Lara POV
"I had to kill them. I had no choice." "That can't have been easy..." I continue to climb up the ladder as Rouge waits for me. "It's scary how easy it was. You got to warn the others Roth." I climb up to the top and Rouge looks ahead. "Don't worry about them. Just do whatever it takes to get to me." "I'll try."
Rouge sniffs the air. "Are there more of them?" I wish we could understand each other. She starts to growl as we hear footsteps heading towards us. And what showed up was a big black wolf with a scar on its eye. Plus more recent scars on its face.
I grab my bow but Rouge growls at me. "What?" She gets in front of me and she growls at the wolf still. She wants to fight him by herself.
Rouge POV
"You bitch. You are going to die tonight!" He's full of rage. I stay calm with a straight face. "Well where's your pack? Are they hiding?" "I don't need them! You're nothing but a weak cat!" He shows his teeth covered in blood. "Just like your parents." "Yeah just like them huh?"
I walk forward. "Yeah like them! I killed them myself and soon you will join them!" I keep a dead straight emotionless face. "I'm not afraid of you. I never have been." He walks back a little but he goes back to standing his ground. "Yes you are!" "The only one who's afraid is you."
I stop walking. "The only reason my mom and dad are dead is because you had a pack of stupid dogs helping you. Your not strong enough to take them both down by yourself." I say to him. "I was never afraid of you then. And I sure as hell ain't now." I smirk. "The only one who's scared, is you." "YOUR WRONG!!!"
He growls and charges at me. I stand in my back legs and I roar loud while at the same time thunder strikes as well. Making it a thunderous roar. He walks back and he falls in fear. "I will make you remember your fear." I walk over to him and I chase him down before he gets the chance to escape. I bite down on the back of his neck and I drag him.
Damn he's heavy. But I have taken down much bigger prey. I bring him near the cliff where me and the girl climbed up. "Feel good? Feels good doesn't it?! You got what you wanted?" I stop walking and I look down at the high drop. I move back a little and I drop close near the edge. I grab his front legs and I snap them. He howls in pain as he tries to attack me but my reflexes are faster than him. "When I was cub I was never afraid of you. You were never intimidating." He was gonna say some more until I slammed my hand on his face. Blood spilling from his mouth. "You are weak. You needed help from you pack to take my parents down. But without them your nothing but a weak dog."
And with that I pick him up by his head with my sharp teeth and he howls in pain. "Rouge listen I'm sorry! I'll leave you alone! I'll-" *SNAP*
His body goes limp. Lifeless. Motionless. Good riddance. I took his body off the and I watch his body fall and hit the ground. "Now..." I turn around and I see the girl is no longer here. "Where did she go?" I sniff the air so I can track her down. "Blood?"
Lara POV
"Roth!" I see him shoot a wolf killing it before falling on his back. "Roth I'm coming!" I rush over to help him and he has a horrible bite wound on his leg. "Thank god your alive." I patch him up a little and I ask if he seen the others. He hasn't.
He stands up. "What are you doing?" "That wolf took my food pack." A food pack? He needs more than just a food pack. "But you need bandages, morphine, antiseptic-" "All in the good pack." Shit.
We hear a thud and we look to see a bag. "Is that it?" "Yeah. But how did- Lara look out!" I look to see Rogue. "Rouge! Wait don't shoot her!" "But Lara..." I get in front of him. "She's saved me. She's here to help."
Rouge POV
Alright now that they got what they need. I turn around. Time to finish the pack off for good.
As I continue my journey back to Scar's cave I look back to see her again. "Now what?" She keeps speaking in this different language but I can't understand her. "Geez why can't you speak cat?" I look forward again and I continue my mission. But in the corner of my eye she still follows me. I turn around and I nod my head to her friend over there. She looks back. Geez this has nothing to do with you. I'm just helping a little. After all you did help kill he last of the wolves here. Making mine and my sisters life easier.
I start to climb up and I don't look back as I hear the girl probably calling to me. Thank you for helping me but now I have to finish what was started.
I make it up to the cave and I sniff the air. "Seriously?"
Lara POV
I follow her because I want to make sure she's safe. Which I don't think she needs but still. She looks back and she makes an annoyed face. I guess she's getting tired of me following her around. She continues to walk inside a cave. Is this her home? I look down to see wolf tracks. A wolf cave.
I follow her in and she is not scared in the slightest it. As we get closer and closer I hear whines. I look in a big room to see four little wolf pups. "Wolf pups? Did you... kill them all?" I ask her and she still keeps her eyes on them. She walks forward and gets closer to them. "Rouge what are-" She quickly picks one pup up with her mouth and she violently shakes it. "Rouge!" She throws the now dead wolf pup at the wall and she moves on to the next doing the same thing again. "Rouge you can't!" She looks at me. She picks up one more pup and she puts her hand on its small head. *SNAP*
I watch her snap it's neck and moves on to the last one. I can't stop her. But why must she do this? It's sick watching these pups die.
After she finished the last one she turns around to face me. I can barely look at her after that. She walks past me and she continues to act like nothing happened.
Rouge POV
Alright, it's done. No more Scar. And no more wolves. This island belongs to me and my sisters now. When the cubs are old enough I'll take them to that tiger place where I found them. There they can grow up and meet others of their own. I walk out that shitty place and I walk towards the cliff. I look down to see that old guy using some stuff to treat his wounds. He'll be fine now. I lay down as I watch him and I hear the girl walk beside me. She crouches down and she moves her hand towards the wet dirt.
"Hm?" Is she spelling? She makes an L. Then a A. R. Then another A.
"Lara?" Is that her name? I look at her and she looks at me. Guess she went from judging me for killing wolf pups to now telling me her name. She's a weird creature.
I do the same thing and I spell out my name as well. Rouge.
She looks surprised by this and she laughs at something I still can't understand. Wish there was some kind of way for us to understand one another.
Lara POV
I make down with Rouge to see Roth and he's feeling a little better. But unfortunately he can't move that well. Rouge lays next to me making me smile a little. But it goes away once I know what I have to do. I have to get to the radio tower to call for help. "Your not alone you know. You got her don't you?" I look to see Rouge yawning but she is still full of energy. "Yeah... yeah I do." "You can do this."
He gives me his pry Axe. "After all, your a Croft." "Heh, I don't think I'm that kind of Croft." "You won't know until you try. And just be careful."
June POV
Rouge has been gone for too long. I'm starting to get worried for her. "June? Is Rouge coming back?" Eve in the verge of tears asks me. I pull her onto my lap and I let her hair and scratch her ears. "Don't worry. Rouge would never let us down. She would never let Scar and his gang get the best of her."
At least I hope. I yawn feeling sleepy. I have to stay up thought. I have to... I have to.... zzzzz
Rouge POV
Lara Huh? Nice name for her. We walk up this moth until we reach this other place with a mini sun. I notice her shivering from the cold. "Fine then. This should help you."
I sit on my bottom and I pull her onto my lap. She gasps in surprise. She looks at me surprised. "Geez calm down." Although maybe this was a mistake. My stick is feeling weird with her ass on it. I push her off me.
Instead I'll just sit by her. Having her on me is weird. I lay next to her and this seems to make her shivering go down a bit. This is should heat her up a bit before we get moving to whatever it is she's doing.
I would check on my sisters but I know their safe. They can sleep easy tonight. And I wish I could get some too but I want to help this girl. She's obviously not from here and if she can get off this island then fine by me.
But first I have to make sure she's fine. I rub my head on her shoulder and she goes and scratch my ears. "Oh fuck that feels good."
Lara POV
Is she purring now? She starts to purr like cat once I started scratching her ears. She even meows for me a little. "Cute little kitty cat."
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