Chapter 2

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Hey guys. Just a little info, when I said Skylar's "dirty, dirty blonde hair" I didn't mean that her hair was actually dirty. I meant the color of it. It is dirty blonde but a bit darker. 

Thanks(: Hope you enjoy!


I smiled a little as Cain knocked on Skylar's door. Derek stood leaning against the wall while I had one of my hands in my pockets. I faintly heard Skylar cut off her music then walk to the door. It opened and her eyes widened a little as she saw all three of us standing there. 

"Wh-what are you guys doing here?" She said smiling happily. The pup came waddling up behind her. I chuckled. 

"We came to spend some time with our best friend." I said and held up the bag of snacks while Cain and Derek held up drinks and movies. She smiled. 

"Well Come on in." She picked up the pup and walked in. My eyes darkened as I saw what she was wearing. She had on short fluffy black shorts with a tank top on. I could see the outline of her body perfectly. I looked away as I felt the heat coming from the guys. All of us would have a crush on our best friend. We were closer than most people we knew. We have been best friends since I was three and the guys were two. We were like brothers. 

We all climbed into her king size bed that we had gotten for her for when we had nights just like this. Cain showed her the movies and she chose one. I yawned and laid back. The pup curled up to me. I chuckled and pet him as the rest of us laid down. Cain was behind me while Skylar was beside me with Derek behind her. 

The movie started and soon I heard Cain snoring lowly behind me. Derek was downstairs getting some food. I turned on my side, careful to not squish the pup under my large frame. 

"Hey Skylar?" I waited for her to look at me. "Why have you been so distal from us?" I asked.  She blushed and looked away. 

"I haven't been meaning to. I'm just wanting to make some new friends." She said not meeting my eyes. I smiled. 

"Well, tomorrow we are taking you to school, and then after school we will take you to the mall, ok?" She nodded and smiled at me. 

"What are you wanting for your birthday?" She asked and bit her lip a little. I smiled. 

"My birthday isn't for two months." I laughed. She rolled her eyes playfully. 

"I know. But still. I want to be prepared." She answered while petting the pup. I smiled. 

"I don't really know what I want. I guess I just want to finally meet my mate." Her smile was faint as she looked at me again. 

"Well, I hope you get your wish." I looked up as Derek walked back in the room patting his full but still flat stomach. He laughed. 

"Damn I love sloppy joes. Your mom is an amazing cook." He laughed. "She loves me." Skylar chuckled and turned her back to me as she settled in to sleep. The pup yapped softly and crawled onto her pillow to go back to sleep. She scooted closer to me as Derek got into bed. He yawned. 

"Goodnight guys." She whispered as she snuggled into her pillow. 

I felt someone shaking me gently. I moaned in my sleep and shifted. I felt something licking my face. My nose wiggled and I squeezed my eyes closed. I reached up and pushed it away from me. I heard a soft yap and I opened my eyes to see my little pup in front of me. I smiled. 

"Good, she's awake." I heard Cain say. I looked around and saw all three of them already dressed. I blushed. 

"Hey guys." My voice was raspy from not using it. I sat up and fixed my tank top straps that had fallen in my sleep. I ran my fingers through my hair and pet my pup. "What are y'all doing up so early?" They laughed. 

"Skylar, it's time for school, dork." Derek said chuckling. I blushed again. 

"Well then, I guess  I should get ready." I pushed back the covers and crawled to the edge of the bed. I looked up and could have sworn all of their eyes were a bit darker. I got up and ruffled my hair again. 

"I'll get your clothes, you go get a shower." Cain said. Ryder simply sat on my bed and played with my pup. I'm surprised I haven't named him yet. I chuckled and went off to take a shower. I took ten minutes in the shower then brushed my teeth and put some moose in my hair. I walked out with my towel wrapped tightly around my body. The bottom of the towel just barely covered my top thigh. I smiled. 

"Where are my clothes?" I asked. Derek smirked. 

"In the bathroom?" He laughed. I blushed and scurried off back into the bathroom. 

I got dressed in one of Ryder's shirts and some green skinny jeans with my black converse. I applied some eyeliner and some cherry chapstick then walked back out. They were downstairs. 

I picked up my pup and trotted down the stairs. I smiled at my mom. 

"Hello there baby." She said. I blushed. 

"Hey mom. Can you watch him while I am at school?" She laughed. 

"You still haven't named him yet have you?" I laughed along with the guys. 

"Uhm, no. I think I want to name him Harry." I shrugged smiling. She smiled. 

"Harry it is. Well, Harry. Say bye bye" He yapped and I kissed his nose then walked out with Cain, Derek, and Ryder. I climbed into the back seat of the two door truck and waited until we got to the school. My eyes widened at how many people were actually here. 

I climbed out the truck and blushed. I went over to Cain. 

"All these people go to school here?" I asked bashfully. He chuckled. 

"It is a high school, honey. Just relax. We are here at every step. You only have one class that you don't have with any of us. I am in your second, Ryder is in your first, you have lunch with Derek, and all of us in your fourth. Your third class is your english, that none of us are in." I nodded and looked back out at the kids who were looking at us. Ryder threw his arm over my shoulder and smiled. 

"Come on, Little One. Time for class to begin." he walked us to our class. Walking in I smiled as I realized that it was a Foods class. I blushed as some of the students, that were already sitting at the tables, looked over at us. His arm tightened a bit around me. 

"Well hello there!" The red headed teacher said coming over to us. She was smiling brightly though she was a bit older. I smiled. "I am Mrs. Blackwell and welcome to Foods class. What are your names?" She asked. 

"I'm Ryder, and this is Skylar." She clapped. 

"Good to know. Now, just choose any seat you want. With it being the first day of school, we will just go over procedures and learn a little bit about everyone. Ok?" She asked. 

"Yes ma'am." I said and took a seat. I smiled at Ryder as he sat down. The door opened again and my eyes widened as one of the hottest guys I have ever seen walked in. 

Holy Fuck!

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