Chapter 1

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After visiting the Alpha of the Parthen White's Cain trotted over to Skylar's house in wolf form. 

I got to her window and sniffed to make sure she was up there. She was on the second floor, an easy jump for me, but  I didn't want to invade her privacy. I barked out and waited for her to come to her window. She pulled back the curtains and blushed as she looked down and saw me. Skylar held up one finger, the universal symbol for 'just a sec' and pulled the curtains back closed. 

I walked over to the shade and sat back on my haunches. Here in Ohio, the summers were blaring hot, while the winter was freezing cold. Most of the winter didn't bother us wolves, due to us having such high body temps, but lately some has. 

"Hey, you ready?" I heard softly beside me. I looked over and saw Skylar standing there. Her dirty, dirty blonde hair was down and straight. Her beautiful hazel eyes were shining a bright orange. I let my eyes travel over her choice of clothing, thankful that it was something me, Derek, and Ryder would allow her to wear. She had on knee length denim shorts that had little rips up the thigs and a teeshirt. I looked closely and saw that it was one of Derek's. I gave her an approving nod, and pointed my muzzle in the direction I wanted to go.  She started walking and I couldn't help but watch her hips as she walked. She had a sexy figure. It was almost hour-glass like but she wasn't a twig in the middle, which I was grateful for. She had C cup breasts while her ass was round and plump. Skylar's stomach was flat, but she wasn't completely skinny. Me and the guys were always feeding her, so it's not like she could have stayed that skinny forever. 

She glanced back at me and thankfully I looked away in time so she didn't catch me. I had a bit of a crush on her, so what. 

We got to the lake and I relaxed. I looked over at the huge wolf beside me and smiled. Cain was an amazing friend. He always protected me, even though i could protect myself. I guess you could say I was considered one of the omega's here. I had house work I had to do, I did most of the cleaning, and I had to obey every pack member, but I had friends. Three really hot friends I might add. I felt the air around me shimmer and then Cain was in the water. He turned and faced me. The water shining on his sculpted chest. I blushed and looked down. My feet were in the water. 

"How was your day at the pack house? Did you do all of your chores?" He asked. I frowned a little. 

"Yes sir, except there is one last load of laundry in the dryer. I was waiting on it to finish when you showed up." He sighed and I looked down again. 

"Just make sure you get it finished when I take you back, ok? Ryder won't be happy if it doesn't get done." I nodded and looked up at him thankful. "Now, for some good news. You are old enough to attend high school. That's where Derek and Ryder are now. They are signing you up for classes." He said. 

My whole face brightened up and I couldn't help but clap. 

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you." I said smiling brightly. I have been waiting way to long to get into school. Sadly I would be a freshman while Derek and Cain were Sophmores and Ryder was a Junior. I was still excited. "Can I make friends?" I asked slowly calming back down. He smiled. 

"Of course you can. You know Alpha doesn't care if you make friends." He said smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back at him. My ears picked up on a sound behind me. Cain was already up and in wolf form standing in front of me. I peaked under his huge body and saw a pup run out of the brush. He was yapping playfully until he ran into Cain, not paying attention. He fell back on his bum and looked up to the huge wolf head above him. He quickly lowered his body flat on the ground and started whimpering. 

"Awww." I said getting up. Cain gave me a low warning growl but I had already picked up the little bundle of joy. I sniffed him and could tell that he was a simply dog. I smiled down at him. "Hello pup." He yapped happily. I scratched behind his ear and he laid his head down. He was an adorable little thing. I looked at Cain. "Can I keep him?" I pouted. As if the pup knew what was going on, he turned his puppy eyes on Cain. He sighed. 

"I'm not saying yes, I'm saying we have to talk to the guys and Alpha." I nooded and looked back to the chocolate lab in my arms. He yawned and rested his head in the crook of my arm. I smiled. I already loved him. It would hurt if the guys told me no. "Now,  back on our earlier topic. We need to get you some new clothes for school." I frowned. 

"But Cain, a lot of people are going to school too, don't they need new clothes more?" He looked at me a second with a small smile on his lips. 

"We are getting you your clothes, Skylar." I nodded not wanting to argue. His head lifted a bit and then smiled at me. "Derek and Ryder are back on the grounds. Wanna go show them what you have?" I grinned and nodded rappidly. 

I held the puppy close to me as I walked so I wouldn't drop him, and he wouldn't wake up from all the movement. I could smell the many scents of my pack as we got closer to the grounds. We stepped out of the woods and into the clearing that all of the houses sat on. I looked around until I saw Dereks dark brown hair. His eyes were a striking green. Though I had hazel eyes, mine never compared to his emerald ones.  He was muscular but not overly to where it was gross. You could see the outline of his six pack. I smiled up at him. 

I smelled Skylar's scent before I felt her eyes on me. I looked over and raised an eyebrow when I saw something in her arms. 

"Derek," She said softly which awoken my friend downstairs. "Me and Cain were by the lake, when this pup ran out. Can I keep him? please?" She asked as she held up the puppy. When he opened his eyes I knew I had to let her keep it. His brown eyes matched the way Skylar's often looked. I smiled and pet the little thing. He yapped happily. I chuckled. 

"I see no problem in it but you still need to ask Ryder and Alpha. I'm sure Cain has already told you this?" She nodded and held the puppy to her chest. He lifted his head into her dirty blonde hair and rested it against her shoulder. 

I looked back to the man I had been speaking to. She knew not to leave, though I'm sure she would ratherr be in her room reading a book. I liked having my best friend around me instead of her hidden away in her room. It was wrong of me to have her standing out here with me, but I hadn't been able to spend much time with her lately. We have been best friends for ten years. I've secretely had a crush on her for the last year. I knew Cain crushed on her too so I never said anything. 

"All right man, I'll talk to you later." The man said whom I for the life of me couldn't remember what his name was. 

"Yeah you too." I said. He looked over to Skylar and his eyes traveled over her. It took everything in me to not rip his throat off. 

"Hello Skylar. You sure are growing up." She blushed and nodded.

 "Hello Kalbe. How are you doing these days?" She asked while not meeting his eyes. I smiled at her submissive gesture, but glared at the same time from who she was doing it to. 

"I am lonely these days. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me this friday?" He asked. Her head snapped up and confusion swarmed her eyes. She glanced at me then back at Kalbe. 

"You want ME to go out with you?" She asked as if it wasn't believable. Something moved at the corner of my eyes and I saw that it was Ryder. He had stopped walking towards us and crossed his arms over his chest as he listened to what was going on. 

"Of course I want you." Kalbe said with a glint in his eyes. My hands clenched into fists. She blushed again but nodded. 

"O-ok. When do you want to go?" He smiled. 

"I'll pick you up around 8? Ok?" She nodded. 

"Yes sir." I faintly heard the groan in his throat. I looked over to Ryder. I'm sure my face matched his amount of anger. Kalbe walked off and Skylar kept her eyes down. I assume because she felt the anger rolling off of us. 

"I'm sorry." She said softly. "I should have asked permission first. Please don't tell Alpha." She pleaded. My heart clenched a little at how afraid she sounded. I glanced at Ryder and could see that his face had softened a bit as well. He walked over to us and sighed. 

"We won't tell Alpha, but you aren't going on that date Skylar. I don't like the way he looked at you." She kept her head down so we couldn't see her face. 

"Yes sir." She whispered. To change the subject, I looked at Ryder. 

"She has a pup-" before I could finish my sentece he exploded. 

"What!? What the FUCK do you mean she has a pup!?" Skylar's tiny frame shook in fear. 

"Not like that Ryder! Calm down before you give Skylar a damn heart attack." I heard soft whimpered but thankfully they were from the puppy that had woken up. "I meant she has a puppy in her arms. Her and Cain found it while they were out by the lake. She wants to keep it." I said. The pup pulled its head away from Skylar and looked up at Ryder. Just as I had, when Ryder saw the pups eyes, all resistances left him and he nodded. 

"You can keep it, just you have to ask Alpha."  Her head was still down. 

"Yes sir. May I go ask him?" She asked. I looked at her and Ryder sighed. 

"Yes. Go on." She scurried away from us. I watched her walk away. 

"I wanted to kill him." I said quietly so she wouldn't hear. 

"I know Derek, I know. Let's go find Cain. Maybe he can tell us what the hell is going on." 


Hey guys! I hope you all like it! Let me know, please. Thanks!

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