Third German Reich stared out of his window into the darkness of the night.
"Reich?", asked Soviet Union, who had gone to his office. The person addressed looked at him. He had an unrecognizable expression on his face, while Soviet was worried and tried to look calm. They were happy that Ireland and Northern Ireland had been free again since yesterday.
"You should go home and take care of your company.", Third Reich said, "As you yourself said, we are facing hard times and you must prepare yourself!"
"Can you really be alone right now?", he asked. Third Reich nodded. He added: "If there is anything, contact me!" "I will!", came from the owner of the house.
Soviet and Reich made a few phone calls to ensure that Soviet could get home safely.
They said goodbye to each other and Soviet Union drove home.
Third Reich looked at the car lights at the foot of the mountain through his window.
He still couldn't process what happened yesterday. He had cried a lot.
He walked away from the window. Soviet was gone. Except for Duke, he was all alone.
The next day passed and he went to bed, paranoid. In the middle of the night, his dog's barking woke him up. Sirens could be heard.
He was woken up from his sleep so quickly that it took him a moment to understand what was going on. He then immediately ran out of his room. His dog followed him.
He stopped once. Everything was still pitch black outside, so he ran downstairs. Third Reich opened the door to his bunker. Duke barked at him and stood there frozen. Reich tried to pull him down in a panic, but the dog was afraid, so Reich gave him an order to run out of the house and hide, which Duke did, while Third Reich closed the door behind him and went downstairs.
He ran down the hallway. He didn't want to die! In a panic, he ran further and deeper.
Suddenly there was a bang and the earth shook. Third German Reich caught himself in time before he fell on his face and was on his knees.
He could probably hear the house collapsing behind him. His whole body was shaking.
Reich was so shocked that he stopped.
And again there was a loud bang, but this time from above and in front of him.
The ceiling collapsed. Third Reich turned around and ran back. A piece fell from the ceiling and hit his leg near the tendons of his foot. The spot was on the back of his foot, between the ball of his foot and the joint. He screamed loudly.
Now it was no longer possible for him to run with that leg, so he ran away on his arms and leg while more stones fell on his head and back, causing bruises and black marks.
He kept running. Another bang shook the earth above him. Rocks fell on him, injuring him even more. They were suddenly such big rocks! Reich had to roll into a ball.
He waited, but no more bangs appeared to make his life worse.
Alone, wounded, trapped and with little oxygen, he was stuck.
He finally understood what was going on and panicked. Reich was underground, locked in a non-bombproof bunker in which he was buried alive and he was running out of time to escape or he would be buried further!
Who dropped the bombs on him? Which Countryhuman wanted to go to war? The poor Countryhuman couldn't do anything. It was also very possible that he would die here. Help was surely too late, because how would they find him and then the problem would be to rescue him. Tears ran down his face. He would die suffering.
Reich cried hard. He was buried all alone while the world fell into chaos.
His thoughts changed. Maybe this was what he deserved!
He thought about yesterday, mainly about his future wife, not chosen by him, who had jumped out of the window. She had only killed herself because of him. If he had treated her better, this would never have happened!
And back in 1939 he shouldn't have let himself be driven to extremes by Poland, Britain and France. He should have ignored them and forgotten his poor people who were being tortured in Poland... or wasn't it actually good that he had started the war? His people were better off, weren't they? Had he gained more than he had lost? He didn't know.
He had ordered that nothing would happen to the civilian population and that they would be able to get supplies and if his army had stuck to that, he was not a war criminal! He had also done everything as quickly as possible so that not many would suffer.
Britain had focused his attacks on cities with as much people as possible. For him, it was a pleasure to kill innocent Germans and he had said so himself. Maybe it was a good thing that the Soviet Union had killed him! Such a psychopath is dangerous!
Third Reich huddled together. What would happen after his death? Surely an ignorant or a psychopath would take over his post and make sure that many people had to die! He had to survive this for the safety of his people!
Soviet Union was not as bad as he had thought! He was so nice and considerate. Reich wanted to see him again and hopefully even become friends with him, because not everything could have been manipulation!
He would not survive this, but he hoped so! He hoped to make everything better for everyone! Someone who was evil wouldn't think like that, so maybe he wasn't so bad after all! Maybe he could really do something good for others! Maybe he could save the country and its inhabitants from being destroyed!
He spent some time underground with only his thoughts and his hope and his despair fighting each other. He didn't know whether anyone would and could save him.
Third Reich could only wait and hope while he ran out of air. He thought he couldn't dig. Too many meters of earth and rock were probably above him. Digging out was also too dangerous, as everything could collapse on him.
At some point he ran out of air and roared three more times before he used up the rest of his air by over-ventilating and couldn't get any more air. Then he stopped trying to breathe and started digging and moving upwards. He dug until he ran out of air.
He firmly believed that he was going to die. Reich breathed in the earth. It burned and hurt so much in his head, neck and chest. He saw a light in his head. He recognized outlines that looked like angels that wanted to tell him that his soul should come with them. But it was the decision of Third Reich and he refused. He was not ready yet. The light disappeared and everything was dark.
Slowly the Countryhuman came to his senses again. He realized through his closed eyelids that there was light. He saw red because of his closed eyelids.
He heard birds. He felt no pain, but he could feel something cold and wet on his hand and light, happy whimpers.
"Duke? What's wrong? Is he awake?", asked a familiar voice. "I doubt he can answer that!", said another familiar voice, deeper than the first. The first voice said: "You have no idea what this dog can say! He is the smartest dog in the world!"
Duke whined even more. "Reich?", asked the first one, "Are you awake?" The one with the deep voice said: "Give him time! He almost died." Then the two were silent. The dog laid his head on his owner's stomach.
Reich didn't move. He was still too exhausted. He took a deep breath, which made him more tired again. "Did you see that?", asked Italy. Soviet said: "Of course I saw that! He's awake!"
Third Reich recognized steps around him. He wanted to sleep a little more, which he did.
He slept for a few hours before Duke woke him up with his nose. The wet and cold wetness was unpleasant for his owner. He put the blanket over his face. "Mr. Third German Reich?", asked a lady. He grumbled questioningly.
"You're finally awake!", she said, slightly pleased. She had bad news, but now was not the time.
She informed them: "The leader of the Soviet Union and the leader of Italy have been accommodated in a comfortable place, as they could not stay here for the night!"
He just nodded. Reich's stomach was filled with hunger. He told her: "H... H... u... un... gr... ry" "Excuse me?", she asked him confused, she did not understand him at all. "H... Hung-" he said. "Are you hungry?", she asked and he nodded in agreement.
She brought food and drink and fed him gently. He enjoyed it, even though it was strange to be fed. A little after eating, he fell asleep again.
The next morning he woke up again. He opened his eyes sleepily. The light from outside was too bright for him again.
"Reich?", asked the Italian leader and went to him and was happy to see his friend awake. Third Reich smiled.
Italy came to him. Not long after, Soviet arrived and joined the other two Countryhumans.
The doctor came too and looked at Reich, who was just so happy to be alive and have his friends around.
"Have you told him yet?", asked the doctor. Soviet Union admitted: "No, we haven't."
Confused, I look at everyone in the room before Italy tells me: "USA has declared war on you!"
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