The Return of the Kid:
We watched as Ray and Henry shared a big hug. "Hahaha, welcome back buddy", said Ray.
"Kinda tight there, dawg", said Henry.
"I missed you so much", said Ray.
"I think I heard a rib crack", said Henry.
"Well it won't be the only rib cracked", he said.
Chapa and Mika rushed over to pry Ray off. "Alright, personal space", said Mika.
"Release! Release! Don't make me get the crowbar!", threatened Chapa.
"It's so nice to see a dude hug another dude", Jay said.
"I know right", I said.
"Bring it in, man", said Jay, as we both hugged. I found myself melting in his embrace as I felt his warm breath on my neck. I blushed red as I became shy.
"Don't worry I got this", Henry said, as a force field was created around him. It pushed Ray off.
"Oooh!", I exclaimed.
"Ahh!", said Ray.
"You hate to see it", said Miles.
"Sorry I got a little emotional there", said Ray, as Henry helped him up. "I've been so alone ever since you left". We all rolled our eyes as we cleared our throats. "QUIET! I'm talking to Henry. What brings you back to Swellview?".
"Well my dad graduated from", said Henry.
"No way your dad's so dumb", said Ray. "he couldn't even graduate from online Haberd".
"I know right. Anyway I'm here to see you", said Henry.
"And you flew back into the nest", said Ray.
"Yeah", said Henry.
"Come give mama bird a hug", said Ray, as he hugged Henry.
"How's my job? Have you gone on any sick new missions?", asked Henry.
"Lots of them", said Miles.
"We once caught a villain who stole books from the library", said Chapa.
"Ok but I was looking for sick fights", said Henry.
"We once battled every villain in Swellview", I said.
"Noice, what happened?", asked Henry.
"Mika let them all out", Jay said.
"Well, I spent my entire childhood locking them up, so I can't wait to know how you caught them", said Henry.
"We didn't", said Miles.
"Sick twist: there still out there", said Bose.
"Some of them are committing crimes as we speak", said Chapa.
"Yeah", sighed Henry.
"Alright that ends your visit with Henry. He's mine now", said Ray.
"I enjoyed our time together", I said.
"Is everything alright in Dystopia? Do you need me to help you fight crime? I'll literally burn this place to the ground", said Ray, as we all cleared our throats and rolled our eyes again. "Quiet! These kids they're like always here". The alarm began ringing meaning there was an emergency. "There's a crime. We can go fight crime together".
"No, plus everyone thinks Kid Danger's kinda", began Henry.
"Hot?", I asked.
"True", said Henry.
"Dead?", asked Miles.
"Exactly", said Henry.
"What's the emergency?", I asked.
"There's a brawl at the nail salon", said Mika.
"C'mon let's go. We can fight crime and get our nails done. I'll let you choose my color", said Ray.
"You know I love to choose your color. But I've been dropping so many fools in Dystopia that I just wanted to kick it back here", said Henry.
"Oh coo-cool, cool", said Ray. "kick it back here. Why don't you guys deal with this yourselves?".
"Wait, can I pee first?", I asked.
"Why don't you pee on the way?", asked Ray, as he handed me a bottle and sent us into the tubes. "Down the tube".
He shoved us to the tube. "He's hiding something", Jay mumbled, as we went down the tube.
"What makes you say that?", I asked.
"Have you seen the way he stutters and panics?", Jay said. "It's too obvious".
"Whatever, let's get this over with", said Miles, as we all transformed.
"How'd it go?", asked Ray, as we all appeared the next morning.
"It went great", said Volt.
"We broke up the fight", said ShoutOut.
"With our faces", said AWOL.
"Wasn't all bad. Got my nails done. Even squeezed in time for a pedi", I said.
"Pretty", said Ray.
"Nice", said Henry.
"That call wrecked me, I'mma go throw up and lay down", said Venom.
"Same", said ShoutOut, as Venom placed his head in my lap.
"Dry my toes", I said, as I blushed profusely.
"Nah, nah, another call came in while you were out", said Ray. "Buncha fire bees have been attacking a honey store". We all groaned. "Caller said some murder bears are also heading up, so hustle up".
"We just got our cheese steamed. Can't you settle a fight between fire bees and murder bears?", asked ShoutOut.
"What do you say, partner?", asked Ray.
"Hard pass, my guy. We've got a big lift coming", said Henry.
"Sorry kids, buzz off!", said Ray, as he lifted Henry up.
"Hey! Now that the lift is over are you sure you don't want to help us?", asked ShoutOut.
"You're superheroes! Quit your bellyaching!", said Ray.
"This is what you get paid for!", said Henry.
"YOU GOT PAID?!", everyone gasped.
"Down the tube", said Ray, as we left.
"Jay Jay, I want a breakfast burrito", I said, as we returned from the mission in the morning.
"Fine Bosey, AWOL, teleport Brainstorm to a get a breakfast burrito", said Venom, as AWOL and I teleported to a restaurant..
We returned into Mika's closet, as we all were still covered in dead eels. "Ladies, Venom", I said, as I kissed his hand unconsciously and took a bite out of my burrito. I smirked at the boy who became flustered. "Wow, this is a seriously fluffy towel".
"Right?", asked Volt.
"Greetings", said AWOL, as he walked in with a fish on his arm.
"Whos' your friend?", asked Volt.
"Oh THIS! You noticed this? Well this stupid fish clamped onto me when I tackled the bad guy and fell into the aquarium. Anow, it won't let go! I HATE YOU!", said AWOL to the fish.
"I didn't even get to do anything!", pouted Venom. "The boys and the girls were flirting with me at the entrance".
"That's because you're very good looking", said ShoutOut.
"Aww, thanks", said Venom, as he winked at me.
"You know what? That fish belongs on Captain Man's arms", said Volt.
"I agree", AWOL said. "We've been taking emergency calls all night".
"Well that won't go anywhere since Henry's in town", said ShoutOut.
"So I guess we know what that means", Veno, said.
"Yeah I guess so", I said.
"We have to end Henry", he said, as a yellow line of light formed between his hands.
"Woah!", I said, as I held his hands and he blushed.
"Not so fast", said AWOL.
"When did you think like me?", asked Volt.
"Or we could stand up to Ray together", said ShoutOut.
"Yeah!", everyone else said together.
"We should tell him that we're sick and tired of putting our lives on the line when he and his BFF are having a sleepover", said ShoutOut.
"Yeah!", everyone else agreed.
"And if he doesn't like it, then we're all quitting", said ShoutOut.
"Yeah!", everyone else chorused.
"And I think Jay should be the one who gets to tell him", said ShoutOut.
"Yeah!", everyone else said, as my eyes widened.
"Me? Like I said, we can end Henry. That's always an option", Venom said.
"No, bunny", I sighed.
Then the fish bit AWOL as he punched it in the head. "Ow", he cried.
"Hey!", said ShoutOut, the next day as we arrived at the Man's Nest.
"No, what? I'm not old. I don't have gray hair, you do. You're old", said Ray.
"We have something to tell you", said ShoutOut.
"Yeah!", everyone chorused.
"For the past few days, we've been taking all the calls", I said.
"Yeah!", everyone chorused.
"We think you guys should take the next call", said AWOL.
"Yeah!", everyone agreed.
"And we should also vaporize one person per year for no reason", said Volt.
"Yeah!", everyone agreed, before there was a lot of disagreement.
"Eh, probably not", I said.
"No, sweetie", said Venom.
"Sure, we'll take the next call. It's been half a minute and my palms are thirsty to punch some crime", said Ray.
"Don't punch my glass of water", said Henry, but it was too late to do anything.
"Next call that comes is going home in a body bag", said Ray.
"Easy, dude. You don't even know when the next call will come anyway", said Henry.
"Oh wouldja look at that, there's an emergency", said Volt, as the alarm began ringing.
"How convenient", muttered Henry.
"Someone's' trying to rob the downtown corner store, How Convenient", said ShoutOut.
"Looks like we're going to Pound Town", said Ray.
"Pound Town is nice this time of year, but I just wanted to uhh finish my Nacho Ball", said Henry.
"Chapa ate it", I said, asI was holding an empty plate.
"Aww, my poor sweet Bosey", sighed Venom, as he ran his hand through my hair.
"C'mon, pop one of those Dystopian gumballs. I want to see that sweat costume", said Ray.
"I don't have any", said Henry.
Miles teleported and came back. "You mean these?", he asked, as he showed us a bottle of gumballs.
"Thanks dude", said Henry, sarcastically.
"We'll be gone and back in five minutes", said Ray.
"Five minutes?", asked Henry.
"Have I ever lied to you?", asked Ray.
"You told me you were born in 1998", said Henry.
"I was born in 1998, the year of the fist", Ray protested.
"Alright let's blow and go", said Henry. They both popped their gumballs and transformed.
"Oh, dude, where's your mask?", asked Captain Man.
"We, uhh, don't really have masks", said Henry.
"What?", asked Captain Man.
"I don't know, we're actually kind of over that", said Henry.
"Well, you're in Swellview and no one wants to see a dead Kid Danger walking around", said Ray, as he put a pair of sunglasses on Henry's face.
"Have fun", said ShoutOut, despite Henry's protests.
"Try not to get vaporized", said Volt.
"We'll be here", said AWOL.
"Want to call it?", asked Captain Man, as they entered the tubes.
"Up the tube", said Henry, but it didn't work.
"We go down the tube now", said Captain Man.
"Down the tube", said Henry, as they left.
"Okay I'm eating Captain Man's Nacho Ball", said AWOL.
"Chapa ate it", I said, as I threw away the wrapper.
"Again, my sweet Bosey", sighed Venom, as I blushed bright red.
We all were at the Macklin House as Mika quietly entered the house. "Hey, I finally got mom and dad to sleep", she whispered.
"Finally!", sighed Miles.
"You know what this means", I said.
"Screen Time!", everyone said.
"I wish I had a phone", sighed Chapa.
"No right now", said Jay, as we all pulled out our devices.
"Ok, no talking, no tapping, no bugging, no nothing", said Mika.
"We know how screen time works, Mika", said Miles.
"Why do we keep on talking when we could be staring?", I asked, as I found myself looking at Jay who was playing a game. His cheeks went red as he looked at me.
"Shhh!", said Chapa and Mika.
The alarm began ringing indicating a call from Ray. "Sorry guys, I have to take this", called Mika.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!", yelled Chapa.
"Look D-Force, the kids and I got stuck in a little jammy-jam, but we'll find a way through this", said Captain Man.
"Look, tell them to come right now, we need to get out of here", said Henry.
"Sorry, Captain Man told us that you would deal with this by yourself", said Mika.
"What do you want? Captain Man will give it to you", said Henry.
"What?", asked Ray.
"Do you want to fly the Man Copter?", asked Henry.
"Oooh!", said Ray.
"Do you want puppies?", asked Henry, as all of us began chattering.
"PUPPIES!", everyone cheered.
"We're on our way", Jay said.
We all transformed and teleported on top of How Convenient. "Too high", said AWOL.
"I know", I sighed, as we fell on some random dude.
"How did you miss the floor, AWOL?", asked Volt.
"At least we're here! We could've been in another country! Ungrateful!", said AWOL.
"Hey, why are the lights off?", asked Venom.
"It's BlackOut, he's a bounty hunter-", began Henry.
"I already stopped listening", said Venom, as he looked everywhere else.
"Wasn't done with my quip. I said, 'knock knock' and you're supposed to say 'who's there?'", said Captain Man, as BlackOut kicked him.
"Thanks, I owe you one. Bye!", said Henry, as soon as we untied him.
"Stop it, man", said AWOL.
"Scary guy's that way", said ShoutOut.
"Looks like Captain Man is taking care of him", said Henry, as we watched Captain Man lose the battle against the villain. "Well, tell Schwoz he can keep my dirty laundry".
"Stay here and help us fight this guy", Veno, said.
"Captain Man tells us that you're the best superhero he's ever seen", said AWOL.
"That doesn't sound like him", said Henry.
"He also says that you have an awesome singing voice", I said.
"I guess I'm alright", sang Henry.
"He tells us that the four of us can't ever match up to you", said Volt.
"I'm sure you're pretty good", said Henry.
"Then stay here so we can show you", said ShoutOut.
"Let's take him down together", said AWOL, as everyone froze for a minute.
"Oh", said Volt.
"Was that cheesy? It felt too cheesy", he said.
"Way too cheesy", Venom said.
"Little cheesy", I said.
"No!", said ShoutOut.
"Just a little bit, just a bit", said Henry.
"Yeah, just a little", added ShoutOut.
"You ready?", I asked.
"Let's step on this fool", said Henry.
AWOL teleported over and knocked his stick out, as Volt used her power on BlackOut. Henry used his force field on BlackOut making him fall to the ground. He got up again but ShoutOut super screamed him. I levitated him up as Venom used his power on BlackOut. "We do make a good team", said Venom, as he leaned on my shoulder. We bumped our fists as we looked at each other proudly.
"Hey, BlackOut, what do you get when you cross a duck with a Shih Tazu?", asked Captain Man, as he kicked BlackOut. "BlackOut! BlackOut! Ok, that's your one for the year".
The next day, we were playing with the puppies we got near the chairs. "Awww", I cooed, as I played with the light brown one.
"This one's just too cute", Jay said, as he kissed the dog's nose.
I huffed as he heard me and turned to me. "What?", I asked.
"Are you jealous?", he smirked.
"N-No", I stuttered, as my cheeks went red.
"I don't know, it seems like you are", said Jay, as he leaned closer to me.
"Really?", I asked, as I got lost in his eyes.
"Yep", he said, before smiling and kissing me. I felt his lips on my nose as both our cheeks heated. "Better?".
"I do deserve a kiss here", I said, as I pointed at my cheek. "for helping you immobilize him". He looked away shyly as the puppies played in our lap. "You don't have t-". I felt the familiar soft pair of lips on my cheek as one hand held the other cheek.
"Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you. We just do make a good team", said Jay, as he rested his head on my shoulder and played with the puppies.
"See you later Danger!", yelled Henry, as he walked to the tubes.
Everyone stood up to say bye to Henry. "Buh-bye, Henry", said Mika, as she held the pup's paw.
"Bye", said Chapa, as she did the same.
"Have a safe trip", said Miles, copying them.
"This was so worth it", I sighed.
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