Pairing: cadre x reader
Warning: none
Note: let's just say Fenrys has caused something for you to turn into, well, younger......?
Requested by: no one
"HOW THE RUTTING HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?!?" Lorcan shouted, Fenrys had his arms out, holding a baby in his hands. "I don't know! One minute I wasn't looking and the next she's a baby!" Fenrys snaps back, the baby started to cry because of the shouting and Gavriel took her from Fenrys. "Well, it's quite obvious neither of you know how to care for one," Gavriel said. "As if you do," Fenrys grumbled. "My brothers have children of their own so yes, I do have experience," said Gavriel. "I vote Gavriel takes care of her until she's back to normal," Rowan casually said. He may be calm on the outside but he's actually freaking out in the inside.
Gavriel cooed at the little girl making her squeal and giggle, despite all the tattoos on his face and neck. "Hello, Y/n. Fenrys has been a bad boy hasn't he?" Gavriel chuckled, Y/n giggled as if she were agreeing with Gavriel. "Hey!"
Gavriel carefully balanced Y/n on his hip while the other prepared a warm bottle of milk. Yes, Y/n will become older soon but she's an infant now so she needs milk. Y/n greedily stuck the nozzle in her mouth and started to suck(not the dirty kind of suck, you perverted minded, reader *whacks reader with rolled up newspaper*). Gavriel leans down to kiss her forehead, murmuring, "Good girl."
Thankfully, Maeve didn't need Gavriel for today, Fenrys and Lorcan were needed leaving Vaughan, Rowan, and Connall. Connall was chained to Maeve's throne while Rowan and Vaughan were free to do whatever they wished.
Rowan had dropped by, later on, he handed Gavriel a stuffed bear and before Gavriel could question him, Gavriel was cut off by Rowan saying, "Don't you rutting dare say anything to the others. I'm not going soft." Then he left, Gavriel shrugs and hands Y/n the bear making her squeal in happiness as she took it from him.
Rowan couldn't stop the smile that spread on his face when he heard the squealing.
~mini time skip~
It's been three days, and Y/n has grown so she's now about the age of four or five and she's more hyper than ever. Gavriel normally is able to keep up, catch her, get her to eat whatever he snags from the kitchen(even if it's vegetables), and get her to sleep on time before Maeve realizes what happened to her only female blood sworn.
When Gavriel is too busy to take care of Y/n, Rowan comes in and if Rowan is too busy Lorcan is there, and well, you get the idea of who comes next. If not, it's Fenrys. Now, Gavriel hates the idea of leaving Y/n with Fenrys because he is the one that caused her to turn into an infant in the first place.
Thankfully, Vaughan was there the first time Fenrys had to take care of Y/n. She was bawling her eyes out, demanding for Gavriel. Vaughan handed her the stuffed bear Rowan had given to her days ago and she held onto it tightly, sniffling to herself. Vaughan then told her some children's stories, soothing her to sleep.
Once Gavriel found out, he started leaving Y/n with Vaughan instead.
~mini time skip~
Normally, Gavriel would have tuck Y/n into her own bed but she always crawls into his during the night. When he woke up, he felt heavy weight on his chest and stomach, he looked down to see Y/n back to herself, completely naked. Gavriel's face flushed slightly but at least she had the entire blanket to herself or else he would be able to see her entire body.
Shaking the thought off, Gavriel leaned down to kiss the top of her head then forehead gently. "I will miss taking care of you, little Y/n."
"I did not!" Y/n scowled at Fenrys. "You did!" Fenrys laughed, he was practically howling with laughter. "You ran away from Gavriel screaming, "I don't wanna take a bath!" While running naked!"
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