I could feel it, the Astral Express was getting closer and closer by the hour. I've already contacted the radarmen to let the Express through, having them arrested and detained wouldn't be a good first impression would it. It's only a matter of time to they show up, and if I remember correctly they'll show up within the hour. The time was close to ten o'clock and the night life on the moon is definitely less lively than any city on Earth.
I may have been here for the longest amount of time, but I can't say I've been very active. These thirteen years if been teaching the two of them has been the most lively since then. But if things go as I think they will, I might not be able to see them again. The thought alone terrifies me, I've known them my entire life, even before I began teaching them.
When was it, ah, I remember now. Back when they barely reached my knees, they were so energetic and lively. And back when everyone avoided me. Not that I blame them, it was liking blaming a beast for following its instincts. It is natural for someone like me to be avoided, my reputation alone would be enough to certainly make people hate me.
But that changed didn't it? All because a small child couldn't help themselves. What did Cecilia see again? Ah, I remember, it was something along the lines of 'why does everyone seem to hate you'. A fair statement, but after that she would constantly bother me and R#(Doppolkreutz). Even when her parents told to stop, Cecilia brought Elias along with her.
Then their inherent magical talent was discovered, and while many of the residents could use the basics of magic, it was amateur at best and couldn't bring out their full potential. Much to my surprise, the knight that taught the two of them to fight came to me. He wasn't angry or even dismissive of me, all he requested was to teach the twins.
Resting my head on the back of bench I was currently sitting on and slowly closed my eyes. Perhaps I'm overthinking this, reminiscing about the past like this isn't going to determine anything. I'll just have see how they react when I leave, well, if I leave that is. Sitting in silence for several minutes as I contemplated how I would speak to the crew of the Astral Express.
"So this is where you've been the entire time master."
Opening my eyes and leaning forward to see whoever was in front of me, Elias stood there with a smile on his face.
"You've been looking for me?", I said as Elias took the spot on the bench next to me.
"I have, I wanted to properly thank you for all that you've done for us."
"Thanks are unnecessary, all I did was accept a request."
"Nonsense master, both me and Cecilia are very fond of the time we spent together. I may express my gratitude through words, don't take my word for this, but I'm certain Cecilia is preparing a gift for you this very moment."
"I... I see. I too cherish the time I spent with the two of you. It's been a long time since I've had that kind of relationship with others before."
The silence that followed wasn't awkward as I've been in multiple times, but it felt rather comforting. As the two of us stared at the dark sky, filled with the glimmering stars ever so far away. But staring at the stares drawled my thoughts to the Astral Express, would they allow two people to join them? I turned my gaze to Elias, who was still stargazing as I said,
"Yes master?"
"What would you do if I suddenly left?"
"If you left? Would it be like you disappearing suddenly or do I get a warning before you leave."
"You get time before I leave."
"Then I might go with you."
"Why is that, there would be no reason for you to come with me."
"Well to be completely honest, I don't think there would be a reason for me to stay here."
"Really, what about Cecilia, what would she think."
"Knowing her, she'd either say "Go ahead I don't care", or maybe she'd create something so we can communicate."
"That does seem like something she would do. And that's your final answer Elias."
"For know, but why the sudden question master?
Before Asuka could answer, a powerful surge of magic was sent across the entire colony. The two of them instantly felt it as the blast resounded through their head. Unaffected, Asuka leapt from the bench, Elias though was holding his head as he got off the bench.
"Their here.", said Asuka as it walked away.
"Who's here? You knew this was going to happen?", said Elias as he followed behind Asuka, still holding his head. Once the two were walking side by side, Asuka said,
"I did, and it's related to the question I asked you early."
Picking up their pace, the two of them were in a run as they crossed the moon colony to where the burst came from. Soon, another less powerful magic burst surged through the colony again as more of the residents came outside and were searching for the source. Suddenly, a blue symbol appeared by Elias ear as he placed fingers too it and said,
Cecilia's voice can through as she said,
"Did you feel that?"
"I did, I'm with master now, do you know where it came from?"
"The strongest point seems to be around the shipping docks. R#(Doppolkreutz) thinks this is where whatever is creating the magical surge will appear. Think of it like a releasing pressure from a fault."
"How long till it would appear."
"Five minutes, at most." Asuka said, cutting into their conversation. Looking back at Asuka before he relayed the information to Cecilia,
"Master says ten minutes is the latest it will appear, can you keep the area clear? We don't want anyone caught in the crossfire."
"The area has already been secured and no one is getting through."
"Good, we should be there in two minutes." was the last thing Elias said before he hung up and began to pick up the pace once more. Reaching the docks soon after, a crowd was gathered in front of the entrance as the guards were doing the best to keep them out. Leaping over the crowd and guards, the two of them raced towards the apparent center of the magical surge.
Both Cecilia and R#(Doppolkreutz) were already there, waiting for the anomaly to appear. Walking up to their position, Elias said,
"Any clue what's going to appear?"
"Nope, nothin." was Cecilia's response, "All've we've managed to figure out is that whatever is creating the surge is old."
Both Asuka's stood side by side, silent, staring ahead, when a strong gust of wind blew past. Ruffling everybody's hair, as they all braced themselves. Immediately, a black locomotive train used past them, whipping both their hair, as well as the clothes around their bodies. The train eventually stopped as the four of them made their way to front of the train, waiting for whatever was inside to exit.
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