Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue is now in Lan Xichen room. They are discussing what to do once they show Su she memories and Jin Guangyao memories. "Let's have Madam Jin here as well. She need to know who is behind her son death."
"Wei gongzi are you sure?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head, "beside, she is taken over as Sect leader until Jin Ling is old enough right? The Jin clan can't go without a sect leader. I don't trust the Jin elder to take over as sect leader. Whose know what they will do next? Or they will be the next Wen Rouhan or Jin Guangshan."
"That is a good point Wei Wuxian. Let's talk to Madam Jin first before summoning the other sect leader."
After the discussion Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian head back to Jingshi while Nie Mingjue stay to talk to Lan Xichen what they are going to do with Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangshan and Su She.
"We can't let them live. If we do then they will find a way to fight back, what do you think we should do with them Xichen?"
"We can lock them in NeverNight. No one can watch over them. They can die in the dungeon. This is their sin after all. They have made a mess of our world, it is time for them to died in a place where they have kill all of the innocent Wen."
"I agree. Let's continue to talk about all of the other sect leader."
As Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji walk back to Jingshi, Wei Wuxian felt a calm and peaceful aura around him. "Lan Zhan, I think I will go ahead to form my golden core now. Where do you think is the best place?"
Lan Wangji take Wei Wuxian hand, he take Wei Wuxian deep into the back of Cloud Recesse forest. When they arrive Wei Wuxian see a stone step that lead into a big circle in the middle that surrounded by water.
"This place is very peaceful. It is full of pure energy, it can help you to form your golden core to form again. And since you still have two Jade bead left, this will give you time to form your core. If you do it every day, it will be faster."
"Okay," Wei Wuxian went into the big round stone, he seat down, went into a lotus position and begin to meditate. The air around Wei Wuxian begin to make a circle out of wind energy, it cover up the whole place this way no one can interrupt Wei Wuxian meditation.
After knowing that Wei Wuxian will be in meditation stage for a while Lan Wangji went back to Jingshi. "Rich gege!" Wen Yuan waved his hand above his head. "Lan er gongzi," Wen Ning look behind Lan Wangji, "Lan er gongzi, where is Wei gongzi?" Lan Wangji wave for Wen Ning to come back inside.
Wen Ning pick up Wen Yuan as the two follow Lan Wangji back into Jingshi, "Wei Ying is meditating right now. I am helping Wei Ying to get his golden core back."
"Lan er gongzi, you knew?" Lan Wangji nodded his head. "Wei Ying told me and Xiong zhang. Wen Ning, the golden core transfer?"
"It was painful for Wei gongzi, he is doing this because he can't let Jiang gongzi live a medicore life. He know that Jiang gongzi want to take his revenge for his falling clan, without a golden core, he can't do that and that is why Wei gongzi gave it to Jiang gongzi."
"How many days?"
"2 days and 1 night. What was the chance?"
"50/50% chance."
"50/50 % chance?"
"Jie Jie doesn't know if it will work or not . This was just her theory, but Wei gongzi don't want to give up. He want Jie Jie to do the transfer no matter what." Lan Wangji breath in then out, "Wei Ying is stubborn."
"Lan er gongzi, can Wei gongzi really get his golden core back?" Lan Wangji nodded his head. "Then we don't have to tell Sect leader Jiang. We don't even know how he will react if he found out that the golden core inside of him is actual Wei gongzi instead."
"Rich gege guess what?!" Come Wen Yuan cheerful voice, "Ning shushu and I have finish cleaning out his new home. We don't have a mattress though or a pillow," Lan Wangji shake his head at this, "don't worry cloud Recesse have tone of those. We will go get them later okay?" Wen Yuan nodded his head.
2 week went by
Lan Wangji went to check Wei Wuxian, he want to see how Wei Wuxian is doing. "Wei Ying!" Wei Wuxian opened his eye, he raised his hand up and then down. The air around him have dissipated.
Lan Wangji walk over to Wei Wuxian side, "Let me check," Lan Wangji put his hand near Wei Wuxian mid section, he can feel Wei Wuxian golden core is getting there. "Is growing brighter each week."
Lan Wangji then look down at Wei Wuxian bracelet, "just one more." Wei Wuxian can see the worry expression on Lan Wangji face, he put both of his hand on each side of Lan Wangji cheek.
"No need to worry Lan Zhan. Everything will be fine," Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji can feel a warm hot air around them. They can also feel their heart beating very fast and that is when that happen.
Lan Wangji bend down and kissed Wei Wuxian on his lips. Wei Wuxian pull Lan Wangji to lay down on top of him, "Lan Zhan Ah."
"Do...do..do...you think we should be doing this here?" Wei Wuxian asked while breathing very heavily.
"No one will come here. This place is forbidden. Only those with a lan forehead ribbon can enter." Lan Wangji bend down to lick at Wei Wuxian neck, "don't lick me there." Hearing Wei Wuxian said this Lan Wangji continue to lick and kiss Wei Wuxian neck.
"Ah lan Zhan! Didn't you hear me!"
Lan Wangji waved his hand, water and air cover the place up. "Whoa, how did you do that?" Wei Wuxian asked.
"Privacy." So Lan Wangji continue what he is doing to Wei Wuxian. (Imagination okay. I am not good at writing smut.)
"Right privacy."
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