"Are you OK?", one of them asked in the direction of Reich. "Yes!", several answered.
Reich was still silent and shocked by what had happened. The poor Countryhuman was overwhelmed.
Someone touched his shoulder and asked: "Are you OK?" He winced and looked at her before answering: "As OK as someone who has been in the hospital can be!"
"Your voice sounds so familiar!", she said. "Oh!", said the Countryhuman, "I hear that a lot!"
"You... you sound similar to Third Reich, just a little slower and higher.", she thought, "And you don't sound as accented, but you're close."
Reich wanted to change the subject: "I've never experienced anything like this before, what will happen to us now?" "Oh! We're being searched and taken to the nearest hospital for examination.", she told him, "We were incredibly lucky!"
Third German Reich, however, did not want this. He just wanted to be alone.
He got up, drawing attention to himself. "What's wrong?", the woman asked the Countryhuman, confused. "I-I just want to be alone right now.", he replied.
"Please stay here. Maybe you have more than you think and they'll definitely try to find you with dogs.", the woman said kindly. He said to her: "I understand you! I need rest and then I'll come back and show that I'm alive."
"Please, sir, take care of yourself.", she asked. He nodded and walked away.
Third Reich didn't know where he was going, only that he needed rest.
Meanwhile, Italian Kingdom was woken up, who was annoyed by this. "What the hell is going on now!", he complained sleepily.
"Sir, the hospital where Third Reich was was attacked by the Americans!", the man reported.
He immediately woke up and jumped up.
"Is he alive?", he asked immediately. The man answered him: "We don't know at this point, the fires are still being put out and they're looking for him."
"I want to be taken there immediately!", he said. "And now leave my room!", he ordered. "As you wish, sir!", he said and closed the door behind him.
Italy was incredibly worried about his friend and quickly got dressed so as not to run around almost naked.
Once dressed, he ran to Soviet's room, opened the door and yelled loudly: "Soviet, wake up! Reich is lost!"
The tall Countryhuman, had slept naked in his bed and of course felt disturbed by Italy, but got up.
When the shorter Countryhuman was outside the room, Soviet Union got dressed and left his room before both of them set off. Duke stayed in Kingdom of Italy's room.
Third Reich went down a dark dirt road. Fortunately, the moon illuminated the path a little with its light.
He could feel a cool breeze. The air smelled of conifers and was a little dry.
The leader no longer had as much inner strength. He only had a weak inner light that guided him on the path, the destination of which he did not know. He simply walked and hoped to be able to rest and sleep soon.
He didn't have the strength to be the leader that this company needed now. A true leader would not let himself be defeated and would get up again.
He walked on and on, while more and more thoughts formed in his head. His thoughts literally flooded him.
His doubts and fears became more powerful. The paranoia made him stressed.
The bloodthirsty monsters in his head wanted him dead. They were everywhere, the shadows in the darkness that followed him. They were already ready to attack him from behind.
The best thing was to just keep going, because if these monsters were really there, they would kill him one way or another.
Why? Why was he here? He was unsure. He was created to destroy everything here. Why couldn't he do that and why was he being supported?
Italy was an old friend of his, so it was a bit more understandable with him, but with Soviet? He was very surprised about Soviet's support.
Somehow Soviet was nice, even though he was a big, strong and somewhat scary man. It was so nice of him to stay with Reich.
He was a good friend and even if he had killed someone, he still saved his life! Soviet was there when he needed him. He accompanied him and listened to him.
Maybe he really was a friend! Someone he could trust! Who helped and supported him!
He wanted to try! Giving him a chance wasn't that difficult after all.
Third Reich saw a little house in front of him.
He quickly better and went to the house and rang the bell.
A little light, probably from a candle, came closer to the door, which was opened for him.
"Good evening! Excuse me, but I need a place to stay for the night.", he informed the resident, whom he didn't know and through the small light, because his face was very affected by the shadow of the small candlelight, "May I please spend this night with you?"
The lady in her nightgown couldn't believe her eyes. She couldn't believe that she was seeing the leader of her "country" in front of her. "Yes, come in!", she said nervously and made room for him.
The Countryhuman entered, wiping his bare feet on her mat in front of the door so that he didn't bring so much dirt in with him.
"Thank you very much!", Reich thanked her happily before saying, "Forgive me, madam, for paying you a visit out of nowhere and not particularly nicely dressed!"
"N-No problem, m-my Führer!", she said uncertainly. She was also unsure whether she wasn't dreaming that she had him, the real Third Reich, here with her.
"Honey, what's going on?", a man, the woman's husband, said wearily.
A man with a bandaged hand walked from the first floor to the hallway. Shocked, he stopped and looked at the guest with wide eyes. He quickly raised his arm and wanted to greet him, but he was interrupted by the Countryhuman, who asked: "You don't have to greet me like that, good sir, a simple handshake is enough! I'm only a human!"
"Only a human?! You are much more than that! You are a hero!", he said in surprise.
"But you don't have to greet me so energetically.", Reich said to him, "Don't get me wrong, it's very nice, but I'm tired and need to recover."
"May we ask you why you wanted to stay with us?", asked the woman.
Third German Reich replied: "The town near you was attacked and I felt too unsafe to be where everyone knows where I am, which is why I decided to ask you."
"Would you like to sleep right away or can we offer you something to eat and drink?", asked the man.
"If you don't mind, I'd like something to drink.", Reich agreed, whereupon he was led to the dining table.
He got there first and moved the chair without their help and sat down, letting out a sigh of relief.
Now he finally didn't have to walk anymore and it wasn't dark anymore either. His body had really needed this rest, because he was still not completely fit and he had been stressed the whole time.
The leader looked around the house made of wood and stone. The family had a lot of old furniture and souvenirs, even the odd picture or drawing of them or probably drawings of their children.
"What can we get you to drink?", asked the man. He answered: "A glass of water, please!"
Not long after, a full glass of clean water was in front of him and he thanked him for it.
The man sat down in front of him. Third Reich looked at him and smiled. You could see that he was nervous, but also happy. Maybe he should talk to him.
The Countryhuman asked: "What's your name?" "My name is Valentin and my wife's name is Eleonore!", he introduced himself and his wife.
Reich smiled at him and said to them: "I'm pleased to meet you both!"
"The pleasure is all on our side!", said the man.
Shortly afterwards, Valentin said: "We never expected to ever meet you in person!" This made Third German Reich smile even more.
"We have been to your speeches many times!", the lady said, "We could feel how much love you have for us and in what you want to tell us. Your speeches are always so beautiful and so interesting!"
Third Reich was very pleased and asked: "Really?"
"Yes!", her husband agreed, "That's why so many people come to your speeches! You excite and inspire us! There are many speakers, but you, you are the best! We are always infected by all the positive things you talk about! Your love of our country and love of humanity really drives us on! You motivate us and help us to recognize our worth more!"
"How you tell us that we should take care of ourselves and our loved ones and that we should love each other like brothers!", she says enthusiastically.
He said: "As if God had given you to us!" To which Reich replied: "You're exaggerating!"
Valentin argued: "Absolutely not! We were tried to take away our love for our country and ourselves and you gave us all that back!"
Reich smiled slightly. He thought it was exaggerated, but nice. He was definitely feeling better.
Suddenly he remembered the light when he almost died. Could it be that these were angels who gave him the decision to go with them or to stay here?
Could it be that he had been given another chance to do more good? Could it be that he was really here to make everything better? Somehow the thought felt so right! It had to be!
"My Führer, do you want to go to bed?", asked Eleonore. Third Reich was taken out of his thoughts and answered: "Yes, please!"
Then he drank half of his water, stood up, took his glass of water with him and followed the lady to the guest room, which she took care of while he got ready to go to bed.
Shortly afterwards he was allowed to lie alone in the not so soft bed with his glass of water next to him. It was pleasantly warm. He fell asleep calmly and relaxed, even though it was darker than usual. The moon gave him enough light.
Meanwhile his old friend Italy was freaking out.
Kingdom of Italy stood in front of the extinguished hospital. Of course there were a few people around him who were ensuring his safety.
With his arms closed, he stood there worriedly and observed the situation closely. He was stressed, which you could clearly see from his breathing.
His people were looking for the people from the hospital, hoping to find Reich there, while the Soviet was further away asking the escapees about Third Reich.
After hours, the wounded and dead were found by the hospital, but not all of them. Bodies, including unidentifiable ones, were found under the rubble of the hospital. With each body found, the hope of the Countryhuman grew more dim, fearing for his colleague.
Soviet Union felt the same, even though he didn't know Reich that well. The other Countryhuman, somehow brought a positive feeling to him when he was near him. When Third Reich was happy, he could somehow light up everything with his joy and he missed that. He missed the joy that Reich could bring.
Unfortunately, he didn't find out where the leader had disappeared to either.
Soviet Union was the only one of the two who slept a little later, while Italy was unable to.
Third German Reich woke up at noon. He was disorientated at first, as he wasn't at home or in a hotel and it was quite bright, which bothered him. Once he got used to it, he got dressed and went to the bathroom before going downstairs where he could hear the radio playing.
The house had an earthier smell than he was used to. That didn't mean it smelled dirty, it just meant that nature was very much part of the smell of the house.
Third Reich was hungry and went into the living room where the radio noises were coming from.
The woman sat in an armchair and crocheted quietly. She was so focused on her work that she didn't notice the Countryhuman. Her calm gaze was focused on the sky blue wool she was using to create something small.
"Good morning?", Third Reich said quietly, inadvertently startling her. She flinched and looked at him before giggling a little and Reich apologized.
The lady put her things aside and soon made him food while they chatted about art and colors.
At some point she said: "My Führer, you really should go back. They've already reported on the radio how worried they are about you! We were really happy to have you here, but you're really needed there!"
Reich agreed: "I'll do that! Could I maybe come and visit you now and then?"
"Of course, you're always welcome here!", she said with a smile.
The Countryhuman smiled at that too and said: "You can, but don't have to, always call me your Führer, just Reich suits me perfectly!"
"Oh really?", she asked. "Yes, you really helped me and I'm just a human too... but with a bit more color!", he said and giggled at the end. She was happy and let him eat and drink before Reich gave her money because he was so grateful.
Then he walked back to the city.
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