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‼️The characters personality/traits may not be the same as personality/traits of the idols in real life! This is fictional! So enjoy!‼️

Third person pov

Jeongyeon got on her bus as always, and at the same time, claimed the same seat that nobody dared to even touch, she was perfect. She put her headphones on and started watching a video on math equations, pretty boring but that was something she did on a daily basis.

The bus started filling up with students and getting loud but Jeongyeon couldn't hear anyone nor did she pay attention to her surroundings, a few seconds later the bus stopped, the brakes hit so hard causing the people standing to get pushed over.

Jeongyeon's phone fell due to the bus stopping, she sighed and kneeled down to find her phone, she spotted her phone at the back of the bus. She got up and went to the back of the bus, only to find someone already holding her phone, she looked to see who it was.

"Is this yours?" He asked, Jeongyeon nodded, she looked at his nametag, Hwang Hyunjin.

Hm, so this was the brat Haneul was talking about, looks like a player and nothing Haneul describes him as, 'I would choose shrek over him' - Haneul's exact words to Jeongyeon.

"Yeah that's my phone." she snatched her phone back and headed back to her seat not looking back or even saying a simple thank you. She sat down but saw Haneul standing, right now Jeongyeon didn't want to talk to anyone, she just wanted to watch her boring math equation videos.

Haneul's stop came and she got off, along with many other people. Jeongyeon's stop was the next one. Jeongyeon took a picture of her getting off and sent it to her. 'Looks like someone finally caught the bus.' Haneul turned around and smiled, waving at her and blowing her kisses. 'Looks like someone was caught up in math equations and didn't see me until now. :D' Jeongyeon laughed and waved back before the bus started moving again.

On the other hand, when Haneul got off the bus there was a certain someone who had his eyes on her the whole time until he snapped out of it when he saw her waving and smiling, Seungmin was going through a weird feeling he never felt, when he saw her blowing kisses he snapped his head back and saw Jeongyeon, he rolled his eyes only to see her waving back. 'Is she friends with her?' He thought to himself.

Once he got off the bus at his stop, he walked to his house which was only 10 minutes away, on that walk he thought about the mysterious girl whom he had never seen before, and Jeongyeon who was waving back at her, they seemed close.

Seungmin ruffled his hair in frustration, "Why am I thinking so hard about this, I got cram school, too busy to be thinking about girls." He sighed.

Short chapter guysss next one will be longer! Thank you sosososoooo much for 81 reads I'm so grateful 😭❤️

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