later that day
toothless is in the kitchen
paying the water bill
button comes in with babs
button:toothless can you cook us something to eat
button:because were hungry
toothless:yall are grown as hell cook yall asses something to eat and leave me
they go cook them something to eat
toothless gets done paying the water bill
and heads out
he gets in his durango
and drives off to sweet apple ackers
to help applejack pick the apples
23 mins later
he gets to the farm
and parks behind applejack's car
he gets out and locks his car
and applejack walks up to him
applejack:hey sugur cube
toothless:hey applejack heard you needed help
applejack:yea my mom is over there she needs help with collecting apples
toothless:ok he walks over to her
buttercup looks behind her and smiles
buttercup:hey toothless
toothless:hey buttercup
buttercup:glad you could come over and help me
they start working
while they are working
buttercup:picking a apple from a tree
toothless:omg looking at her big ass
buttercup:sees him looking at my backside
buttercup:hehe hey toothy
toothless:ah picks the other apples from the other tree
buttercup walks over to him
buttercup:toothless come with me please
toothless:glup ok
to be continued!
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