The train traveled across the ground, sparks flying from the wheels as it ground to a halt. As the four of them made their way to the front cars, a door to one of the passenger car opened. The vacuum that kept the doors closed released, steam bellowing from the openings. Reaching the car whose door was opening, Elias summoned his spear and pointed it towards the door, waiting for whatever was to come out.
Light soon began to come from the cracks as the door slid open, light pouring from the car as Elias and Cecilia shielded their eyes and both Asuka's simply watched. As the light died down, a small bipedal bunny looking thing dressed in a red conductors outside stepped down from the car and looked towards Elias and said in a high pitch voice,
"You! Blondie with the ponytail!"
Slightly lowering his spear, Elias looked inquisitively at the small thing,
"Your talking to me?"
"Who else here has blond hair in a ponytail! Of course it's you!"
Placing his hand onto Elias spear, Asuka pushed it down.
"That's enough, they don't mean any harm." Turning his attention to the creature, Asuka said to it,
"Judging from your appearance you must be the conductor of the Astral Express. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"You bet Pom-Pom is!"
Slightly bending down to get closer to Pom-Pom, Cecilia said,
"This little thing is the conductor of this train? I'm not sure such a tiny thing would be capable of handling such a machine."
Glaring at Cecilia, Pom-Pom said,
"Pom-Pom's size has nothing to do how well Pom-Pom does their job!"
"I apologize for my students rudeness," Pom-Pom only let a 'hmph' in response, "my name is Asuka R' Kreutz, my two students are Cecilia, the one who called you tiny, Elias, the one you referred to as blondie, and the one who looks like just me is also called Asuka, but he will tel you what he wants to be called. It's a pleasure for the Astral Express to have arrived here, may I ask where the rest of crew is?"
"Finally some respect," Cecilia and Elias looked at each other with exasperated expressions, "and the rest of the crew is still inside the Express, if you wish to meet them I will bring them out."
"That would be wonderful conductor."
Going back inside the Express, the conductor was gone for a few minutes before they returned back outside, only this time accompanied by three people. The first was a young woman with bright red hair dressed in a white dress with a black coat hanging from her shoulders.
The second was seemingly a middle aged man with a white streak in his otherwise brown hair. Wearing relatively simply coat and carrying with him a cane with a dark ruby handle.
And the third was a young man with long golden hair, dressed in elegant white clothes.
Asuka was the first to greet the newcomers,
"Greetings members of the Astral Express. I pray that your journey to our wayward colony was comfortable."
The young woman was the first to answer,
"It was, thank you for your concern. My name is Himeko the navigator of the Astral Express. These two here are Welt Yang and Void Archives," The two men simply waved in response, "and as you've said, we are the current members of the Astral Express."
"I'm afraid your arrival has caused disturbance in our community, after all it's not every day that people from off-world appear. Otherwise your welcoming would have been more appropriate than what you received."
"While such pleasantries are appreciated, I'm afraid there is a much more pressing matter." Cut in one of the men, Welt to be specific.
"And what may that be Trailblazer, I've been here for long enough to know that nothing too dangerous should be here.", was Asuka's response, "perhaps your implying that I could be hiding something."
"No, no that was not my intention." Said the very panicked Welt by the sudden accusation on Asuka's part.
"Well good, I was only joking with you, so what is this matter you speak of. I'm interested in what you could be possibly referring to."
From the side, Cecilia leaned toward Elias and whispered to him,
"I think Master is enjoying the role of the mysterious man a little too much."
"You think so? I think he's taking to it rather well. I mean this isn't the worst attempt we've seen him try at something before."
"Enough you two, important things are happening." R# said to them, immediately they turned their attention to the others as Himeko spoke,
"Usually the Astral Express doesn't make such detours from its course, but it's recently come to our attention that an anomaly appeared in this area. A divine presence, like a gods if I must make a comparison."
Asuka began to chuckle as he answered,
"I know exactly what you're talking about and your help is appreciated, but is unneeded."
"You do?" Was Himeko's response, surprised by his answer.
"Of course. The anomaly you speak of was the birth of a false god," all members look toward Asuka with wide eyes, "and the death of a false god."
The dock was silent as the Nameless were processing the information they just heard. The blonde man, Void Archives, spoke first,
"Is that so. Well if that is the case then there must be some sort of repercussion because of such an event. After all, it's not everyday that a god is born, nonetheless killed."
"Well to be honest, there was nothing of that sort. It was rather a an anticlimactic aftermath, though it did turn out alright in the end."
"Excuse me?" Was all Void Archives could say.
"It has been thirty years since the that happened. I'm pretty sure any after effects have been taken care of. The people of Illyria are certainly an efficient bunch from what I've heard."
There was no response from any of the Nameless, as Asuka thought to himself,
"Is there something wrong? What I shared to shouldn't be too surprising?"
Walking up to Asuka, R# placed his hand in Asuka's shoulder as he said,
"Members of the Astral Express, while the information my creator said to you is indeed true.
Breaking their silence, Himeko said,
"Right, if you insist."
"Well good. Asuka, if you may."
"Of course."
The Tomb of Origin appeared in Asuka's hand as red light began to outline everybody. And in a blink of an eye, everyone seemed to dissipate from where they stood.
Authors Notes:
Before I get too far into the story, I want to say that this story takes place multiple years before the start of Star Rail. Obviously meaning some characters won't be introduced for a while and others will be apart that aren't in the main story yet. This also changes how some characters act as well. I will also be using some of my original characters as well as creating their own kits.
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