"Who wants to see Midoryia in space with a laser sword?" Dio asked with everyone getting excited. "I won't waste your time.
Star Wars
Izuku and Shoto were standing, staring at each other. They were on the lava planet, Mustafar. Izuku had betrayed the jedi just a mere few hours ago.
Shoto was wearing light colored robes. His scar was even gone. While Izuku's were black and leather. Izuku looked terrible. His hair was messy and he had bags under his eyes.
"You won't take her from me!" Izuku yelled at his former friend.
"Your anger and lust for power have already done that" shoto said dropping his cloak. "You had allowed this dark lord to twist your mind and until now... until now you became the very thing you swore to destroy"
"Dont lecture me Shoto"
"Yknow, I always thought Todoroki being the one in Midoryia's place right now" Uraraka said as most people agreed.
"I mean he had every right to" Sato said.
"Weeelll, not exactly. In this universe, none of that happened to Todoroki. But because of how Niave Midoryia is in here. He was easily tricked." Dio explained
"I see through the lies of the jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do." Izuku turned his back to Shoto. Shoto bent down next to a body checking its pulse. It was Kendo's.
Tokage just nudged kendos Arm with a smirk. Kendo just smacked her hand away in embarrassment.
"I have brought piece, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire." Izuku said.
"You're new empire?" Shoto asked in confusion.
"Dont make me kill you" Izuku's voice was full of hate and venom.
"Izuku, my allegiance is to the republic, to democracy!" Shoto yelled
"If your not with me, then you're my enemy" Izuku threatened Shoto
"Only a sith deals in absolute. I will do what I must" Shoto activated his light Saber, which was blue.
"You will try" Izuku activated his, which also was blue.
"I need" Hatsume yelled bouncing in her seat scaring literally everyone.
"If I tell you how will you stop?" Dio asked in fear. Again, hes a God but he ain't trying it out. He likes living. Hatsume just nodded.
Izuku back flipped, landing next to Shoto and strikes his lights Saber at him. Shoto just blocked it.
Izuku went on the offensive, making Shoto take the defensive. He started to push Shoto back everytime their sabers clashed.
Izuku had cornered Shoto at a ledge. But he quickly maneuvered his way out of there while deflecting any hits from Izuku.
Izuku kicked Shoto. To counter the kick, Shoto back flipped away from Izuku. The two were now fighting on a bridge. Izuku kept pushing Shoto backwards until they reached inside.
While swinging their sabers, they destroyed the hallway. When they entered a room, there were bodies everywhere. Alien and Droid bodies.
"Now that's just gruesome" Hawks commented.
Izuku slashed at Shoto. He quickly blocked it. But there wasn't enough weight on it, so Izuku pushed It down into a consol and grabbed Shoto by the neck.
Shoto started to choke as Izuku put more pressure into his choke. Izuku slowly brought Shotos own lightsaber to his neck.
Shoto kicked Izuku off him, giving the chance to roll away and stand up. Izuku ran at Shoto and jumped kicked him back.
When Shoto got up, izuku ran at him again. But shoto round house kicked him to the floor. When Izuku was on the floor, Shoto used the force to bring his ligbtsaber back to him and turned it on, swinging down at Izuku.
Izuku did the same and blocked Shotos strike. Izuku kicked him of. The two continued their attacks until they both started to spin their light sabers without attacking each other.
"Uhh, what are they doing?" Momo asked.
"They're spinning duh" Kaminari said as people groaned.
"Actually, that is a fair question. It may look silly. But these two men grew up together. They know everything about each other. How they act, think, and how they fight. Right now they're both trying to predict the others move." Dio explained
The two sabers clashed. As they both pushed their sabers, they also both went for a force push. The two stood there before flying back.
"I know what's coming. So let me explain. They have a power called the force. With that you can do something simple like push something. So they both went to push each other away. But since they did at the same time, they created the negative and negative magnet effect, pushing the two away" Dio explained again.
Izuku got up right away jumped across the room and strike at Shoto. But only to miss and hit another consol. This caused the shields of the facility to go down.
Their fighting was brought outside onto a thin pipe. Shoto jumped down onto a balcony, running away with Izuku following him.
Izuku punched Shoto in the face. They both grab the other arm with the saber in it. So Shota grabbed Izuku's right hand and Midoryia also grabbed Shotos right hand, pushing his saber away.
As the two fight for dominance, lava exploded up into the air next to them giving the iconic shot.
Everyone was shocked at how pretty the shot was. But also terrified.
Midoryia was so interested in the fight. So was Todoroki. But neither of them had the same reason as the others.
They saw how much emotion went into this. They saw how desperate each were. They both needed to win. But there can only be one victor in war.
Shoto pushed Midoryia away and took the opportunity to leap away. Lava was going everywhere. The two were smart enough to halt their duel and take cover.
The platform they were on started to fall. The two ran up the platform, also smart enough to not attack each other then. But they were fast enough. They hung on the platform as it hung vertically right above the lava.
Eventually it gave way and fell into the lava. It started to slowly melt and sink. As it did, it slowly drifted away from the current in the lava River.
They were nearing a lavafall. Looking for an escape, shoto grabbed a wire and swung. Izuku copied shoto. They both swung and when ever they swung past each other, they attacked.
Shoto saw another platform and swung towards it, jumping onto it. The platform brought Shoto to the bottom of the lavafall safely.
Izuku was still on the original platform. Once it returned horizontal thank to the lavafall, he ran towards the edge and jumped, landing on his own platform barely big enough for one person.
Izuku jumped over Shoto, landing in his platform. The two continued their duel on the platform. Occasionally one of them almost falling off.
Shoto back flipped off, landing on a hill.
"Its over Izuku. I have the high ground."
"You underestimate my power."
"Dont try it"
Izuku jumped with a scream. He tried the same thing earlier by landing behind him. But shoto saw through it. Shoto swung and ended it. He cut off his legs, letting him roll down the hill. Izuku was screaming in pain.
Shoto turned off his light Saber and walked up the hill slightly. Izuku tried crawling up the hill, but he couldn't. So he just stared at Shoto with anger in his eyes.
"You were the chosen one! It was said you were to destroy the sith! Not join them!" Shoto yelled.
"I HATE YOU" izuku screamed. His eyes were not bloodshot red and his irises were yellow.
"You were my brother, Izuku. I loved you" Shoto started to cry as he watched his brother stared at him in anger and rage.
Izuku's robes caught fire. The fire started to swallow Izuku whole, making him cry out in pain. Shoto grabbed Izuku's lightsaber, and started to walk away. He looked back to see his old friend and brother reaching out to him. But he just kept going.
Most people had tears in their eyes from all the emotion the two had let out during the final battle between the two. Dio looked at the two fully knowing this always happens, but the outcome is different everytime.
"I think we should move on to something more happy, shall we?" Dio suggested. Everyone just agreed.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net