toothless x buttercup

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(warning 18+)

buttercup leads him to some boxes

and she sits on them and smirks at toothless 

and she takes her clothes off but leaves her bra and panties on


buttercup:toothless i want you to know

buttercup:i want  you to be my boyfriend i'm in love with you

toothless:i'm in love with you to buttercup

buttercup:good now i want  to make love with you

buttercup:now get over her and knock me up

toothless:sure thing sexy

toothless sits on the boxes

buttercup takes off her bra and panties

and sits ontop of toothless

toothless:puts my 12 inch dick into her pussy


toothless:starts pounding her slowly

buttercup:ohh so big

23 mins later

they are fucking wild

buttercup:riding him hard

toothless:mmmm slaps her ass

buttercup:keeps riding him on baby your so big

toothless:thanks baby 

buttercup:cums on his dick

toothless:my turn

toothless:starts pounding her hard

buttercup:ahhhh yes!

with bright mac and big mac

bright mac:son have you seen your mother

big mac:nope

bright mac:ok

he walks off then he hears moaning 

then he sees buttercup fucking toothless

toothless:aagh keeps pounding her

buttercup:ahh yes baby give it to me

bright mac walks away mad

with buttercup

toothless:oh baby i'm cumin

buttercup:go ahead honey cum in me fill me up

toothless:cums inside her pussy filling her up

buttercup:ahh yess agh!

toothless:pulls out of her 

she leans back and lays her head on his chest

buttercup:toothy i love you

toothless:i love you to baby

they get back to work

to be continued!

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