39. Date 10: The Rabbit and The Vigilante Part Two

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"I feel like after seeing and hearing Midoryia's back break. I think would could go for something more subtle. What do you guys think?" Dio asked.

Most of the people agreed that they could go for something subtle.

"Well, it's wheel time then." Dio spun the wheel and it landed on...

Shoto Todoroki

"Well, that's awkward" Kaminari rubbed the back of his head.

Todoroki looked back to see the reaction of Midoryia. He wasn't paying attention at all. This made shoto smile.

"You can skip mine" Todoroki said with his smile

"You sure?" Dio asked as Todoroki just nodded.

(I'm not skipping it for having the lack of idea. I'm skipping it for the story)

"Guess I'll spin again" He said spinning it again. This time it Landed on...

Rumi Usagiyama

"So, I get a turn with the power house then. I'm down" Mirko said with a smirk. Dio just started it right away.

"I'll warn you, it's a continuation of the Vigilante verse"

The Vigilante and The Rabbit Part Two

Mirko was patrolling her usual rout. It was quiet and boring. This was the one part that she hated about hero work. Same with paper work. She just wanted to prove her strength to the people.

There was one challenge out there to prove her strength. But everytime she failed.

"Yeah right" mirko crossed her arms as Hawks just chuckled.

She wanted to catch the most wanted Vigilante, deku. Or by their pet names, the bunny.

"They have pet names. How cute" Nejire bounced at how cute it

"No its not" mirko yelled, not wanting her secret that she enjoyed pet names out there.

Her route took her into an alley way that was empty. Or was empty.

"hello... rabbit" Mirko turned around to see deku hanging upside down Spiderman style while using black whip to hold him up.

"Just fight me already. You fought against every hero who chased you besides Me. Do you think I'm weak?!" Mirko asked.

"On the contrary" Midoryia disabled black whip, faling to the ground. He pulled his hood down, revealing his dirty and scarred face. "Did you forget you gave me this scar?" Midoryia smiled.

"God you're so stupid" Rumi face palmed. "Please, just fight me Izuku" Rumi looked down with a frown. "I'm actually begging you to fight me. So please, just fight"

Midoryia just stared at Rumi. She never calls him by his first name. So he put his hood up and got into a stance. Mirko looked up and she had a genuin smile on her face. She also got into her usual stance.

She was the first one to make a move. She had gotten a lot fast than the last time they met. So she was able to land a kick on his ribs. But Midoryia was able to grab her leg and swing her towards away.

She kicked a leg off the wall and leaped at Midoryia. He took the chance and punched her in the gut. But at the same time she landed a hit to the head.

"You've gotten better rabbit" Midoryia said activating smokescreen.

"You're getting sloppy, bunny" Rumi kept her guard up. But it was no used. She was hit in the back with a kick, causing her to fall forward. But Midoryia grabbed before she hit the floor and threw at the wall.

Her back his the wall. She laid there for a few seconds before getting back up, rushing Midoryia. This is what he expected. What he didn't expect was for her to slide instead of jump.

She grabbed a hold of his leg, pulling him to the ground, landing on his back. Rumi quickly moved, pinning him to the ground.

"Well done." Midoryia said with a smile and his mask halfway off. "You've definitely got better. I wonder what motivated you"

"Just shut up already" she said taking Midoryia's mask off and kissed him.

"That went from zero to a hundred real fast" sero said.

"Real quick" Kaminari added.

Rumi's face was red ad she kissed her enemy. This was something she'd never do. But there's always the small possibility she would.

The were making out against the wall in the alleyway.

"This is so unsanitary" Midoryia joked.

"Look who's talking"

"Ouch" Midoryia smirked before kissing Rumi again. He heard footsteps approaching. "Looks like it's my que to go. Rabbit. Until next time." Midoryia put his mask up and used black whip to get out of the alley.

"Mirko, is everything alright?" A pro hero asked. It was Pinky.

"Hey. I'm here" Mina said pointing at herself.

"Guess even in alternate universe you still get stuck with pinky" Kirishima teased. Mina just silently sulked.

"Everything is alright. Let's get a move on" Rumi said exiting the alley. She took a look back to see Him watching her from one of the roofs. She smiled at him. "Thank you" she whispered.

"Now that was just adorable" Hagakure said as rumi just hid in her seat grumbling to herself.

"Someone is in a bad mood."

"I'm going to kill you, Hawks" Mirko threatened.

"Lets move on shall we" Dio said nervously. Even he was scared of someone like Mirko and he's a literal God.

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