The injured man immediately sat up and said: "P-Pardon?" He looked shocked at his friends, who could sympathize with how Reich was feeling now.
Their friend had barely survived when he had to hear that he was at war again.
"It was also the USA that almost made sure that you died. Duke saved your life. He got help.", Italy told him.
Everything was so much for the poor Countryhuman.
"He was all alone and...", his old friend said, but he wasn't listening. Too much was going on in Reich's head.
So much was happening to Third Reich at once that he was quite overwhelmed, which Soviet Union noticed and said to the other Countryhuman: "Reich seems overwhelmed! Maybe you can tell him later." And immediately Italian Kingdom stopped talking and stroked his old friend's head a little to distract him.
Third German Reich looked up at him, full of worry and fear. He was desperate. He knew that he and perhaps fate had chosen him to live, but he still felt he could not cope with all this.
Italy sat down on his bed and Reich turned his head and body away from him before saying: "You better get out of here! He is invincible! And I don't even want to defeat him! I... I don't even know what I want!"
Kingdom of Italy told him: "Reich, you are not doing this alone! I and Japan have also decided to declared war on him! If war is declared on you, then the whole-" the injured man interrupted him: "Have you completely lost your mind?! He will defeat you both too!" "If he were to win against you, we would be next in line, Reich!", he said.
"I would have deserved to lose and be tortured!", said Reich. Soviet told him: "But the humans in your company don't, right?" Reich looked at him with wide eyes.
Soviet knew that Reich had a drive for his new deeds. He was already convinced that Reich wasn't doing it for himself and he had hit the nail on the head with the humans.
Third Reich thought about it and said: "I'm going to lose, but at least I'm trying to do something to make sure nothing happens to them." The other Countryhumans smiled.
The door opened and Duke came in. "Duke!", Reich said enthusiastically and his dog ran to him, leaned on the bed with his front paws and licked his owner's face while he had to laugh. The injured man was full of joy to have his companion back with him and this joy was returned by the excitedly whining dog.
Third German Reich hugged him and laughed at all the dog kisses, from which he turned his face away.
The other two Countryhumans were very amused by this sight, which made Kingdom of Italy laugh and Soviet Union giggle.
Soviet was actually more excited, but held most of it back. He didn't know it else.
Third Reich made more space on the bed and after patting the bed, his dog jumped on the bed.
Actually, no animals were allowed in hospitals, but Reich had made sure that this did not apply to him. His dog made him feel more comfortable.
"How long has it been since I was buried underground?", asked the Countryhuman tied to his bed. Kingdom of Italy said: "Three days!"
Reich looked at him in surprise. "The doctors say it's a real miracle that you survived! Unfortunately, someone had to take your place for that long and he made stupid decisions in defense that you should definitely fix when you get fitter!", he said.
"When I get fitter? You can't expect me to take a break! If he made that much stupid decisions, I'll clean it up!", Reich clarified.
To demonstrate his strength, he moved his arms under his body and tried to stand up. However, he could only get a few inches off the bed. Reich lay down again, as this was too strenuous for him.
His hand was immediately licked as soon as his dog was within reach, whereupon he quickly took his hand away so that it would not be covered in drool.
"I can't get up, but I still want to do my duties!", the Third German Reich clarified.
Soviet asked him uncertainly: "Don't you want to wait?" "No!", he said, "The humans are the most important thing!"
The big countryman looked at Reich's old friend, who did not look surprised by the injured man's words.
Third Reich did not let himself be stopped and spent the next few days setting up his military in the right places and finding out what options he had.
He could attack by sea from France or he could send his ships and submarines north to avoid having to travel as much, but he had to watch out for Canada.
The Japanese Empire had also declared war on the USA a few days later and the Kingdom of Italy a day later. Soviet Union was still considering it. He had the easiest way across of all of them and it would probably come to that sooner or later.
The Third Reich was still so scared that he canceled every speech he had planned. They would certainly try to shoot him in public.
As always, there would be someone shooting and spreading panic and several who in their panic would kill the one who would shoot, the actual target and witnesses.
Third Reich had recently escaped death. He was not about to risk his life again so soon.
There were many other things they could do to take his life, which he went through.
His fear kept him awake day and night.
He wasn't safe in this hospital either. He could never be safe!
Every day he heard more and more about how civilians were being killed and used, how children and women disappeared and would probably never appear again or as corpses.
He lost more and more faith that everything would turn out well and the will to defend himself. His enemies were everywhere!
The Countryhuman lay trembling in his bed and looked out of his window into the darkness. Normally he closed the curtains, but this time he had fallen asleep from tiredness and woke up in the middle of the night.
His head was playing tricks on him again.
He trusted nothing and no one. He lacked his basic trust.
Everything was a danger! Everything was wrong! Inside and outside!
The light was on the door and his dog wasn't with him either, because Italy had agreed to look after him.
Through his fear, Third Reich saw many greedy eyes outside that wanted to tear him apart. Monsters that were hungry for his soul.
Why did his family have to persecute him like that!? They hunted him in and outside of his dreams because they no longer had control over him.
His ancestors came from another world, which could best be described as hell. But no humans came to hell, only demons came out who had destroyed this world and manipulated it. Everything took place behind the scenes of the stage.
Humans who knew this were portrayed as crazy and evil, but they either knew this from a previous life or found out. However, everyone had their own idea of the world and did not want these new possibilities to destroy their world, regardless of whether this was right or wrong. Fortunately, more and more people came to this new idea of the world, even if they kept it a secret because they were not free and were afraid, but they at least tried to give others a little nudge in the right direction.
Reich was in danger because he knew the truth and had enough evidence to prove it. He only lived to obey orders, but his soul knew that this was not his way.
Unfortunately, Third Reich also fed these demons with his fear. Fear and hatred made them stronger.
Suddenly he heard serenes starting up in the distance, but they weren't that loud because of the distance. If he had been asleep, he would have missed them.
He could hear a lot of footsteps in the hallway.
If anything happened, they would take him with them, which is why he waited.
Voices could be heard for a few minutes before everything went quiet. Disturbingly quiet!
He was still slow, but not too slow.
He was even more afraid that something would attack him, but he held a glass bottle of water in his right hand to feel stronger.
He waddled to the door, which he opened before looking around and coming out.
"Hello?", he asked. Not loudly, because he had to take it easy. He just walked down the hallway.
That was weird? Had they forgotten him? Did they want to forget him? He carefully walked down the stairs to the ground floor. There was no one there, so he decided to run out.
He walked barefoot across the grass, which tickled his feet. However, he was only wearing a hospital gown, which made the cool night very noticeable.
He could hear the sounds of planes getting louder and louder.
Even though he was afraid of the darkness, he ran into it because he had no other option.
There were lights every now and then that made his escape easier.
Suddenly he landed on the street. Confused himself as to how he had managed this, he ran down the empty street.
Then he heard an explosion and Reich froze in panic before he started running for his life.
He was panicked and ran quickly and arrived at an intersection, where he saw a bridge on the path ahead of him.
He immediately decided to run to the river, which he did. Next to the bridge he ran to the water.
He kept his distance from the bridge to be on the safe side.
He sat there and watched the planes as they flew around the sky and dropped bombs.
He sat alone on the bank. Even though it was a very dangerous situation, he mostly stayed calm and looked up at the sky, which was becoming increasingly covered in clouds of smoke. The planes were still flying in formation across the sky and dropping bombs, while he sat unnoticed in the darkness and rested to regain his strength.
Running away had cost him a lot of energy. He just wasn't fit enough yet.
Now he could also hear screams and got up and since he still had to take it easy, walked further away from the water, closer to the road.
The Countryhuman could now see more of the horror that was taking place in this city. People were running in the streets while houses and vehicles were burning. Even the tar was getting too hot and was melting from the incendiary bombs.
Reich had to quickly look away and one of the people came to him. The woman was completely out of breath. "Go to the river.", he said. Of course she listened to him, even though she was too scared to realize that a Countryhuman was talking to her.
Third Reich took the frightened people to the river bank.
A few minutes later, a group appeared from the left and took the other people and Reich out of the city.
They all settled down in a field and took care of the injured and the children.
The Countryhuman looked at them and then at the burning city. The planes were gone, but it was still burning.
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