Yuuka Kazami

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Requested by PersonTouhou1234

1. Yuuka is the only character to appear as the boss of two consecutive stages.

2. According to Yuuka's conversation with Tewi in Yuuka's PoFV scenario, Yuuka's umbrella is actually the only flower in Gensokyo that never withers.

3. She is one of the few characters with an umbrella.

4. VIVIT, Komachi, and Youmu have pointed out to Yuuka that her outfit, or Yuuka herself, bears a resemblance to Reimu. I myself don't see much of a resemblance, but I'm cool with whatever.

5. Yuuka's known for telling lies most of the time.

6. Yuuka was first seen wearing pants, which makes her one of the few characters wearing pants. Dang XD

7. Along with manipulation of flowers, she can also create small dimensions.

8. Her bad ending in Mystic Square has her breaking the fourth wall who kindly tells the player to try again when s/he's ready and to choose her. Yes, just yes.

9. In the PC-98, Yuuka seems to have some kind of relationship with Elly, since she's the gatekeeper of Mugenkan.

10. The sun wouldn't dare rise without Yuuka's permission.

11. One day, she took a walk while in a bad mood. There were no survivors.

12. Marisa stole Master Spark from Yuuka. She was lucky to get away with it alive.

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