"I think we all could use a little break from all that fight fighting and those dates."
People could definitely agree about the fighting. But the girls were a bit hesitant about the date part.
"So for this one, I'll let Izuku pick" Dio snapped and a piece of paper was summoned in Midoryias hands. "Take your time."
Midoryia just nodded as he looked through the list. Everyone was staring at him to pick.
"I Uh. I choose "I'll come back for you" Midoryia picked.
"You poor, poor soul. Well no going back now."
Midoryia was waiting outside the school as he was on his phone. A girl approached him and he just smiled.
If you wait for me, then I'll come back to you
On my own
On my own (Yeah, ayy)
And I say
"Wait, so it's another musical one?" Fuyumi asked.
"Sort of. While we watch what happens, a song Midoryia made in that verse plays over it so we get to see what happens over the year just under minutes." Dio explained.
The girl was Uraraka. She smiled at him.
Back in 2012, school bells would send us out at lunch
Talk under the tree about our favorite shows and stupid ones
Parents sat me down one night, told me that we couldn't stay
Went to bed thinkin' about you, woke up on a plane, ayy
Wish I never left, 'cause you took away my breath
You can say that we were young, but me and you were meant
For eternity, no surgery could take you off my heart
Just hang onto my words and we'll make it through this part, yeah, ayy
The two were sitting on a bench under a tree. The two were having a good time smiling and making each other laugh.
"Sorry Jiro, but they look so cute together." Mina said as Jiro just let out a nervous chuckle.
There fun was interrupted as All Might and Gran Torino approach the two asking to speak with Midoryia.
"Boo, what a buzzkill" Midnight yelled
Midoryia and Uraraka were looking at each other with sadness in their eyes. This was their goodbye, for now.
He just gave her a smile before walking away with All Might and Gran Torino
If you wait for me, then I'll come back to you
On my own
On my own
And I say (Ayy)
Midoryia was sitting on a plane staring out the window at his old home, Japan. All Might put a hand on his shoulder for reassurance. His new home is coming. America
Midoryia was now sitting on a roof in the dark with only the moon lighting up the area.
"He looks son manly" Kirishima said as the boys agreed.
I've been waitin' for this day to come, it's finally gettin' closer
On our way to graduate and then I'll be heading over
You my treasure, I'm your soldier, stay up 'til the night is over
We talkin' on the phone, but want your head between my shoulders
Savin' up for a ticket on the side
Been a minute of our time
When I see you, I might cry
No lie, that's on my gravestone
Promise me you'll stay close
Days without you, yeah, I hate those
Midoryia was standing in a room that looked like an abandoned warehouse. It looked barely liveable. He was counting tallies on the wall. There was so many of them. He had been in America for newly six months now.
But on the wall next to the tallies was a picture of Uraraka. He smiled at before laying in his bed, still in his costume.
"How can anyone live like that?" Kaminari asked.
"Vigilantes will do anything to lie low wether it be living in the streets or abandoned building. Be aware of that" Aizawa explained.
Uraraka stared out the window only thinking about one person, Midoryia.
The next day she was on the train on the way to school hoping he'd be there. But nope. As she sat in her desk, she noticed an empty desk behind Bakugou.
If you wait for me, then I'll come back to you
On my own
On my own
And I say
If you wait for me
Then I'll come back to you
On my own
On my own
And I say
Midoryia was stalking a villain in the streets. It was someone he'd been trying to find ever since he got to America. He took a look at the picture of Uraraka he had before running at the villain.
The two fought to the teeth and bone. The villain got the upper hand, hitting Midoryia, making him fly into the wall. As he was getting up, he noticed the picture fell out and it got dirty.
He grabbed it and when he looked at it. All he could see was her smile as he returned home. So he put it away and got up, charging at the villain.
Plane ride to your city, took an Uber to your house, yeah (To your house)
Had to keep it secret from you, did it unannounced
Doorbell, parents saw me, sat me down on the couch
Talked to them about my life, they told me they were truly proud
Two knocks, door open, you were standing there with him
So shocked, I don't get it, can we run it back again?
Room spinning, palms sweaty, but I'm sober
"I've been in love with you forever" is what I wish I would have told her
Midoryia was on a plane staring out the window. The sight made him so happy. He's home. All Might smiled at his successor.
Midoryia started to run when he got out of the airport. He used OFA to run faster not caring for the law. He finally made it to his destination.
UA High.
"Oh my gosh, they're going to reunite" Hagakure said excitedly.
"This is too cute" Nejire bounced in her seat.
Midoryia ran until he found her. But what he saw wasn't what he'd expect to find. It was Uraraka Alright. But she was kissing another boy, Bakugou.
Midoryia dropped the flowers and ran from the scene
"Booo" all the girls yelled. Uraraka just sunk into her seat in embarrassment. Bakugou was just brain dead from what he saw.
Midoryia sat on the same bench that they used to sit at all the time. He was staring at the same picture he had for 8 months. But he let go of it, letting the wind take it someplace else.
Someone sat down right next to him. It was Jiro
If you wait for me, then I'll come back to you
On my own
"That just hurts" Kirishima said putting his hand on his chest where his heart is.
"Man, even I never experienced heart break that bad" Hawks said getting stared at. "What? Like I said, I have a love life too yknow. I'm human too"
"Shame on Uraraka. Uh, not you Uraraka. That one" Mina clarified.
"No, it's ok. I get it. He said he'll be back. And her I am with Bakugou out of all people" Uraraka pouted.
"What is that supposed to mean round face!" Bakugou yelled getting slap.
"Calm down Katsuki. We both know you enjoyed it" Mitsuki said embarrassing her son. Bakugou just growled at his mom.
Midoryia just smiled knowing jiro was there for him at the end.
"What are you smiling about?" Jiro asked.
"That you were there for me at the end." Midoryia answered.
"Hey, Dio, does anything happen with Young Midoryia at the end?" All Might asked hoping his successor does end up happy.
"Yes something does happen. He ends up with Jiro and they live happily with each other with two kids. Which are Eri and their own child"
Jiro and Midoryia smiled at each other. Even though they just started the relationship, they both just had a feeling they're in it for the long ride till the end.
(Thank you for 7k readings)
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