Asuka R. Kreutz

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Purveyor of Magical Mastery

[About Asuka]

A mage from one of the many Earth planets. A member of the Astral Express Express, he was the teacher of another of the Expresses members. Will write in a journal all about the different planets he's been to.

Path: Nihility

Element: Imaginary

Weapon: Tome of Origin

Rarity: 5 Star

Asuka abilities

Basic Attack: Single Target

Howling Metron: Single Target

Asuka fires a single blue orb from the Tome of Origin. Deals DMG equal to 50-100%of Asuka's ATK

Skill: Enhance

Bookmark and Chant

Immediately starts off with 4 spell(s). Asuka can choose to spend Mana to activate one of four spells, or use one skill point to draw spells for however many slots are open, recovers 10-24 Mana. Activation of a spell will end Asuka's turn.

Ultimate: Blast

High Compression Submicron Particle Sphere

Ultimate Activate

Asuka will stand with the Tomb of Origin in front of him with a hand hovering above it.

Ultimate Unleash

Hands will appear from the Tomb Origin, creating a red symbol between the hands. A translucent purple cube will appear from the symbol and is fired at the enemy.

Deals Imaginary DMG equal to 80-165% of Asuka's ATK to a single enemy and adjacent enemies. Draws spells equal to the amount of empty spell slots.


Knowledge of the Backyard

Asuka will start with 100 mana at the start of every battle. Can be used to activate one of Asuka's 15 spells, Asuka has access to four spell slots. As long as Asuka has mana he will have a shield that reduces all damage by 20-50% and makes Asuka immune to any status effects. But when Asuka no longer mana he will take 50% more damage. Mana is consumed when Asuka is attacked, amount consumed based of how much damage Asuka takes. Depending on spell is used, Asuka's turn will be ended.


Filter Gravity

Places down a staff and decreases the DEF of all enemies by 30% and increases ally DEF by 20% for three turn(s). Ends turn.

Time Stretch

Places down a staff and decreases the SPD of all enemies by 30% and increases ally SPD by 20% for three turn(s). Ends turn.

Gravity Rod

Places down a staff and decrease the ATK of all enemies by 30% and increase ally ATK by 20% for three turn(s). Ends turn.

Reduced Mana Cost

Reduces mana cost by 50% for 3 turn(s).

Recover Mana(Instant)

Discarding all bookmarked spell, recover all of Asuka's mana.

Recover Mana(Continuous)

For 5 turns, recover 10 mana per turn.

Bookmark(Random Import)

Discards all spells then draws the same number of spells.

Bookmark(Auto Import)

Automatically draws a spell after Chant for 5 turns.

Delayed Howling Metron: Blast

Fires a large yellow cube from the Tome of Origin. Deals Lightning DMG equal to 22-48% of Asuka's ATK to one enemy and 11-26% of
Asuka's ATK to adjacent enemies. Has 50% chance to apply Shocked. Ends turn.

Holding Metron MS Processing: Bounce

Fires three green cubes from the Tome of Origin. Deals Wind DMG equal to 24-50% and of Asuka's ATK to a single enemy, and deals DMG for 3 extra time(s). Has 50% chance to apply Wind Shear. Ends turn.

Metron Screamer 808: Blast

A large orange orb will appear from the Tome of Origin. Deals Fire DMG equal to 53-108% of Asuka's ATK to a single enemy and adjacent enemies. Has 50% chance to apply Burn. Ends turn.

Metron Arpeggio: Bounce

Ten red cubes will appear from a dark portal from behind Asuka. Deals Imaginary DMG equal to 17-38% of Asuka's ATK to a single enemy, and further deals DMG for 9 extra time(s), with each time dealing Imaginary DMG equal to 17-38% of Asuka's ATK. Ends turn.

Delayed Tardus Metron: AoE

Fires a glowing orb surrounded by six squares. Deals Imaginary DMG equal to 26-57% of Asuka's ATK for two turns to all enemies. Ends turn.

Terra Metron: AoE

Dark crystalline spikes will appear on the floor. Deals Imaginary DMG equal to 47-98% of Asuka's ATK to all enemies. Ends turn.

Accipter Metron: Single Target

A black orb with a red outline will appear over the enemy. Deals Quantum DMG equal to 49-102% of Asuka's ATK to one enemy. Delays the enemy's turn. Ends turn.

Aquila Metron: Single Target

An ice spike will appear from the ground in front of Asuka. Asuka can choose to use it to attack an enemy, or use it in an ally and when the ally is attacked, activates the spell. Deals Ice DMG equal to 40-84% of Asuka's ATK to one enemy. Has 50% chance to freeze enemy. Ends turn.

BT Shift Metron: Bounce

Asuka summons up to 5 flaming cubes. Deals Fire DMG equal to of Asuka's 28-59% of Asuka's ATK to a single enemy, and deals further DMG for up to 4 extra time(s). The amount of cubes that are fired is dependent on how many turns Asuka has had the spell. Ends turn.

RMS Boost Metron: AoE

Pages will appear all around the enemy as a red beam comes from the pages. Deals Imaginary DMG equal to 55-112-110-224% of Asuka's ATK to all enemies. Damage is based off of how many spells Asuka has used. A single spell increases DMG by 11% max 4 stack(s). Ends turn.

Sampler 404

Makes it so the next spell used is not discarded.

Technique: Enhance

Bookmark(Full Order)

Pages will hover around Asuka, slowing down time and allowing for Asuka to select what spells Asuka will start off with in the next battle.

Ascension Talents

Ascension 1

Unspoken Knowledge

When using spells, there is a 100% chance to increase DMG received by targets by 10% for 2 turn(s).

Ascension 2

Simple Concept

When Asuka uses his basic attack, increase mana by 5.

Ascension 3

Precise Calculations

If two or more staffs are present at the same time, extend duration of oldest staff by one turn.

Voice Lines


Battle Begins [Weakness Break] :

It'll be much easier if you allow me to simply destroy the enemy.

Battle Begin [Danger Alert]:

I'm calculating our chances of survival.

Turn Begins 1:

Make sure you think this through properly.

Turn Begins 2:

We don't want to make any potential mistakes.

Turn Idling:

Taking your time is alright, but if you wait to long the chance could disappear.

Skill Ability 1(Draw):

Altering particle flow.

Skill Ability 2(Chant):


Skill Ability 3(Chant):


Hit by Attack (Light):

Just so you know, I'm fairly certain I can die from pain.

Hit by Attack (Heavy):

With survival on the line, I can win, 100 percent.

Ultimate Activate:

I suppose nullifying potential energy won't work.

Ultimate Unleash:

Mapping trajectory. Diffuse.


This is... what I deserve.

Return to Battle:

I'm considering turning this place into a vacuum.

Health Recovery:

The help is appreciated.


Harmonic boost.

Battle Won:

Give me a moment to still my heart.

Treasure Opening:

This could be used later.

Success Puzzle-Solving:

I've solved equations harder than this before.

Return to Town:

I'm going to need at least an hour rest.


First Meeting:

Hello, my name is Asuka R. Kreutz, though just Asuka is fine. I'm willing to provide any information should you ask for it.


Half-asleep. Perhaps a couple of equations will help waken the mind.


Get some rest. The mind can't function properly without a proper nights rest. Trust me, all nighters are something I'm not very fond of.

About Self: Previous Profession:

I was a scientist for some time and was working with magic. But I ended causing mass destruction and my actions brought humanity to the edge. Then I started a radio show when I left earth. Only recently had I taken up students.

About Self: Teaching:

I don't consider myself someone fit for teaching, I may have the knowledge required, but I'm far from capable of properly providing said knowledge. It just took time for me to get used to teaching before I could properly teach.

Chat: Magic:

I was taught magic by who can considered the founder of proper magic. Since then I've refined and improved on my capabilities. And I've taken in two students who I taught all that I'm capable of teaching.


If you're familiar with devices referred to as a 'Rub Goldberg Machine', I've made buckwheat noodles many times. I don't have the machine with me, but I'm certain I could recreate it with the right materials.


When you spend hours researching and testing something only discover that either someone already did it, or it's just impossible to accomplish is mildly infuriating to say the least.

Something to Share


About Himeko:

The navigator of the Express. She's quite intelligent for her age and her engineering talents are comparable to someone I knew. But she walks a lonely path, leaving behind the people you care about, however may happen is something I could do.

About Welt:

He has been through a lot. Yet he still has a youthful spirit as  Himeko refers to it. I've talked to him many times and I've many connections with the man.

About Void Archives:

A man with a great deal of knowledge about his home world. Though he has an air to him that I don't quite trust. How I can tell? Let's just say I'm familiar with a trickster.

About Elias

My student is a naturally calm and well thought out person. While compared to his sister he doesn't have the same magical talents, but he more than makes up with his mind and physical abilities.

About Pom-Pom

The conductor is definitely the most mysterious member of the Express. I wouldn't get on their bad side if given the chance, but I can let you figure out on your own.

Light Cone

Memories From a Time Long Since Passed
5 Star

HP 1058
ATK 582
DEF 463

Increase the wearers Effect Hit Rate by 24%. When wearer uses skill, increase Effect Hit Rate by 10%. If an enemy receives a debuff or DoT from the wearer, there is a 100% chance to inflict Old Memories on targets. Targets with Old Memories receive 10% increased DMG for how long targets are inflicted with the debuff or DoT, max 3 stack(s).

Authors Notes: I ain't going to make the character stories or the Light Cone description. Guilty Gear lore is to fucking complicated.

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