The Thousands Prank War Part 1:
I was painting an apple as Chapa and I were trying to get revenge on Mika for so much homework. "I feel like I should ask you why you're painting an apple, but I also don't want to get involved", Jay said, as he walked in. We both made eye contact as we blushed.
"We're trying to prank Mika for all the extra homework", said Chapa.
"We had homework?!", Jay asked, as I laughed.
"Don't worry, Ray won't check out, unless Mika asks", I said.
"Aww, you look so cute wearing that face mask", said Jay, as he took a picture with me.
"It's fine, you can stop", said Chapa, as we looked at the realistic apple.
"I thought we were taking this prank seriously", I said, as I removed my mask.
"Hey guys", said Miles, as he walked in.
"Where's your sister?", Jay asked.
"She's coming, why?", he asked.
"We're trying to make her eat this apple with spicy milk inside", said Chapa.
"Mika, can't be pranked", said Miles.
"Your sister, Mika?", I asked.
"The same. She can tell. It's like her superpower but not her superpower", he said.
"Here she comes!", Jay said, as he sat next to me.
"Hey friends", said Mika. "That homework was nice".
"Nothing screams pain like long division", Jay muttered, as I laughed.
"I think someone's trying to prank me", said Mika.
"W-What?", I asked, nervously. "What makes you say that?".
"Miles, already learned his lesson", she said, as she placed her hands on her brother's shoulders. "So it has to be one of you three".
"I'm innocent", Jay claimed.
"Take a bite of the apple, Chapa", said Mika.
"Not hungry", said Chapa.
"Well, played", said Mika.
"I could eat", I said, as I lunged for the apple.
"No Bosey, it has the spicy milk inside", said Jay.
"Ah, aha!", said Mika, as she caught them. "The trick was cute. The fake apple, the banana filled with glue, and the grapes where each one was a rock in the fourth one".
Miles choked on a grape as Ray walked in. "We have a mission", said Ray, as he broadcasted something on the screen.
"Who's that peacock?", snorted Chapa.
"That's the Archduke Fernando from Rivalton", said Ray. "he's making a speech in Swellview for Kielbasa day".
"Man, I forget Kielbasa Day every year", I sighed.
"He wanted the best protection available. But since I'm not available he'll have to settle for you", said Ray.
"Way to ruin it", I said.
"That was totally uncalled for", Jay said, as he leaned his head on my shoulder.
"I've got a date at a pinball alley with a hot mom", said Ray, as he grabbed the apple.
"You may not want to eat that appl-", I began, as Jay put his finger to my lips making me turn crimson.
"Bose, if he wants to eat the apple, let him eat the apple", Jay said.
"If you mess up, I'll yell and if you do everything well, I won't praise you", instructed Ray, as he turned back. "Also don't make fun of his ponytail". Ray bit into the apple as Spicy Milk flew out. "This is why you never eat fruit". He walked away to change as everyone laughed.
"Why would we make fun of his ponytail?", asked Miles.
"I'm so going to make fun of it now", said Volt.
"Me too", said AWOL.
Currently, the duke was introducing us to his ponytail, Gideon. He began his speech and I can bet you nobody was listening. "I think someone's going to prank the duke", said ShoutOut.
"What makes you say that?", Venom asked.
Until a bust of flour flew up in his face. "That", said ShoutOut.
"C'mon, we must leave", said AWOL to the duke, as we tried to get him to move.
"I just need a sip of water", said the duke, as he grabbed the cup of water. Instead, the water shocked him as he leaned against the railing. The railing gave out as he fell to the ground leaving his ponytail behind.
"Are you alright?", shouted Volt.
"Forget about me, how's Gideon?", he yelled from below.
"He's fine", I said, as I held the ponytail in my hand. "No wonder he likes Gideon, he's so soft". I pressed the ponytail against my cheek.
That day we all were de transformed and being lectured in the Man's Nest. "Like regular moms who are into pinball, have a mustache. But this one hot mom comes, and boom I have to leave", Ray complained. "Where's Chapa?".
"She went to deal with a call", Jay said
"I'll yell at her when she gets back", said Ray.
"Look, I'm sorry that the duke got pranked but he was a jerk", Mika protested.
"Yeah, he keeps calling the Man's Nest to get Gideon back", I said, as I held the ponytail. "But I'll never let him go".
"Plus, even if he got pranked, it's no big deal", said Miles.
"No big deal? So, you think the thousand pranks war is no big deal?", asked Ray.
"Who said anything about war?", asked Mika.
"What do they teach you in school these days?", asked Ray.
"You're our teacher and regularly we have to teach you", said Miles.
"That's it! We're watching the Ken Burns documentary", said Ray, as everyone sat on the couch.
I woke up to see Jay's head in my lap. I smiled at him as he smiled up at me. "What's I miss?", Jay asked.
"You just missed the history of the Thousands Prank War", said Ray. "That's going to happen again?".
"Can we watch Jumanji?", I asked.
"Oh, yeah, can we?", Jay asked, as he sent me his heart melting smile.
"No, we can't watch Jumanji", sighed Ray. "You just re ignited a war".
"Really? There hasn't been a prank war for the past thirty years", said Miles.
Volt ran in wearing a cheerleading uniform with her mask still on. "They pranked me", shuddered Volt, as Mika placed a blanket around her.
"What happened?", Jay asked.
"It looks like a Tallahesse Two Step", said Mika.
"Tally, what now?", I asked.
"A Tallgeese Two Step. First person calls in with a fake spit injury. Second person spills grease over the uniform. Third person offers to clean the uniform for no charge. And then they hand you the cheerleading outfit of your city's hated enemy", explained Mika.
"That's what happened", said Volt. "Avenge me". I watched as she fell into Mika's arms.
"You really think this is forgotten now?", asked Ray.
"1, 2, 3, I call war", announced Miles.
The next day, everyone was watching the news about Volt's prank. There was a picture of Volt on the screen from yesterday and her cheerleading suit was shining. Unfortunately though, there were technical issues causing the image to not be removed from the screen. "Volt's cheerleading costume is now on display in Rivalton's Hee Haw Puree. On a similar note, the supplies at the Prank store are running out due to the war", said Trent, as Chapa turned off the screen.
"Why does Rivalton even exist?", asked Miles.
"It's because there was a lot of grease found underneath and they began selling it. And then they got rich because they sold the grease to the quint five which Swellview was a part of", said Ray. "We can't just let them get rich while making Chapa look cheery",.
"I hate looking cheery", groaned Chapa.
"We should just zap them if we ever go there", suggested Ray. "Oberse". He took out his laser and shot Schwoz.
"You can attach me to the back of the Man Copter and I'll do it for no charge", Chapa said.
"I came up with a way to trick Rivalton", said Mika.
The trick was set up that night. The chairs were breakaway chairs and the water was concentrated water. The door had a remote which allowed it to close and open. I built a brick wall blocking the bathrooms. We all grabbed our popcorn and sat down on the couch. We played the video as we watched the Archduke praise his ponytail, as Clarence fell over from the chair. Then Maddie begins to drink water and says she urgently needs to use the restroom. But there was a brick wall so they all ended up leaking themselves.
"I built that!", I said, as everyone cheered at the sand lime wall.
"Yeah, you did", said Jay, as he kissed my cheek lightly, as I blushed.
"I call that one Ur-In-Trouble", said Mika, as we all laughed.
"Now, I'm actually scared of you", said Chapa, as we all began fighting.
The next day, everyone was eating pizza outside. "Say ahh", said Jay, as he fed me some of his pizza. I blushed red as he wiped some sauce from my lips.
"This is really good", said Chapa.
"I thought they gave this at Nacho Ball", Jay said.
"No they give this at Pizza My Stomach", said Mika. "Anyway, I need to ask Ray to give us double the homework since we didn't have any yesterday".
"No!", everyone yelled.
"Excuse me for trying to learn", said Mika.
"I will not excuse you for that", responded Chapa.
"Ahhhh!", screamed a voice, as we all froze.
"Guys, I think there's an old lady in the Man's Nest", said Miles.
Everyone rushed inside to see Ray gripping the side of his head. Both hands were up as he tried to free them. He was hyperventilating as Mika ran over to calm him down. "Breathe, breathe. It's okay you can talk", she said.
"Okay, so you know how I was doing my hair process?", asked Ray. "First watch". He began talking about every list.
"Okay, we get it!", everyone sighed.
"So I was about to add a tablespoon of almond shea butter to my scalp until someone replaced the jar with glue", said Ray, as Mika and Chapa tried to remove his hands from his hair.
"So your hands are stuck to your head?", I asked.
"Yes sunshine", said Jay, as I blushed red.
"Yes", he cried.
"I guess you have to shave your head", said Miles, as Jay and I looked at him in shock.
"I'm gonna prentend that you didn't say that", said Ray, as he pointed his foot at Miles. A few minutes later, everyone was seated on the couch as Ray and Schwoz stood in front of us. Ray was wearing a blonde Kid Danger wig which was really silly to see. "So do you guys know why we called all of you here?".
"It's a regular school day. We were already here", Jay said.
"Anyway, you know that time Kid Danger fought the barber and lost all his hair?", asked Schwoz.
"No", said Chapa.
"I don't think so", said Miles.
"Well that's because Kid Danger wore this wig", said Schwoz.
"Yes, we fooled the whole town. This prank was clearly Rivalton's doing", said Ray.
"Well duh", said Chapa.
"Captain Obvious", Jay said, as I alughed.
"I was able to find some clues though", he continued. "The only people who have access to my hair products are you guys. And one of you five must be working for Rivalton". I gasped as everyone looked at each other. "And I know who it is. I'm just waiting for them to come clean. Maybe they did because they were born in Rivalton. If you don't admit yourself, everyone's fired".
"Mika was born in Rivalton", said Miles, as everyone gasped.
"Miles!", she yelled.
"I'm sorry, he said he would fire everyone, and Bose really needs that health insurance", said Miles.
"Miles! Stop revealing people's secrets", I said, as I threw my head back. Great, now Jay thinks I'm weird.
"Hey, you good?", asked Jay, as I blushed bright red.
"I'm fine", I whispered, as I laid my head on his shoulder.
"I thought you two were twins", said Schwoz.
"We are", said Mika. "Let me tell you what happened".
"Well my mom was very pregnant and she was sick of it", narrated Miles.
"Or you can tell them what happened", said Mika.
"They were at Hee Haw Puree", said Miles.
"Why were they there?", Jay asked.
"There was a smoothie which would allow my mother to go into labor", he said.
"Did it work?", I asked.
"It successfully did. But my dad didn't bring his wallet. He was trying to drink this entire juice bottle so he could leave the place with no charge", Miles said.
"Did he finish it?", asked Chapa.
"Yes he did and by the time we were on the road, my mom was driving really fast", said Miles.
"Where was your father?", asked Schwoz.
"He was in the back with a stomach ache", said Mika.
"Then my mother gave birth to Mika on the Rivalton side of the Jandy River", said Miles.
"What about you?", asked Ray.
"I was born on the Swellview side of the Jandy River. I'm a proud son of Rivalton", said Miles.
"Okay", said Mika, as she stood up. "Miles, why would you tell them that?".
"He said everyone would get fired and Bose needed health insurance for his foot problem", said Miles.
"Hey!", I said, as I threw my head back. Great, now Jay thinks I'm weird. I groaned as Jay patted my back and I smiled at him.
"I knew you did it", accused Ray.
"What makes you think I would go for your stupid hair care products?", asked Mika.
"What did you just call them?", asked Ray.
"If anything, I would've gone for your anti-aging cream", said Mika, as everyone oohed at the burn.
"Out! I cast thee out!", said Ray.
"You're not serious?", asked Mika.
"Yes, I am. You are to never set foot in this Man's Nest until this war is over", said Ray.
"Ray, be a bit logical", began Jay.
"I cast thee out as well!", said Ray, as Jay rolled his eyes.
"Wait, you're leaving?", I asked Jay.
"Yeah, Mika's my friend", said Jay. "She needs some help".
"What about us? What about me?", I asked, as we both went red.
"You guys will be fine. As for you, I'll miss you but I have a feeling we'll see each other very soon", said Jay, as he kissed my cheek.
"Ray, what's in the envelope and how did you know that I was born in Rivalton?", asked Mika, Jay and she walked to the tubes.
"There's nothing in the envelope", he said, as he pulled out a paper. "You just told me". He dabbed as Mika rolled her eyes.
"Down the tube!", said Jay, as both of them disappeared.
"That was not cool", said Chapa. "She was our best pranker".
"She was my sister and he was my best friend", said Miles.
"Mika's really supportive, and Jay is perfect. Also I told Jay about my foot thing and it never got out", I said.
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