Miles Has Visions
"So, what's going on?", Chapa asked, as we all, minus Jay, were in the Man's Nest watching Schwoz sleep.
"Schwoz didn't get any sleep last night because I told him that I was going to say smart stuff in my sleep", said Ray.
"So what did you say?", asked Mika.
"Taco Wednesday", said Ray.
"Not your best dude", I said.
"So how are we going to prank him?", asked Miles.
"We can get a tattoo. Let me get my ink kit", said Chapa.
"I have an idea. Save your ink. Bose knows how to play the flute right?", asked Mika.
"Yeah, he learned during quarantine", Jay said.
"I learned it anytime", I said.
I placed the flute near Schwoz's face since it ran on snores. I watched as Ray twirled Chapa and Miles twirled Mika. "Guys, I feel like I've seen this all before", said Miles.
"You've seen Schwoz sleep and us dance in Renaissance clothes while Bose played a flute that runs on snores?", asked Chapa.
"Yes, I do", said Miles.
"It just might be a hallucination", Mika said.
"No, I remember that Bose has hiccups", said Miles, as I began having hiccups.
"Woah", I said.
"That adds a nice beat", said Chapa.
"Just move along, Sir Macklin!", said Ray.
Later we had a chicken guy tied up in a chair sitting in the middle of the Man's Nest. "So where are the hostages?", asked Captain Man.
"I won't squawk", said the chicken guy.
"Should I use the hot sauce?", I asked.
"No, we'll get the pot of oil ready", said Captain Man.
"Fine, I'll squawk. I know where the hostages are. They're at-", began the chicken guy but was cut off.
"Guys, I've seen this before", said AWOL.
"What do you mean?", asked Captain Man.
"I know what happens next", said AWOL. "A bird crashes on the window, Brainstorm drops sauce on Volt, Brainstorm gets scared and hugs Venom and Captain Man gets a call from Kim Danvers. We also get side tracked with a whole different mission".
"Like I said, I know where the hostages-", began the chicken guy.
"Shut up!", said ShoutOut.
"I think the thing you're experiencing is deja vu", Venom said.
"Which is French for wait a minute", I said, as I smirked at Venom. Soon a bird hit the Man's Nest, I got scared and threw sauce on Volt. She threw me a glare as I back hugged Venom.
"There's no way Kim Danvers is going to call me", said Captain Man.
"Calling Kim Danvers", said his phone, as Kim Danvers picked up the phone.
"Hey Captain Man, thanks for calling. Some chicken guy held us hostage and we're at-", began Kim Danvers but Captain Man cut the call.
"No, no, we're stuck in a time loop", said Captain Man.
"Anyway, the hostages are-", began the chicken guy.
"Shut your beak", said Volt.
"Now let me explain to you what a time loop is", said Captain Man.
"Brainstorm, you might want to sit out", Venom said.
"Sure", I said.
"Take a nap", said ShoutOut, as I went to the chairs.
I was listening to music as Venom pulled me over. "Sunshine, over here!", he said.
"I'm not a chicken", said the chicken guy.
"That's what a chicken would say", I said, as I joined the group.
"No, I'm just a person who's in a chicken costume", he protested.
"Okay", said Captain Man, as we all walked to the tubes.
"That sounded like an okay where you don't trust me", said Chicken Man.
"Okay", said ShoutOut, as she joined us.
"Now, that sounds like you don't believe me either but I had fate in you since you were the only responsible one here", said Chicken Man.
"Down the tube", everyone said, as we went down.
We arrived at the store to see Time Jerker there. He was in his shop. "Okay, guys the object that's putting us in a time loop is somewhere on these shelves", said Captain Man.
"So we destroy everything", said Volt, as we entered the store.
"Hello, how can I?", began Time Jerker but was cut off.
"Enough Time Jerker!", said Captain Man.
"It's Tim Jerworski", he said.
"Well it's Tim you let me have control over my own brain", said AWOL.
I levitated objects as Venom used his power on them making them freeze and break. "Oh no", Tim whimpered, as he surveyed the mess.
"Let's go get some pretzels", said Captain Man, as he and everyone else left.
"I love soft pretzels!", I said, as I grabbed Venom's hand and ran outside.
We returned to the Man's Nest where Ray made chicken nuggets and we had our pretzels. "These chicken nuggets are really tasty", said Volt.
"Yeah, they are. What's your secret?", Venom asked.
"You don't want to know. It's going to scar you", said Captain Man.
"You didn't", began ShoutOut, as we all thought of Chicken Man and the oil.
"Got some more", said Chicken Man as he walked into the Man's Nest. "I just wanted to say thank you to you all for letting me stay here till my apartment's flooding is done. I know we agreed to not cry so I won't make eye contact with Volt".
"Don't look at me", said Volt, as she looked away and AWOL patted her back.
"They were actually made of soy", said Captain Man. "You guys eat too much meat. Do your part".
"Brainstorm, did you send it to me?", asked Chicken Man. "The prison statement?".
"Check your email", I said.
"You're an animal", said Chicken Man.
"No you are", I said, as Venom grabbed some of our pretzel. I watched as Venom had some of his pretzel in his mouth. I smirked as I leaned in and kissed him, biting some off in the process. He blushed red as he continued munching on his pretzel. I wiped the cinnamon syrup off his lips and licked it, as he hid his face in his hands.
"Guys", said AWOL. "I know what happens".
"About the soy?", Venom asked.
"I am mad about that, do not trick me like that. But I know what happens. I've been here before where we're eating soy nuggets and Brainstorm's wearing a pretzel around his neck and he cracks a tooth on the bone. Chicken Man's going to get a text that his apartment flooded in the sewers. Schwoz is going to come in with a crazy machine", said AWOL.
"There it was", I said, as I bit into it and heard my tooth crack.
I heard a text message from Chicken Man's pocket. "Don't", he said, as he looked at his phone. "No!".
"Look at my crazy machine", said Schwoz, as he walked in.
"Wow, that's cool", I said.
"We're still stuck in that time loop", said Captain Man, as we all stood up. We ran towards the Man's Nest. Venom and I tripped as we fell to the ground. I winked at him as he blushed red about earlier. "We didn't destroy the object in Time Jerker's store".
"You're not stuck in a time loop", said Schwoz, as we all overlapped each other.
"Oh you're so smart, Schwoz", said Captain Man.
"What does it do?", I asked. He said a long sentence filled with big words. "I didn't understand any of that".
"Not even I or build?", asked Venom, as I threw my head back and buried my face in his neck.
"It's telling me that no one's been interfering with time for a while", said Schwoz.
"So we destroyed Time Jerker's store for no reason?", asked ShoutOut.
"Yep", Venom said.
"And it also means AWOL has a new superpower", said Schwoz, as everyone cheered
A few moments later, all of us were at Time Jerker's store and Captain Man was apologizing. "I'm soooooooooo", said Captain Man as he struggled to say that he was sorry".
"Just say you're sorry", said ShoutOut.
"I'm lorry", said Captain Man.
"I'll even take lorry as an answer. I've spent half of my life savings on this", said Tim.
"You should charge those bad jerks who broke your store", I said.
"Sunshine, that was us", said Venom.
"You should charge us jerks who broke your store", said Brainstorm.
"Will you guys pay for the damage?", asked Tim.
"We're superheroes, we don't pay", said AWOL.
"How about you use your other life savings and fix it up. Then for the next grand opening we'll be there", said Volt.
"Yeah, that'll get a lot of publicity then", Venom said.
"Captain Man can use his giant scissors and cut the ribbons", I said.
"I do love my big scissors", said Captain Man.
"Established", said ShoutOut, as she super screamed and the window shattered.
Later, we all were at the store where everything was fixed. "Well, it's going to start", said Captain Man as he used his big scissors to cut the ribbon.
"It didn't work that good", Venom said.
"It will be when we do the official one in thirty seconds", said Captain Man.
"Guys, there are a lot of people out here. My boy Danny, Mary Gaperman, ex Kendal", said AWOL, as he looked out the window.
"My ex's boyfriend, my ex's sister, her boyfriend, my parents....gah! My parents!", panicked Venom.
"What happened?", I asked.
"I..didn't tell my parents about us yet", he said.
"That's alright, we'll tell them when the time is right", I said.
"Guys, I think-", began AWOL, but stopped.
"Well, what was it?", asked Captain Man.
"Yeah, don't leave us hanging", said Volt.
"I've seen all of this before. Not in a dream but it's going to happen in real life. Kyle, TakeOut, Mr. Nice Guy were there", said AWOL.
"Kyle from The Beating Dungeon?", I asked, as Venom nodded.
"Kyle, TakeOut, Mr. Nice Guy won't walk in here and say", began Captain Man.
"Ding dong", said Kyle, as TakeOut and Mr. Nice Guy followed him.
"Are you here for some sweet deals?", I asked.
"No shade, but these deals are real sweet", said TakeOut.
"But we need to take our friend, Tim Jerkowski to the right side", said Mr. Nice Guy.
"No, he's a nice guy and it's staying that way", said ShoutOut, as I put a hand in front of Venom defensively.
"Well Time Jerker, are you working with Danger Force and Captain Man?", asked Kyle.
"No, I'm", began Tim Jerkowski.
"Yes, my friend Jim", said Captain Man.
"Tim", said Tim.
"Is working with us", said Captain Man.
"It's kind of a one time thing", said Venom.
"Well, I guess we have to fight this out. Tim, if you don't want your store to be destroyed then join us", said Take Out, as Captain Man and Kyle began fighting.
"Light him up, Volt", said Captain Man, as Volt used her power on Kyle. He deflected it towards me as I was thrown across the room.
I landed in the corner as my back ached. "Sunshine!", said a voice, as I saw Venom rush up to me.
"I'm fine", I said, as we both got up. "How about we take them down together?".
"You bet", he said, as I levitated Kyle up. "Knock knock". I watched as Venom punched Kyle as he fell backwards.
"One down", I said, as Kyle got up again. "Okay, we'll deal with him later".
I levitated Venom upside down as he hid behind TakeOut. "Hey Take Out", said Venom, as TakeOut turned back. "Boo!". Venom punched him as he also fell to the ground. I walked towards him as Venom rolled his eyes. "I have a great feeling you're going to kiss me".
"Looks like you also have Miles's superpower", I said, as I leaned in and kissed my upside down boyfriend. I ran my hands through his black hair.
"Hey sunshine, if you're playing with my hair, how am I still levitating?", he asked.
"Oh", I said, as he fell in my arms. "That was totally meant to be".
"Any good deals?", asked Trent. "No! I missed them!".
"Get out!", super screamed ShoutOut, as Trent left.
A little while later, everyone was exhausted as we sat down. The three villains were on the ground and the store was worse than before. I sat down as Venom sat next to me. He kissed my forehead as I rested my head on his shoulder. "All the deals are gone!", cried Trent. "I'm going to news about this".
"Hey Tim", said Captain Man, as Trent left.
"Yeah?", asked Tim, as he looked at the mess.
"We're gonna dip", said Captain Man.
"And get some pretzels", I whispered, as Venom flicked my nose.
"I totally understand if you want to become a villain", said ShoutOut.
"Yeah, we're gonna give you a free pass", said Venom.
I watched as Tim walked out of the store. "Sorry man", called AWOL. We watched as he came back and looked at his broken store.
"Poor guy", said Volt.
"Well, this guy got a new superpower", said AWOL, as we all cheered.
"Let's get some pretzels", said Captain Man.
"You're getting pretzels?", asked Kyle.
"Yep", we all said.
"We're coming", said Kyle as Mr. Nice Guy, TakeOut, and he followed us.
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