A/N: I just want to inform you that unlike regular zombies, the island zombies are able to talk and interact but are known as the dumbest creature.
Also I rushed while writing this chapter and I really wanted to publish today so I couldn't edit this. Sorry if there are any mistakes please bare with me.
Carter's P.O.V
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that portrait. I was filled with happiness and shock at the same time. The woman I saw had blue eyes, short curly dark brown hair, her skin colour was almost pail and pointed nose was unnoticeable just like mother's. Every single detail of that woman reminded me of my mother.
"So Carter what are you planning on doing while you are staying in this island" Jimmy asked trying to change the topic. Even a person with half a brain could tell that Jimmy was hiding something from me.
"Are you listening to yourself?"
"Sure I can here myself perfectly"
"Don't play dumb with me, I know you are hiding something"
"I think we should talk about something else"
As I was about to reply, I heard a noise coming from outside. It was like a whole bunch of people were talking at the same time.
"What's going on?, come on let's go check what's happening!" As Jimmy said that, I could sense the relief and worry in his eyes. I was still puzzled at that point but I decided to brush my thoughts off.
Jimmy and I ran outside seeing three different kinds of people arguing and shouting at each other. I saw the humans and the zamps.
"Quiet everyone!" A human being shouted with so much authority that everyone kept quiet.
She paused for about a second and continued, "We are not going to let you zamps come close to the heart. As a matter of fact, this island belongs the humans and no one can change anything about that. So I suggest we all leave her while fully respecting that fact"
"How dare you talk to us like outcasts" a zombie said angrily.
"You all killed Edna!. Now you are trying to take the last thing that is left of her?!" the same women shouted to the zamps.
"Excuse me, no one forced Edna to become a stupid witch but she chose to practice it herself knowing fully well the consequences. She deserved even more than we did to her!" a female vampire shouted from the crowd as she folded her arms.
"Why don't we make this more interesting" a zombie said whilst putting on a devilish grin.
"What does the flesh eating airhead have to say to us now?" a human said with a stoic expression.
"You better talk to me with respect" the zombie said angrily.
"We don't respect dumb and hopeless creatures like you. I mean it's so ironic how you go around devouring the brains of animals and still you are yet to have a brain of your own" a man from the crowd said with a smirk.
"That's it I'm taking all of you down"the zombie said as he was about to pounce on the man that was talking earlier but was interrupted by another voice. This time it was not from the crowd but it was the voice of Jimmy.
"Will you all stop bickering, let's all listen to what we all have to say. Now would you let Gus speak!" Jimmy shouted with annoyance. Everyone listened to Jimmy and it seemed he had authority over everybody.
"I think we should play a game tic tac toe and whoever wins gets to live with the heart" the zombie said laughing for no reason in particular.
"Gus what was I thinking when I let you talk" Jimmy said to Gus shaking his head.
"If we all want to live with it, why don't we fight for it? I challenge the human and zombies to a war" a vampire said as I opened my eyes wide hoping I heard the vampire wrongly.
"We accept this challenge" Gus spoke for himself and his fellow zombies.
"This is a very horrible idea, let's just find another way to settle this" Jimmy said.
"I thought so, you humans could have been dead a long time ago if not for that protective spell you have, but I can assure you that with or without the spell we will win you all" a vampire said giving a victorious laugh. I watched the whole scene in awe trying to understand what the vampire was saying because Jimmy did not tell me anything about a protective spell.
Jimmy looked at all the humans and they all nodded to him. I did not fully understand but I think he was asking if he should accept the war with just a look.
"Alright we accept your challenge" Jimmy told the vampire with a brave look.
I stood there trying to connect all the dots but I couldn't. Jimmy was hiding a lot of things and somehow I know it concerns me. I must get to the bottom of this.
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