I'll let you know when the spoilers end so you can still pay extention to the story
"I want you to remember, this one is going to be dark. You basically asked for this" Everyone just nodded even though none of them were ready.
Quirk Loss
The breeze was perfect. There was not a cloud in sight and temperature was just perfect for a nice day out with the family. But it wasn't for him
On the room of the 1A Dorms was Midoryia. He was sitting on the edge of the building letting his legs dangle
"Midoryia. That is very unsafe. You should never do that" Iida yelled while doing his signature karate chop.
"Hey, nerd" Someone interrupted my thoughts. I didn't look back to see who it was. I already knew who it was. I also can tell the sat down right next to me.
We both stayed silent for a while. I didn't have anything to say to him. I already told him everything I wanted to say on the island.
"Yo are they having a fight like a married couple?" Kaminari joked.
"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU DAMN EXTRA" Bakugou yelled as his mother once again slapped him.
"Katsuki Bakugou"
"Your dream is over. What now?" He asked.
"I'm leaving." I answered.
"Can't I just give it-"
"No' I interrupted him. "Once you give it up, there's no taking it back"
The only people who knew what he meant was All Might, Midoryia, and Gran Torino. The three of them were sweating bullets.
"Its over Kacchan. My fire has been extinguished. It's yours now. You're the tenth."
Bakugou just stared at me before giving me his typical tch.
"You lost" He said crossing his arms.
"Yeah, I guess it does. But I'm ok with that" a smile grew on my face. "Because of what I did, I save thousands of heroes around the world."
"You almost died again, deku"
"Again, I'm fine with that. Because of my sacrifice. Thousands get to live their lives out." I looked up at the sky.
"I wonder what happend?" Sero asked.
"Who cares?" Bakugou asked with his arms crossed.
"I do" most of the girls said in unison.
The smell of iron plagued my nose. The floor was warm, but it was also cold. I couldn't feel my legs or arms. But despite not being able to feel them, it hurt so much.
But that didn't stop me. I had to let Rody get to the console. I slowly rose up fighting through all the pain. Green and blue lighting started to flow around me as red streaks went across my body. Even my eyes were just white. My hair turned a blueish color as it floated just like Aizawa's.
Not wasting time, I ran in circles in in unimaginable speeds that someone could only dream of. shortly, I followed with a barrage of punches that only deflects back at me.
I need to go even harder.
"Ooooraaaaaa" a singular puch connected with Flect Turn. But it wasn't enough. So, I did what I had to do.
I put all I had I into both my arms and started a barrage of punches. But faster and stronger than last time.
"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora ora Ora Ora Ora Ora" I yelled as my punches got stronger and fast by the second. There was visible panick of Flec turns face as his Quirk started to give out.
I put all my power into one last punch.
"OOORAAA" My punch connected. But it didn't break through. I kept putting more and more pressure into it as my arm started to crush from the pressure.
With one final push, it was a success. The punch broke through Flect Turns Quirk, making him fly back. All the lighting and red soon disappeared.
"Izuku" I looked up to see Rody. "I did it." I smiled as I collapse to the floor. I saw two more people running in. Both looked like they've been through hell
"Midoryia!" I boy with had red and half white hair yelled as he came next to me.
"You damn nerd" The blonde yelled as he stopped next to the red and white haired boy.
"Shoto... Kacchan... we did it" I gave the two boys a bloody smile.
"Thats good. Your name is cleared now. So it's time to go back" Todoroki said proping my head up.
Everyone in the theater was basically praying for Midoryia. Even though they've seen him like this many times. But this was the worst they've ever seen him. He's barely clinging to life.
"Katsuki" that caught bakugo off gaurd. I pulled a strand of my hair out. "I used everything I had. Wether I live or not. My fire will be gone. So don't let it go out yet. Promise me you'll keep it lit"
Bakugou just took the hair and looked at it. There was a single tear.
"Bakugou crying? Whaaat?"
Aww he does care"
Many more jokes were tossed his way making him angry.
"But your dream"
"Promise me"
I stood up and walked away from the edge.
"Well I got bags to pack. See you later, Kacchan" I said leaving the next user alone.
My room was already almost empty. I just needed to pack the necessities I needed to live. It was odd being here without having All Might staring at me. It was just a void now.
There was a knock on my door even though it was wide open. I turned around to see Momo.
"So you're really leaving?" She asked stepping into my room, shutting the door.
"Oooh" Mina teased Youyorozu
"Yes, I am. I made up my mind" I said looking away. I felt a hand on my cheek. She turned me to look at her. Momo just put her forehead on mine and closed her eyes. "Mo-"
"Shhh" is all she said as she kept her eyes closed. "I'm treasuring all the memories we made in here"
I smiled as I placed my hands on her hips and closed my eyes. Slowly our lips touched.
"Lucky" one of the girls scoffed.
"Just remember even though I won't be here anymore, I'm always a call away."
The screen faded.
"Yknow, that wasn't as dark as I thought it be. Oh well."
"I mean yeah it was. But seeing Midoryia kick as like that was awesome." Kirishima yelled with getting a bunch of gasps from everyone. "What?"
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