Pairing: Dorian Havillard x reader
Warning: none
Note: Dorian is attracted to a girl a year younger than him.
Requested by: no one
Dorian gazed at a certain girl as she walked with two guards following her at least ten feet away from her. Chaol caught his friend gazing and jabbed his side. "What was that for?" Dorian mumbled, rubbing his side. "Why the gazing?" Chaol countered. "Why? Do you have a problem with it?" Dorian asked. "You like her, don't you?"
You knew the Crowned Prince liked you, very much in fact. How much you wanted to reciprocate those feelings but you locked them away for the sake of your parents. Your parents had arranged for you to marry someone else, someone that's twice your age but you accepted it because you knew they were doing it because they loved you.
You knew the Crowned Prince for a very long time, even before the captain met him. You were childhood friends, you would often chase after him through the gardens, laughing and giggling while your parents dealt with the King. Your parents originally meant to arrange a marriage for you and Dorian but the King declined that offer immediately and they went to the next best person. A man that's twice your age.
You didn't like him. Not one bit. Firstly, you were nineteen and he was thirty-eight. Secondly, you weren't his first wife, in fact, he's had nine so far and all of them ran away from him. Thirdly, you've heard rumors of what he did to the women he had wedded but your parents told you not to believe those rumors so you ignored them.
Dorian didn't know about the arrangement so that's why he kept gazing after you and the news will certainly destroy him. It was Chaol who heard about it first and didn't know how to tell his dear friend until a voice said, "You know about my arrangement, don't you, Captain?" Chaol turns around to see you. "Yes," Chaol said. "Let me tell him. It's no use putting it off anymore."
And you did. You've never seen someone so distraught and broken. "Is there no way to break it?" Dorian softly asked you. "No," you said. "Even if he's the one who calls it off my parents will continue looking for someone to marry me, despite their age," you said. "Dorian," you start but was cut off by lips meeting yours. "I deserve to do that at least once." Then he was gone.
You just stared at Dorian as he left you alone, your guards found you and brought you back to your room. Once the door shut, you slid to the floor and cried, and cried, and cried.
~five months later~
You laid on your back with your sleeping husband next to you, bruises forming on your bare hips and forearms. Tonight was your first night together with your newly wedded husband, he knew you've never bedded a man before and he was still rough on you.
On a small stand next to the bed was a letter sent a day before your wedding. It was from Dorian. You opened it and reread the letter for the umpteenth time.
Someday, I will free you from him. Someday, you will be my wife. Someday, we will be happy together. I only wish is that I told you how I felt years ago.
You wished the same thing. You should have told him years ago about how you felt.
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