Chapter 13

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When they all arrive at NeverNight, they begin to search for Jin Guangshan. They soon see each other in the middle, "Jin Guangshan?" The other move their head side to side. "Where can he be?" Wei Wuxian said this to everyone around him.

"Gongzi," everyone turn their attention to Wen Ning, "what is it Wen Ning?" Wen Ning point to Wen Rouhan palace, "did anyone check inside?" They all looked at each other, "let's go!"

Just like Wen Ning said, when they went inside of Wen Rouhan palace they found Jin Guangshan sitting on the thorn chair which was once belong to Wen Rouhan. "He is hiding here while we were all fighting Wei Wuxian. He is the one who gathered everyone to NeverNight to fight Wei Wuxian and here he call himself a Xiandu!" Nie Mingjue is angry now.

Lan Xichen send a rope up to tie up Jin Guangshan. He went up to seal off Jin Guangshan spiritual energy. "Xiong zhang, why don't you take over as Xiandu? We need someone to bring justice to Wei Ying and the Wen clan."

"Alright. Let's take Jin Guangshan back, we also need to do empathy on him and on Su she." Lan Xichen look at Wei Wuxian, "Wei gongzi, how many more left?" Wei Wuxian bring up his wrist, "two more."

"Two more? I think we still have time," Lan Xichen turn to look at Nie Mingjue, "Mingjue Xiong, why don't we take Jin Guangshan back to Cloud Recesse? We can put him in the dungeon with Jin Guangyao and Su She." Lan Xichen blind folded Jin Guangshan like he did to Jin Guangyao and Su She.

"Wangji, Wei gongzi, we will see you there," Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian nodded their head. Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen left NeverNight with Jin Guangshan hanging in mid air.

Wen Ning take the horse back to Cloud Recesse, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian take off into the air to head back to Cloud Recesse. When they all arrive back at Cloud Recesse, it is already night time. Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue take Jin Guangshan to the dungeon. They put Su She, Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan in different cell away from one another.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji take Wen Ning back to Jingshi, they want Wen Yuan to see that he still have one more family yet. "A-Yuan!" Wen Yuan come running out of the room. "A-Yuan," Wen Yuan ran over to Wen Ning, "Ning Shushu!"

"A- Yuan!" Wen Ning held Wen Yuan close to him. Lan Wangji pull Wei Wuxian into his arm. "At least A-Yuan have another family member near him."


"Where are you going to put Wen Ning, Lan Zhan?" Lan Wangji turn in the direction where his father use to stay, "there is a place that use to belong to Fuqin. He use that place as his seclusion. Wen Ning can stay there."

"I would love to stay in your father home, Lan er gongzi?" Wen Ning walk over to the two with Wen Yuan in his arm. "But we need to clean it out first. The place is probably collecting dust by now."

"Then Ning Shushu can stay with me. Will that be okay with you, rich gege?" Lan Wangji sigh, "okay, we can get it clean by tomorrow. Let's all head back inside," after everyone has settle down Lan Wangji went off to make dinner for them to eat.

That night Wei Wuxian slept in the same room as Lan Wangji since he feel much warmer been in the same bed as Lan Wangji.  Wen Ning is on the other side of the room with Wen Yuan. Since Wen Ning is a fierce corpse he can't sleep so he stay up all night keeping a close eye on Wen Yuan, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.

The next morning before Wei Wuxian left to go do empathy on Su She, he tell Wen Ning to not leave Wen Yuan alone. "A-Yuan is still learning how to read and write. Teach him, okay?"

"Don't worry gongzi, I will teach A-Yuan all about it." So Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian left Jingshi to go meet up with Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue. "Let's head down to the dungeon to do empathy on Su She."

Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue, they all see what Jin Guangyao is planning. The two of them were in on it. They see Su She playing on the flute at the Qiongqi Path, they see Jin Guangyao and Su She playing song that not suppose to use on other people.

They see how Jin Guangyao is telling Su She that he want Nie Mingjue dead and how they want to get their hand on Wei Wuxian Yin Hufu.

But the worst is Su She said that they should put all of the blame on Wei Wuxian since he was learning demonic cultivation.

As for Jin Zixun, Su She decide to put the one hundred curse on him since Su She hate people like Jin Zixun.

They ended the empathy, "The two of them planned all of this all along. They make a mess of our world."

"When time start moving again. How will we let the other sect leader see this?" Nie Mingjue asked as they left the dungeon to head back to Lan Xichen room.

"How about this?" They all turn their attention to Wei Wuxian.

"Zewu Jun, why don't you leave it to me?" This rather confuse all three of them, "Wei Ying, what do you mean?" Lan Wangji asked.

"Well resentment energy can't harm anyone but I can use it to go into Su She, Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan mind. I will project what need to be see inside of their mind. We can only do this when they are unconscious."

"Can you really do that, Wei gongzi?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

"Ah, but I can't be there. I can stand in the shadow to do it. I don't trust the other clan leader if they see me."

"Wei Wuxian have a point there Xichen. Let's do what Wei Wuxian just said." So they all agree to do this.

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