Chapter 5-Annunciation of the war(part 2)

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There were so many questions that flooded my mind like why was Jimmy acting strange after our conversation? What did the vampire mean by protective spell? Why was my mother on that portrait?. I looked up at the crowd facing Jimmy who was about to talk.

"You zamps have out numbered us. If we fight a war,it would be very unfair"

"If that is the case, we would have the same number of people on each side and any group that surrenders would be out leaving the remaining groups to fight each other until one of them surrenders also. A vampire replied to Jimmy with so much courage. I was surprised because the zamps seemed to be scared of Jimmy but when the vampire talked, he did not show any form fear.

"Fine, this fight should not be too bloody because we are just fighting over the heart. That means, few people would fight from each side. Alex I don't want any objections! I should believe this is fine with all of you" Jimmy said looking at the vampire that spoke earlier. I'm guessing his name is Alex.

"No Jimmy, I must make sure that all of you humans must be wiped out. You're refusing this because you're too scared to go against all of us!" Alex said as the crowd gasped in shock.

"My decision is final!" Jimmy harshly told Alex.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me. If you think I respect you just like the other cowards in this island, you are very wrong. I'm not going to fear you just because you were Edna's-" Alex was interrupted by a very terrifying punch on his face. Jimmy did it. He punched Alex square in the face. I looked down and saw Alex laying on the ground unconscious.

"Do any of you still have any objections?" Jimmy asked with anger still in his eyes. Everyone remained silent as Jimmy continued, "Fifteen people from each group are going to fight against each other on Friday, which is the day after tomorrow. I hope I am clear?!" Jimmy shouted.

"Yes" the crowd gave a faint reply.

"You may all return to your various homes" Jimmy told them after a vampire carried Alex and put him on his shoulder. After they heard Jimmy's voice, they all left immediately.

"I'll be coming over tomorrow, is that okay?" Jimmy asked like nothing happened.

"Aren't you going to explain what happened? About the heart and the war"

"We will talk about that later. Ummm... I'll be going now. See you tomorrow" Jimmy zoomed off immediately after saying the last sentence. I thought all day about island trying to figure it out like it was the hardest puzzle but I couldn't think of any reason why the people in the island were fighting over a heart. I decided to confront Jimmy the next day. Later that night, I went to bed and suprisingly, I slept soundly. I hadn't slept that well in a long time. Once I was up, I went to get some fruits that I had plucked about two days before and I devoured like I had never eaten before. I was interrupted in the middle of the love session with my fruits by a knock on the door.
I grumbled like a little kid as I stood up to open the door. I saw Jimmy standing at the entrance of my house. I grinned at him when I began to speak.

"Jimmy it's so good to see you here, please come in" I said to Jimmy giving him a hand gesture to come in.

"Thank you, it's good to see you too" Jimmy replied while entering Carter's house.

"So Jimmy you didn't explain what happened yesterday. You said we would talk about it later and I think we have more than enough time now"

"I don't think we can. I actually have something to do"

"What are you doing?"

"I am going to talk to my group about tomorrow's fight"

"You can do that later, I need to know so many things. Most especially about Edna"

"I really need to go now, I don't have much time to prepare"

"Alright but can I go with you"

"Sure, I'll use the opportunity to introduce you to other people in the island" Jimmy replied. We both headed outside and on our way, he told me more about the humans. Jimmy and I stopped, then I saw middle aged men, women and very few children. He led me to the direction of a tall, light skinned man and they exchanged greetings.

"Carter this is a Elliot, Elliot this is Carter" Jimmy introduced us with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I have never seen you here before" Elliot said with a puzzled look, like he was trying to recognize me.

"Actually he is from the outside world" Jimmy replied before I could speak.

"B-but Jimmy no out-outsider can come to this island, does that mean he is–" Before Elliot could finish his statement, Jimmy cut him off.

"Let's discuss that later. Right now, we need to prepare for the fight"

I was very curious and annoyed at Jimmy because he failed to tell me about something that concerns me.

"Everyone!" Elliot shouted when I realized a couple of men standing before me. I turned my attention back to him as he continued, "we are all aware about the fight with the zamps. Without wasting much of our time Jimmy will select people that are fighting with us tomorrow"

"So the fighters will be Jack, Luis, Eden, Mason..." Jimmy mentioned about thirteen names before stating certain details.

"I would be fighting with you all alongside Elliot, we need to get our swords ready. I came up with a plan to pour chlorine on our swords to fight the vampires because we all know that their skin burns when it comes in contact with chlorine. I can't find it on this island anymore so we have to practice with all we have"

"Jimmy did you forget that I am a scientist?" I asked Jimmy with a grin while the men looked at me with a confused look.

"Carter are you telling me you have it?" Jimmy asked with his eyes widened.

"I told you I brought some chemicals. I have chlorine in my house, we can go there to get it now" I responded with a happy tone in my voice.

"Elliot! Begin practice with them while I get the chlorine" Jimmy and I ran to my house to get it. We quickly ran back to where the men were and poured certain amounts of chlorine on our swords. After the men trained for hours, I went to my house to get some sleep. I slept happily with the thought of the humans winning the fight even though I did not know why they were fighting over a heart. The next morning, I was woken by a knock on my door. I opened it and saw that it was Jimmy. He looked worried and confused.

"Jimmy what is it?"

"You remember when we put the last chlorine you had on the swords?"

"Yes I remember clearly, why?"

"I gave Elliot to keep them. I went to meet him today but saw that the swords were gone"

"But the men are trained and with or without chlorine they can still win"

"You don't understand, the swords isn't the only thing that is gone"

"What do you mean?"

"It's Elliot, Elliot is dead".

Thanks for reading, this chapter might be a bit shitty but I'm sorry if it is. I didn't even edit because I really wanted to update. Anyway if you enjoyed this chapter please vote for it and comment. Thanks for reading :)

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