"He just did the swore" Mina yelled standing up. Many of the students from 1A started to surround him. They started to pray for his soul.
"He's no longer a cinnamon roll" Kaminari cried.
The teacher were having a great time seeing this. Aizawa had a small smirk on his face.
"Uh, sir. I hate to ruin things. But what does it mean when he said he gave it to Bakugou and he's now the tenth" Momo asked.
This peaked nearly everyone's interests. All Might, Gran Torino, and Midoryia were once all sweating bullets. Is there secret about tonbe unleashed.
"Well, that's for them to explain."
"Damn it nerd. I knew this'll happen" Bakugou sighed in anger.
"How is it my fault?" Midoryia asked.
"I think it's time for the truth" All Might said standing up.
"W-what? A-All Might. Are y-you sure?" Midoryia nervously asked. All Might just nodded.
"Then I know the perfect universe to explain this. This universe"
Midoryia's and Bakugou's went wide. But it was too late.
Life Story
All men are not created equal.
"Russian much?" Kaminari joked
"Kacchan, stop it. You're hurting him" A small deku said as he stood in front of a little boy.
"Stop pretending to be a hero deku" Kacchan said as he smashes his fist together to create an explosion.
"Damn, even as a child he's angry" Jiro commented with many people agreeing and Bakugo just doing his usual tch.
"Sorry kid. Its not happening." The doctor said in calm relaxing manner.
"What so you mean?" My mother asked.
"Your son won't be developing a quirk" He explained. Right then and there, my entire life was shattered.
Everyone was shocked to know that Midoryia was born quirkless. With a quirk like his, never in a million years they'd guess he was originally quirkless.
"Look at the freak"
"I heard he was quirkless"
"What a loser"
"Man he's disgusting"
Everyday I sat there listening to those insults. The biggest one was my name.
"Hurry it up Deku we don't have all day, loser"
"I'm coming Kacchan" I said running up to kacchan.
"I'm gonna find those kid and beat em" Midnight yelled.
"Mama Nemuri much?" Hawks asked jokenly
Inko was shocked that this was how Izuku was treated when he was just very little. How did not notice this? Is she a bad mother?
'So this is the life of Midoryia' Shinsou thought as he looked at Midoryia. He felt ashamed of what he said to him at the sports festival. He was going to make it right when they get back.
Everyday I would here the same things over and over again. Everyday i would go home with new cuts, bruises, and scars. Everyday I would cry myself to sleep.
No one cared. The teachers just watched as I was name called or beaten.
"When I go back. I'm finding out what schools Izuku went to" Nezu with the teachers nodding their head.
My first year in Aldera Junior High is when it got worse.
Nezu made sure to write this down give it to the teachers and some pro Heroes.
On my first day, I was tripped in the hallway. When I got to my desk, kacchan burnt it immediately. The teacher sent me to the principal on the first day for an action I didn't do.
On my way home, there he was, waiting for me.
I was walking down a long narrow path with my head down.
"Oi, deku" I looked up to see Kacchan and his goons on the path. So I tried to back petal. "Where you going Deku?" Kacchan smirked at me as he got closer.
That day I went home with a black eye. I knew I couldn't just hide it. So when my mother asked, I said I fell down a hill. The new route home caught me off guard.
Inko had tears rolling down here cheeks. Mitsuki was just rubbing her back trying to make her feel better.
Midoryia was feeling bad for lying to his mother all these years.
Bakugou was just Bakugou
To escape the pain, I resorted to one thing. Heroes. Heroes were my escape from my pain. I even started a series of notebooks analyzing any quirk I came across. I labeled how it could be use in combat or rescue. Its strengths and weaknesses. It's potential and how to train it. Even how to neutralize the person.
"Midoryia, is it alright if we take a look at those when we get back." Nezu asked
"Sure?" Midoryia said hesitantly since this was the very first time someone said they'd like to take a look at it. Everyone just said it was creepy.
People said it was creepy and even called me a stalker for it. Even my safe haven was being ruined now
It was the same with my hero obsession. Especially with All Might. Most people would call it creepy with how much All Might stuff was in my room. But to him, it was normal. This was his sanctuary. He idolized All Might because it made him feel safe.
It's true. Midoryia idolized him because it made him safe. He thought back to the time he heard the girls say they would ask him out. But him being an All Might fanboy was a no go. He knew it wasn't on purpose, but they were trashing his sanctuary.
All the girls who commented that about his obsession were now regretting ever saying it about him.
But it didn't stop there. In my second year, whenever I would enter class, there would be one or two things on my desk.
There would either be drawings on my desk or comments about me being quirkless. Everyone time I would ask for materials to clean it, my teacher would tell me to knock it off and stop being messy.
Inko was fuming more than Mitsuki on a daily basis. She couldn't believe this is how the school acted towards her son.
Midoryia was trying to hide in his seat knowing what the other thing on his desks were. It was definitely going to set off a fuse.
All Might was shocked to see this is the past he endured. When he was in school and quirkless at the time, it was never like this. Sure he'll get tease here and there, but he wasn't bullied or beaten for it.
The other days it wouldn't be drawings that'd be on my desk. It would be red spider lily's
"I don't get it" Sero said scratching his head.
"Why would someone put flowers on his desk?" Sato asked.
"These flowers are red spider lily's. They associate with final goodbyes or death. So the meaning of them being on his desk is well..." Nezu didn't want to finish his sentence. But everyone knew what he meant.
Midoryia was trying his best to hide in his seat but not successful one bit.
"What's this?" My notebook was taken from me.
"Kacchan. Please give it back" I pleaded.
"What's that? His diary?" One of his lackeys laughed.
"Just give up deku. You can't be a hero"
"But I can try. That's all that matters right?"
"Dont go to the exam." Bakugou then exploded my notebook. "Or else." He then tossed it out the wall. "Yknow there is a way to get a quirk"
"What? How?" I asked.
"GO take a swan dive of the roof" Bakugou laughed as he left. I did my best to hold back my tears.
"KATSUKI BAKUGOU" the theater was absolutely silently knowing Bakugou was literally about to did. "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE." Mitsuki went on and on about how he'd need to apologize and make up. Half the time no one could understand her except for her husband.
I grabbed my notebook out of the koi pond.
"Well, at least you guys got to eat today" I said drying it of with air. I tood a different rout than usual. I ended up under a bridge with a path. "I can't give up. He never did. So I have to keep on smiling."
I smiled and did an impression of All Mights laugh with my hand in the air.
This definitely got people laughing. Even all might cracked a laugh at the impression.
That one moment of peacefulness would be ruined by a dark suffocating feeling. I was dying. I'm actually about to die. Is this really how it ends.
Nearly all the girls were worried for their crush. The girls who said they didn't really have a crush on him were now lying. Over the time of watching the different verses, they've grown to have a crush on the boy.
Inko was crying at seeing the sight of the time her baby boy almost died. Mitsuki was Apologizing to Inko over and over.
I slowly opened my eyes from the feeling of someone slapping my cheek.
"Hey, wake up kid"
In front of my face was All Might himself.
"A-all might. I need to ask for an autograph." I went for my book. "HE ALREADY SIGNED IT. This'll be a family heirloom passed down from family member to family member"
Everyone just chuckle at Midoryia's reaction.
All Might was thinking back to that day and just smiled. But that smile soon faded knowing what he said later.
"Sorry kid. My time is up" All Might said as he was about to jump
"Wait I have a question" Midoryia said grabbing onto his pants.
"Hey, young boy ket go"
"If I do ill die"
"OH, good point"
Recovery girl proceeded to his All Might with her cane.
All might landed on the nearest roof.
"What were you thinking?" He asked me.
"I have a question"
"I really don't have time for this" He said as steam came off his body.
"I just have one question. I wanted to asked you that can someone like me. Someone who's quirkless be a-" all of sudden there was a skeleton in front of me. "YOURE NOT ALL MIGHT"
"I assure you I am All Might." He went on to explain about his wound and condition. "But to answer your question, it's not bad to have a dream. But that dream should be realistic."
"Think about being a police officer or a detective. They may not have the se credit as heros. But it's a good job"
Everyone was staring at All Might with death glares. He knew what he said was wrong. But he is glad he was able to make it up to Midoryia
I was just left there on the roof as my idol crushed my dreams. The one person I believed in just crushed my dreams.
There was an explosion nearbye making me forget about everything that had happened just now. I was sprinting towards the explosion to see the same sludge monster that had a hold of me.
Terror and dread filled my eyes. This is all my fault. If I didn't waste his time. He would would be in jail right now.
I notice that the villain had also taken someone else hostage. It was Kacchan. This was all his fault. He put him and everyone else in danger.
Before I knew it, I was running towards the monster analyzing for a weakness. The eye. I threw my bag it with the contents falling out. Something hit his eye.
So I took the chance to try and get Kacchan out though I knew it would do work.
"The hell, what are you here Deku. I have this." Bakugou yelled as he created explosions.
"I don't know. My feet moved on their own" I explained as I scratched. There was a sudden change of wind pressure making me fly back.
I looked up to see All Might holding Bakugou. Before I could say anything, I was swarmed by pro Heroes. They went on how I could've died, being irresponsible, and being an idiot while Bakugou was being praised.
"You must be really brave kid"
"Thats a great quirk you got there kid"
"I would be lucky to have it"
"When you go pro stop by my agency"
Everyone was looking at the pro Heroes who were there during the incident.
"Are you kidding me. Greenie over here had the balls to go run in and save someone eventhough he knew he could've died while you just sat there watching" Tokage went off as everyone was just stunned at her outburst.
Inko was just hugging Midoryia and rambling on.
I finally got away from the pro Heroes. Even they didn't believe I could a heroe. That's twice today.
"Oi Deku" I turned around to see Bakugou. "Dont think you're better than me. I didn't need your help and I never will" He said before doing his angry walk away.
"I know I'm not" I continued to walk home. But that was interrupted by All Might appearing.
"ALL MIGHT?" I yelled as he coughed going into his skeleton form making me scream.
"Young man. What you have done was irresponsible and reckless" i looked down knowing I was about to be berraded again. "But that's not a bad thing" I looked up confused. "The first sign of a hero is their feet moving before your mind tells you too. That's exactly what you did. You, with the right help, can become a hero"
I was utterly shocked. Earlier he said I couldn't.
"Now, you have an optiony to pick. You can accept my power or not."
"Yes I accept"
"I knew you would. No hesitation at all"
The screen slowly went black.
Everyone was speechless about what they just saw. They just saw one of their friends torment another one of their friends for mst of his life. Plus his idols breaking his dreams.
"Hey, where did Midoryia go?" Someone asked, making everyone look at Midoryia's seat to see him not there.
"Do not worry. He asked to be alone for a bit."
"That seems reasonable. He did just have relive his past" Uraraka commented.
"He should be back soon. Then you can ask your questions. In the mean time I think it's best if we just move on"
Everyone just nodded.
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