The man looked at Carter with an astonished expression like he was about to make the biggest decision of his life.
"Why do you have that look on your face, did you see something?" Carter asked as his face brightened.
"I was wondering why you thought I would be of help, I actually feel honored" the man replied.
"I just have a feeling that you would be of help but we can talk about that later. I'm asking for your help and I don't even know your name, please can I know your name? " Carter asked as he chuckled.
"I am Jimmy Kingston, I am not a normal human being but I'm more of a human with powers, I am the strongest person on this island and I am also the best at shooting arrows. I can strike from any distance and get my target" Jimmy replied.
"Bows and Arrows?, do they still exist?"
"From where you come from you might not use these but in this island, they are very important weapons used to fight the zamps"
"Oh God! Please don't tell me this zamps is another mysterious creature in this island"
"I forgot to tell you about that word. Zamps is the word combination of the words zombie and vampires" Jimmy replied laughing at Carter's response.
Carter nodded to notify Jimmy that he understood what Jimmy had explained, then he continued, "I'm very confused at the moment"
"About what"
"The zombies, the vampires, this island and what you said about powers"
"I will explain everything from the beginning just remain seated and listen because this is going to be a long story"
Carter nodded making a hand gesture telling Jimmy to proceed.
"A long time ago, this island was inhabited by different people. They were all normal, no zombies, no vampires, just normal humans until one day, a witch named Edna ran away from England and came here to to restart her life. Edna came to this island because witchery was banned in England and other parts of the world, the punishment was immediate burning. So, she roamed around the Earth looking for a place to stay and then she found this island. Once she got here, she lived in isolation and she didn't socialize with anyone. But there was a man called Theo who noticed her and liked her very much. Theo approached her and they became very close. They later fell in love with each other and Theo asked for her hand in marriage but she refused because she was scared that he would find out about her secret. Theo questioned her about her refusal severally but she always failed to give him a good answer. Edna became tired of lying to Theo and she knew he deserved to know the truth even if it meant they would be broken apart. She finally decided to tell him, it was hard but she told him the whole story. Theo took the news surprisingly well. He still wanted to marry her no matter the amount of baggage she had. The wedding arrangements were made and soon they got married. A year after their marriage, Edna gave birth to a baby boy and she couldn't have felt happier. Edna thought no one was after her anymore after she escaped from England, she thought no one could look at her with hatred and disgust anymore but Edna couldn't have been more wrong. There was someone who despised her, that person hated her because of the source of her happiness. That person hated her all because of Theo. Maria was Theo's friend right from childhood, they had known each other their whole life. Maria had always loved Theo and once he got married, she became heartbroken and devastated. Maria always tried to frame Edna and make her look bad but she never succeeded until one day, while stalking Theo and Edna as always, she couldn't help but eavesdrop on their discussion. Edna was telling Theo about witchery and spells, then the conversation became clear to Maria that Edna was a witch. Maria immediately told people on the island and the news spread really fast, she acted without thinking about what could happen to Theo. A very close friend of Theo informed him about the people's plan to kill him, Edna and his baby. Then, they moved to an abandoned house owned by the friend of Theo. They stayed there while planning on moving out of the island. However, Edna knew what would be the end, Edna knew Maria was the cause of everything. Edna began to write in her journal. When she was done, she told Theo's trusted friend to keep it safe. After days of hiding, they were found and Edna could not cast any spell to stop them because she had just given birth. As a witch, she needed two full years of rest after she had delivered if not she would be granted with little or no amount of chances to cast any spell. Edna saw the people from afar and she tried to cast a spell hoping she would be lucky enough to do so before she died. Firstly, she wanted to save her baby, thus she sent his spirit to the outside world so that another woman could bear her child. After that spell, she felt a lot of her energy being drained. She tried her best to stay strong when Theo came to her telling her smelt smoke around the house, and then she became furious when she was about to check the entrance of her house and then she saw it burning, she saw other people in the island chanting in unison, the words the witch must die. She also saw them holding up pitch forks and torches. Then she turned to her husband and saw him unconscious on the floor and her baby was also on the floor but he was safe because his spirit was transferred to the outside world. She used the little energy she had to curse the people that tried to kill her. She cursed them to thirst for blood all their lives as they wanted to shed the blood of she and her family. Then, she cursed the dead to rise and for flesh to cover their bones, she also cursed them to feed on flesh for the rest of their lives. She also declared that island would be a lost island and that no one from the outside world would be able to locate it, she made that happen because she didn't want the outside world to be affected. Immediately Edna made that curse, she fell to the floor and died. Suddenly the people who tried to kill her began to change. Their teeth became sharper, their faces became more pale and they began to crave blood. While this was happening, the dead rose up and flesh slowly covered their bones but because Edna was weak, the spell was not completed and their flesh was not completely filled up. That is why the zombies lacks flesh. After the death of Edna and her husband, the people of the island respected Edna so much. For that reason, they decided to name the island after her child, Karie" Jimmy finished his story looking at the empty space.
"Wow, this island has a very fascinating history and Edna was indeed a powerful witch" Carter told Jimmy with an amused expression.
"Yes she was very powerful. I even have a drawing of her"
"How did you get it?" Carter asked.
"Her husband was an artist and he drew her a lot, some of the drawings were found on the island and I was lucky enough to get one" Jimmy replied while he opened a goat skinned bag which he brought along with him.
"Here is a portrait of Edna" Jimmy said handing over the portrait to Carter.
Carter collected the picture before looking at it, his eyes were filled with shock and his hand began to shake so much that the portrait fell to the floor. Then he looked up facing Jimmy saying, "This is no witch, this is not Edna, this is my my mother"
A/N: Hey guys, I want to thank you for commenting nice things about my book, I really appreciate it. I also want to let you all know that I'll explain more about the island and the powers in the next chapters that I am going to write. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did remember to leave a vote and comment what you think about the book.
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