Girls Like You

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Mika In The Middle:

"Alright, we gotta get our stories straight!", said Miles, as we all began talking over each other. "Listen! Listen! Let's tell him that we were at church!".

"...I'm gonna say 'mind your business'", said Chapa.

"Mines better-", began Jay.

"When I found out what happened, Schwoz. I swear to god. I'm gonna take that weapon you never told me to touch and I'm gonna-", said Ray, as we all walked to the lockers as Mika hid near a wall.

"Deep breaths...don't do that", said Schwoz.


"Hi", said Chapa.

"Gah! I don't suppose any of you know how my Man Truck ended up at the bottom of the Jandy River?", asked Ray.

"Noooo", said Miles.

"Mind your business", said Chapa.

"No idea", I said.

"Ok, where have you guys been all day?", asked Ray.

"Church", said Miles.

"Mind your business", said Chapa.

"I honestly don't know", I sighed.

"Alright, I'll start with you. You went to church?", asked Ray to Miles.

"Yep", said Miles.

"Which one?", asked Ray.

"Went to three", said Miles.

"Hmmm. Little church hopping?", asked Ray.

"Lotta church hopping", said Miles.

"You sing?", asked Ray.

"Cuppa times", said Miles.

"Which hymns?", asked Ray.

"Amazing Grace. How Great Thou Art, and a Kanye song", said Miles, as he ran off.

"Ok, how about you?", asked Ray to Chapa.

"Mind your own business", said Chapa, as she ran off.

"Ok", said Ray, as he approached Jay. There was silence. "Ok". Jay ran to Miles and Chapa. "How about you, Dimples? Know anything about my truck ending up at the bottom of the Jandy River?".

"I don't know anything about anything", I said, as I ran to Jay. We stared at each other for a bit before looking away.

"Checks out", said Ray. "Well, I believe to simply leave the room. One thing though, uh MIKA! Mika? I don't suppose you know anything my truck...ended up at the bottom of the Jandy River? Mika? I love that truck more than Schwoz".

"Ouch", said Schwoz.

"Now, it's all wet!", said Ray.

"IT WAS US!", said Mika, as we all groaned.

"Aw, come on!", said Chapa.

"No!", said Miles.

"I knew it!", said Ray.

"Ok, so you know how fast food always tastes better in a car?", asked Mika.

"Of course", said Ray.

"So, we ordered some Nacho Ball from the close one, not the nice one, and we brought it back but it didn't taste right so we decided to teleport inside the Man Truck but it still didn't taste right, so we blasted some music and that seemed to do the trick", said Mika.

"Good call", said Ray.

"And the food was so good. And the song Proud Mary came on and the song talks about rolling on a river and then we looked up who Tina Turner is and we found out that she's still alive and living in France, and then Miles went 'yes!' and we teleported into the river!", she explained.

"Well I am very disappointed", said Ray, as Miles groaned.

"About what?", I asked, as Jay looked at me.

"In Mika", said Ray.

"WHAT?!", gasped Mika.

"Yes!", said Miles.

"For what?", I asked.

"I told you the truth!", said Mika.

"You did, and that's good but you also snitched, and that's bad", said Ray.

"That makes no sense", said Mika.

"Lying is an important part of being a superhero", said Ray. "That's why half the moms in this town think that Ray Manchester is a fighter pilot". I saluted my hand as Jay rolled his eyes.

"That just sounds like lying to impress women", said Miles.

"Exactly, I need to be able to trust...that you can lie", said Ray, as Mika groaned.

"Giver her a letter!", said Chapa.

"No!", said Mika.

"Yeah!", said Miles.

"To the Snitch Board!", said Ray, as Jay and I sat on the couch.

"Way ahead of you", said Schwoz, as he turned on the SNITCH screen.

"Oh, come on!", sighed Mika.

"According to this, you've already snitched on, two, three, four times already!", said Ray.

"The ketchup stain I made on the couch!", said Miles.

"But-", began Mika.

"The raccoon fight club that I was running in the basement", said Chapa.

"We have a basement?", asked Jay.

"That was horrible", said Mika.

"That I import illegal products from China to maintain my gorgeous locks", I said.

"And that I do the same thing", said Ray.

"Those were both literally crimes!", said Mika.

"You snitched on me because you thought Bose and I were making out in the closet", said Jay, as both of us blushed.

"You guys were red in the face meaning you guys were kissing", said Mika.

"She kinda got us there", I whispered, as Jay pushed me away.

"Mika! Last name?", asked Ray.

"Macklin", said Schwoz.

"Mika Macklin! For snitching for the fifth time, you receive...another letter!", said Ray.

"Ha! You hate to see it", said Miles.

"Ooh, one more snitch and you get an E", said Ray.

"H", corrected Schwoz.

"H and then...", said Ray.

"The shoes of shame!", said Chapa.

"You have to wear the ugliest shoes known to man for a week", said Schwoz, as he pulled out two white shoes and tossed them to Ray.

"No! Those are so hideous! They're so plain and white", said Mika.

"Yeah, then don't snitch", said Ray.

"OK, I don't want to snitch or anything but there's a kid looking at us through the window", said Mika.

"Where'd he come from?", asked Miles.

"I don't know. Let's punch first and then ask questions", said Ray.

"Exactly!", said Chapa.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, it's my nephew, Zed. What are you doing here? You could catch a cold there, you don't have your baby beard anymore", said Schwoz.

"Baby beard?", asked Chapa.

"Schwoz's family. Total freaks", said Ray.

"He bought me a message can, from Mama!", said Schwoz, as Zed left. "This is either really good news or bad news".

"It's really bad! Schwoz, it's Mama! I don't want you to worry for me!", said Mama Schwoz's voice.

"Sick turn coming", said Ray, as I felt something warm next to my hand.

"But I'm sick", said Mama Schwoz, as I looked to see Jay's hand next to mine.

"Told ya", said Ray, as I blushed red and we made eye contact.

"My doctor says I have melty bones", said Mama Schwoz, as Jay shyly slipped his hand into mine.

"Melty bones run in my family", gasped Schwoz, as I noticed him turn really red.

"Yes, you should get checked. Please come to Mama. I need youuuuuuu. Okay, how do I hang this up? It's probably this big button that says hang up. Ugh, how did I miss it?", asked Mama Schwoz, as Ray stepped on the can.

"Schwoz, I'm sorry", said Mika, as I blushed at Jay's hand being in mine.

"Yeah, I'm sorry too pal...that you can't visit her", said Ray, as Jay and I removed our hands to gasp.

"What?", asked Mika.

"He can't go?", asked Chapa.

"YOU MONSTER!", said Miles.

"He already used up his vacation days when he just had to get his appendix out. Couldn't wait till Thanksgiving", said Ray, as he tossed the can.

"But it's his mom and she's got melty bones", said Miles.

"Oh-she always does this. She always calls him home because she's sick and when he gets there, she's got fifty reasons on why he can't leave. And then, I've got no Schwoz for like two, maybe one whole day", said Ray.

"I'm the most heartless one here, and that's pretty cold m'dude", said Chapa.

"OK, you can either go now or to her tasteful memorial service. Your choice. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to dry my truck!", said Ray, as he walked out.

"That dude really gives no hecks", I said, as Schwoz fell to the ground, crying.

"Schwoz?", asked Mika.

"Yeah Snitch?", he asked Mika, crouched near him.

"I was just gonna say we are going to do anything to help you see your mom", said Mika, as she hugged him. She scheduled us to follow, as we all nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, we love you, Schwoz", said Miles, as we all hugged Schwoz.

"Help your mom, Schwoz", I said, as I hugged him.

"SCHWOZ! Quit hugging the Snitch and come help me!", yelled Ray, as Schwoz got up and left.

"Poor little Schwoz", said Mika.

"We gotta do something", said Chapa.

"But what? She's so far away", said Miles.

"I'm sure if we put our heads together, we're going to figure it out", said Jay.

"Ooh, good idea", I said, as I pushed everyone's head together.

"Too literal", said Miles.

"I think it's working!", I said.

"Bosey, not what I mean", said Jay.

"I doubt it", said Chapa.

"This can will self-destruct in two seconds", said a voice.

"Wow, that really doesn't give you any-", began Miles, as we heard a boom.

I grabbed Jay and pushed him to the ground beneath me as a bunch of trash flew everywhere. I had my hand in his soft silky black hair, as my cheeks were flushed. "You guys are weak", said Chapa, as she was the only one standing.

Later that night, everyone was leaving. "Wait, Jay", I said, as I stopped the boy I love from leaving.

"Yeah?", he asked, as he cutely tilted his head at me. I tried so hard not to run over to him and kiss him.

"I, uh, do you want to watch Dog Bachelor at home with me?", I asked.

"Sure, yours or mine?", he asked.

"Mine", I breathed out, as I noticed how attractive he looked in the night.

Later that night, Jay snuck into my room wearing a black shirt and gray sweatpants. He looked so hot. "Hey, sunshine", he said.

"hEY", I stuttered.

"So you want to watch?", he asked, as we both sat down on the sofa.

"Yeah", I said, as I played the episode. I found myself wanting to take a look at Jay. My heart was beating so fast and my mind was only thinking about Jay. I looked at Jay who was already looking at me. We both blushed as we turned away.

"Bose?", he asked.

"Yeah", I said.

"Is there something you want to tell someone but you can't because you're worried that it will change everything?", he asked.

"Yeah, all the time", I said, as I looked at him. He leaned in closer as both cheeks turned red.

"Well, I need to tell you something and I don't know how you're going to feel about it", he said, as he looked away.

"Me too. I feel something in my stomach whenever I'm around you. I feel nervous and I love spending my time with you", I said. "What do you think it is?".

"Our powers, they might be glitching again", he said. "Plus, we're friends, best friends, so it's normal, right?".

"You're right", I said, as I leaned my head on his shoulder and re directed my attention to the screen.

The next morning, Jay woke up. "What do I wear?", he sighed, as he got out of bed.

"Anything you want", I said, as he grabbed a sweatshirt and a black pair of pants.

He changed in the bathroom and walked out. I also already changed and we were ready to go. "Wow", he said, as he looked at my sweatshirt. "You really are my sunshine". He kissed my nose as we all entered the Man's Nest with a surprise for Schwoz. I watched as Ray and Schwoz walked in.

"I need you to take my toenail clippings, scatter them all over town so my enemies can't use them to curse me. Be sure you save one in case I retur-", began Ray.

"Mama!", said Schwoz, as he ran over to his mother's bed.

"Schwoziee", said Mama Schwoz, as they did a handshake.

I smiled at Jay as he smiled back. We both blushed remembering last night, as we turned away. I looked at the flushed boy who was standing next to me as I intertwined our fingers together. He looked at me surprised before I smiled at him. 'Get over here!' mouthed Ray, as we walked over to him. "Who's responsible for this? Hmm? Huh? Mika? You feeling a little snitchy?".

"Oh, I think you know that I am", said Mika.

"I'll tell you who brought her over here. Me! Miles Macklin!", said Miles.

"Oh, oh! He snitched on himself, give him an S", said Mika.

"S!", I said, as I tried to make one.

"Cute", whispered Jay, as I blushed.

"Doesn't count if you snitch yourself", said Ray.

"Who makes up these rules?", asked Mika.

"Look, after a number of unsuccessful attempts to try to teleport Schwoz's home country", said Miles.

"Eighty-three", said Chapa.

"Not important. I made it there and I brought her and her melty bones so she could see her son, because we love Schwoz. And, yeah, she screamed a lot when I grabbed her. And, yeah, she tried to scratch me with one of her little melty arms, and where was I going with this?", asked Miles.

"She's a normal, sweet mom who wants to see her son", said Chapa.

"Exactly", whispered Miles.

"She is rubbing his belly like a dog", said Ray.

"Yeah, that's a little weird", said Miles.

"It's a lotta weird. I can't stand that lady. She's always trying to find a way to body shame me or throw food at me", said Ray.

"Ray!", said Mama Schwoz.

"Mama Schwoz!", said Ray.

"Ohh, have you gained weight?", asked Mama Schwoz, as I found myself feeling weird. It was like I was feeling needy. I looked at Jay and my hands which were intertwined. I felt satisfied but not fully. I looked at the boy who was looking in another direction.

"Actually, I've gained muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat, so", said Ray, as I pulled Jay to the chairs.

"Maybe", said Mama Schwoz.

"I don't know what's wrong with me", I sighed to Jay, as I held his waist tightly.

"What's wrong?", he asked, as he ran a hand through my hair.

"Nothing", I murmured, as I placed my face on his neck. I watched his face turn red as I smirked. "Can you keep doing that?".

"This?", he asked, as he ran a hand through my hair.

"Yeah that", I softly whispered, as I closed my eyes.

I woke up in the middle of the night to find my face in someone's chest. I saw Jay sleeping peacefully as all the lights were turned off. I placed some of the blanket on him as I returned to sleeping. The next morning, we all freshened up and we were at school. "...and then, when the villain says 'which arm?', you say 'dis-arm'", said Ray, as he removed the device from Chapa's hands.

"Ehhh", said Mama Schwoz.

"What does that ehhh mean?", asked Ray.

"Well, it's not how I would disarm someone but...", began Mama Schwoz.

"Well, why don't you come up here and show us then?", asked Ray.

"Can't. Bones are melting", said Mama Schwoz.

"Pretty well established at this point, sir", I said, as I looked at Jay who winked at me. I blushed red, as I threw a flying kiss. He froze and turned away. Was it too much? I noticed the smile that crept onto his face. Point for Bose!

"But, if they weren't, I would kick em in the zipper", said Mama Schwoz.

"Pfft, that's never gonna", began Ray till Chapa kicked him there.

"Ohhh!", said Ray, as we all got out of our seats.

"I want to try", said Miles.

"My turn!", said Mika.

"BACK OFF! No one's kicking me in the zipper! And from now on, I would thank you if you stay out of my business", said Ray.

"No, let her teach us more stuff!", said Chapa.

"Yeah!", said Miles.

"Yeah!", said Mika.

"Oh come on!", said Miles, as the emergency call began ringing.

"Oh thank god, there's crime! Alright, I'll see everybody upstairs...mostly everybody..mostly", said Ray, as we all went up.

After the mission, we all were sent to bring stuff for Mama Schwoz. "Okay, I'll go with Mika to Hip Hop Puree, Chapa will go to the horse area. Bose and Jay will get their part of the delivery", said Miles, as we all split up.

"Come on", I said, as I held my boyfriend-I mean best friend's hand.

"So what do you have to get for Mama Schwoz?", asked Jay, as he looked at the street.

"Well, she wanted her golf sticks yesterday", I said.

"Mama Schwoz wants me to get her a new Pear phone", said Jay, as he held my hand tightly and crossed the street.

"You're cute, you know that", I said, as we walked into the shop.

"I know, and I can say the same about you", he said, as he leaned in closer.

"At least I'm not younger", I said, as I ran my hand through his perfect hair.

"I'm only a day younger", he groaned, as he went back to holding my hand.

"So, do you have the money to buy the new phone?", I asked, as he looked at his wallet.

"No", he said. "I have to take some from my savings".

"But you were going to use that to buy yourself a Christmas present", I said.

"I know, this might sound cheesy. But sometimes gifting things to others is a great present already", he said, as I stared at him in awe.

"I don't know what you just said but you're amazing", I said.

We purchased all our stuff and we were waiting at the side of the road. I felt that weird feeling again but it wasn't going to go away. I ran my hand through my hair, as I let out a frustrated sigh. "Is everything alright?".

"Can we cuddle?", I asked, as I blushed red at the question.

"Not here", he said, as I pouted. He sighed as he blushed red. "Fine, but only once". He pulled me into a hug and combed my hair. I felt relaxed as I melted in his embrace. "Now, let's go".

"I'm missing it already", I said.

"We need to meet up with the others", he said, as he paused and kissed my cheek.

I ran with him to Hip Hop Puree and met up with the others. "Hey, are we ready to head back? I just bet my entire piggy bank on a horse race for Mama Schwoz", said Chapa, as she walked in.

"She made you bet with your own money?", asked Mika.

"She actually made me borrow some so I could bet some more. If Three Legged Dreamer doesn't win the fourth race at Swellview Downs, I'm in real trouble", said Chapa.

"Oh, god!", said Mika.

"Alright, let's roll. Mama Schwoz wants to see her golf clubs yesterday, but it's today so I'm late", I sighed.

"Sunshine", said Jay, as he held my hand.

"So what, you two dating?", asked Miles.

"No", said Jay, as we both stared at each other.

"How's she gonna play golf if she has melty bones?", asked Mika.

"She said she just wanted to feel the weight of the golf clubs in ehr hands before her hand bones melt", I said.

"Oh god bless that woman", said Mika.

"Don't make me cry", said Chapa, as Mika groaned.

"You okay?", I asked.

"Mika", said Jay, as he looked at her concerned and she nodded.

"Yeah", she said.

"Gah!", yelled Jay, as both of them went outside of Hip Hop Puree muttering angrily. I heard some cars honk as Mika used her super speed and I heard some screams and some thudding. I watched as a few rocks fell to the ground and car wheels rolled down.

"Huh, why?", asked Miles.

Later that day, we all were in the Man's Nest listening to the horse race. "Miles, thank you for teleporting to the gator pond and getting me this palm frond", said Mama Schwoz, as I fanned her with it and Jay fanned from the other side.

"Did you know that alligators can climb up palm trees because I didn't know that", said Miles.

"I did not know that", I said.

"You learn something new everyday", Schwoz said. "Ooh! Ooh! Here it is, it starts now!".

"Here in the fourth race at Swellview Downs, where everyone's talking about Three Legged Dreamer", said the announcer.

"Three Legged Dreamer! My boy!", said Mama Schwoz.

"I thought I was your boy", said Schwoz, as his mom shoved him off the bed.

"And they're off! It's Three Legged Dreamer moving quickly on the outside rail. Reporting For Booty is making a strong move inside but Three

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