Rouge POV
"Get away from us!" "Sis wake up!" I groan as I hear nothing but growls from my sisters and cubs. I open eye and I sit up a little. As I see a pack of wolves down there. I feel myself wake up fully and I stand to my full height growling at them. "What do you want Scar?!"
"What? Can't I come see my favorite pussy cat?" He licks his lips. "And her delicious cubs." Eve moves behind me and my cubs as well. I growl. "What do you want?!" "Me? What do I want?" He looks around our cave. "Well this is a very nice looking cave. Mind if we move in?" "Leave us alone!" It's just him and 6 more other wolves in here. I may have power over them but they strength in numbers. I wouldn't last long.
"Fine we'll go." He starts to walk away and his pack follows. "But remember Rouge." He looks at me. "I still haven't forgotten the scar you gave me. And I will pay you back." He smiles. "I'm your cubs blood." He howls as he and his run out of our cave.
I sigh. I check in my sisters. "Are you two Ok? Are you hurt?" "Now were fine sis." June tells me. I look at my cubs and they look scared. Then their stomach starts to growl in hunger. "Dammit." I say.
I look outside. "All of you stay here and DO NOT leave this cave! I'm gonna get breakfast." I felt June walk beside me. Stopping me from jumping down. "Are you crazy?! Scar and his pack could be outside waiting to get the jump on you!" "I doubt it." I jump down. "Look we all need to eat. I'll be back as fast as I can." "Sis I'm thirsty." Eve says to me. "Dammit."
I want them to get to the nearest river. But June can barely handle one wolf. Eve is too small and can't fight back. And my cubs are defenseless babies. "Just wait for me to come back." "But-" "NO BUTS!!" I snap at her. "It's for your one protection."
I walk out of the cave and I sniff the air. Scar and his back are long gone. Good. I continue to walk on all fours as I sniff around for anything. But today we need to eat something big enough or satisfy us. Maybe a Deer? There is one that ya been separated from it's hers. If I can find it then I bring it home. However it is far. Just sit tight, I'll be back with food.
June POV
After she leaves I growl in annoyance. "Why does she always do this? Making us stay here it's stupid!" "But sis she's protecting us." Eve tells me. "Yeah we can take care of ourselves too! Now let's go." I jump down. "June! We can't leave!" "Why not? Aren't you thirsty?" I ask her. "F-Fine." I stand in my back legs and I pick her up with teeth. I put her down and as I do, I do the same for the Tiger cubs. "Let's go."
Rouge POV
I've been sniffing around for 10 minutes and I still can't find the Deer. "Where is it?" I say quietly to myself. Why now does Scar come to bother us?
Scar is the leader of the wolf pack. He's been aliens since I was cub myself. My parents always protected me and later June, and them Eve. Unfortunately one day they didn't come back. I went searching for them and I found them dead. Killed by wolves. Killed by them. I know it was them because of how Scar kills his prey. I hunted him down and when I found him I challenged him to fight. It ended with me winning without a single scratch. Unlike him. In that moment I should've killed him. I should've... but I didn't. Instead I just walked away. Even now I still don't feel like I did my parents justice.
I freeze as I hear movement. I crouch down. Well whatever it is... it's being loud. It's gonna scare away my food. I make small movement as I hide in the bush. I sniff around again to hope I found the Deer. "Got you..."
Lara POV
Just remember what Roth taught you. I see three Deer eating the grass. I pull back. "And..." Before I could fire the arrow something fast runs from the bushes and takes one of the Deers down. "What the..." the animal takes it down and snaps it neck. It was so fast. Gave it a quick and painless death. But at the same time... there goes my food.
I walked forward a bit out of curiosity of what animal it was... it wasn't an animal. It was human, a human girl. "Hello?"
The girl looks up with blood dripping from her mouth. She has purple hair, white skin but covered in dirt. She actually looks pretty cute... wait what?
I shake my head a little and I look at her again. My stomach growls loudly getting her attention and making her growl. I lower myself to the ground. "Easy now... easy...." I put the bow down and she looks confused. "Can you help me find my friends?" She just stares at me. It's like she has never seen anyone like me before. I feel my cheeks start to heat up once I realize she's naked. She has no clothes on. Completely naked.
There was more movement and I look behind here to see the Deer from before. "I got to get one of them." She looks back to see them as well. "Hey um. Can you get one of them for me?"
Rouge POV
What is this girl saying? Seriously I have no idea what she is talking about. I look at the 2 Deer's looking at me. "You just had to kill her didn't you!" "That was my mom!" I lick my lips. "You want to be dessert? Because that's what your gonna be!" I quickly rush at them they both try to get away... well only one of them did. I bring the bigger one down and bite down on her throat.
I start to drag her to the girl. I want to see if she can kill. I look up to see if she's still here and she is. And she is. To make sure this Doe doesn't get away I use my claws to slash its leg so she can't get up. I drop her in front of her. "Kill it." "Huh?! You want her to kill and eat me?!" "Shut up!" I slam my hand on her face. "Food is quiet and motionless."
I look at the girl again and she looks conflicted. So I guess she does understand. She moves her arm back and grab a stick with a sharp rock on it. "Pointy." She quickly stabs it in the underbelly and the Doe screams in pain. She then goes limped. She rips the it open to get the insides. When she finishes she looks at me. "Good job." I don't know why but I smile knowing she's got it to kill. Seems like the one who doesn't like to kill.
"Wha!" I look back to see... are you kidding me! "Eve! June!" June looks annoyed and Eve smiles as she sees food.. "Hey sis! You got food for us!" "I told you to stay in the cave! Why didn't you listen when I made it perfectly clear not to?!"
Lara POV
Fascinating. She's not the only one wih cat ears and tails. These two must be her family. So the one with stripes must be the oldest judging by her size and the She is scolding her family. Must be sisters.
The younger one walks over to me. I look down at her and she looks at me. She smiles at me and opens her mouth and lets out a small meow. My stomach growls again and I look at the Deer again.
I gather the meat I need so I don't get hungry later on. Well at least I'll have dinner later. I think it's best I leave just in case Hey decide they want to eat.
I walk back to my spot and I start to cook the meat. I hear footsteps. "Who goes there?!" I grab my bow and I pull the arrow back. "Meow?" I look closely to see it's the small girl again. Did she follow me? She walks on over to me. But she just walks on all fours instead of her two legs. "Grrr."
I look up to see her again. The one with stripes carrying the dead Deer in here. She drops it and she looks at me. She kinda looks annoyed and angry but not at me. Her other sister with half brown hair walks in as well. With 3 small white stripe tiger cubs.
So cute. I look at the one with stripes as she eats the Deer. I look at her body. Her nice built body for the wilderness. She must've been born here with her sisters. I wonder if their parents are around? But then again they could be dead. Plus they can't understand me and I them. I continue to eat my food as well.
Later That Night
It was now night time and I still haven't gotten a word in from Roth or anyone. Nobody is answering. I look at the 3 cubs playing with each other as the youngest girl plays with them as well. The other two are just looking out.
"I should probably name you three." They look at me still confused at what I'm saying.
Rouge POV
"This is your fault." "How is ANY of this, my fault?" I growl at my younger sister with attitude. "You should learn to trust us more! Trust me more. I can take care of myself." "Oh please you couldn't even take on Scar's weakest mutt." She glares at me and she shows her teeth in anger. "You don't know that!" I raise my hand up and I put it on her head and I push her down. "Strong huh?" "Grrr..."
The only reason we're here with this girl is because Eve wouldn't shut up. But in the bright side, at least their having fun. Eve and the cubs. When they get old enough they'll live in their own. I'm sure their are more tigers here for them to meet when their older but for now, their my responsibility.
Lara POV
The striped one starts to stand and stretch like a cat would. But with a human body.
"Well maybe I'll go call you..." She looks at me. "Rouge. Yeah, yeah I think Rouge sounds good." Rouge the the human tiger. I giggle at the thought in my head.
"This is Conrad Roth, Captain of the Endurance." Roth! I pick up the radio. "Roth! Your alive!" "Lara?!" "Easy Easy now. See you ok? Do you remember anything?" Remember... remember.
"I remember the beach... then it went black and it woke up in cave. There was a crazy man and... a dead body." "Lara... where are you now?" "This is all my fault."
If it wasn't for me then we wouldn't be in this mess. Why did I have to do this? To make us stranded on a island with crazy people and cute girls with cat ears and tails?
"Lara listen to me, I sent out an SOS at the Endurance before I abandoned her. I have to stay here. I spoke with the others and they are coming. Remember what I taught you and just.." "Keep moving." "Your ready for this Lara. And keep your radio on."
I stand up and I look around. "Sorry girls. But I must be on my way now." I look at Rouge. That's what I'm gonna call her. "Hm. Maybe you... no you can't." I look at the cubs who are now sleeping. "You got to protect your family. I guess this goodbye for now."
No One POV
As Lara leaves to meet up with her friends leaving Rouge with with her sisters, unknown to them they were being watched.
By Scar and his pack of wolves. "Hehe." Scar licks his lips as he watches Lara go. "Boys I have an idea." He looks up at the rock cliff where Rouge is with her sisters. "And I cant wait to see how this ends."
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