Call Me Maybe

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Lil Dynamite:

"You'll never catch me", said Chest Monster as we tied him up.

"Dude! You're in our lair tied up. What are you talking about?", asked Volt.

"Aww, man", it groaned.

"I can't believe there are holes in my suit", I said, as Venom buried his face in my neck.

"Miles, go drop him off at Barstow", said Captain Man.

"No!", booed the box.

"I don't want to go to Barstow", said AWOL.

"Yay!", cheered the Chest Monster.

"I'll go tomorrow", he said.

"Man, why you gotta do Chest Monster like that?", asked the box.

"I know we'll put in ShoutOut's locker", said Captain Man.

"Please don't. I got it just the way I wanted. It's really neatly arranged. I don't have any personal space since Miles is always in my room, my father times my chowers since I'm wasting water, and my locker is the only thing I have", said ShoutOut.

"You could also just let me go", suggested Chest Monster.

"Uh uh, not happening", Venom refused.

"Why?", it asked.

"Because you ate all the swans in the Swellview lake", said Volt.

"So we can eat chickens but not swans?", asked Chest Monster.

"I said shut up, Chest Monster!", I said, as I kicked a cart.

"Sunshine", said Venom, as I fixed the cart.

"He's got a point", I said.

"Swans deserve to be eaten. They are jerks!", it groaned.

"I want to get ready for tonight", said ShoutOut, as everyone agreed.

"Fine you can leave, you deserved it", said Captain Man.

"According to the Mangenda, you have to check your voicemails before you leave", I said.

"The what?", asked AWOL.

"Ray put me in charge of his schedule. I've got a job", I said, as Venom smiled at me.

"Odd choice", said AWOL.

"They're all from the kid named Lil' Dynamite", I said.

"Whose that?", Venom asked.

"He's some try hard who smiles, and offers to help. Sometimes I hate having the emergency hotline", groaned Captain Man.

Everyone looked at ShoutOut as she coughed awkwardly. "Hey, who does that? That seems pretty annoying", she said.

"You does that everyday", said AWOL, before he was cut off by ShoutOut's super scream.

I began playing all the voicemails which were somehow linked to another every time they were cut off. "Can we just go?", asked Volt.

"Sure only because we have a big night coming", said Captain Man.

"So what are we doing tonight?", asked Chest Monster.

"You're going to Barstow", said Venom, as he kicked him.

"Aww man, why you gotta do Chest Monster like that?", he asked.

"Come on", I said to Venom as we intertwined our fingers and walked home.

"Should I pick you up or do you want to meet with the others?", asked Venom.

"Pick me up", I said, as he nodded.

I got dressed for that night as I heard the doorbell ring. "Bo bo! You got a visitor!", said my mom, as I ran downstairs.

"Jay", I said, as I hugged him.

"Hey Bose. Mrs. O' Brian, we're going to go to the Court and Courtney concert", said Jay.

"Oh, have fun and be back before tomorrow morning", said my mom, as I nodded.

We both held each other's hands as we walked in the dark. "I like the night, what about you?", asked Jay, as he stared at the sky.

"I like you too", I said, as I stared at him. He smirked as he looked at me and my eyes widened. We arrived at Hip Hop Puree as we heard the chattering of the tiny crowd. "Wait".

I held Jay's hands as he blushed. I leaned in as he did too before my phone began ringing. I looked at it to see a call from Chapa. "Where are you?", she asked.

"We're right outside, one minute", I said, as I grabbed Jay's hand and walked inside.

We both took our seats next to everyone else. "What do you think they're going to play first?", asked Mika.

"I'm thinking Almond Milk", I guessed.

"But that's their closure", said Jay.

"Yeah, but everyone loves it so it's more likely for them to do so", I said. They began playing Almond Milk. "I was right".

"What are you guys doing here?", asked Schwoz.

"Eating snacks and listening to the Almond Milk song", said Chapa.

"But there's an emergency out there", said Schwoz.

"What is it?", asked Miles.

"It's Ray's big movie night", said Schwoz, as we all gasped. "Didn't he tell you?".

"I thought he was talking about the concert", defended Miles.

"Hey guys, we're up here singing about various nut milks", said Court.

"All we ask is a sixty six dollar entrance fee and complete silence", said Courtney.

"Sounds good?", asked Court.

"Sounds good to me Court", said Courtney as they continued.

"Why aren't you guys still leaving?", asked Schwoz.

"Ray's big nights are fun don't get me wrong. But they always end up sad", said Chapa.

"Remember life size Monopoly?", I asked, as Jay sighed on my shoulder.

"He began talking about his dad", said Miles.

"He cried through all three pieces of that tuxedo", I said.

"I won that game though", said Mika.

"Come on", whispered Jay as we held each other's hands.

"Sorry to stop the music though, but there looks like there are flashbacks at table five", said Courtney.

"Sorry, it won't happen again", said Mika, as they resumed.

"Ray won't be happy if you ghost him", said Schwoz.

"Court and Courtney are here for only a day. I'm not missing it", I said. "And neither is my boyfriend". Jay blushed as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Me too. 'Almond Milk' feeds my soul", said Chapa.

"Why can't you go?", Miles asked.

"Have you seen the scientists I was with tonight?", asked Schwoz.

"I'll go after Almond Milk", said Miles.

"Who would miss Almond Milk?", asked Chapa.

"Right?", Mika asked.

"You're missing it right now", said Court.

"I'm sorry, we're working through things", said Chapa. "There's no way I'm leaving".

"We're kind of bummed that you're not leaving but we have a song for you", said Courtney.

"No way am I leaving now!", I said.

"It's called. Shut Your Mouth!", said Court, as upbeat music began playing.

The next day, we all carefully entered the Man's Nest. "Hey", Venom said.

"We're ready for some superhero training, sir", said Brainstorm.

"Where is he?", asked ShoutOut.

"Probably planning a revenge plot on us", said Volt.

"You think so?", asked AWOL.

"That's what I would do", said Volt.

Captain Man walked in wearing an apron and whisking some batter in a bowl. "Good morning kids, just whipping up some flapjacks", he said.

"Do not eat the flapjacks", Venom warned.

"What's wrong? You guys regularly love my manflaps except for the name", said Captain Man.

"Yes, we love them", said ShoutOut.

"Except for the name", said Volt.

"Except for the name", repeated ShoutOut. "But we all wanted to say sorry for missing out on your big movie night".

"That was yesterday?", he asked.

"Yeah, you marked it on your calendar", said AWOL.

"I must've forgotten about that. That's why there are six members of Danger Force", said Captain Man proudly.

"Yes", we all agreed. "Wait, what?".

"Yeah, so when all of you forget about me there's someone who cares", he completed.

"Lil Dynamite reporting for action sir! Are the manflaps ready?", asked the boy in the doorway. "Manflaps? How good is that name?".

"Manflaps. It sounds tasty", said Captain Man.

"Can you make some Mancakes?", asked Lil Dynamite as he winked at me. Five days passed by and the five of us found ourselves sitting near the glass doors. We were watching Lil Dynamite and Captain Man trying to play Blinding Lights by the Weekend. "You did it sir. You just played Blinding Lights by the Weekend".

"It didn't sound like Blinding Lights", said Captain Man.

"Legally not but it sure felt like Blinding Lights", he said. "Permission to hug you sir?".

"Permission denied", said Captain Man.

"I'll just pretend it's you and hug and you", he said as he hugged the air in front of him.

"Oh, what are you guys doing here?", asked Captain Man.

"Better question, what is Lil Dynamite doing here? It's been five days", said ShoutOut.

"He's teaching me how to play Blinding Lights by the Weekend", said Captain Man. "Flawlessly".

"If you say so", said Lil Dynamite.

"We're going to compete in the Battle of the Bands together", said Captain Man.

"We're going to beat the Weekend at his own song", said Lil Dynamite.

I took the keyboard from Captain Man as I walked over to where Lil Dynamite was. "May I?", Venom asked.

"Yeah", he said. I watched as Venom slowly began strumming the guitar. He smiled at me as I stared at him. His face looked determined as his fingers grazed over the guitar.


I threw a wish in the well, don't ask me I'll never tell

I looked to you as it fell and now you're in my way

I'd trade my soul for a wish, pennies and dimes for a kiss

I wasn't looking for this, but now you're in my way


Your stare was holding,

Ripped jeans skin was showing

Hot night, wind was blowing

Where'd you think you're going baby?


Hey, I just met you and this is crazy

So here's my number, so call me maybe?

It's hard to look right at you, baby

But here's my number, so call me maybe?

Hey, I just met you and this is crazy

So here's my number, so call me maybe?

And out of everyone trying to chase me

So here's my number, so call me maybe?


You took your time with the call, I took my time with the fall

You gave me nothing at all but still you're in my way

I beg, and borrow, and steal, at first sight it's real

I didn't know I would feel it but it's in my way


Your stare was holding,

Ripped jeans skin was showing

Hot night, wind was blowing

Where'd you think you're going baby?


Hey, I just met you and this is crazy

So here's my number, so call me maybe?

It's hard to look right at you, baby

But here's my number, so call me maybe?

Hey, I just met you and this is crazy

So here's my number, so call me maybe?

And out of everyone trying to chase me

So here's my number, so call me maybe?


Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad

I missed you so bad, I missed you so so bad

Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad

And you should know that, I missed you so so bad


It's hard to look right at you, baby

But here's my number, so call me maybe?


Hey, I just met you and this is crazy

So here's my number, so call me maybe?

And out of everyone trying to chase me

So here's my number, so call me maybe?


Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad

I missed you so bad, I missed you so so bad

Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad

And you should know that, so call me maybe?

I blushed red as I looked at him. I watched as his Lil Dynamite approached him. "Woah, you're so handsome, sir", he said, as my heart tightened.

I realised two things. One, I didn't like Lil Dynamite taking what's mine. Two. I like the boy in green much more than I originally thought.

"Maybe you should release your feelings. It's not good to suppress them", said Chest Monster.

"Shut up Chest Monster", said Captain Man, as he kicked it. "What is this still doing here? I thought I told you to send it away".

"I'm not an it, man", said Chest Monster.

"Shut up", said Captain Man.

"According to the Manjenda, it's snack time sir", said Lil Dynamite.

"Why is Lil Dynamite doing that job? It's mine", I asked.

"Ooh, not anymore, Lil D handles my schedules now", said Captain Man, as I fell into Venom's arms.

"Shouldn't you be writing this down?", I asked as Captain Man began reciting his long order.

"He has photogenic memory", said Captain Man.

"But I can't remember your name sir", said Lil Dynamite.

"It's Brainbender", said Captain Man as everyone froze.

I felt the tears come down my face and I covered it. "It's Brainstorm! Brainstorm!", I cried, as I ran into one of the walls. I ran into another one. "Can someone please help me?".

I felt someone open the door and push me through as I ran into a room. I sat on the ground as the tears kept falling. That was so embarrassing. I looked around and noticed that I was in the closet. I heard some footsteps as the door opened and closed. I noticed Venom standing there as I looked away. I hugged my knees closer to my chest as I saw him sit on his knees in front of me. "Bosey, you good?", he asked, as he wiped away a tear.

"Yeah", I said, as I looked at him. "I had one job and I failed it".

"No you didn't. You had one job and Ray, being a gunch, took it away", he corrected.

"He did the right thing. I can't do anything right! I mean come on! I can't kiss you right! I can't think right! I'm so du-", I said, as I was cut off. I felt a soft pair of lips on mine. I blushed red as Venom's hands trapped me against the wall. We pulled back as we looked at each other. "Wah, ga–oh god. Speal-lipa". I blushed as Venom lightly kissed me again. "That's better".

"Want to tell me what's going on?", he asked, as he sat next to me.

"I saw that you were with Lil Dynamite and I felt something weird. Almost like I wanted to take Lil Dynamite and throw him away. I felt so upset and I despised him at that moment", I said, as Venom blushed.

"Oh my sweet, sweet, Bosey", he said, as I blushed. "You're jealous.

"I was not jealous", I huffed.

"Yes, you were. You defined it before", he said, as he grinned and I rolled my eyes. "But you look pretty cute when you're adorable".

"Don't say that", I said.

"You're so cute", he repeated, as his face inched closer to mine.

I kissed him as he let out a little yelp. "I was jealous of you and Lil Dynamite", I confessed.

"He's a literal child", said Venom, as he giggled. "I like you, Bosey".

"I like you too, Jay-Jay", I said, as he kissed me again.

"Should we join the others?", asked Venom.

"Yeah", I said, as we both stood up with red cheeks.

A little while later, AWOL and I were getting our nails done. "Wow, these came out a bit more red than the bottle suggested", he said, as we stepped inside the Man's Nest.

"You should just trust me on these things", I said.

"Hey sirs", said Lil Dynamite.

"What are you up to, Lil D?", I asked.

"I'm making Captain Man's hair gel", he said.

"Did you remember to bring the candor egg?", I asked.

"Yep, Captain Man is bringing it as we speak", he said.

"Aren't candor eggs endangered?", asked AWOL.

"Well, if it means for Captain Man to have nice hair, then enjoy heaven, candors", said Lil Dynamite.

"Ok", said AWOL, as the emergency call began ringing.

"Emergency call!", I gasped, as I ran to the computer.

"Well, we need Captain Man, the others are already there", said AWOL. "Let me call him".

"Hello, this is Captain Man's hotline, how can I help you?", asked Lil Dynamite.

"Okay, we'll have to do without him", said AWOL.

"Hey Lil D, wanna join?", I asked.

"Oh do I?", he excitedly asked as he followed us.

"Don't fear, the boys are here", I said, as AWOL and Lil Dynamite were behind me.

"Boys! That's my biggest fear!", a girl cried as she ran away.

I gave everyone a confused look as we soon resumed. "What should we do?", asked AWOL.

"Someone needs to go inside there and turn it off", said ShoutOut.

"But won't they get like melted?", I asked.

"Yes, so we have to wait for Captain Man to come so he can go in and turn it off. I bet he can play his keyboard in it as well", said ShoutOut.

"Time to take one for the team", said Lil Dynamite as he pulled a cover on his face.

"No, no", Venom said, as he brought him back.

"Why not? You guys have been so nice to me even though I'm taking over", he said.

"We're not mad at you. We're mad at Captain Man for being such a gunch", said Volt.

"As brave as it was for you to offer", said ShoutOut.

"Going in", said Lil Dynamite as he entered it.

"No!", cried AWOL.

Venom immobilized Lil Dynamite as AWOL quickly teleported with him in and out. "Well it's a good thing ShoutOut found Schwoz's healing suit", I said.

"Poor little guy, he just wanted to help", said Volt.

"I found it!", said Captain Man as he entered the room from the back. He paused for a moment before he walked over. "That better be AWOL".

"Excuse me?", asked AWOL, as he popped up from behind.

"Nooo!", said Captain Man, as he soon dropped his egg. "Nooooo!". ShoutOut patted his back as he cried over the body.

"It wouldn't have happened if you brought someone along", said Chest Monster.

"Shut up, Chest Monster!", said ShoutOut, as she kicked the box.

"Well, I hope you're proud of yourselves", said Captain Man as all of us sat on the steps.

"We did find him a healing suit", said Volt.

"We wouldn't have needed it if it wasn't for you", said Captain Man. "I was gonna adopt him, you know".

"No you weren't", said Venom.

"Okay then, what is this Gugu search about adoption centers near me", said Captain Man.

"That says best sausage centers near me", said AWOL.

"Don't change the topic", said Captain Man as he placed his phone back. "You all did this because you were jealous".

"What?! Of course no", Venom said.

"C'mon weren't you a little jealous?", asked Captain Man. "not even a little bit?".

"Not even a little bit", mocked ShoutOut.

"Really, you don't think you couldn't win the jealousy contest?", he teased.

Volt threw bolts at him as they missed Captain Man. They hit Lil Dynamite. "Missed me", said Captain Man.

"You've worse aim than a stormtrooper", said AWOL.

"Ha! Get wrecked!", said Chest Monster. Volt zapped him as he groaned. "I deserved that".

Venom and I walked over to the suit where it was glowing red. "Is it alright?", Venom asked.

"I don't know", I said.

"I think it's time we call Schwoz", Venom said, as he called Schwoz. "Hey Schwoz".

"Hey guys", said Schwoz.

"Where are you?", I asked.

"We're following Court and Courtney. Now we're in Missouri", he said, as he pronounced the Missouri part weirdly.

I chuckled at him but soon regained posture. "We need your help", Venom said.

"Your healing suit malfunctioned and now it's glowing red and Lil Dynamite is wearing it", I explained.

"What healing suit?", asked Schwoz.

"The one that ShoutOut found in your bedroom", I said.

"That's not a healing suit. It's a suit that gives me power in case I need to go on a mission with you. It took me twenty years to build it", he said.

"Oh no", I said.

"Whatever you don't plug it", said Schwoz.

"Too late", I said.

"Okay just as long as Lil Dynamite hasn't been exposed to any radiation", said Schwoz.

"Oooh", Venom said.

"Okay just don't zap it", said Schwoz.

"They did", I said, as we ended the call.

"Guys, we have a problem", Venom said.

I watched as Volt, ShoutOut, AWOL walked in with Captain Man stumbling in. "You can hit me all you want but it won't change the fact that I used that try hard to make you jealous", said Captain Man, as Brainstorm and I saw Lil Dynamite moving.

"You could've told

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