Chapter 3

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Hello!(: Just a little heads up, I put a picture up on the discription page of Skylar. (Mainly because I just found out how to do it(: shh.) Anyways, I will be putting up more pictures now that I know how to do it so, yeah (: Hope you like this update!


Skylar's POV

I blushed and quickly looked away when I remembered that Ryder was sitting beside me. Ryder was easily hotter than this guy, but I could never be good enough for him. I bit my lip and looked down until a seat pulled out beside me and the guy himself sat down beside me. I blushed redder. 

I could feel Ryder's body heat on the other side of me as he seemed a bit upset. 

"Hey." The guy said. "I'm Marcus." I could hear the smirk in his voice. I looked up but didn't meet his eyes. He was so pretty. I smiled. 

"I'm Skylar, and this is my best friend Ryder." I shyly said. Marcus and Ryder shook hands then Marcus looked back at me. 

"Are you knew to this town?" I chuckled. 

"I've lived here since I was a p-baby." I bit my lip nervously and looked down at my hands. I felt something touch my leg and I saw that it was Ryder. I smiled a little at him trying to calm me down. 

"All right students!" Mrs. Blackwell said excitedly. "I am your Foods instructure. Does anyone in here like food?" She said raising her hand. "I know I do. C'mon guys. Y'all don't like food?" The class laughed and some of the guys raised their hands with a few girls following their lead. "That's what I'm talking about. Well, in this class we will be doing a whole lot of cooking. I'm going to teach you how to make some amazing dishes and you will be able to eat them in here. If you take the food out of here, you may not eat it in any other class except lunch. If you do so, I will stop all cooking and we will go to book work. Got it?" She said still smiling. She was a chipper person. I chuckled but said 'yes' with the rest of the students. 

"Good." She said as she turned on the progecter and pulled up a powerpoint. It was colorful and had 'Mrs. Blackwell' on it. "Now, I am gonna tell y'all a little bit about me, and then you guys will tell me about you." She turned the slide. It showed a picture of her and three other people. 

"This man is my husband, Mark, this is my daughter, Amy, and this is my son, Josh. The kids are sixteen and seventeen and they do attend school here." She clicked another sighed and me and Ryder both tensed at what we saw. It was a slide full of animals. A Bearded Dragon, a picture of three cats, two dogs, but the one that got us, was the huge black wolf coming out of the woods. 

"This Bearded Dragon right here is my baby. I love her. Her name is Sasha. The cats names are Runty, Patches, and Trixi. I have two dogs, one is Kody and the other is Copper. And last but not least, this is a wolf of mine that I feed everytime she comes by. She is a lot smaller in life than in the picture, I just have a great camera. I haven't thought of the perfect name for her yet though." She said. 

Me and Ryder both knew she was lying about the size of the wolf, but we were thankful none the less. 

"Alexia." I blurted before I could stop myself. The class grew quiet and I turned ruby red. 

"I'm sorry?" The teacher asked a little confused. Thankfully Ryder stepped up. 

"She said Alexia. She use to have a puppy wolf that looked like that and she had named her Alexia. I'm sorry." He said but the teacher just smiled. 

"Alexia it is then." She smiled again and clicked to the next slide. It went on for another ten minutes and then it was time for us to tell about ourselves. I was grateful that she started at the back of the room. 

I learned a lot about the people in the class. Like a guy named Erik loved Owls and he owned a safe haven for them. Angie horseback rode and loved to eat Pizza. 

It was cool hearing everyone talk. Until it got to Marcus. Then I started clamming up about having to speak. At least we didn't have to stand up. 

"I'm Marcus, as you all know," He smirked. "And my mom is the principal here, the only reason why I haven't been kicked out yet. And I love girls." He said and I could feel his eyes on me. I blushed even redder and Ryders hand tightened on my knee.

"Ok, next." Mrs. Blackwell said. I bit my lip. 

"It's ok." i heard Ryder whisper. 

"I-I'm Skylar. I h-hate talking to a g-group of people because I'm R-really shy."  I blushed. "I have t-three best friends n-named Ryder, Cain, and Derek. Oh, and I h-have a new pup named H-harry." I said smiling thinking about my little bundle of joy at home. 

"And I just so happen to be the Ryder that she is talking about," Ryder said smiling. His voice filled the classroom from how powerful he talked. His voice was deep but it wasn't a, 'i can't hear what your saying' deep. "And Skylar has been my best friend for ten years, while Cain and Derek have been for twelve years." His eyes never left me as he spoke. I guess expecting me to bolt at any minute. 

Thankfully the teacher moved the audiance back to her and she finished talking about what we were going to be doing in class. When the bell rang I jumped up and grabbed my stuff then waited for Ryder. He smiled and walked out with his arm around my shoulders again. 

"Hey Skylar!" I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Marcus running up to us. "Hey, I was just wondering if you were free this Saturday?" I blushed but remembered to looked up to Ryder for approval. He was staring at Marcus but finally relaxed and gave me a nod. I looked back to Marcus. 

"Sure, I'm free." I smiled tucking a hair behind my ear. He smiled. 

"Good. Can I take you to the movies?" He asked. I blushed but nodded.

"Sure. I'll meet you at the theatre?" He hesitated but nodded. 

"Yeah, no problem." I smiled and waved as Ryder pulled me away to get to my next class. I felt the heat coming from him. 

"We will talk about this tonight." He growled but stopped as Cain walked up to us.

"Hey there pretty lady." He said and I blushed a deeper red but decided to joke. 

"C'mon Cain, you know Ryder doesn't like being called that." I said and couldn't help but smile as Cain busted out in laughter. I even felt Ryder trying to hold back his laughter. 

"Get to class you two." Ryder said smiling as he turned and walked off to his class. I smiled at having make him laugh. 

Cain tossed his arm lazily around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. 

"So, how was your first period?" I blushed. 

"I made a new friend. He is taking me to the movies on Saturday." I said smiling. I felt Cain's arm tense but I ignored it. I wanted to have a date, and I wanted one now. I wasn't going to let them tell me no. "Ryder already said I could." I told before he could tell me no. I walked into the class and sat down. I looked over and saw a girl with short brown hair. It was sorta like a boys hair cut but you could see the feminine touch to it. She smiled over at me. I smiled back and kept looking around the class. 

I was in an Art class this time. I sucked at art. 

"Hello students." A man said coming in. My senses picked up as I smelled him. He was in the Parthen White's pack. Cain relaxed completely beside me as the teacher looked over to us and gave a slight nod  letting us know that he knew who we were. 

"I am Mr. Miller, and I am your Art teacher. I want everyone to set their stuff down, and we will be walking outside." Everyone stood up and filed out of the classroom after the teacher. The short brown haired girl came up to me and smiled. 

"Hey, I'm Ivy. What's your name?" I smiled. I was able to meet her eyes since she was a girl. 

"I'm Skylar. And this is my best friend Cain." I said. Cain gave a half wave with a slight smile. He wasn't really one to make extra friends. Even more so than I was. 

"Well it's nice to meet you. What grade are you in?" I blushed. 

"I'm a freshman. He is a Sophmore." She nodded and looped her arm with mine. 

"I'm a freshman. We can be friends too." She grinned. I chuckled but kept up with her pace. Cain stayed a foot behind us. 

We got outside into the courtyard and I relaxed as I smelled the fresh air. My wolf wanted to get out. She hadn't been out in about a week. I glanced back at Cain and he automatically stepped forward and let his arm wrest on one of my shoulders. My wolf calmed down knowing he wouldn't let her get out. I relaxed even further. 

"Now class. I figured since we are an Art class, you all must enjoy nature. Seeing as it is a wonderful thing to capture on a canvas." He smiled. "So, I want everyone to take out their cell phones and look around the courtyard. Take a couple pictures of something you could see yourself painting or sketching." he finished and then walked off to one of the picnic tables to sit. 

I pulled out my cellphone as was instructed and looked around. Cain and Ivy did the same thing. I unlooped my arm and walked forward to the gate that prevented students from walking out of the courtyard through the back way. There were little spider webs all through the gate. I smiled and took a few pictures from different angles. I looked back at Cain and smiled. He smiled back at me then walked to capture his own picture. 

Soon the class came to an end and all the pictures were taken. We walked back to the class room to gather our things. 

"Ok students. Remember to not delete those pictures tomorrow, and we will start the actual project tomorrow. Thank you guys for joing the Art class, and have a great day." He said dismissing us. It was lunch time for me now. I went to the cafeteria doors and stood there awkwardly as I waited for Derek to show up. 

I girnned when I saw his dark brown hair and Emerald eyes. 

"ready for some grub?" He asked. I nodded smiling still as we walked into the lunchroom. We stood in line and got our chicken sandwiches with a banana and some milk, then went to the other lady to pay. Derek paid for both of us then led me to an empty booth. I blushed as I sat down on one side and he sat on the other. 

"How have your classes been?" I asked as I opened my chocolate milk. I hated white milk, but I would gladly drink gallons of chocolate milk. 

"They have been all right. Just same stuff with a different teacher really. Have you made any friends?" He asked me. I blushed but nodded.

"Yes. I met a girl named Ivy in my second period, and a guy named Marcus in my first. He is taking me to the movies on Saturday. Ryder said it was ok." Derek merely nodded while he kept eating. I ate too but was a bit worried that he was mad at me. He didn't speak again until he was half way finished with his sandwich. 

"I want to meet this guy before Saturday. No guy is going to take my best friend out without me giving the approval. I don't care if Alpha gave his approval, I will be the judge of him. Got it?" He said. 

I bowed my head slightly and said a 'yes sir.' He tilted up my chin. 

"Don't worry. I'm not going to kill the guy." He smirked playfully and I smiled back. I nodded and we finished eating. The bell rang and I sighed. Twenty minutes for lunch was not a very long time. We got up from our table and threw our trash away. He smiled. "You gonna be ok in English alone?" He asked. I chuckled.

"Though your testosterone might not let you understand, I am quite capable of taking care of myself Derek. I just happen to enjoy when you, Cain, and Ryder get all Macho." I said then blushed really red as I realized what I just said. "Well bye!"  I yelled then ran off before he could laugh at me. I quickly made it to my class and sat down not even breathless. I heard a chuckled behind me. 

"I knew you liked me but I didn't think it this much." Marcus said. That's when I realized I was sitting on his lap. I squealed and fell to the floor on my but. My entire face including my neck and ears were a dark red at how embarassed I was. How could I not see him sitting there!? Thankfully no one else was in the classroom yet. 

"I am so, so, so, sorry. Please forgive me." I said with my head lowered in true submissive form. Though he wasn't my master, he was still a dominate male. 

"No worries." He said picking me up and placing me back on his lap. I went even redder, if possible. "I quite like you sitting here." He smirked. 

I ducked my head under his chin in embarassment. 

"I'm sorry." He rubbed my back and laughed. 

"It's ok. But you might want to get to your seat. The other students will be here in a couple minutes." I nodded and jumped up and sat in my own one person desk. I busied myself with getting my stuff together until the rest of the class showed up. I relaxed when I saw that Ivy was in here as well. She smiled. 

"Hey chicka. I didn't know you had this class. You have first lunch too?" I looked confused.

"There are more than one lunch?" I asked cocking my head to the side slightly. She laughed. 

"Yes. There is a first, second, third and fourth. It all depends on whose third period class you're in. Like everyone in english right now have first lunch." She answered and I nodded smiling a little. 

"Thanks." She shrugged and sat in front of me. 

The class began and I kept feeling Marcus' eyes on me. I would blush and he would chuckle quietly then look away. I glanced up at the clock and got a little giddy when I realized in ten minutes I would be in class with Derek, Cain, and Ryder. I smiled to myself. I slowly started packing up so the teacher wouldn't catch me and yell at me. His name was Mr. Murphy and he was a really funny guy. He was kinda cute too. 

The bell rang and I shoved the rest of my stuff in my bag and almost ran for the door but Marcus caught my arm. 

"Can I walk you to class?" He asked. I blushed and nodded. "So, I was wondering what movie you wanted to see on Saturday." He asked as we walked towards my next class. It was Health Science. 

"Uhm. Well I've never really been to a movie theatre, so I don't know what's playing." I said bashfully. He stopped us from walking. 

"You've never been to the movies?" He looked at me. I blushed and shook my head. 

"Me and the guys usually just pile up in my bed and watch one on my tv." I shrugged. He chuckled.

 "Well, if you want to do that, minus the guys, we can. I just want you to be comfortable." He said and let his hand trail down my arm until we were holding hands. I blushed. 

"Well I've never been to the actual movies. So, you can choose the movie, and we can watch it at the theatre. Then, if there is another date, we can watch it at my house." He smiled and nodded. 

"No problem." He said and walked me the rest of the way to my class. He leaned down and kissed my cheek and I blushed. Before I could walk away he walked into the class. My eyes widened. 

"You have this class?" He saw my face and chuckled. 

"Yeah." He stuck his tongue out at me playfully. I smiled and went and took my seat. He came and sat beside me. The tables were positioned three in a row but were single person tables. I relaxed when I saw Ryder, Derek, and Cain walk in. I smiled and jumped up. I walked over and gave Cain a hug first since Ryder was frozen as he glared at Marcus. I could feel the heat rolling off of him. Cain's arms wrapped around me. 

"Who are you sitting by, my beauty?" He asked and I blushed. 

"That's Marcus h-" Before I could finish Cain's arms had tightened around me and he grew still. I frowned. I pushed away from him and walked away from all three guys. I was sick of them being mean to any guy that had the nerve to ask me out. I wnt and sat back down beside Marcus. I was beside the wall and he was beside me so thankfully none of the guys could sit beside me. 

"You ok?" Marcus whispered not knowing that the three guys could hear him as if he had spoken clearly. I just nodded and took out my stuff as the guys sat in the row behind us. My back straightened slightly. 

"I'm just ready for Saturday." I smiled. "And you know what, forget what I said earlier. We can watch the movie at my house." I don't know what made me say it, but I had a feeling by the three low growls behind me, I would regret it. Marcus simply smiled beside me.

"Ok." He looked to the front of the room as our teacher walked in. I smiled at her. She was so adorable. She was short and a little big. 

"Well hello class." she said. I chuckled quietly. she was an interesting character, and the rest of the class, she proved it. She had us standing up doing the Region song, and going into the Anatomical position. I laughed at Marcus as he joked around about the dance moves. I was actually happy. The bell rang and I sighed but still had a smile on my face. Everyone filed out of the room but the teacher, Marcus, and the guys. He picked up my stuff for me and smiled. 

"Well C'mon my lady." He said in a fake posh accent. I laughed and walked out ahead of him. Once we got outside, I sat up on the waist high brick wall. He smiled at me. "Why are you sitting up there?" He asked. 

"I don't want to get in the truck with the assholes yet." I said and blushed as I realized that I had cursed. If Alpha heard me he would have punished me. 


My hands clenched as  I saw Marcus' hands on Skylar's hips. They were smiling and laughing. I frowned. I hadn't seen Skylar this happy in a while. I looked to Derek and saw that his mind was in the same place. 

"Guys what are we going to do? We can't loose her. Not to him." I said softly. Ryder sighed. 

"Maybe we should give her some space. Maybe this is her way of telling us that she doesn't need us anymore." He said. His voice was broken. We all three looked at her as she laughed with him. I never realized how much all three of us really liked her. With us being like brother's, I never even thought about what would happen if we all fell for her. My heart clenched.

"What's going to happen when she finds her mate?" Everyone grew quiet and if possible, our mood got even more depressed. Marcus lifted her off of the wall and stood her on the ground. He kissed her cheek and smiled as she waved goodbye and walked over to us. When she looked up she stopped walking. 

"Cain?" She whispered. "Derek? Ryder? What's wrong?" Her eyes watered. Derek stepped forward and gathered her in his arms. 

"Nothing my dear. Don't worry. You ready to go get your school clothes?" He asked. She nodded shyly but held Derek closer. I don't know what it was, but I felt such raging Jealousy when she touched Marcus, but not when she would touch Ryder or Derek. I so needed to go to one of our Elders. 

A couple hours later we were finished shopping and we were all actually in a good mood. Skylar hadn't spoken a word about Marcus, which we all were grateful for, and she was laughing like she use to. Not solely being submissive. 

All three of us were very dominate. We needed control over everything. But we all seceretly enjoyed when she had her spitfire moments. 

I lead the way up to her bedroom while Derek was downstairs talking to her mom. Ryder held the other half of the bags while Skylar held Harry. We wouldn't let her carry any of the bags. 

She opened the door for us and blushed as she sat on the bed and we piled everything up. Ryder laid on the bed and sighed.

"Damn Sky, you sure can shop." He laughed and she smiled. She leaned back and surprised Ryder by kissing his

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