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BxBZhanyi Written to celebrate Valentines Day ♥️🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀This ValentineL♥️VE is in the air!!! 🍃💕🍃💕💞🍃🍁Story sequence Teaser:|| There is a difference in real and reel |||| Who are you... stalker?|||| You are not what you show to the world Yibo... You are way different... I can't tell you that how much I love your smile..|||| I am falling in love... yes this is what I feel...|||| These lips are attracting me hard, I can't resist myself anymore...|||| It has been years, waiting for you become my habit... If I told you years ago, that I love you Zhan... waiting for you... I don't know why this heart is paining so much...||||.. You were always better than me, you were first, I was always second...Why it is you, why people chose you over me, why??? |||| I regret you died because of me|||| Real meaning of love is to dedicate yourself in the process.. and expecting nothing in return...||🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀Genre : Romantic 💕Dedicated To:Xiao Zhan Wang YiboIf you start reading it with emotions, you will get up only after finishing it. I recommend headphones too as music pieces will calm you and will dive you in the place where I discovered this story-- aka my dreamland!!Quote # The most amazing book can sit on the shelf for years before you're ready to read it. Sometimes you have to be in right place.…