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toothless and buttercup are at his car

toothless:well i'll see you later baby

buttercup:ok honey

they both kiss each other on the lips

and toothless drives home

later that afternoon

toothless is home with his nurse redheart watching tv 

redheart:baby how was your day today

toothless:it was good nothing big happen

redheart:good while you were out i planned for us 

redheart:to go to the house you brought for you and your mother cream heart

redheart:and help the workers set it up

toothless:ok baby

redheart:were leaving tommorrow morning to head up there

toothless:got it

they continue watching tv

shining armor calls his soon to be brother in law toothless

toothless:hey shining armor

shining armor:hey toothless i need a favor

toothless:ok what is it

shining armor:you niece flurry heart wants to see you so

shining armor:so will it be ok if she stays with you for a couple of days

toothless:sure bro

shining armor:good i'll drope her off tommorrow morning

toothless:ok i'll be here

shining armor:ok later


they end the call

toothless lays in bed cuddling my girlfriend nurse redheart

to be continued!

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