I Knew You Were Trouble

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Everyone was in the Man's Nest except for Mika. We were cooking food over a barrel which was on fire roasting it crisp. "Food tastes better when it's cooked over an open fire with matches and oil", said Ray.

"It smells a whole lot worse", said Chapa.

"The Man's Nest will smell like this for a while", Miles said.

"All the bad smell you're smelling is the bad flavor leaving the meat", said Ray.

"Wow, you're so wise, Ray", I said.

"Fun Fact: Oil is actually dinosaur blood", he said.

"I think that's wrong", Chapa pointed out.

"Where's Mika?", Schwoz asked.

"Yeah, where's Jay? I haven't seen him for a few days", I said, as I missed my boyfriend's presence.

"Where's my meat?", asked a voice. We turned around to see Mika standing there tiredly.

"I didn't find it!", said Jay, as he ran in. His shirt was ripped revealing some of his chest. His hair was messed up in a cute way and he had bags under his eyes.

"Is this your meat?", asked Miles, as he held his stick.

"Did you all eat it?", she asked.

"If you leave it, I will eat it", said Ray.

"Finders, eaters", I said.

"Losers, starvers", finished Chapa.

"Clink", we said as we bumped our sticks together.

"Well I need to get going to the nearest meat store", Mika said.

"Oh no", whispered Miles.

"You mean the good 'oh no' or the bad 'oh no'?", asked Chapa.

"My sister did something wrong", said Miles.

"Really? Mika did something wrong?", asked Jay, as he nervously chuckled.

"Really bad", finished Miles.

"Are you wearing my pants?", asked Ray.

"And why are your clothes ripped?", I asked Jay.

"Well I need to get going to the meat store", said Mika but was stopped.

"I need to rob one", said Jay.

"Why are you wearing my clothes?", asked Ray.

"And why are you using bags as shoes?", I asked.

"Why are you acting so crazies?", asked Schwoz.

"I did a bad thing", she admitted.

"Told ya!", claimed Miles.

"It's Mika, how bad could it be?", asked Chapa.

"I did a bad thing", Mika repeated. "So you know how I've never won employee of the month?".

"We have that?", I asked.

"No we don't", said Ray.

"But if we did, I would win. Just like I have a 33 month flosser streak at my dentist", said Mika.

"You go to your dentist every month?", asked Chapa.

"33 months, that's like a hundred years", I said.

"It's under three years", Jay said, as he fiddled with his fingers.

"So you remember how Ray got jury duty?", asked Mika, as everyone agreed. "I thought that I could win employee of the month by helping Ray. I believe in doing jury duty since you're always supposed to do your part".

"Do your part", I said.

"You do your part, you do your part", said Miles.

"But Ray would be like a terrible juror", said Mika.

"Yeah, don't do your part", Jay said.

"Why? I'd make a great juror", Ray protested.

"No you don't, you have a lot of biases", said Mika.

"Like what?", he scoffed.

"You think bald people are all guilty", said Miles.

"You think people who are left-handed cheat on their taxes", Jay said.

"And you said, you couldn't trust people who have two first names", I said.

"You can't! Like: Tom Brady, Jack Paul, but the only exception is Jennifer Lawrence since I caught her checking me out at the close Nacho ball", said Ray.

"What was Jennifer Lawrence doing at the close Nacho Ball?", asked Miles.

"Checking me out", said Ray.

"Something needs to be checked out alright", Jay said, as he sipped some coffee.

"Mika, did you say you were going to clone Ray?", asked Chapa.

"Yeah, I was going to use Schwoz's cloning machine which I did", said Mika.

"Say what now?", asked Schwoz.

"I was going to give him the clone as a gift so he could be there with us while Danny Chest is here. The clone could be at jury duty", Mika said.

"We love you Danny Chest!!!", Miles and I yelled as we high fived.

"And then I could win employee of the month and that defendant will be the first one to get a fair trial from 'Ray'", said Mika.

"Wait, don't you need some of my DNA to clone me?", asked Ray.

"So you know how you've been eating all those BBQ ribs?", asked Mika.

"You put the mini rib into the cloning machine?", asked Schwoz.

"What does that mean?", I asked.

"It means you end up with a mini", began Schwoz.

"Ray", Mika finished. "And Short Ray blasted the cloning machine".

"He blasted it?!", gasped Schwoz.

"So there's a mini Ray running around here saying gibberish and zapping people?", asked Chapa.

"There's actually an old Ray who does that", said Ray, referring to the time he went time traveling.

"But you didn't give up, did you? Did you?", asked Miles as Mika flinched.

"I did a bad thing. I couldn't do it so I asked Jay for help. He came up with a plan. We took some books from the restricted section of the Man's Nest library and 'borrowed' some of Schwoz's equipment. We took some more of Ray's DNA after he ate a full rib and we cloned him the old fashioned way", said Mika. "and this is where it starts to get weird".

"It starts to?", Chapa asked. The doors opened as a mysterious person came in. I ran behind Jay and hid behind him. The zombie thing walked over to Mika and Jay and hugged them. "I named him Monsty".

That night, Jay and I were in the Man's Nest infirmary. I noticed he was clutching his side. "I thought you were cloning Ray not fighting him", I said, as I walked over to Jay.

"Yeah, but laser grenades actually hurt", Jay said, as he searched through some boxes.

"Can I see?", I asked, as he blushed. "It's okay you don't have to".

"It hurts a lot. I've been trying to find Tiny Ray for a while and I can't. His grenades hurt a lot. Luckily, I destroyed the grenade so we're good. Someone needs to take him to jail that's all", said Jay, as he sat on the bench.

I went through the boxes and found some antibiotic cream. I brought it over to Jay who looked at me with his doe eyes. "I missed you alot", I said, as I looked at him.

"I'm sorry. Mika needed help and I know she hates making mistakes. I didn't want to let her down", said Jay.

"You amaze me every day", I said, as I kissed his cheek.

"Maybe that's my superpower", he said, as I laughed. He removed his shirt, revealing his defined chest. I blushed but my face fell when I saw a gash on the side of his torso. The gash was red and purple and it went past his waist.

I stared at it as I saw his face fall. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I wasn't there", I said.

"It's not your fault", he said, as he held my cheek. He smiled as he kissed my lips softly.

"If I was there, I could've stopped it or atleast taken the shot for you", I said, as I placed the cream.

He flinched but I felt him grab my face. He kissed me softly again. "It's not your fault, I told you. I got myself involved and it was a small price to pay", he said.

"A small price?! You're hurt. It could've been worse and-", I noticed he looked away. I finished applying the cream and he put his shirt on as I sat next to him. "I'm sorry. It's that. My dad. My real dad. He-I never knew who he really was. I always wanted to know. My mom didn't want to remind herself of that. So I thought if I fall in love with someone, I'll always protect them. And I can't imagine living in a world without you".

I looked at him as he smiled. "I...I didn't know about your dad. I can't imagine not having my complete family. If there's anything wrong, Bosey, you can tell me. I'll listen to all of it", he said, as he kissed me.

"Now, let's go sleep", I said, as I helped the boy up.

The next day, I was helping Ray with his schedule. "So where do you want everything to go?", I asked. "For the Swellview Telethon for Children of Unchill Parents That Only Let Their Kid Eat One Piece of Halloween Candy A Day?".

"Okay, first of all just call it STCUPTOLTKEOHCAD like a normal person", said Ray. I saw Jay, Mika, Schwoz, and Monsty playing catch as Monasty was dressed in his Captain Man suit. I smiled at Jay as he blew me a kiss. I caught it and placed it against my lips turning him red. "And-why's Monsty wearing my old Captain Man suit?".

"Because he's your clone and he likes it", said Mika.

"I'm okay!", mimicked Monsty.

"You listen to me", began Ray.

"Feels good", said Monsty.

"That's not even my line", said Ray, as he noticed a yellow puddle he was standing in. "Awww, my sock! What is this?".

"It looks like pee. Monsty's if I'm not mistaken", I said.

"I know it's Monsty's since he's been doing his business all over the Man's Nest", said Ray.

"You're scaring him", Jay said, as I watched Monsty hide behind Jay and Mika. Over the past week, I realized that Monsty's just another person like us and we've gotten along really well.

"It doesn't matter that it smells good but he needs to get rid of this pee", said Ray.

"Then don't walk in your socks all day", said Schwoz.

"I wouldn't be unless someone bit my shoes", said Ray pointing near the couch.

"I can order you another pair", I said, as I pulled out my tablet. "Eight and a half?".

"You're eight and a half?", asked Mika, as everyone looked at his feet.

"My eyes are up here", he said, as he pointed at his eyes and stepped into a yellow bucket.

"Yeah, but your feet are in a bucket of pee", said Schwoz.

"Okay, that thing has to go", said Ray.

"But I can't-", Mika protested.

"We have a telethon tomorrow and I can't have Monsty wazzing all over the place while Danny Chest and I are singing Thon Song together", said Ray.

"I thought Danny Chest always sang that song by himself", said Schwoz.

"We'll see about that", said Ray.

"Ray, just listen", began Mika.

"There's always a solution", Jay said.

"Yeah, the solution is to get rid of him. I'm putting my foot down", said Ray, as he splashed some pee.

"Where am I supposed to put him? I can't keep him in my house", said Mika.

"Leave him in the desert", said Ray.

"I'll get the Man Truck ready", I said but Jay held my hand.

"Please Bosey", he begged and I just couldn't say no.

"We can always teleport him to the Cavetown", said Schwoz.

"Yeah, right where Drex's cave men from the past are living", said Ray. "Well it's settled then, Monsty will be leaving tomorrow".

"I don't want him to leave", said Mika, as she hugged him.

"Neither do I", Jay said as he pulled him in for a hug.

"They ran out of size eight and a half", I said. "Should I get a size nin-?".

"Get me size eight", said Ray, as he walked away.

"Monsty will be very happy living among cavemen", said Schwoz.

The day of the telethon arrived and everyone was in their supersuits. We were sitting on the thrones watching Captain Man and Danny Chest sing a song. "Thank you", said Danny Chest to the camera. "And thank you Captain Man for deciding to join me in the middle of my song".

"You're welcome", said Captain Man through the mic as he sat next to us.

"We love you Danny Chest!!!", AWOl and I yelled.

"Thank you now, let's look at those charts. When I first started singing, we had a hundred dollars. Let's see how much we have right now", said Danny Chest.

"Come on, people of Swellview! For the price of one candy bar, you could feed these children", said Captain Man, as we held random pictures of kids from shutter stock.

"We're not raising enough money", said Danny.

"I can sing a song", said ShoutOut.

"Me too", Venom said.

"I'm afraid this would happen", said Danny.

"That I'd sing it better than you?", asked Captain Man.

"Every year, we get less for the event", said Danny. "So I have a different approach".

"I can dance", said Volt.

"I don't want to but I guess I will", I said.

"I feel like you have something else planned", said AWOL.

"If we don't get 50,000 dollars by the end of this hour, I'm going to launch Captain Man and Danger Force onto the other side of Mount Swellview", said Danny.

"They regularly only want Captain Man", Venom said.

"You became the bad guy", said AWOL.

"Surprise supervillain, iconic", said Captain Man.

"I don't know guys but getting launched sounds pretty fun", I said.

"Well I know that no one's going to launch me", said Volt. Metal bands stuck around everyone's wrists which were attached to our chairs.

"Okay, so will we get the money or do I have to launch them into the sky?", asked Danny.

"I don't like him", said Volt.

"I see, evil chairs. Classic", said Captain Man.

A few moments later, Dannt got off the phone with someone and turned to the tv. "There it is folks. Jennifer Lawrence just donated 15,000 dollars", said Danny.

"Jennifer Lawrence?! You talked to her without letting me confirm whether she was checking me out at the close Nacho ball?", asked Captain Man.

"That didn't happen", said Volt.

"You weren't there", said Captain Man.

"She needs to get her eyesight checked", Venom said.

"I hate you Danny Chest!!!", said Captain Man.

"We love you Danny Chest!!!", AWOL and I said.

"No we don't", said Captain Man.

"He tied us up and is threatening to shoot us up and now you realize you hate him?", asked ShoutOut.

"I'm indestructible so launching me over a mountain will only hurt for a second", said Captain Man.

"That's enough!!!", said Danny Chest as he threw the pee bucket on Captain Man's head. He groaned as he tried to remove it.

"Is he okay?", asked Volt.

"He must've fainted from the grossness", said ShoutOut.

"Is that even a real thing?", Chapa asked, as ShoutOut nodded.

"Why don't you super scream him through that wall?", asked AWOL.

"I scream, you scream-", ShoutOut began but her chair was turned around.

"Why did you have to make that speech?", asked Volt.

"Captain Man always wants us to make nice entrance lines before we use our powers", said ShoutOut.

"He also caused half of this", Venom said.

"You could've used your powers when you had the chance", said AWOL.

"I was trying to win employee of the month", said ShoutOut.

"This is great. We can't use our power", said Volt.

"How is that great?", I asked.

"It's called sarcasm, sunshine", Venom said. "Brainstorm, babe, you're kind of our last hope here so I'm gonna need you to use your powers.

"Don't lift the pillow, it's surprisingly heavy", Volt warned.

"Lift the anvil it ways around 5000 pounds", Venom said.

"Alright", I sighed, as he started levitating the anvil.

"Well, that'll take some time", said AWOL. "Why don't you super scream to Monsty?".

"Monsty?", asked ShoutOut. "He's not even here".

"Did I pass out because I was grossed out? That's a real thing", said Captain Man.

"AWOL, where's Monsty?", asked ShoutOut.

"I didn't teleport him to the Man Cave, I teleported him to the Man's Nest's Dungeon. He's down there with Chest Monster", said AWOL.

"You haven't gotten rid of Chest Monster yet? So you lied to me when you said you did?", asked Captain Man.

"Everyone lies to you all the time", Venom said.

"I couldn't do Chest Monster like that", said AWOL.

"What a softie", Venom said.

"Dropped it", I said, as the anvil fell on Captain Man's head.

"You were supposed to drop it on Danny Chest", said Volt.

"That makes more sense", I said.

"You were close babe", said Venom from the spot next to AWOL.

"ShoutOut why don't you superscream to Monsty?", asked AWOL.

ShoutOut cleared her throat ready to start her speech. "Just say it", urged Volt.

"Monsty", she screamed.

"I don't know who Monty is but he's not coming for you", said Danny.

"Monsty's going to come through that door in 1, 2, 3, ", said ShoutOut.

"Bad timing", Volt said.

"You mean this?", asked Danny as he walked over to the metal door. "Monty's going to save you".

"Monsty!!!", everyone cheered, as the door fell on Danny.

"I missed you too but you need to get the remote from the guy you just crushed", said ShoutOut, as Monsty hugged her.

"Your monster won't help you", said Danny Chest as he dropped the pillow on Monsty.

"You're the monster", said ShoutOut.

"And now for the grand finale, it's time to launch these guys up the mountain", said Danny.

"Volt, zap him", said ShoutOut.

"Isn't that mean? But I'll still do it", said Volt.

"I brought Monsty to life with electricity so waking up will need the same", said Jay.

"Observe how I don't spend a lot of time talking about some speech. Instead-".

"Just do it!", ShoutOut urged, as she shocked Monsty back alive.

"Monsty, the remote", Venom said, as Monsty grabbed the remote. I watched as Venom used his power on Danny Chest who was lying on the ground. Danny Chest froze as Monsty looked at the remote/

Monty pressed a button which caused Captain Man to be sent through the roof. "The other button", said ShoutOut.

A little while later, the mess was cleaned up. "Okay, guys. Pop these special gumballs", said Schwoz, as he handed us gumballs. We all popped them as we looked at each other.

Everyone had black replaced for white in their costumes and so did I. "I would like to praise the employee of the month", said Captain Man, as all of us stood to the side. "Yesterday's incident showed me that Monsty's not a monster but a hero. True I was covered in your pee and true I was shot onto the other side of the mountain but you still helped us be free", said Captain Man.

"Therefore, I'm making you the employee of the month", said Captain Man as everyone cheered.

"So Mika, how do you feel?", asked AWOL.

"I'm so proud of you", said ShoutOut, as we both hugged Monsty.

"Awww", said Volt in a sad tone, as I shrugged my shoulder.

"Oh shoot, I totally forgot to tell you that you had jury duty today", I said, as I looked at my tablet.

"It's okay it's taken care of, but book a ticket for Monsty to Barstow one way", said Captain Man, as he walked away.

That night, everyone de transformed as Ray and Schwoz went to bed early. I saw Mika, Chapa and Miles chatting away as Jay was playing with Monsty. "Wow, you're good", said Jay, as he removed the chess board.

"Monsty, I need to take you somewhere", I said.

"Can I come too?", asked Jay, as Monsty and he walked up to him.

"It's only for Monsty", I said.

"Aww, okay but bring him back quickly. We need to play another round", said Jay, as he kissed my cheek.

I walked with Monsty out of the Man's Nest. We arrived at the secret connections beneath the Man's Nest. Ray handed me some keys. It was like a subway train but not the real subway train. Monsty got on as he looked confused. The doors closed as he placed his hands against the door. "I'm sorry", I whispered as I walked away from the moving train.

The next night, I was in the Man's Nest with Chapa and Miles. "Where are Mika and Jay?", asked Chapa.

"Don't tell me they're cloning again", said Miles.

"I hope not", I said.

"I...he's gone", sobbed Mika as she walked into the Man's Nest. She fell to the ground as Miles ran to her side.

I heard some swooshing as I saw Jay come from the tubes. He was transformed and his eyes were watering. "I can't...Monsty...gone...found...no", he let out as I walked towards me.

"Jay, breathe

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