Chapter 3: The Wolves And More Humans

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Rouge POV

"Where she is going?" "Don't know don't care." I say as I watch her leave. She looks back at us and she waves. Before going back to walking away.

Well she's a interesting creature. I look back at his light with heat. So memorizing. And makes you feel kinda warm. "Say sis." Eve walks over to me. "Yeah?" "Is she gonna be in our pack?" Is she crazy? With her gone it's one less mouth to feed. It's bad enough I have to feed you five.

"This place is nice. However we can't stay here." Eve whines. "Why not?" "Because it's not our home. It's hers." Not to mention there are no high places for us to protect ourselves from Scar and his pack. "We should probably get going." "What about the Deer?" "Just leave it for Scar and his mutts."

Scar POV

"Hey boss look!" I look to see Rouge and her little snacks going the opposite way of that human girl. "Hm. Alright then, time for plan B." I say to them. "You 4 will get that human girl." "Hehe yes sir." They leave to chase her down. "And the rest of us. Well..." I laugh. "You know what to do."

Rouge POV

"Stay under me." I make sure my little cubs stay under me so I can keep them safe. June watches the back while also protecting Eve. "Almost there." I say as I see the cave in sight. I stop moving. "Rouge what-" "Shh!" I say to June. I hear a few sticks snap and multiple footsteps. "You dirty little mutt." "Sis I'm scared." Eve hides under me as well. Well I guess there's really one thing left to do. "Climb up the tree." I say to them. "June get one of the cubs." She slowly makes her way to me and she picks one of them up with her teeth. "Climb. Eve you do the same now." The footsteps get closer and faster. "Now!"

Eve quickly grabs a cub and she begins to climb up. I pick the last one up and I climb up as the wolves rush in to get us. I climb to a strong healthy branch and I look down to see the wolves annoyed and angry. "Stupid dogs. You forget that we can climb trees." I look to June is safe with one of the cubs safe and sound. The same with Eve. "Sis what do we do now?" I look down to see only two of them looking up at us. "There's more. It can't be just two of them." I sniff around so I can find them. "Four? Only four?" The wolf pack is 10 and is the only wolf pack on this island. So where are the others? Thunder sounds off scaring my sisters. The wolves then start to run away. All four of them. "What's going on?"

Lara POV

"Wha!" I wake up to the sound of thunder and I wake up to see Sam is gone. "Sam? Mathias? Sam!" I call out their names but I get nothing. What happened? Where did they go? "Shit!" I grab my bow and I walk down the stairs. I have got to find Sam and make sure she's-

"AAAAAHHH!!!" I fall as I scream in pain. A bear trap?! Out here?! "Sam!" I call out to her but nothing still. And then I hear it. "*Howling In The Distance*" Oh no.

Rouge POV

I hear the most painful scream I have ever heard. "Did you hear that? That must be painful." June says and I nod. "Wait a sec... that girl." The scream was something we never heard of before. And that girl we just met speaks a different language than us... oh no. "Stay here or go back to the cave!" I jump down. "Rouge! What are you doing?!" "Just promise me no matter what happens you will take care of your sister!" I look back to face June. "Promise me." She looks like she's ready to cry. "Rouge..." "I love you little sister. And I love you too Eve." I look forward where the scream came from.

(What am I doing?) I run. (Why do I care if she gets eaten by Scar and his pack?) I run faster. (She's just a girl that looks like us but she doesn't have cat ears or tail like us. Why do I want to rescue her?)

"She got one of us!" I freeze in my tracks a so hear one the wolves. "She's got the weapons to fight back. What do we do?!" "Attack her you idiot!" I sniff around and I smell three dead wolves. "The time of Scar is over." I say and I move in.

There's only four left which means Scar and another are not here. If I help take these ones down then Scar will be alone and powerless to stop me. "This is gonna suck."

Lara POV

"Ha!" I fire another arrow killing another wolf. They just keep coming! How big is this pack?! Another jumps out but I have no time to draw another arrow. "Shit!" Before it could reach me a hand grabs it's back leg and slams it to the ground. "What the?!" The wolf gets dragged into the bushes and all I hear is yelping in pain before a quicks snap ended it's life.

Another wolf jumps out but only for the same thing to happen again. Gets slammed down, dragged away. Wolf howls in pain only for its neck to be snapped. "Hello? Who's out there?" "Lara!" Reyes? I look up to see her. It's actually her. She and the others make it. "Let go." Reyes aims her gun at the trap and she shoots it. Jonah then helps me out of the bear trap. "Good to see you little bird."

We hear snarling and I look to see another wolf growling at us. "Look out!" The wolf gets ready to rush but it gets taken down. "What the?!" R-Rouge?

I see her wrestle the wolf down to the down and she bites down on its neck. She moves her hands to its head and she twists it. "Who is that?" "More like what is that?" She drops the now dead wolf and she raise her head to look at me. She looks at me and only me. Rouge you saved me. I look at her body to see she has a few cuts on her arms and her body. Covered in blood and dirt. "Get back!" Whitman yells at her.

Rouge looks at them and they aim their weapons. "No don't shoot her! She helped me!" I tell them. I look at Rouge who was ready to attack them as well. "Lara who- what- is that?!" "She's just a girl who's been living here. Please she doesn't mean any harm to us." I look to see Rouge walk over to me. She gets closer until we're face to face. She's really close. She starts sniffing me and she lowers her head to smell me.

After she finishes she looks the other way and she walks. "Wait Rouge don't-" but then she runs off. "Thank you."

June POV

"Alright we should be safe now." I say as I help the tiger cubs and my sister up the the high rock places. I climb up and I check to make sure we're all here. And we are.

"I want Rouge to come back." Eve says to me. "I know. Me too. But she's strong." Stronger than that stupid dog Scar. She could end his life any day she wanted. "That stupid cat!" I jump in fear. I look back to see a pissed off wolf, and it's Scar. "Your sister took everything away from me! She's ruined my plans! Made a fool of me! Well I've had enough!" He violently tries to jump up here. "Get away from us!" "She killed my brothers ands sisters! She killed my queen!" He gets even more violent. "I'm gonna kill you all!"

"That's enough!" I move a little closer and I slash his face with my sharp claws. "You filthy pussy cat!" He try's to bite but I quickly move my hand back. "Boss it's only us left. She killed almost everyone." He looks back. "That bitch! She's dead!" He's
blinded by rage. He runs out in a hurry and with last wolf pack member. I hold my sister as the cubs huddle behind me. "It's gonna be ok. It's gonna be ok."

Rouge POV

I hear a violent from Scar. "He sure seems mad." I walk around the forest keeping my scent away from him. But he is stupid dog. A stupid dog with good ass smelling. But unfortunately for him that's the only thing he's got against me. And he was supposed to be strong enough to kill my parents. The only reason he did is because he had a pack. He had the numbers. But now...

"Your all alone." I walk around until I smell something else. "Hm? What's this?" I walk to my left and I climb up to get a better view. "It's bigger light. But not the sun."

I sniff around and I smell something else near me. I walk towards careful not to fall off. I lean my head in to see what it is and it's another one of those animals that look like us. But no ears or tail still. Unlike the girl I saved from the wolves she she smelled like a friend or something like that. But this guy smells like Scar. Evil. And for that he must die. "Time to die!" I die and I tackle him to the ground as he scream for his life. He tries to push me off but I Easy pin him down and I bite down on his neck. I bite down hard enough to crush his neck. He goes limped.

I look down to see... her again? But she looks powerless and unable to do anything. She's surrounded by the bright and hot light. Maybe I should call it the sun. It's bright, and hot, and if you get close enough you'll burn. It's like a mini sun.

I watch her stay on her knees as she cries. She's covered in blood as sits by a dead body. "Hm?" I walk down. As I get closer she jumps in fear and she aims something at me. "Geez this girl getting startled by everything now."

Scar POV

Where is she?! Where is she?! I stop running as I soon see another human looking at me and my last wolf pack member. "It's human." "Obviously! Kill him!" "But sir he has a gun. Plus we don't have the numbers." I growl at him. "Watch me!" I rush at this old guy and he fires his gun at me but I mange to doge it. I bite down on his leg and he falls back. "See?! He's just a old man! You deal with him while I go find Rouge!"

I leave him to deal with him and if he dies then so be it! All I care about is killing her here and now! She's ruined life far enough and now she's gonna pay in blood!

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