Down Goes Santa Part 1:
I entered the Man's Nest in my work outfit. Chapa emergency called everyone. I saw Jay, Mika and Miles already there as I walked in. "Sorry, I'm late. I had to leave in the middle of my shift", I said.
"Nice T-shirt", commented Miles.
"Did you get a job at Nacho ball?", Jay asked.
"It's a career at Nacho ball. Cute pajamas", I said, as my cheeks fired.
"When did the career start?", asked Chapa.
"I went to get some lunch yesterday and they thought I just had the look", I said.
"Dude, you've been discovered", said Miles, as everyone smiled.
"I walked in and they handed me this thing. They said you're working drive through, kid. Buena Suerte. That'll be twelve.thirty nine, please pull up to the first window on your left", I instructed.
"Wow", Jay mumbled.
"So Chapa, what exactly is the emergency?", asked Miles.
"It's two days before Christmas and we're not wearing Chjristmas sweaters, reading Christmas stories nor are we sitting near a Christmas fire", said Chapa. "I'd call that an emergency, Miles!".
Everyone looked at each other as we shared a small smile. "Do you love Christmas?", asked Mika.
"No, I don't love Christmas", she said, as she straightened her posture. We soon found ourselves sitting on the ground as Chapa sat in a chair. She had a TV next to us which had a fire on it and we all were wearing Christmas sweaters. "I'm obsessed with it".
"Dang girl, you took a lotta time to answer that question", said Mika.
"Do you want to order those nacho balls?", I asked into the microphone that was sitting next to me. I watched as Chapa zapped it and my face fell. "Well there goes that story". I leaned against Jay as he combed my hair.
Chapa began reading the story until she was cut off. "What's the emergency? Sorry, I'm late", apologized Ray. "I got held up in the line at Nacho ball. Some dude cut me off in the middle of his shift".
I grabbed the headset and hid it behind me as Jay giggled. "Get a sweater, I'm reading a Christmas story", said Chapa.
"You want to hear a Chrinstmas story?", asked Ray, as he grabbed a sweater. There was a bunch of overtalking about how Ray should just sit and not talk. "Get out". He pushed Chapa to the floor as he took the seat. He grabbed out a book from his back. "As a child I've heard the 'traditional' stories but let me tell you the real story of Christmas. Father Christmas and Mother Time gave birth to two boys. One was round and joyful while the other was rude and hot". Schwoz began strumming his electric guitar, stopping everything. "Really?".
"Yes, I need to practice my guitar right now", Schwoz said.
"Okay fine. But play it when it sounds appropriate in my story", said Ray.
"Let me guess, was the first one Santa Claus?", asked Miles.
"Yes and the next person to ask questions owes me ten push ups", said Ray. "Anyway, Santa grew up to be a nice and caring boy. Krampus followed his evil ways with his thumb rings, shirts with flames and everything. One Christmas, Mother Time promised Krampus a jet ski. But Krampus went to a rock heavy metal concert that night in the Red Mountains".
"Question, when does this story take place?", asked Miles.
"A Long Time Ago", said Ray, as he pointed at the cover. "Ten push ups".
Miles began doing his pushups. "One", he let out as he already sounded tired.
"Anyway, Mother Time gifted the jet ski to Santa since he was a goodbye. That year, Krampus didn't get any presents nor the future years. Krampus was on Santa's bad list for the next 10,000 years", said Ray.
"I have a question. Is this real? I'll take the answer while doing my pushups", said Mika.
"I bought it at the truth store and the truth store never lies", said Ray.
It was Christmas Eve as everyone except Chapa and Ray were there. "Well, this tree should do", said Mika, as she placed it in the center.
"Hey guys", said Jay, as he came in wearing a snowy outfit. I looked at his cute outfit as I blushed red and so did he. "I got a star".
He placed it on the tree but it fell off. "Chapa would maybe at least appreciate the thought", said Miles.
"Hmmm", hummed Schwoz, as he threw an orb in the middle of the room. It glowed bright as the entire Man's Nest was covered in decorations.
"Wow, this much better", Jay said.
"I hate you, stupid tree!", I said, as I kicked the little one.
"Want to go get some corn from the Corn Lady?", asked Miles, as we heard her bell.
"Schwoz, can we pretty please have some corn?", begged Jay, as he looked cute and I swear I was going to die.
"If the handsome one looks this irresistible, then I can't say no", said Schwoz, as he took us to get the corn.
We arrived later and we were all disappointed. "Aww man, I wanted some corn", I said.
"I'm surprised that the corn lady ran out of corn", said Miles.
"Ice cream is the worst", Jay whined.
"C'mon ice cream is good", said Schwoz.
"Not when you have your heart set on corn", said Mika. "I was promised corn. Why are you two knitting?".
"I can tell that's a good knit when I see one", I said, as I walked over to Volt.
"They're covering their misdeeds", said Miles, as everyone gasped.
"What?", asked Volt.
"We're not", said Captain Man.
"Then, what's underneath the cover that says none of your b'yazness?", Jay asked.
"None of your b'yazness", said Volt.
"What happened to Santa?", asked Schwoz.
"Volt zapped him", said Ray, as Volt zapped him.
"I didn't mean to. Okay, our P.A.N.T.S. were down and I did what I could. I feel terrible, is that what you want me to admit?", asked Volt.
"Calm down, but where is Sanat?", I asked, as Jay nodded.
"Well he may or may not have lost his memory", said Chapa.
"So where is he now?", asked Mika.
"We hid him behind that door with our corn", said Captain Man.
"Corn?", I asked, as Jay patted my shoulder.
"No one cares about the corn", said Ray, as he opened the door. "I'll be bummed". There was a Santa shaped hole in the door.
A few moments later, Schwoz and I were under Santa's sleigh trying to fix it. "I can't fix it", I said, as I rolled from underneath the sleigh wearing Schwoz's costume.
"It's alright, you tried", Jay said, as he helped me up.
"I can fix it", said Schwoz, as he rolled out from the other side.
"Thank god", sighed Mika.
"We're not doomed", said Miles.
"Guys, it's not a big deal", said Captain Man.
"Yes it is. It's my deal, your deal, everyone's deal that Santa is running in the streets of Swellview without a brain", said Miles.
"He has a brain, it's just not working", said Volt.
"This can't be any worse", I sighed.
"Now, why would you say that?", Jay asked, as he playfully teased me.
"Because it just got a whole lot better", I blushed, as I looked at the mistletoe above me.
"Oh", he blushed. We smiled for a bit before he walked closer to me. "Should we?".
I nodded confidently, as we both closed our eyes and leaned in. I was about to feel his lips on mine for the first time but I heard a loud noise outside and smoke began seeping through. I pulled Jay closer to me as we all began coughing. It smelled really bad. A guy walked it with two horns. And it was Krampus. "It's K-K-Krampus", said a voice. "Yo, yo, yo. What's up?!".
"I hate him", said Mika, as an annoying pitch began speaking about Krampus being hot.
"Krampus", snarled Captain Man. "Go back to where you came from".
"I'll go back to 909, only until I find my brother", he snarled. "This place smells just like him".
"And I also hate him", said Miles, as Krampus sat on the chairs that went to the classroom.
"Where is the present bag?", asked Krampus.
"You are shockingly close", said Captain Man.
Volt zapped him as he teleported away. ShoutOut used her scream on him but he teleported away again. "I can also teleport too", said Miles.
"So?", asked Krampus. "You can't cause diarrhea".
"Nevermind", mumbled Miles.
"C'mon kiddies where's my brother?", asked Krampus.
"Don't say anything", said Captain Man.
"He left", I said. "He's running around the streets without a brain".
"Bosey!", sighed Jay.
"He asked", I said.
"C'mon little dude, give me a bump", said Krampus.
"Sure", said Bose, as he walked over.
"No! Bose, don't!", Jay yelled, but it was too late.
I transformed into a Krampus follower by the touch of Krampus. "Time to get my kramps on", I said and it sounded so weird.
"What have you done?!", Jay asked, as he used his power on Krampus. I watched as it failed and Krampus wasn't hurt.
"He's a Christmas hater", said Krampus, as he soon teleported away.
"Okay, Schwoz, fix the sleigh. Jay, take care of Bose. Volt and Captain Man, you've caused enough harm to Santa. Go find his bag. Miles and I will look for Santa", said Mika.
"Fine", said Volt and Captain Man, as they went down the tube. "Down the tube".
"What happened to the reindeer", asked Mika.
"THERE ARE NO REINDEERS!", yelled Schwoz.
"Ok, chill", said Mika.
Mika and Miles transformed and went to the tubes. "You're all gonna get drunk from this sick beat", I said, as I strummed my electric guitar.
"That's a really bad beat", said Jay, as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Down the tube", said the twins as they left.
"So", he said, as he awkwardly stood next to me. "What do you want to do?".
"Kiss you", I said, as he choked.
"What?!", he asked.
"Yeah. I. Want. To. Kiss. You".
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