Chapter 6

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"That.... Is certainly hard to digest." Was all Himeko could say, shifting the cup she had in her hands.

"Take your time. There are certainly weirder and more complicated things I could've told you." said Asuka as he took a drink from his own cup.

"Asuka, if I may ask, could you explain how the creation of a god from an ordinary human even be possible? I've heard and seen beings become godlike, but there were always a factor that didn't make them human." Said Welt, right hand resting on the top of his cane.

"I suppose some background information would make this certainly make more sense. The woman who had became a god was no ordinary person, but the collection of human desire for a brighter tomorrow. The strength of such desire resulted in the creation by of a Magical Foci, but was too strong and was sealed into a human girl, making her all-powerful." Regret soon filled Asuka's eye and the flower seemed to wilt, "but a single person should not have humanity's desire placed upon them, and half of her power was taken away. Her human desire was taken away as well as her future to preserve humanity, with only her name left."

"And so her other half was given back to her. Her true power fully realized." Said Void Archives.

"That would be correct, only through merging with her other half would she be fully complete, desire and power included."

Leaning forward in the chair he was sitting in, Void Archives said,

"What I want to know is why such a being would exist in the first place. Every creation has a reason, and such a powerful creation would need to have an equally impactful reason."

"The Crusades. An hundred year war that was almost the end of humanity." Was heard from the doorway, followed by Elias walking into a the room and taking a seat next to Asuka. "It appears we need to start on a history lesson for our guests."

"It's getting late, we should wait till tomorrow for such a lesson. Our guests will need their rest if we're going to be thorough, would that be alright?" Asuka directed his question toward the Trailblazers.

"That would be fine, as long as we're not intruding on anything, we thank you for your hospitality." Himeko responded.

"There is a empty room that available for you to stay in my house, rest up and we'll talk in the morning."

"I'll help get them ready, wait here until we come back."said Elias as he and Asuka got up to prepare the rooms. Doing simple things such as getting beds into the otherwise empty room. Carrying a stack of blankets in his arms, Elias said,

"Asuka, Do you intend to join the Astral Express?"

Pausing what he was doing, Asuka said,

"What makes you think that Elias?"

Placing the blankets down onto one of the beds, "I've been thinking, before the Astral Express arrived you asked what I would do if you left. When you were speaking to the others, me and Cecilia spoke to the conductor and they told us what the Astral Express did. And then it occurred to me, you knew that they would arrive, and you were going to join them. Despite never appearing here, you knew exactly who they were, and I wouldn't be surprised if you knew what they did."

"Then does your answer still stand?"

"Excuse me?"

"Does your answer still stand, would you still come with me if I left."

Elias became silent for the rest of the time they were preparing, looking around at their handiwork, Asuka broke the silence with, 

"So what's the verdict?" 

Finally speaking, Elias said, 

"My answer would remain the same, the reasons will remain the same." 

"Very well then, tomorrow we'll see if the Trailblazers will have us join them." 


The Next Morning 

All seemed to be peaceful on the moon colony, the excitement of the previous night had died down before dawn and everyone had returned back to the homes. However, not everyone had managed to fall asleep immediately, in the extra bedroom of the local sorcerer, the crew of Astral Express lay in their beds. The navigator had laid in her bed, head full of thoughts from the earlier conversation, the drink that she was given early certainly didn't help. And only just now has she managed to finally reach the point where she would finally be able to rest. Blissfuly unaware of the idiocy of some the residents. 

"I'm going to say this again, but this has to be one of the dumbest ideas you've had." Standing outside of the door were Cecilia and Elias. Both used to staying up for multiple days on end, they  both showed no signs of exhaustion. 

"Come on Elias. You're over exaggerating again, this is rather tame by my standards." 

Looking at his sister with the most deadpan expression he could give, Elias said, 

"You know what, I'm just going to leave and make myself something so I don't have any connection to this." 

Leaving Cecilia to her own machinations, Elias disappeared into the house, hoping not to be seen for the rest of day. Left alone, a massive grin appeared on Cecilias face as she placed her right foot on the door. Testing the amount of pressure she was putting on the door, Cecilia was still for a moment, before kicking the door, opening it with a large bang. The sudden sound awakened the resting Trailblazers, with Welt and Himeko jolting from their positions and Void Archives slowly rising to a sitting position. 

"Good morning Trailblazers!" 

Bleary eyed, Welt found his glasses sandpit them on, saying, 

"Has something happened?" 

"Nope! Just the dawn of a new day! And since it'll be some time before Master finishes his little lesson plan for you guys, I was thinking, we can pass some time by giving you all a tour of this place!" 

The three of the them looked to each other contemplating the decision. Coming to a decision, Himeko said, 

"Sure, I don't see the harm in a tour." 

"Great, I'll let you get ready and just come into the kitchen." 

Dashing out of the room, leaving the Trailblazers alone. After several seconds, Void Archives said, 

"Cheery girl isn't she." 

Back to where Elias had went, carrying with him a plate of white bread and water. As that was the only thing that he found, a little disappointing to be honest. Peacefully sitting down in the kitchen, Elias took a bite out of the bread he had. Rather satisfied with his bread, took a drink from the cup of water he had. The once peaceful gaze of Elias hardened as a new sight crossed his view. Zooming into the room, Cecilia appeared by Elias and said to him, 

"You know... Himeko is quite pretty don't ya think." 

"If you're trying to start something, I'm not going to fall for it."

"Ah come on. You knows she's pretty and you can't deny that." 

"I'm not listening to you." 

"You know exactly what I'm saying." 

"The only thing I can hear is the bread being chewed in my mouth." Elias took a bite out of the bread. 

"Don't lie to me. Her red hair is suuuuper pretty, and you have to admit she has a pretty face." 

"Uh, thank you?" 

Turning to the doorway, the two of them saw Himeko standing there with a rather confused expression on her face. 

"Well speak of the devil" said Cecilia as she began to walk to Himeko. Placing her hand on Himeko's shoulder , Cecilia said, 

"So are you perhaps single." 

A half eaten piece of beard flew through the air and impacted the back of Cecilia's head. Ignoring  it, Cecilia continued talking,

"My brother is a rather lonely person, and there aren't many girls around here his age." 

Two more pieces of bread hit Cecilia's head, "Maybe you can't pop him out of his shell." 

The entire bag of bread that was in the kitchen flying at least twenty miles per hour hit the side of Cecilia's head, knocking away from Himeko, who turned to Elias arm still out from chucking the bread. 

"Are you two always like this?" she asked.  

Author Notes: This shit is hard to write.

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