ray.

"Wait Schwoz, can you get me the antidote first?", asked Miles.

"Oh no! That's what I forgot", said Schwoz.

"You haven't made the antidote yet?!", Mika gasped.

"I was too busy making my mahee mahey mo mo", said Schwoz.

"WHAT?", asked Chapa.

"I gotta go make the antidote", said Schwoz.

"Bose, and Jay, get the cat from her so we can input the antidote", said Mika.

"Wait for me, I need 12 minutes to wake up my abs", said Ray.

"Can you do it in two?", asked Miles.

"I got a six pack in here. It takes two whole minutes to wake up Khloe, Kim, Kourtney, Kendal, Kylie, and Kanye", said Ray as everyone looked at him weirdly.

"Just go", said Mika, as she handed us some gloves. I put mine on my head as Jay put it on his head.

Jay and I arrived at the secret door on the side. "We're pretty lucky that you took me to that ice cream store and that store where you had to return that shirt", I said.

"Yep what a coincidence", Jay said. "Why are we on this side?".

"This is a side entrance. It's perfect for sneaking in and out", I said.

We heard the door open as we froze there. "Hey Bosey", said my mom. "I saw this wall with a door handle on it".

"That's nice", I said, as I noticed the cat she was holding.

"Hey Jay", said my mom. "I didn't know you two were hanging out".

Jay looked at me as I looked away. I took a deep breath before I grabbed Jay's hand making him blush and my mom gasp. "We're together", I said.

"I knew it!", she said.

"Wait, you're not mad?", I asked.

"Of course not. Whatever makes you happy", said my mom. "Did you bring the cat food?".

"Here", I said, as I handed the top part of my ice cream. "Mom, about the cat. You need to give it back".

"Why? I love Meatball", said my mom.

"It's radioactive", Jay said.

"No it's not", said my mom.

"Then why am I wearing space gloves?", I asked.

"Maybe you were shaking hands with an alien", said my mom.

"I wish", I said.

"Meatball already took your room", said my mom.

"What?", I asked, as Jay patted my shoulder.

"And now you can live in the guest house", said my mom.

"Everyone's gonna want to hear this", said Jay as he pulled out his phone.

"Yay, my own house!", I said, as I ran to the guest house.

"Wait for me!", said Jay as he followed me while texting.

"Yeah we heard that", I said. "But what about the cat?".

The two of us soon returned to the Man's Nest where Schwoz was prepping the antidote. Miles and Mika went and came back with no use. "Where's Chapa and Ray?", asked Bose.

"They're being city people to go get the cat", said Mika.

"Barium", said Schwoz.

"Barium", said Mika, as she handed him the beaker.

"I heard a 'B'", I said.

"I think you guys got this", said Miles.

"Can I lick the beakers when you're done?", I asked.

"How about I time you two while you run to the outside door and back? I'm timing you", said Miles.

"Yes", I said, as Jay smirked at me. We both ran outside the Man's Nest. We reached the far wall as we both stopped for a moment.

"Victory kiss?", he winked.

"I already have the victory", I said, as he frowned. "But I don't have a kiss".

"Let's go", said Jay.

He smiled as we kissed quickly before running again. "What time did I get?", I asked, as we ran in.

"Three minutes", Miles said.

"Awesome", Jay said, as he hugged me. I turned a tomato. Everyone cooed as we both pulled back out of the hug with red cheeks.

"Schwoz, will this cat end my mom?", I asked.

"Look at this glow up", said Ray, as he showed us a picture of my mom who was green.

"That's bad! The cat has already inflicted his mother", said Schwoz.

"You made an antidote for Bose's mother too, right?", asked Mika.

"Yeah", said Schwoz.

"Great, we're going to have to inject both of them no matter what", Jay said.

"I have an idea", said Ray as he talked about horses, a hot air balloon with a winky emoji, and Bigfoot.

"Let's just go", said Miles, as we grabbed the antidotes and transformed.

"Why don't we kick down the door?", asked Volt, as we all nodded.

We arrived at the mansion's side door. "Lady, please come out with your cat!", said AWOL.

"No, you're going to take Meatball away from me", said my mother.

"Meatball, aww", Venom cooed.

"Just come out mom!", I said.

"-ma Mia, you're frustrating us. None of whom are your children", said ShoutOut.

"But I'm her child", I said.

"I know sunshine, but as Brainstorm you're not", said Venom as he smiled at me.

I watched as Volt kicked the door but it didn't budge. "Door, I greet you as an equal but I must kick you", said Volt, whiningly as she kicked the door off its hinges.

Volt entered the house as she soon brought out the glowing woman and the cat. ShoutOut super screamed at my mom making her fall to the ground. Venom immobilized my mom as I levitated the cat. Volt and AWOL both injected the cat and my mom as they turned to normal. My mom was free as Venom snapped his fingers. "Am I hallucinating or do you guys also hear screaming?", asked AWOL.

"Yeah, I hear it", said Volt.

"Is that a hot air balloon with a winky emoji?", I asked.

"Meatball, come back! You're all that I have! And what glows!", said my mom as she ran after the cat.

"Mom!", I said.

"-ma Mia, what a mean thing to say if you had kids", added ShoutOut.

"I'm her kid", I said.

"But she doesn't know that", said Venom.

We watched as Captain Man and Bigfoot fell to the ground. "Danger Force, he's your part of the plan", began Captain Man.

"It's kind of done. We had our own plan", said ShoutOut.

"But I paid for the horses", Captain Man protested as we teleported away.

"Sorry", said Volt.

That night, I de transformed in the Man's Nest as everyone left. "Bosey, wanna go home?", asked Jay.

"Hmmm? Sure", I said.

"Is everything alright?", he asked.

"It's that I never knew who my father was and my mom's trying not to remember about him and I feel so alone", I said, as I began crying. I felt Jay hug me tightly as he kissed my forehead. I cried for a few minutes before I looked up at him.

"Should we go home?", he asked, as I smiled softly.

"Jay, moo", I said, as I struggled to say it.

He blushed as he smiled. "You don't have to force yourself to say it. You can always tell me when you feel ready", he said, as I kissed him.

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