Ivy, John and I made our way to the next game with the others. It felt different this time, knowing that if we messed up, we'd die. Ivy didn't have her usual happy smile on her face, and John wasn't as hyper and goofy as he used to be. We all entered a room, it looked like a playground. The floor was kind of sandy. The guards called us up to a table and gave us all honeycomb cookies. They then explained to us that we have a cookie with one of four shapes, a circle, a triangle, a star and an umbrella. I looked at Ivy and John who were beside me. The held up their cookies, John had a circle, and Ivy had a triangle. I looked at mine, a star. The head guard then told us that we had to cut the shape out of the honeycomb, and if the honeycomb breaks, we die. There was also a timer of 5 minutes.
I started cutting mine carefully, I heard one gunshot go off, and then another. I didn't dare look behind me. I finally managed to cut the shape out. I was relieved. Ivy and John finished theirs later. Another 50 gunshots went off during the next few minutes. Then everyone who didn't finish their cookies were lined up against a wall. Three guards with machine guns stood forward and shot them all, like terrorists. Ivy cried, John hugged her and patted her on the back.
The head guard then said, "Out of the 270 players that participated, 181 survived." John was furious. He jumped towards the head guard and grabbed his pistol. "All of you, drop you guns, or he's dead!" Screamed John. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, if you want everyone else to live." "John!" Screeched Ivy. I held her back. John lowered his gun, and dropped it. "You fool." Said the Head guard. John was then shot in the head. "NOOOOO!" Ivy yelled. "You son of a bitch!" I held her back but she broke free. "Ivy, don't!" I said. She ran towards the head guard. He pushed her back.
"Let that be an example to you all." Said the heard guard. He pointed at John's body. "On what happens when you when you try and mess with us." "I'm going to get you for this!" Screeched Ivy.
Later, the guards lead us back to the giant room with the bunkbeds. "You may get some rest." They said. "By the way, we're going to give you all some knives for protection. Ivy looked at me in shock. "Another game.." I said to her. We both got our knives and sat on our bunkbeds. The lights then went out. People started slashing each other with their knives. They pushed the bunks over to squash people. Suddenly a man jumped on top of me, and slit my arm. "Ben!" Screamed Ivy. She ran up to the man and tackled him. "Ivy!" I screamed. She pinned the man down on the floor and stabbed him continuously in the body and neck.
It was utter chaos. I ran over to Ivy, and pulled her into a dark corner. We watched for the next five minutes as people were killed. Finally the lights turned back on. It revealed the horror we had unleashed. The head guards voice then came through the intercom. "Out of the 181 players that participated, only 133 survived. "Christ.." I muttered. Ivy was shaking. Blood was all over her. I gasped for some air, I was still bleeding. Ivy tore a piece of her shirt off and wrapped it around my arm. "That should prevent the bleeding." She stuttered. We then watched as the sign that had the money listed go up in numbers. It was no longer $100,000. The amount slowly changed to $127,332.26. "Oh my god.." Ivy muttered.
"Help!" Screamed somebody. Ivy and I turned around. It was a woman with a black wavy bob, she had blood all over her. In her arms was a man around the same height as me. "Please, help!" Ivy and I rushed over. The man was bleeding all over his arm. "What happened?!" I asked. "He got stabbed multiple times in the arm!" The woman said. "I know what to do." I said. I tore a bit of his shirt off, and stuck tied it around his arm. "What's your name, Miss 224?" Ivy asked as I treated the man. "Ellen." She stuttered. "Hi Ellen, I'm Ivy." She replied. Ivy took out her hand. Ellen grabbed it and got up.
I looked down at the man, he was waking up. Sir, are you alright? "I'm fine." He said. "What's your name?" Asked Ivy. "This is Arthur." Said Ellen. "Pleased to meet you Arthur." I said. "You too. Thank you both so much, you saved my life." He replied. "No problem." I said. The guards voice then played over the intercom. "You will begin your fourth game, tug-a-war soon." We all looked at each other. "I've got a plan." Arthur said.
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